Author Topic: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"  (Read 36984 times)

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2008, 10:42:01 pm »
How can homosexuality be a choice?

I'm sure there are plenty of gay people who really don't want to feel the way they do...

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2008, 06:51:04 pm »
What I don't get is why people say it is a choice AND a mental illness..


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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2008, 02:11:25 pm »
Ugh how are you still having this debate? No one will EVER agree..

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2008, 05:45:03 pm »
Ugh how are you still having this debate? No one will EVER agree..
Fo real. I mean, it has become quite dull anyway...

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2008, 08:10:44 pm »
How many threads concerning Christianity/religion in general have been posted already, anyway??

..this kind of discussion isn't going to end soon, is it..

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2008, 09:05:16 pm »
How many threads concerning Christianity/religion in general have been posted already, anyway??

..this kind of discussion isn't going to end soon, is it..

Sadly, most religious debates go in circles. Anyone entering in them should realize that as soon as possible and proceed with caution.

Secondly, no, I don't believe there is a "gay gene" you are born with nor do I believe it's a mental illness. A mental illness is a chemical imbalance of sorts like bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia and the like. I also don't think it's something you can cure with medication. I don't believe anyone wakes up and says "I'm gay" one day and goes about their business. But it seems like being "bi" seems to be the trend with teens now...

What I'm saying is, there is no solid scientific proof of the "gay gene". So, again, why this is a common belief is a mystery. Especially in a world that relies heavily on science and "facts" as opposed to religion and faith. Seems like people have faith in the gay gene and no fact to back it up.

I DO believe homosexuality is at least somewhat caused by emotional patterns developed over a lifetime. Some anger, hurt, resentment, abuse..etc experienced in childhood can manifest itself into homosexuality. Sometimes it's lack of a same sex role model or father figure in both a boy and girls life. There is proof of this. Go here: for further reading. 

Some women never felt attractive to men and think women would like them better.
Some women were sexually abused and only feel "safe" being with other women rather than a man.
Some women aren't close with their mothers and never formed a proper mother/daughter bond with eachother and the woman will seek this in a lesbian relationship.

The same applies to men as well. Homosexuality isn't about sex, but about filling a void for connection. Yes, sex is involved and homosexuals ARE attracted physically to the same sex, but I believe the desire or "urges" are bred out of a deep need for connection/acceptance/love. There is nothing wrong with needing that, but there is something wrong and unhealthy about meeting it with homosexuality.

The reason why I'm in here debating this because it's so common to believe the lie that you are "gay" and therefore, you MUST live life as a homosexual or else you'll be miserable. Change is not an option because you can't change. If this is the truth, then I don't understand why the suicide rate is so high and the drug use rate is so high among homosexuals. Seems like this wouldn't be happening if it were a truly happy and freeing lifestyle. The proof seems to be the opposite and I'm not buying into the "it's great!" mentality when it comes to being gay. I seem to see that this is destructive and has hurt and even taken many lives.

As as Christian, I really don't want to condemn homosexuals because I'm just as sinful. The truth is, change IS possible and you don't have to be a slave to what everyone tells you about homosexuality. You have a choice to make up your own mind and challenge the belief that gays can't change. Since becoming a Christian I have the freedom to live free and not be a slave to homosexuality. I don't have to be a lesbian and deal with all the garbage that comes with that. Am I straight? No. I'm not. I'd be considered "bi", but I choose not to label myself anything. There is freedom from sin and being a slave to it. I've chosen that and yes, it's difficult, I know that I'm happier now than having an obsessive girlfriend who keys my car because I made her angry. Yes, these things happen.

Anyway, I'm not trying to "debate" or go in circles about "religion". Its about freedom and redemption from sin and it's trappings....I have zero interest in religion.

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2008, 12:42:03 pm »
It's funny to me that you would deny whether homosexuality is caused by natural stimuli.  If it was strictly social and had absolutely nothing to do with nature, then it would be a behavior only exhibited in humans, correct?  Well there's where your belief breaks down...

Many animals have shown homosexual tendencies.  In fact, a relatively large number of male sheep (something like 8%,9171,1582336,00.html) engage in homosexual activity regularly according to studies.  There are entire books written on homosexuality in animals. Many birds (vultures and penguins being the most documented), reptiles, and most mammal species have also been known to exhibit homosexual behavior.

Saying homosexuality is unnatural or wrong just makes you look ignorant. And believing so just because religion tells you makes it look as if you're incapable of thinking for yourself.  If you're Christian, then that means you have to believe God to be infallible.  However, you see homosexuality as wrong.  So the fact that any animal (man included) exhibits homosexual behavior means that God made a mistake.  I thought that was impossible?

Basically, don't use religion to back up an argument because it's way too easy to disprove religious claims.  If you want to believe something, feel free, but don't try to use it as basis for an opinion in any kind of debate.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 12:51:35 pm by Roger »

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2008, 12:43:06 pm »
Well, it was admitted by Jesus that there are homosexuals. I don't see why it is so wrong.
On top of that, if someone "PRACTICES" homosexuality, it is a sin. You can still be gay, but you must be with a woman.. Technically..? I don't know. The bible was written by men, not God, so how do we know what is the absolute truth, and what is not?
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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2008, 08:29:49 pm »
And that is just one of the reasons why the Bible is a terrible terrible book!


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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2008, 06:51:27 am »
        I hate it how anymore people think that just because something is old that means it's outdated. Ever heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls? They're over two thousand years old, and contain manuscripts from almost every book of the Old Testament- and despite being old as the hills, their texts match almost identically to those of the modern day Old Testament. Admittedly, it seems as though something as significant and controversial as the Bible would have been altered numerously over the course of the years, and I'm sure
within certain translations mankind has added his own self-driven input. But considering the almost seamless preservation made evident by the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls, it seems incredibly unlikely that God would allow His originally-inspired words to completely vanish off the face of the earth.
              That being said, there are indeed several Biblical passages that condemn homosexuality, a number of which have already been pointed out by Isnt Anything. While I do not feel it is our place to tell someone they are downright going to hell, I do believe that the "Christian" world needs to wake up and read their Bibles before they dismiss homosexuality as an acceptable "alternative lifestyle."

               By the way, I find the whole "animal homosexuality" argument somewhat irrelevent.. There are several species of animals that devour their own young. Does that mean we should too?

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Re: So I was fighting with a hxc Christian kid. "gays going to hell"
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2008, 07:36:15 am »
And that is just one of the reasons why the Bible is a terrible terrible book!
I concur. :P