Author Topic: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"  (Read 37145 times)

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After the death of christ 2,500 years, a bible was written in another language. Converted, and apparently after being altered and rewritten thousands of times by different people, is it not possible that certain things in the bible were left out, forgotten, or changed?

I honestly think if you are ignorant enough to say "all gays are going to hell" That all I can do is laugh. Christians and Catholics never believe their religion is wrong in any aspect, way, shape, or form. They believe a book that was written thousands of times over by different random people.

Honestly, back before a bible was written, before Jesus, what religon was there for Christianity/Catholics/Protostants/ect.?

There may have been the belief of God, but there is no proof anywhere that says certain things will send you to hell, besides the things written in a bible by thousands of people thousands of years ago, and converted from a different language. Whose to say that a converter didn't mess up while reading someting?

Gay people are NOT going to hell. They are going to hell for loving someone? Wow. HUGE sin isn't it? Gay people have thoughts, opionions, and ideas just like everyone else, except feel differently about certain emotions. Is it wrong that your emotions feel a different way?

Is it wrong for a young man or woman to go home and cry every day, wanting to kill themselves because their religon says they are going to hell, because of their feelings? Because of something they can't control, and are forced to live their life a lie or unhappy?

God doesn't want people unhappy or miserable, so why would he hate Gays? Ignorant Christians and Catholics don't make sense. They can't admit they are wrong, or that the possiblity of an old book that was written thousands of years after the death of Jesus has any implication of being wrong whatsoever.

So what if a group of people grew up on an island and a few were gay, and had never heard of God or forgivness, didn't speak any known languages today, and didn't know what sin was? Would they go to hell? Or would it be an excepting because they didnt know?


Were they wrong before this "rule" was made?

The old testament said that having peircings, or marks made by another on the body (such as tattoos as well) was a sin as well. Now in the new testament, it doesn't even mention it. So did God come down from heaven last Saturday saying that its ok for us to mark our bodies and peirce our ears? Did he say it's ok now? Well if he did I didn't get the reminder. It was simply "left out" of the new testament. So really, anyone who has their ears peirced is going to hell. Oh, and if you have a tattoo you are going to hell too.

He never said it was ok to have them. But now the Christians who wrote the new bible left that out.

So if they left a sin like that out of the bible, whose to say they didn't leave anything else out, or alter anything else?

Did Jesus walk around in his time yelling out " Being homosexual is a sin, you are all going to hell!"

No. He didn't. The bible has been altered with so many times, that there is no 100% correct and honest truth in it. Nothing is 100% factual. It is belief.

You can believe what you want. Does loving another human being consist of going to hell, or peircing, or tattooing your body?

God had said " I do not want places of worship built". He didn't want religous places built, because it would cause hatred and twisting of what the belief of God was really about. It was about having a personal relationship with God.

I'm pretty sure that every Good Friday that you happen to eat meat on, that God isn't writing you down on his "bad list" and sending you to hell for that. God loves you for you, not for what random dead people wrote and altered inside of a book define you as.

I believe you have a personal relationship with God. Nothing else. You want to be gay? That's fine. Abide by your countries rules, don't bring religon into the rules.

There were an orginal 10 commandements, but if you notice that throughout the bible it mentions "oh, yea , you can't have peircings. You will go to hell."

" Oh yea, you can't have tattoos, you will go to hell for that too"

" oh and now in this passage, since I feel like adding it in, " If you are gay you are going to hell"


If THOSE THINGS WERE SO BAD TO GO TO HELL FOR, THEN WHY AREN'T THEY PART OF THE ORGINAL 10 COMMANDMENTS? If God knows everything and anything, and is smart like you Christians, Catholics, and whatever the hell else claim, then why didn't he add that into the top 10 commandements?

You know why? Because God doesn't see those as wrong. People who wrote the bible added stupid extra bullshit in there for shits and giggles.

Gay people ARE NOT going to hell. Anything that isn't in the top 10 commandments, and that doesnt relate to it in any way, wouldn't send you to hell. If it did, and if it was that important as people have claimed, then it would be in the top 10 commandments.

Thank you for reading, that is all
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Names me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

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Dragon Of Grief

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2008, 11:21:04 pm »
I did not choose to be attracted to other men. Why would I choose this? So I can be ridiculed be society, treated as a subhuman, be called a predator, a pedophile, and not even be allowed to marry the man that I love? Oooh yeah sounds great!

In actuality, the bible is just a book. It is a book of myths, stories, and parables. To be completely fair many parts of the bible were taken from very old Pagan texts. I can't believe people believe it is without flaw and perfect. There is no doubt that the bible was a very inspired book... but it was man that wrote this book. No divine or supernatural being had influence over it. And actually, these texts that supposdly condemn homosexuality really are condemning other things and have been mistranslated. In fact, there is a verse in the bible where Jesus himself says some men are born homosexual. I know many bible thumpers will vehemently deny this, but it's true. I love it when they reference Sodom and Gomorrah. Forget the fact that Lot pretty much was going to let a gang of men rape his daughters... forget the fact that Lot's daughters had sex with him... forget the fact that the women of Sodom were supposdly having sex with the angels.

That is what is funny, there is a verse in Jude the references "strange flesh" which in actuality is SPEAKING of the women of Sodom having sex with the angels. Oh yes, but lets references that obscure verse that supposdly the men of sodom wanted to rape the angels... which they did, however, rape is rape though... heterosexual or homosexual. The sexuality should not matter. Rape is an evil disgusting crime no matter how it is painted.

In fact I think there is a story in Kings, or Jude, can't remember, where a group of men rape a woman to death.

