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Off Topic => Everything Else => Debate Den => Topic started by: ssj4gogita4 on May 26, 2005, 06:18:44 pm

Title: Drugs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on May 26, 2005, 06:18:44 pm
Which drugs, do you think, should be destroyed and which should be used to heal people?
Title: Drugs
Post by: Snowthrower on May 26, 2005, 06:46:32 pm
Any drugs that can help cure things and take away pain from those who are suffering should be legal.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Hannahbal on May 26, 2005, 06:48:05 pm
Morphine can take away pain and suffering. But it can also cause pain and suffering.

Something to think about...
Title: Drugs
Post by: Daniel on May 27, 2005, 10:08:54 am
Morphine can take away pain and suffering. But it can also cause pain and suffering.

Something to think about...

Very true. You just have to use that stuff in moderation.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Elizabeth Rose on May 27, 2005, 11:25:34 am
Drugs such as heroin and LSD should remain illegal. Marijuana should be legalized and taxed. Many drugs, such as coca leaves (You know, cocaine.), can have great medicinal purposes.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Sheldon J. Plankton on May 27, 2005, 01:09:37 pm
I think all drugs should be illeagal except pharmecutical drugs, because that saves peoples lives (and my home states economy would go straight down the toilet if that happend), I dont think ciggarettes should be illeaglized as much as I don't agree with them, but they should be priced higher and taxed.
Title: Drugs
Post by: DarkPatrickStar on May 27, 2005, 01:48:23 pm
A drug (if grown alot/known) than it most likely won't ever get destroyed no matter how hard we try, or how illegal it is...

If it helps people than it should be under restricted use, and if not, it should stay illegal, isn't that how it is already?
Title: Drugs
Post by: timstapels on May 27, 2005, 03:02:57 pm
I don't really see why marujuana is illegal, it's just a little worse than smoking and ome people have around 10 smokes a day and marujuana is around that which is very bad for you but if marujuana is illegal then why isn't smoking....
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on May 27, 2005, 04:12:13 pm
as long as people are educated, there is no reason why any drugs should be banned, except special k, that stuff is gross.

people choose their own lives, and if someone wants to get high, the law aint gonna stop them, making it illegal just means that there is less help if you decide you need help, and more chance that your gonna get to a stage where you are in really deep trouble
Title: Drugs
Post by: Rocko on May 27, 2005, 04:30:10 pm
Cocaine should be banned, but I don't know about heroin, without it Kurt Cobain would still be alieve. But than again the Pink Floyd song Comfortably Numb woulnd't exist, which as the greatest guitar solo ever. Marijuana should be legeal it isn't that bad, and it legeal over in Holland.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Sheldon J. Plankton on May 27, 2005, 04:39:39 pm
Cocaine should be banned, but I don't know about heroin, without it Kurt Cobain would still be alieve. But than again the Pink Floyd song Comfortably Numb woulnd't exist, which as the greatest guitar solo ever.

Can you read my mind or something, because I think Comfortably Numb has the greatest guitar solo of all time also.

However, songs aren't an excuse to keep drugs around, heroin is already illeagal anyway, these guys just get them from drug dealers anyway, so don't worry Rocko, either way there will be more Confortably Numbs in the future.

As for Kurt Cobain dying, yeah, with all the bull-**** around today it would be nice to still have Kurt.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Banana on May 28, 2005, 12:35:43 pm
Drugs are bad, mmmmmmkay?

I think Cocaine and Marajuana should be illegal. Yes, they ARE very bad for you.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Jackie-Boy on May 28, 2005, 12:39:49 pm
Drugs are bad!

Title: Drugs
Post by: Chrono on May 28, 2005, 01:17:56 pm
If Quinium still exists, it should get banned.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Isnt Anything on May 28, 2005, 02:05:35 pm
Cocaine should be banned, but I don't know about heroin, without it Kurt Cobain would still be alieve. But than again the Pink Floyd song Comfortably Numb woulnd't exist, which as the greatest guitar solo ever. Marijuana should be legeal it isn't that bad, and it legeal over in Holland.

