Off Topic > Nickelodeon

Fairly Odd Parents

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My favourite line from The Fairly OddParents™; from the episode "Fairly OddBaby":

"Wet's take cawe of you! Wet's go! Wet's go!! I gotta stop tawking like this!!!" :blink:

I watch the program fairly regularly, but I agree with the general sentiment on this topic - things went a bit downhill after "Abra Catastrophe".

Sound file (.WAV format) of this.
File size 75,572 bytes.


--- Quote from: Spongebob-fan1 on November 25, 2007, 12:29:14 am ---do any of you watch faily odd parents it is like spongebob but like a wishing half an hour with fishes that are fairies(think so). Bad babysitter its cool!!!

--- End quote ---

I love that show.

Vicky is so, so icky!!! ;)
She's so horrible, she's actually kinda cool (or "kool" or "kewl"). B)

this show is awesome, and hilairous. this show hasn' disappointed me much. the only thing i don't like about the show is the movie school's out and wishology. both movies were kinda lame, but besides that i still watch the show


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