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Off Topic => Everything Else => Topic started by: AppleNick on May 12, 2005, 04:09:03 pm

Title: Does anyone
Post by: AppleNick on May 12, 2005, 04:09:03 pm
Have any mental disabilities? I have aspergers and ADD.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Megan on May 12, 2005, 05:29:57 pm
Not that I know of, just physical.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: oscar_the_grouch on May 12, 2005, 06:00:40 pm
My doctor thinks I should be on medication for depression but thats about it.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on May 12, 2005, 06:14:38 pm
Have any mental disabilities? I have aspergers and ADD.
Same here, except I have a small bout of paranoia, and I have tourettes as well.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: candy on May 12, 2005, 06:33:19 pm
i go to anger management
yupp sometimes i can go a lil crazy lol
(not all the time though)
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Rocko on May 12, 2005, 07:20:46 pm
I have ADHD, and anger mangement problems.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: spongebuddie on May 13, 2005, 10:00:23 am
ya know what theres prolly 100 kids worngly diegnosed wit adhd it's not even funny
half of them prolly don really have it
and ritalin can be addictive for kids that don't have it it's kinda cloes to being speed
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Mooster on May 13, 2005, 10:28:19 am
I have ADD, which a lot of people have, I get sooo distracted it's not even funny
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Isnt Anything on May 13, 2005, 10:29:07 am
I have insomina. (trouble sleeping at night). But, I'm not ADHD or anything. Phyically, I have Asthma.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on May 13, 2005, 03:08:53 pm
Autism (Asbergers Syndrome) and ADHD.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Scilla on May 13, 2005, 05:49:00 pm
I too, have Insomnia, that has been diagnosed to by the psychiatrist I go to, and my teachers say I have ADHD.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on May 13, 2005, 06:12:11 pm
Autism (Asbergers Syndrome) and ADHD.
Autism and Asperger's are somewhat different. Asperger's is highly functioning Autism which basically means people can elad normal lives with jobs and such. Those with regular Autism which is much worse cannot... and a majority of them are mute as well.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Starr2k3 on May 13, 2005, 06:14:30 pm
Asperger Sundrome is a type of Autism.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on May 13, 2005, 06:17:27 pm
Yeah. It is, but like a very mild type of it... i've read up on it.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on May 13, 2005, 07:16:53 pm
Asberger's Syndrome is a type of autism, although it's high-functioning (meaning I get a high IQ) lead normal lives, and get married and such, but I still have severity on understanding on how other people feel, I lack social skills, and I have mild speech impairment.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: timstapels on May 13, 2005, 10:41:02 pm
I have nothing as far as I'm aware of, I sometimes get mild ashma but it's nothing too serious.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Sheldon J. Plankton on May 14, 2005, 08:28:00 am
Asperger's Syndrome is my main thing, I was diagnosed when I was 4 and I've been in social skills training since I was 4, I don't really act hat Asperger-y anymore, however.

I also have very mild ADD (I don't take any medication), Anxiety Disorders and anger management problems, I also think I may have mild bipolar (without the mental illness part), because I used to (not as much now but I still do) see things from a very bipolar perspective.

I used to get very discouraged by the fact that I had all these things, but I'm used to it now and I tell people, you have to get over it I guess.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: sponge monkey100 on May 14, 2005, 02:33:19 pm
I have anger manegement I think nif not then I just have a very big attitude problem.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on May 14, 2005, 03:02:14 pm
Asberger's Syndrome is a type of autism, although it's high-functioning (meaning I get a high IQ) lead normal lives, and get married and such, but I still have severity on understanding on how other people feel, I lack social skills, and I have mild speech impairment.
Same here... I took an IQ test and it said my IQ was Above Average even though I have NEVER done good in school. And I am not speech impaired... I just lack the social skills of knowing what to say in certain situations... also eye to eye contact is nearly impossible for me.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on May 14, 2005, 05:00:23 pm
Asberger's Syndrome is a type of autism, although it's high-functioning (meaning I get a high IQ) lead normal lives, and get married and such, but I still have severity on understanding on how other people feel, I lack social skills, and I have mild speech impairment.
Same here... I took an IQ test and it said my IQ was Above Average even though I have NEVER done good in school. And I am not speech impaired... I just lack the social skills of knowing what to say in certain situations... also eye to eye contact is nearly impossible for me.
Pretty much you'll lose a staring contest, I usually win them.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on May 14, 2005, 05:38:15 pm
I can't stand looking at someone face to face... it's pretty intimidating.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Chrono on May 14, 2005, 06:39:35 pm
I have Anger Management only towards my sister and sometimes to my mother. I thought I had insomnia but I proved that wrong by gettin' sleep at 11 while listening to music and listening to my sisters 20+ people party. I might have a little bit of ADD but I probably don't compared to most people in my class. I have also just recently developed a lisp. I hate lisping. It makes me sound incredibly stupid...

I also have a question for anybody with ADD or ADHD. Do you get offended when people use that on you?
Title: Does anyone
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on May 14, 2005, 06:44:28 pm
I have Anger Management only towards my sister and sometimes to my mother. I thought I had insomnia but I proved that wrong by gettin' sleep at 11 while listening to music and listening to my sisters 20+ people party. I might have a little bit of ADD but I probably don't compared to most people in my class. I have also just recently developed a lisp. I hate lisping. It makes me sound incredibly stupid...

I also have a question for anybody with ADD or ADHD. Do you get offended when people use that on you?
Yes. I'm easily offended. Many people throught history have persecuted people with ADD/ADHD.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Sheldon J. Plankton on May 15, 2005, 05:37:55 am
Asberger's Syndrome is a type of autism, although it's high-functioning (meaning I get a high IQ) lead normal lives, and get married and such, but I still have severity on understanding on how other people feel, I lack social skills, and I have mild speech impairment.
Same here... I took an IQ test and it said my IQ was Above Average even though I have NEVER done good in school. And I am not speech impaired... I just lack the social skills of knowing what to say in certain situations... also eye to eye contact is nearly impossible for me.

Same here, I scored 130 on an adult IQ test when I was 5 (if I took it now it would probably be at like 140), and I actually do well in school, but I never pay attention, so I have people who help me do that. But I have a normal life, I do normal stuff, I'm just different.
Title: Does anyone
Post by: Rachy on May 15, 2005, 07:04:22 am
I have an anxiety disorder.  I have panic attacks and have trouble breathing and swallowing and feel like I’m being choked and just want to hide and wait for them to go away.  I have gotten a lot better since last year.  School was stressing me out and I used to get sick heaps and panic about something being really wrong with me because I was sick so often.  I’d worry about dying in my sleep and stuff and it would take me hours to fall asleep, which really didn’t help.  It wasn’t cool, just thinking about how scared I was when I had a panic attack would make me have one.  Certain situations and places would also make me have them, like in movie theatres.  I was watching a movie once and something scared me and I started to panic, so then every time I went to the movies I would remember it happening and would start worrying about having another panic attack and that would bring on a panic attack…crazy I know.  I also used to have them when eating MacDonald’s, I don’t even know why, but I did.  After having them on and off for a few years I learnt how to hide that I was having a panic attack from people because I didn’t want them to think I was odd or whatever…this also made them worse.  I didn’t tell my parents about them until the middle of last year (I’d been having them for atleast 2 years by then) when they got so bad that I was having them at least 10 times a day and was driving myself crazy.  They sent me to a doctor and I got some help and have a book that really helps, and I can control them most of the time now, thank goodness.