Author Topic: Sooo yeah... illegal immigration  (Read 20802 times)

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Dragon Of Grief

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2006, 04:06:31 pm »
I am surprised nobody has brought this up yet... as we know the amount of illegal immigration from Mexico has skyrocketed... never have we had such a huge population boom. Many of these illegal immigrabts are refusing to assimilate into American culture... meaning they refuse to learn English, take American jobs for less then minimum wage and NOW they are demanding healthcare and education! And now the government is trying to make a bill that lets illegal aliens work on American soil. Some of these illegals are even suggesting that the land is rightfully theres! I can understand that when American bought that part of Mexico that the Mexicans that lived there had no choice, but for the ones that were never there when it happened have absolutely no RIGHT to be there. We need our resources for legal Americans... not these intruding illegals. Here is a website that they started.

They are basically saying that White people should go back to their homelands in Europe... which is assanine considering most White people living on American soil where BORN in America when these illegals where not.

Anybody else have an opinion to share or facts too add?

Ok this affects me cuz like 12432352 immigrants live by/near me. I hate hearing about it. This is the LANDOFTHEFREE. Who wouldn't wanna live here? lol. But yeah, I mean seriously, shouldnt we welcome them with open arms? I know some people are doing wrong over here.. but uh.. some aren't. Some want to make a better living. They need to take care of their families.

It's not fair!

We need to take care of our OWN families... They are downgrading our wya of life, taking our jobs, and stealing money from us. This is land of the free... not land of the illegals.

See, I don't care about them... I don't care. I care about the welfare and welbeing of my country... I could care less about some illegals. I don't care how POOR they are. If they want to be citizens here so badly then they need to come to our country by legal means... do you have any idea how damaging they are too our country, Scilla?

There are HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of illegals immigrants here, Scilla... where do you get your statistics from? They take jobs from Americans, and they don't desevre to be here. They need to all be shipped back to the sqauller they came from. If they hate their country so bad then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT instead of unjustifly coming on American soil and stealing from our country... how anyone can support these rats is beyond me.

This is exactly How i feel. Dam straight. Couldn't have said it better myself Ty!
I'm surprised nobody called me a racist yet. Haha.

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2006, 05:29:19 pm »
RACIST!!!!!!!!!!! I just had to.

Dragon Of Grief

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2006, 06:00:40 pm »
RACIST!!!!!!!!!!! I just had to.
I aint racist! My cat is black!!!


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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2006, 07:50:05 pm »
boy dragon, you sure dont look like this fellow here.
 Is it perhaps possible that your great great grandparents thought their home country sucked compared to america and came over here? America has a long and proud history of immigrants. So you cant be the guy standing on a corner waiting to get picked up for a days work to support your family. boo hoo. do something with the free education your getting and make a better life. Last time i checked those people crossing the border dont have PHD's in neuromedicine. They arent loaded down with briefcases of money trying to start a new software firm. And i dont think google has recruiters stationed accross the arizona desert. Just because you plan on flipping burgers the rest of your life and are ::Dolphin Noise::ed a 40 year old man who has to feed and clothe his childen is working harder and cheaper than you, costing you that job, is no reason to be a racist ::Dolphin Noise::. it is your own fault if you couldnt ammount to anything more in life than a low wage blue collar worker.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2006, 07:50:59 pm by carterhawk »

Dragon Of Grief

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2006, 08:54:07 pm »
boy dragon, you sure dont look like this fellow here.
Wow, nothing gets by you does it? I love it when people pull up a picture of a Native American when they can think of nothing else to retort with.

Is it perhaps possible that your great great grandparents thought their home country sucked compared to america and came over here? America has a long and proud history of immigrants. So you cant be the guy standing on a corner waiting to get picked up for a days work to support your family. boo hoo.
Hey, my relatives were legal buddy. I don't hate immigrants, I hate illegal immigrants... big difference.

do something with the free education your getting and make a better life. Last time i checked those people crossing the border dont have PHD's in neuromedicine. They arent loaded down with briefcases of money trying to start a new software firm. And i dont think google has recruiters stationed accross the arizona desert. Just because you plan on flipping burgers the rest of your life and are ::Dolphin Noise::ed a 40 year old man who has to feed and clothe his childen is working harder and cheaper than you, costing you that job
Hey jackass... I am going to college next month. I don't plan on flipping burgers for the rest of my life. And no, most of the illegal immigrants never even finished school. But what you fail to realize is the amount of money they are plundering from the USA every year. And when these illegals come into this country they take resources away from the children who really need it... AMERICAN CHILDREN.

