Author Topic: Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 Release Date  (Read 1519 times)

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Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 Release Date
« on: August 31, 2005, 09:25:45 am »
9 Days until Firefox 1.5 Beta!

The lockdown for “Firefox 1.5 Beta 1″ will occur at 11:59pm on Tuesday, Sept 6 in preparation for release on Thursday, Sept 8.

The set of bugs blocking beta1 is tracked by the blocking1.8b4 flag . This list is the set of bugs which truly have to be done before a more public release. These are large/risky patches, common crashes, or break commonly used websites.

The set of bugs which block release of beta2 are tracked by the blocking 1.8b5 flag.

The bug lists are being triaged on a daily basis.

Upcoming milestones:

Sept 6: Lockdown for 1.5b1
Sept 8: Release 1.5b1
Oct 3: Lockdown for 1.5b2
Oct 5: Release 1.5b2
Oct 26: Lockdown for 1.5RC1
Oct 28: Release 1.5RC1

Please note that the milestones past Beta 1 are subject to change as we get wider scale feedback on the product.

There has been a ton of hard work all around as we push for beta - thanks to all involved.

Looking forward to beta!

I cant wait. Finally, there upgrading the Gecko Rendering Engine, so hopefully, there will be even more CSS compatibility. Theres also going to be a new sanitize feature which allows your history, cookies, and cache to be erased in one keystroke. I've also that you'll be able to suspend downloads (close FF and when you open it back up, the download starts back up again) as well as a better Extensions and Theme engine.