I hate the comfortably numb solo!! Hate it! Thats what made me decide that David Gilmour is a boring guitar player. I mean, hes technically fantastic, but boring. Give me Kevin Shields anyday!

Back on topic...

I dont agree with drugs of any sort. Even RX drugs are harmful. Not only that, peoples lifes have been ruined because of a Doctor prescribing too much medication. And I believe that the doctors keep you on it because they can milk your insurance company (or your parents) for money. They give you this bull like "You'll die without it" or, "you need this to function properly." And sometimes, its the truth....but I've seen it happen to people who didnt need it. I guess my real issue is with quack Doctors, not so much the drugs themselves. But, street drugs? Please....its an addiction/scapegoat/excuse/false idea of self worth and a waste of time/money and your life. I dont even hink pot should be legal.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Rocko on May 28, 2005, 02:25:31 pm
Cocaine should be banned, but I don't know about heroin, without it Kurt Cobain would still be alieve. But than again the Pink Floyd song Comfortably Numb woulnd't exist, which as the greatest guitar solo ever. Marijuana should be legeal it isn't that bad, and it legeal over in Holland.

I hate the comfortably numb solo!! Hate it! Thats what made me decide that David Gilmour is a boring guitar player. I mean, hes technically fantastic, but boring. Give me Kevin Shields anyday!

Back on topic...

I dont agree with drugs of any sort. Even RX drugs are harmful. Not only that, peoples lifes have been ruined because of a Doctor prescribing too much medication. And I believe that the doctors keep you on it because they can milk your insurance company (or your parents) for money. They give you this bull like "You'll die without it" or, "you need this to function properly." And sometimes, its the truth....but I've seen it happen to people who didnt need it. I guess my real issue is with quack Doctors, not so much the drugs themselves. But, street drugs? Please....its an addiction/scapegoat/excuse/false idea of self worth and a waste of time/money and your life. I dont even hink pot should be legal.
I used to take Prozac, and Adderal(sp?). They could of just put me on acid :tongue: . Would have done the same thing.
Title: Drugs
Post by: ~angelene's dreams on May 28, 2005, 04:08:42 pm
I used to take Prozac, and Adderal(sp?). They could of just put me on acid :tongue: . Would have done the same thing.

How did Prozac equal to acid d00d??  I was on that stuff for 2 years (ProZ) and never felt anything but emotionally NUMB.  And to top it, after i weened off it...i remained emotionally numb.  

Prozac destroys should be taken off he market.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Rocko on May 28, 2005, 04:09:28 pm
I used to take Prozac, and Adderal(sp?). They could of just put me on acid :tongue: . Would have done the same thing.

How did Prozac equal to acid d00d??  I was on that stuff for 2 years (ProZ) and never felt anything but emotionally NUMB.  And to top it, after i weened off it...i remained emotionally numb.  

Prozac destroys should be taken off he market.
It was combined with adderal.
Title: Drugs
Post by: ~angelene's dreams on May 28, 2005, 04:16:50 pm
so you are saying you were consantly high and hallucinating?
Title: Drugs
Post by: Rocko on May 28, 2005, 04:23:19 pm
so you are saying you were consantly high and hallucinating?
It was also a joke, notice the :tongue:? But yes I did feel high.
Title: Drugs
Post by: timstapels on May 28, 2005, 05:32:23 pm
Drugs are bad!

Loving that pic!
Title: Drugs
Post by: DiE HaRrD PuNk on May 31, 2005, 02:39:46 pm
keep drugs, but they should only prescribe them to people, so the worlds a little less filled with addicts
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on May 31, 2005, 04:26:49 pm
it wont stop anything, how many people are prescibed extasy??

how many people do it??
Title: Drugs
Post by: partiallynothing on May 31, 2005, 07:14:53 pm
Marijuana is a drug which is not the primary cause of any vehicle related accidents in my state, alcohol is the culprit.  So, the question stands, why is alcohol legal and marijuana not?