no reason to be a racist ::Dolphin Noise::. it is your own fault if you couldnt ammount to anything more in life than a low wage blue collar worker.
Oh, so I am a racist since I am the White guy... is that how it works? How about those illegals immigrants stomping through the streets burning American flags, protesting that European-Americans to go back Europe, and worst of all disrespecting our country and it's people? Listen idiot, I am not racist. I have dated a Mexican before, a Black person before, I have Puerto Ricans in my family. And who ever said I would be working a low wage blue collar job? I am going to college. I plan on building my own business from scratch. You sitting here making a sweeping genrelization about a person you know nothing about makes you look pretty much ignorant.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2006, 08:54:50 pm by Dragon Of Grief »


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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2006, 10:37:15 pm »
boy dragon, you sure dont look like this fellow here.
Wow, nothing gets by you does it? I love it when people pull up a picture of a Native American when they can think of nothing else to retort with.
Its an example. I could well pull a picture of a hawaiin or mayan or any of the other indeginous peoples of these lands. The point is that your ancestors did not get here first, and niether did mine.
Is it perhaps possible that your great great grandparents thought their home country sucked compared to america and came over here? America has a long and proud history of immigrants. So you cant be the guy standing on a corner waiting to get picked up for a days work to support your family. boo hoo.
Hey, my relatives were legal buddy. I don't hate immigrants, I hate illegal immigrants... big difference.
There are how many, 12 million illegal immigrants in this country? if we kicked the lot of them out, who would do their jobs? can you come up with 12 million people skilled in the same jobs? Willing to do the same jobs? Would you want to be one of the 12 million americans who has to take a low paying back breaking job to keep our economy from taking a serious punch to the nuts? Do you think that the homeless and the druggies will do these jobs? There are a lot of people out there who dont give a ::Dolphin Noise:: about their own lives and wouldnt take a job if it bit them on the nose.  And how long ago did your relatives come to america? was it a time before hte borders closed? If your ancestors were faced with the same tests, quotas, and restrictions facing immigrants today, can you say with absolute certainty they would have been allowed in?
do something with the free education your getting and make a better life. Last time i checked those people crossing the border dont have PHD's in neuromedicine. They arent loaded down with briefcases of money trying to start a new software firm. And i dont think google has recruiters stationed accross the arizona desert. Just because you plan on flipping burgers the rest of your life and are ::Dolphin Noise::ed a 40 year old man who has to feed and clothe his childen is working harder and cheaper than you, costing you that job
Hey jackass... I am going to college next month. I don't plan on flipping burgers for the rest of my life. And no, most of the illegal immigrants never even finished school. But what you fail to realize is the amount of money they are plundering from the USA every year. And when these illegals come into this country they take resources away from the children who really need it... AMERICAN CHILDREN.
money. ahem, money? how about we take a look at where our money is going Right Now. And have you considered the fact that even if all those illegals were shipped out, it is still possible for people to come here legaly? That there are more legal immigrants working through some kind of visa than their are illegals? My position however is that if you cant afford to pay for everything your child will need up to the day they turn 18, then you have no business having a child.  If you want your kid to have a proper education and get a good job, then you had also better be able to pay for their higher education, because mowing lawns and flipping burgers and other low paying forms of physical labor are not going to pay for that degree your kid needs.
no reason to be a racist ::Dolphin Noise::. it is your own fault if you couldnt ammount to anything more in life than a low wage blue collar worker.
Oh, so I am a racist since I am the White guy... is that how it works? How about those illegals immigrants stomping through the streets burning American flags, protesting that European-Americans to go back Europe, and worst of all disrespecting our country and it's people? Listen idiot, I am not racist. I have dated a Mexican before, a Black person before, I have Puerto Ricans in my family. And who ever said I would be working a low wage blue collar job? I am going to college. I plan on building my own business from scratch. You sitting here making a sweeping genrelization about a person you know nothing about makes you look pretty much ignorant.
Who cares about your social life? so you dated people who dont have the same color skin as you, big whoop, your 50 years to late for that to mean anything. You shouldnt be making a distinction between people based on the color of their skin. Skin color has nothing to do with who a people are, and for you to come in here trying to use that as a defense, its shamefull. I dont see black, yellow, red, white, i see human beings. I never brought up skin color, you did. You are making a sweeping generalization yourself that all the illegals coming from mexico are hurting the country. Can you tell me that if you were in the same position as these illegals, and you needed work, desperately, to support an extended family of 10 or more people, that you woudlnt do everything possible to earn the money you needed, even if it ment breaking the law? These people are risking death to come to America, that is how important it is to them. A lot of them are doing jobs that no one else wants to do. It might not be PC to say it, buts its true. And thats just the people coming in by border hoping. What about the illegals who have done nothing more than overstay a work visa? otherwise well educated people who did everything right to come here and work legaly, and liked it so ::Dolphin Noise:: much, they decided to stay and continue to contribute to our economy. They arent hurting anything at all by working and living and spending money in america. What we need is to find a way for people to come here legaly, and easily. There are plenty of jobs to be filled, just open the help wanted section of the news paper. The day there isnt a single ad in the help wanted section is the day you can honestly tell me jobs are being stolen by any kind of immigrant.

