Author Topic: Joke Mania  (Read 1484 times)

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Joke Mania
« on: January 13, 2005, 05:31:20 pm »
ok ok this is a place to tell the BEST JOKES YA HAD.

heres mine.
one day a boy needs to do his homework.
he couldnt think of any words to put down. he asked his mom while she burned her food. his mother said "AW DAM YOU!!"
he wrote it down. he asked he sister while she is watching a poll on tv, she had won. she said, "YES!!!"
he wrote it down. he asked his brother while he is watching POWER RANGERS.
he said with the red ranger. "IM THE RED RANGER!!"
then he wrote it down.
he asked his dad while fixing the toilet. his dad said, "15436 DOWN THE DRAIN WITH YOU!!"

at school he had been chosen to say his words. he said
"AW DAM U!!" the teacher said" woul you like to go to the princable?"
he said reading his words" YES!!!"
then a girl whispered "itll be funny if his name was.." he said again "IM THE RED RANGER!!!"
the teacher said "Whats your phone #?" he said
the end

(sry for making mistakes cause i gatta eat dinner)


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Joke Mania
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2005, 05:42:07 pm »
Ok There are these two scientists who are working on a chemical to make cows bigger. One day, during an earth quake, one of the scientists falls on a syringe (sorry if that is spelled wrong). He claims he is alright. Later, that same scientist goes outside to get firewood (They are in the middle of winter, you see). After an hour, he hasn't come back so the scientist goes out looking for him. He finds a crack in the ice with the bloody lower half of his friends leg stuck in it, but no friend. The scientist quits his job and moves to florida, where he buys some cows, but later he wakes up to find his cow dead; the bones stacked neatly with the skull on top, the organs spread out and aranged in grusome patters, and the skin wrapped around the body. But the ex-scientist notice one cow leg was missing. He called the police and the police agreed to have a stake out there. During the night the police heard: step. drag. step. drag. step drag. Then suddenly... the ex-scientist went outside and found found piles of bones stacked neatly with the skull on top. The organs spread out in the same grusome pattern, the skin wrapped around the pile of bones, and the clothes folded neatly next to the bones. A famous hunter came to the town to kill the beast. He came from Africa where he killed lions and tigers and bears (Oh my!). The hunter had an assitant wait under a tree while he climbed the tree. The hunter only brought 2 weapons: a 12 gauge shotgun and a 12-inch machette he called "The Knife." Suddenly they heard: step. drag. step. drag. step. drag. step. drag. Then suddenly a monster attacked the assistant. It had one human leg, one cow leg, big horns on it's head, razor sharp teeath and the body of a man. The hunter took aim and fired, but the monster bent over when the hunter fired so the shot clipped the mosters shoulder. The moster yelled in rage and tried to shake the hunter out of the tree. The hunter held on till sunset and the monster left. The hunter went back to town and got three more people. He gave two torches and one an uzi. They followed the monsters foot prints to it's lair. The walk inside. Suddenly the man with the uzi disappears. They continue. Soon the torches go out, but the keep walking. Next, the men with the torches disappear. The hunter realises he's alone. He turns to see the monster. He pulls out his 12-inch machette which he calls "The Knife" and attacks the monster. He hits the monster with the blunt end off the machette and knocks him out. Then he takes hs 12-inch machette which he calls "The Knife" and stabs it into the monster's chest and pulls down. He puts his hand inside and pulls out...... A big hunk of baloney, just like this story! (I know it sucked, live with it)