If God sends people to hell for being homosexual, then that is no God I EVER want to worship... in fact I would not want to worship any God that sends people to hell for disagreeing with him PERIOD. If God exists, then he is the one who made me gay. I worship Goddess Earth... the Earth that provides for us, and sustains us... no spirit in the sky ever did that.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 11:25:25 pm by Dragon Of Grief »

Offline Scilla

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 08:43:10 am »
okay, so i didn't read all that.
but gawsh how many times have we talked about this? lol. but it guess it needs to be talked about.
my opinion changes every day.
i don't think gay people are going to hell, i dont think anyone is going to hell.
but thats my opinion right now.
if youre gay youre gay but jesus forgives all sins right? so even if it is wrong, hey you're off the hook.

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 08:58:25 am »
It's ironic that you're disputing claims in the bible based on it being rewritten time and again, but you still believe that there is a hell that people won't be going to.
Check out my website, oh, nevermind

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Dragon Of Grief

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2008, 12:52:48 pm »
It's ironic that you're disputing claims in the bible based on it being rewritten time and again, but you still believe that there is a hell that people won't be going to.
I can explain that... there is a passage in the bible that says hell was made for Satan and his angels. Some peoplle interperate that is meaning only Satan and his evil angels will go to hell and that no person or soul will go there... I guess. Revelations gives a list of the sorts of people who will be cast into hell supposdly. It's all just a fairytale though, akin to Greek and Norse Pagan myths.

Offline Daniel

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2008, 08:36:31 pm »
No one posted?

Hmm, I think this forum has died. =O

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2008, 08:52:18 pm »
The forum died a long time ago Danny boy :wub:

Offline IceFox

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2008, 11:06:56 pm »
Do we really need this thread again? We have at least 20 discussions on the same thing...

Offline VulturEMaN

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2008, 06:09:18 am »
meh religion is a funny business sometimes. i think my facebook stance is the best imo.

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2008, 11:52:16 am »
Do we really need this thread again? We have at least 20 discussions on the same thing...
Yeah but they are like buried within all of the older threads.

Offline RandomDude18

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2008, 03:21:51 pm »
There is no doubt that the bible isn't perfect. Everybody makes mistakes, that includes the person that wrote the bible. My two cents...

Elizabeth Rose

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2008, 07:15:18 am »
Do we really need this thread again? We have at least 20 discussions on the same thing...
Yeah but they are like buried within all of the older threads.
Yeah, but it's old news.  Not to sound like a jerk, but everyone knows hxc Christian kids don't like gays.  Move on with life.

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2008, 05:04:26 pm »
Yeah, but it's old news.  Not to sound like a jerk, but everyone knows hxc Christian kids don't like gays.  Move on with life.
Hmm yeah good point. No point arguing really. Waste of time.

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2008, 06:27:26 pm »
Homsexuality is a sin. Says so in the Bible in....

1 Corinthians 6:9 "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality".

and in....

1 Timothy 1:10 "the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound* doctrine"

So, there is no debate that it is sin, where the debate comes in is how should Christians react and what is it about homosexuality that makes it so sinful.

Christians should never go and condemn someone because of sin. What they can do is offer the grace and hope that is offered if they repent of their sin. There is a big difference.

Also, homosexuality is no worse than any other sin in the eyes of God. For anyone who has heard the "God hates fags" agenda, I can assure you, that doctrine is found no where in scripture. Those that preach that are teaching false doctrine.

As far as I know, there is no "gay gene" that I can see. There has been no solid proof that people are born that way. Why this is a common belief is beyond me. What I have seen are some traits that many homosexuals share with each other. Relational brokenness (a warped idea of healthy relationships), sexual abuse (not in all cases), and/or lack of a proper relationship with parent(s). There is "one size fits all" cause, but those are some common traits. I would make the stretch and say that homosexuality isn't about "love" as much as a dependancy on their partner. It looks like love, but it's really a dependancy on another to fill a void in their lives. "I'll do anything for you as long as you love me" type of thing. This, again, may sound like "love", but notice what I said. "I'll do anything for you as long as you love me". This "love" is conditional. There is a condition. "as long as". This implies that if you don't love me, I will not do everything I can for you. Love should be unconditional and not based on performance or the possibility of getting anything in return. From what I can see and have experienced, homosexuality operates like that. Granted, a lot of heterosexual couples live like that well, but it's still wrong.

When you start putting all of your faith, hope and needs into another person you'll be greatly disappointed. People fail to keep promises, lie, are unreliable and well....human! God is not like that as noted in His word.

Isaiah 55:9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.".

Psalm 119: 89-90

"Forever, O Lord, your word
is firmly fixed in the heavens.
Psa 119:90      

Your faithfulness endures to all generations;
you have established the earth, and it stands fast"

The Bible calls anything that is put above God "idolatry". Putting anything above God is a sin, which is another aspect of it. It is more than the physical act in and of itself. Luke 4:8 "And Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.'". Idolatry is serving anything other than God in God's place. Getting wrapped up in someone in the way I just explained, is indeed idolatry.

Also, lust has a lot to do with it as in heterosexual relationships. Which isn't a pure motivation for any relationship. Granted, everyone gets "the urge" at times, but to get involved with someone merely for their body is hurtful not only to you, but the other person. I don't know about you, but if I found out someone only wanted to date me because they thought I was attractive, I'd be quite upset. Not that it's wrong to think someone is attractive, but there is a difference between looking and staring/fantasizing about. The latter can lead to a lot of heartache and unnecessary issues. And it is sinful.

Galatians 5:17 "For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do."

 A lot of people (especially Christians) don't understand a lot about homosexuality and I believe that Christians react harshly towards the homosexual community as a knee-jerk reaction to the gay activists. I do not condone homosexuality as it is sin, but I do want to extend the grace and mercy to homosexuals that has been extended to me as a Christian. Yes, they are still sinners in need of a Savior as much as anyone else, but they are no worse than anyone else.