You said your going to start your own business. Great, thats the kind of thing america stands for. And since your doing that, why does it bother you so much that somone else is going to be picking vegetables from a field for less than minium wage? do you realy want to pay more for the products you buy because 5% of the workforce was forbidden from ever working again and the people who would fill the gap want more money than the illegals? Do you want your child out there working the strawberry fields for 12 hours a day to support their family? no one wants that, but these people, who come to america, they have no other choice. They do what they must to survive. You have the choice, you are exercising that right to choose by using the education you were given, they never had that choice. And until your willing to do the jobs they are doing now, kindly stfu.
On this note, i would like to say that I am ungainst *undocumented* immigration. Even if they come here illegal, I would prefer that the government knew who is coming here. There is a risk of persons who mean harm to our country coming through the same way those people who need to feed their families are coming in.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2006, 10:38:52 pm by carterhawk »

Dragon Of Grief

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2006, 10:58:11 pm »
Ok... I am tired it is late so I am just going to make a few points.

1. There is no reason for any immigrants to this country to be illegal. I do not hate immigrants. I just despise the one who just come here into a country oour ancestors fought for and built from scratch. They just want to come here and not contribute anything.

2. Don't call my racist. I do not hate anyone based on their national origin. I don't know why you brought that up but I am far from racist. Trust me. How is it only White people can be racist anyways?

3. This is not their country... if they want to come here so bad do it by LEGAL means. If you don't want to do it by legal means then I don't care how poor, starving, and jobless you are. Get in line. My descendants came here legally why are they so special? And there are many illegals here form China and Korea as well. I realize this, but the Mexicans are causing the most problems right now.

And I am off for bed. I am tired as hell. I am not touching this issue anymore... I stand by my opinion and that is that.

Offline DiE HaRrD PuNk

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2006, 03:19:38 pm »
RACIST!!!!!!!!!!! I just had to.
I aint racist! My cat is black!!!

lol thats awesome, i have a black cat as well

Ok... I am tired it is late so I am just going to make a few points.

1. There is no reason for any immigrants to this country to be illegal. I do not hate immigrants. I just despise the one who just come here into a country oour ancestors fought for and built from scratch. They just want to come here and not contribute anything.

2. Don't call my racist. I do not hate anyone based on their national origin. I don't know why you brought that up but I am far from racist. Trust me. How is it only White people can be racist anyways?

3. This is not their country... if they want to come here so bad do it by LEGAL means. If you don't want to do it by legal means then I don't care how poor, starving, and jobless you are. Get in line. My descendants came here legally why are they so special? And there are many illegals here form China and Korea as well. I realize this, but the Mexicans are causing the most problems right now.

And I am off for bed. I am tired as hell. I am not touching this issue anymore... I stand by my opinion and that is that.

And I gotta agree with him here. How is it that only white people are racist? ANyone ever think that native americans, african americans, puerto ricans, latinos, irish, and whoever else may be racist too? AT our school the white kids are put down and the black kids call themselves N*ggers! we're Wiggers!
 and because the teacher yells at the black kid, the black kid says " your only yellin at me cuz im black!" and same goes with theother races that arent white. thats bull sh*t if you ask me. all the other races are racist against whites, cause we are the only racist people, when clearly its not true. illeagles need to be sent back where they came from. They are taking our money, and if they would bother to become leagle maybe i wouldnt have such a problem with them. sorry if im sounding racist, im not, but this is how i feel.
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

<33 Asian Guys Are Hawt<33

Lil Loco

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2006, 03:27:28 pm »
i agree wit you and all that.  therez foolz of every race that can be racist...but the "all the other races are racist against whites" thing dont really work.  if sumone holdz racist moralz and prejudicez...thatz their character...not their skin-color.