Also, it is proven that marijuana is safer to smoke than cigarettes because there is no addictive attributes.  Just something to consider.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 01, 2005, 01:06:15 am

there are issues to do with work and smoking pot, or machinery or somthing, but it should be the same thing, no one can drink at work, or under a certain age, and the same thing should apply with drugs of other types.

if you take away the "bad" stigma of alot of these things, and just EDUCATE people to make wise decisions, there will be less incidents while people take drugs.

any deaths that have been caused by drugs could have been avoided if people wernt scared to go to the emergency rooms. if htese things are not illigal, these deaths or injuries will not happen.

it will also make things alot easier to police
Title: Drugs
Post by: timstapels on June 01, 2005, 01:25:25 am
Marijuana is a drug which is not the primary cause of any vehicle related accidents in my state, alcohol is the culprit.  So, the question stands, why is alcohol legal and marijuana not?

Also, it is proven that marijuana is safer to smoke than cigarettes because there is no addictive attributes.  Just something to consider.
I completely aggree with that and that's what I've always been wondering.

And some countries(like Holland) aggree with what you said since it's legal over there.
Title: Drugs
Post by: williambob286 on June 01, 2005, 01:27:26 am
the world can be a better place by banning all drugs.
Title: Drugs
Post by: timstapels on June 01, 2005, 01:39:02 am
the world can be a better place by banning all drugs.
I strongly dissagree with you there.

What about people who have, say for instance - constant back pains, who need 20+ pain killers a day. Without those, they might not be able to enjoy life as they do with them.
Or even more extreme, if you're really really sick and you need morphiene, without that, alot of people who live today could have died.

Plus, theres things like coffe and coke which are yummy - they have a drug in them (caffiene).
Title: Drugs
Post by: oscar_the_grouch on June 01, 2005, 01:47:36 am
The only drug (besides medical) that I dont agree with being against the law is Marijuana. Its not a hardcore drug and does less damage then ciggarettes.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 01, 2005, 02:38:22 am
to be honest, i like drugs.

im sensible enough not to get addicted, and i ALWAYS stay with freinds in case i get in trouble.

contrary to beief, unless your stupid enough to take alot of somthing that you have never tried before, so you dont know how you will react, or get them off a source you dont trust, you wont get so munted that you cant control yourself if you need to.  so, dont take to much, stay with mates, use recomended sources.  of you wanna do it, of course.

NOTE, i am not recomending drug usage, before somone attacks me. but if your gonna do it, no one is gonna stop you and you should do it safely :)
Title: Drugs
Post by: williambob286 on June 02, 2005, 06:05:46 pm
A Religion teacher of mine said that drugs make you see what you imagine.
Title: Drugs
Post by: timstapels on June 02, 2005, 11:10:57 pm
A Religion teacher of mine said that drugs make you see what you imagine.
While the keywords there are "Religion teacher", that statement could be true depending on what the drug is and how much of it you're taking.
A good example here would be morphiene which can give you heavy hallucinations.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Vicky on June 03, 2005, 02:10:43 pm
I carry a drug with m all the time, but its not the same becuase it is medication i guess. it stops me from dying when i have an allergic reaction
Title: Drugs
Post by: Isnt Anything on June 03, 2005, 02:14:32 pm
to be honest, i like drugs.

im sensible enough not to get addicted, and i ALWAYS stay with freinds in case i get in trouble.

contrary to beief, unless your stupid enough to take alot of somthing that you have never tried before, so you dont know how you will react, or get them off a source you dont trust, you wont get so munted that you cant control yourself if you need to.  so, dont take to much, stay with mates, use recomended sources.  of you wanna do it, of course.

NOTE, i am not recomending drug usage, before somone attacks me. but if your gonna do it, no one is gonna stop you and you should do it safely :)

For some reason I strongly dissagree.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Vicky on June 03, 2005, 02:21:45 pm
all illegal drugs are bad becuase there was this girl i9 heard of in the news who took one ectasy tab from a recommended source and she died becuase it froze her insides and she couldnt move and her heart stopped.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Hannahbal on June 03, 2005, 02:23:23 pm
all illegal drugs are bad becuase there was this girl i9 heard of in the news who took one ectasy tab from a recommended source and she died becuase it froze her insides and she couldnt move and her heart stopped.

