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I'm just anti-microsoft. My only reason for getting an X-Box would be doing something i'm not supposed to with it.. :mf_type:

oh, Cmonkey, u r wrong about some parts and I, am wrong about some parts.

a) Actually, it's small, so if ur bringing it over to a friends house if ur walking or biking or something, just store it in a backpack.

b)there is a metal gear solid game for gamecubr coming out thats called metal gear solid:twin snakes

c)u were right, but if u save it on the hard drive, it slows the load times, and gamecube still has the fastest load times, actually, it doesn't have one

d) U r wrong, first of all, gamecube has splinter cell, with extra features 2)Gamecube has an awesome lineup: Final fantasy:crystal chronicles, F-zero, Kirbys air ride, Mario kart:Double dash, mario golf:toadstoal tour, viewtiful joe, metal gear solid:the twin snakes, Wario world, bily hatcher and the giant egg, soul caliber 2, metroid prime 2 (tentative title), wario world, Sonic adventure dx, Phantasy star online episode 3, pikmin 2, animal crossing 2 and way, way more!

e)Gameboy player has the same features as gba sp, IT"S WAY BRIGHTER, bigger, and better

f)it is going on for a while on now because a friend of mine bought a gamecube a couple days ago and they got a free game

Shall i say more? :closedeyes:


kids kids...patrick...w/e u do...dont mess with a ticking time bomb...well maybe not, but he knows all about xbox...u dont got nutin on him haha
i tried...i could never win against him


oh and all those games ur talking  bout coming out fer gamecube...definately are not coming out for quite a few months...its kinda disappointing...i havent played my cube at all since i beat zelda...cuz they're just arent nuff games

1.  I've brought my xbox over to friend's houses dozens of times.  I can easily fit an Xbox, 4 controllers, and all my games in one small backpack.
2.  There's also a Metal Gear Solid game for Xbox, MGS2: Substance.
3.  I don't know where you thought up this one, but its insanely wrong.  A hard drive speeds up load times by far.  Have you ever played Halo?  It loads the entire level onto the hard drive at the beginning.  You can then play through a huge 2 hour long level without having to load again.  It's only possible on Xbox... and PC.  Last time I checked, Gamecube load times were slower, because the optical disks are slower than DVDs.
4.  Every Title you mentioned there is either on Xbox or is not even close to as good as the games that I mentioned.
5.  The idea of SP is portability, not being "bigger"  In fact, it is smaller because of the clamshell design.
6.  It must have been a special at that store then, because the official Nintendo offer ended a few months ago.
Go ahead and say more, Falco is right, it's useless.

ok, i just have to say, that,first, u said that solid snake was a "special character", thats y i said, and i forgot about the otherstarfox game that's coming, well, i have to go, i might no be here fo the rest of the day. Look in the june issue of nintendo power fo more stuff. bout gamecube


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