Offline DiE HaRrD PuNk

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2006, 03:30:54 pm »
mmm i see.

DO you think you could change your Z's to S's for some of the words please? they hurt my eyes... bleh...
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

<33 Asian Guys Are Hawt<33

Lil Loco

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2006, 03:36:33 pm »



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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #41 on: April 18, 2006, 04:17:09 pm »
RACIST!!!!!!!!!!! I just had to.
I aint racist! My cat is black!!!

lol thats awesome, i have a black cat as well

Ok... I am tired it is late so I am just going to make a few points.

1. There is no reason for any immigrants to this country to be illegal. I do not hate immigrants. I just despise the one who just come here into a country oour ancestors fought for and built from scratch. They just want to come here and not contribute anything.

2. Don't call my racist. I do not hate anyone based on their national origin. I don't know why you brought that up but I am far from racist. Trust me. How is it only White people can be racist anyways?

3. This is not their country... if they want to come here so bad do it by LEGAL means. If you don't want to do it by legal means then I don't care how poor, starving, and jobless you are. Get in line. My descendants came here legally why are they so special? And there are many illegals here form China and Korea as well. I realize this, but the Mexicans are causing the most problems right now.

And I am off for bed. I am tired as hell. I am not touching this issue anymore... I stand by my opinion and that is that.

And I gotta agree with him here. How is it that only white people are racist? ANyone ever think that native americans, african americans, puerto ricans, latinos, irish, and whoever else may be racist too? AT our school the white kids are put down and the black kids call themselves N*ggers! we're Wiggers!
 and because the teacher yells at the black kid, the black kid says " your only yellin at me cuz im black!" and same goes with theother races that arent white. thats bull sh*t if you ask me. all the other races are racist against whites, cause we are the only racist people, when clearly its not true. illeagles need to be sent back where they came from. They are taking our money, and if they would bother to become leagle maybe i wouldnt have such a problem with them. sorry if im sounding racist, im not, but this is how i feel.

i never brought up color.......

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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #42 on: April 18, 2006, 04:54:29 pm »
wait, your telling us that if we dont have the money to have kids then why should these illeagles have 10 kids and we feel sorry for them? to me thats the most hypocrytical thing i have ever heard of. Why should they have an excuse as an illeagle and THEY need the money because THEY have 10 kids, and we cant afford one? so why should we go back on OUR WORD if  THEY HAVE 10? They couldn't afford their kids and had too many? Well here's somethin america should pass to them, free birth control. OK? They are using that as an excuse so they can work here. Pass out free condems cause god knows they need them if they have 10 kids.

And thank you very much Lil loco, i appreciate it.
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

<33 Asian Guys Are Hawt<33


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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #43 on: April 18, 2006, 05:43:29 pm »
wait, your telling us that if we dont have the money to have kids then why should these illeagles have 10 kids and we feel sorry for them? to me thats the most hypocrytical thing i have ever heard of. Why should they have an excuse as an illeagle and THEY need the money because THEY have 10 kids, and we cant afford one? so why should we go back on OUR WORD if  THEY HAVE 10? They couldn't afford their kids and had too many? Well here's somethin america should pass to them, free birth control. OK? They are using that as an excuse so they can work here. Pass out free condems cause god knows they need them if they have 10 kids.

And thank you very much Lil loco, i appreciate it.

Thats right, the man with kids needs that McJob more than you need to by shoes at the mall. And im not saying its right they have lots of kids either, but just because they shouldnt have that many kids doesnt mean they should all starve either. wont someone please think of the children?


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Sooo yeah... illegal immigration
« Reply #44 on: April 18, 2006, 06:47:00 pm »
I don't know if anybody's said this yet; I never get into these debates until a couple days after they start and I didn't feel like reading the whole thing so I'll just post what I think about it:

On one hand, I can't blame people for wanting to leave some countries with all the poor conditions there and the better lives they can have here.

On the other hand, the U.S. can only hold so many people, and sooner or later we'll run out of jobs and living space from all the people moving in. Not to mention diseases they may be bringing into the country.

So I'm more against it than for it, but I can see why people would want to come here.