What are you saying? That drugs for "medical purposes", like morphine (heroin), are okay?
Title: Drugs
Post by: Elizabeth Rose on June 03, 2005, 03:27:05 pm
to be honest, i like drugs.

im sensible enough not to get addicted, and i ALWAYS stay with freinds in case i get in trouble.

contrary to beief, unless your stupid enough to take alot of somthing that you have never tried before, so you dont know how you will react, or get them off a source you dont trust, you wont get so munted that you cant control yourself if you need to.  so, dont take to much, stay with mates, use recomended sources.  of you wanna do it, of course.

NOTE, i am not recomending drug usage, before somone attacks me. but if your gonna do it, no one is gonna stop you and you should do it safely :)
But some people can form an addiction after just one tiny use, "safely" or not. It is my opinion that no real drug, save pot maybe, can be used "safely" at all.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 03, 2005, 05:08:03 pm
^^ due, for things like heroin, i cant tell you much, cos you will never see me sticking a needle in my arm.

who ever told you that is exxagerating.

you have to realise that when people do drugs untill theya re addicted, and get caught, of course they are gonna blame the drugs "aw, i only took it once nad i was addicted" that just doesnt happen. ciggies are HIGHLY addictive, and it takes more than one.

just cos somone takes somthing once, and wants to do it again, cos it feels good, it does not mean that they are addicted

and about hte e freezing some girls heart?? she would have started freaking out and ahve needed to go to the hospital. but either she or her firend would have refused cos they would have gotten in trouble.

remeber peoples, all the stuff you hear is bad, cos they are illigal, but booze is 50x worse than anything except heroin and p.

so, if you take to much, its really your fault, not the drugs, the same applys to drink. if your not about to drink a whole bottle of whisky, why would you take a whole pill your first time??

i go to places where there are 2000 people minimum, on drugs, and nothing ever happens, except heaps of fun :biggrin:
Title: Drugs
Post by: Elizabeth Rose on June 03, 2005, 09:55:43 pm
^^ due, for things like heroin, i cant tell you much, cos you will never see me sticking a needle in my arm.

who ever told you that is exxagerating.

you have to realise that when people do drugs untill theya re addicted, and get caught, of course they are gonna blame the drugs "aw, i only took it once nad i was addicted" that just doesnt happen. ciggies are HIGHLY addictive, and it takes more than one.

just cos somone takes somthing once, and wants to do it again, cos it feels good, it does not mean that they are addicted
No, in drug studies they will tell you that some people can become addicted to certain drugs after just one usage. I didn't say everyone is like that, I said some people, and it is true that SOME people can become addicted after one usage. And yes, heroin is one of the main drugs that can do this. Just because you aren't addicted after one usage (not heroin for you, obviously) doesn't mean that some people won't be.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 03, 2005, 11:45:29 pm
maybe, sounds pretty dodge to me.

as i said, nicotine is a highly, highly addictive substance, and one ciggie wil not make you addicted

how did these people check is htey were addicted anyways?? did they jsut ask the people if they wanted to do it again??
and even if they were, it wouldnt be a huge addiction, there is nothing that can affect hte body so drasticly that  you would find it almost impossible to not do it again.
also, it would depend ont he amount

as i said, pretty much, if people wanna do it, you and i cant stop them.
same with sex and everything else, just give them the opportunity to do it safley as possible

and DONT just spout on about how bad it is, cos thats what makes people freak out thats when bad stuff happens.
its all mind over matter
Title: Drugs
Post by: Sb129 on June 03, 2005, 11:50:29 pm
Anyones that sickos use & sick(as in wounds,cold etc..)people don't should be DESTROYED!
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 03, 2005, 11:55:26 pm
well that took me ages to figure out :biggrin:

thats what they try to do, but it doesnt work, if drugs were so bad there woundlt be the damand for htem.
how many millions of people get smashed ont he weekend, and there are so few accidents (except for maybe on p ) and then with alcolhol?? its a crock

the majority or your guys parents would have dont drugs, alot, they were alive during the 60's and 70's
Title: Drugs
Post by: AppleNick on June 04, 2005, 06:36:49 pm
Anything that can help people should be legal.

the majority or your guys parents would have dont drugs, alot, they were alive during the 60's and 70's

My dad still does.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 04, 2005, 09:04:43 pm
mine too :D

i caught him last week, it was so funny

and he stole some batter once to make himself a hash brownie, then started singing a little song about it, but he didnt know mum was behind him :D
Title: Drugs
Post by: Vicky on June 05, 2005, 11:35:27 am
all illegal drugs are bad becuase there was this girl i9 heard of in the news who took one ectasy tab from a recommended source and she died becuase it froze her insides and she couldnt move and her heart stopped.

