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Off Topic => Computers & Video Games => Topic started by: Thomas on October 06, 2005, 08:19:19 am

Title: Black & White 2
Post by: Thomas on October 06, 2005, 08:19:19 am
Anyone got it? Anyone getting it? Whatever?

Anyway, what do you think of how it looks? I bet it's awsome!
I'de love to play it, but its PC only...and my parents refuse to let me get games for the PC anymore.  :dry:

The graphics deffinatly look awsome, the landscape is truely beautiful and the creatures are extreamly detailed.

xcuse my bad spelling, Im typing too fast.
Title: Black & White 2
Post by: VulturEMaN on October 06, 2005, 08:32:49 am
it does look good, but i still need a copy of Freespace 2 (from 1999) cause it rocked. if u get B&W2, find me a copy of that for xmas :P
Title: Black & White 2
Post by: Thomas on October 06, 2005, 08:36:10 am
I wish I could get it, but like I said, my parents don't want me to play PC games...they said the PS2 is good enough.
Title: Black & White 2
Post by: IceFox on October 06, 2005, 09:13:12 am
Isnt Lionhead developing it? If so I should get it. Lionhead pays a lot of attention to quailty. There also making The Movies.
Title: Black & White 2
Post by: Thomas on October 06, 2005, 09:21:59 am
Yes, it is lionhead studio's....I wanna get The Movies's available to PS2 so I can get that!
But Black & White 2, PC only...I wish I could get it. *cries*
Title: Black & White 2
Post by: VulturEMaN on October 06, 2005, 12:47:10 pm
Tell your parents that PC games allow much more mental stimulation. PS2 allows for one person to play with their own mental agressions(unless you have online, but it's still limited). PC games allow interaction between different people. I have been playing PC games since I was 10 (now 18), and I have never met a child seducer in my life; they only exist in IRC channels and chat rooms.

In the long run, PC games are better for you. If you go more into them, you'll go back less into the console realm (= saving money by not buying every console).

With maybe the possibility of playing with 4 others on xbox, you have a choice between 200000 different people playing some form of Counter-Strike (my fav online costs like 15$).

I don't know if your parents are against chat rooms, violent games, or just don't want you on the computer, but whatever their reason, I can almost instantly prove it to be false. :P

*phew....almost went into rant mode :P*
Title: Black & White 2
Post by: Thomas on October 06, 2005, 01:34:08 pm
Sad as it seems, I told them that and they said I gotta stop trying to concince them...otherwise they'll take my PS2! ;_;