What are you saying? That drugs for "medical purposes", like morphine (heroin), are okay?

nonono.. i'm just saying that most drugs are bad unless they are medicinal ones prescribed by a real doctor. or if you need them to stay alive or something. not herion or marjuana or cannibis or magic mushrooms.
Title: Drugs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on June 05, 2005, 11:48:06 am
Is marijuana used for any medical purposes?
Title: Drugs
Post by: ~angelene's dreams on June 05, 2005, 11:56:38 am
ummm...yeah.  is seems to be the only thing that eases certain nerve-damage pains.  :sad:

It wouldn't be perscribed IF there was an alternative...think about it.
Title: Drugs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on June 05, 2005, 11:58:10 am
Well, I know there is NO way to stop it from growing or being used illegally but there really needs to be something done about it.
Title: Drugs
Post by: ~angelene's dreams on June 05, 2005, 12:00:05 pm
Well, I know there is NO way to stop it from growing or being used illegally but there really needs to be something done about it.

Everything that grows naturally on this Earth had a PURPOSE.  The issue of ABUSE is the PROBLEM.   :closedeyes:
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 06, 2005, 12:24:56 am
well, whatever is gong on, its comes down to the same priclpal of everything else in these threads. its personal choice. if you wanna take drugs, then it is no ones business, excpet maybe the police, but thats sorta moot cos the mojority of drugs are better than booze.
as long as people make informed decisions, it should be ok.
Title: Drugs
Post by: ~angelene's dreams on June 06, 2005, 08:16:17 am
On the whole...ppl who use drugs are NOT bad ppl, they just made a poor choice of what to throw thier money away on.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Isnt Anything on June 06, 2005, 10:44:18 am
On the whole...ppl who use drugs are NOT bad ppl, they just made a poor choice of what to throw thier money away on.

Agreed. Drugs arent an excuse for anything. They do make bad choices meaning, you got yourself in the mess. So, I hate how people whine about how "I have an issue with drugs and that why I am the way I am blah blah blah". Should've been smart the first time and stayed away from it, idiots. Just thought I add something to it.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 06, 2005, 05:28:19 pm
On the whole...ppl who use drugs are NOT bad ppl, they just made a poor choice of what to throw thier money away on.

Agreed. Drugs arent an excuse for anything. They do make bad choices meaning, you got yourself in the mess. So, I hate how people whine about how "I have an issue with drugs and that why I am the way I am blah blah blah". Should've been smart the first time and stayed away from it, idiots. Just thought I add something to it.
or just do it responsibly??
i have been an alcolholic, but it wasnt anyone elses choice, and the booze didnt make me buy it.

and for throwing your money away?? $50 for a pill in nz, you can EASILY spend over $100 ina night if your dirnking, and you get a worse hang over, and do stupid things.

and in england, its only a pund or two per pill. so the money thing really isnt an issue

remeber peoples, you cant be against drugs and not against drinking, cos drinking does a whole lot more harm than drugs, ont he whole
Title: Drugs
Post by: Isnt Anything on June 06, 2005, 05:54:46 pm
On the whole...ppl who use drugs are NOT bad ppl, they just made a poor choice of what to throw thier money away on.

Agreed. Drugs arent an excuse for anything. They do make bad choices meaning, you got yourself in the mess. So, I hate how people whine about how "I have an issue with drugs and that why I am the way I am blah blah blah". Should've been smart the first time and stayed away from it, idiots. Just thought I add something to it.

cos drinking does a whole lot more harm than drugs, ont he whole

HAHAHAHA! Thats rich.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 06, 2005, 06:33:55 pm
alcolhol costs more, financially. the government spends ALOT more cash on booze than drugs.

alcolhol kills people. comparitivly there are hardly any deaths by drugs compared to alcolhol. in fact, there are no recorded deaths that have been directly linked to pot.

there are more rape, abuse, sucide incidents related to alcolhol than any other drug.

more families break up from alcolhol abuse than any drug usage.
in fact, the only drugs i can think of that are as bad as booze, are p and heroin. and p is not that bad, its a person by person thing. it doesnt affect me at all, but some people it turns crazy.

so yeah, a random "thats rich" ? chack facts beofre you spout off.  just cos your teachers tell you somthing, does not make it true
Title: Drugs
Post by: Elizabeth Rose on June 06, 2005, 06:42:12 pm
alcolhol costs more, financially. the government spends ALOT more cash on booze than drugs.

alcolhol kills people. comparitivly there are hardly any deaths by drugs compared to alcolhol. in fact, there are no recorded deaths that have been directly linked to pot.

there are more rape, abuse, sucide incidents related to alcolhol than any other drug.

more families break up from alcolhol abuse than any drug usage.
in fact, the only drugs i can think of that are as bad as booze, are p and heroin. and p is not that bad, its a person by person thing. it doesnt affect me at all, but some people it turns crazy.

so yeah, a random "thats rich" ? chack facts beofre you spout off.  just cos your teachers tell you somthing, does not make it true

Remember that one yourself.

Alcohol is dangerous. Drugs are dangerous. However, it is easier to be "responsible" with alcohol than it is with drugs. The only reason more incidents are alcohol related is because alcohol is easier to get, and therefore easier to abuse. Drugs are illegal, therefore people are less likely (note: less, not none) to use them, and they are very expensive, making people less likely to buy them over alcohol.

Pot is hardly dangerous in my opinion though. Marijuana is not really one of my main concerns. My main concerns are hallucegenic drugs, such as LSD, and things that really hurt people like heroin.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Isnt Anything on June 06, 2005, 07:01:17 pm
so yeah, a random "thats rich" ? chack facts beofre you spout off.  just cos your teachers tell you somthing, does not make it true

Yeah, teachers told me that. How bout...I've lived with people like that. So before you spout off, consider that and shut your ::dolphin noise:: mouth. And correct you typos and learn to spell.
Title: Drugs
Post by: Eva:Gina on June 06, 2005, 07:21:28 pm
^^^ nice, way to debate. i have lived with alcolholics and druggies, the druggies wernt the abusive rapists.

Elizabeth, we never had drug talks at school (that i can remeber), and i didnt wanna say anything about pastors or anything, cos there is enough of that.

drugs are in no way more expensive than alcolhol.
ill do an nz ezample, cos i know them here.
$50 for a pill that will last you all night.
drinks are minumum $5 a pop. if you drinking cheap beer.
but, around $8 for a proper drink.
so, within 6 drinks, which will not get you badly done (for the average person, anyway) over 3 hours, you  will spend more, quite a bit more. then your also more likely to eat, and get juice nad stuff as well. which you dont do on pills cos it ruins the buzz.

agree that you are less likely to do drugs, but only for private parties and things, if you go out, then its easier to get high, especially if your underage.  if you are so inclined, it is alot easier to get drugs if you cant et alcolhol, cos there is no one policing drugs.  and some of them you can get at your local park.

lsd and muchrooms and stuff are not that bad. once again, if you take enough, but not too much, you can controll yourself.  the same thing applies to alcolhol.  unless you take heaps, you wont throw yourself of a cliff or anything. (on that note, a firend of mine threw himself off a clif and died at new years, he was drunk, everyone who was with him was high) but untill you havebeen on drugs, i cant really illistrate that point, cos its not a feeling any of you guys would know. you can controll yourself, if you need to.
the worst things are these legal party pills!!
i have dont alot of stuff, but htese things almost put me in hospital.
they contain (i did not know this beofre i took them) what they use to worm cattle!!!! gross

and yeah, agreed with heroin, needles are jsut wrong, no matter how you lok at them. no high is worth that.

EDIT: have to take somthing back, jsut cos somone is a druggie or an alcolholic, doesnt make them better or worse than anyone else. there are plenty of nice alcolholics nad druggies, and plenty of horrible people who dont have a vice.