The United SpongeBob Forums

Off Topic => The Waste Land => Topic started by: Kenny Blankenship on August 27, 2005, 05:42:12 pm

Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Kenny Blankenship on August 27, 2005, 05:42:12 pm
Yes.  Me and Simon have formed the most unholy alliance, and have deemed ourselves USB Tag Team champions.  We, as the Asian D00ds (the spelling makes us look hip), will take on any comers in the USB Wrestling Federation that dare challenge us.  But I must warn you, it won't be a pretty sight as we pulverize our oppenents, as I use my patented piledriver and my teammate will use his lethal Chong Choke.  And add the fact that we're also master karate experts, you won't stand a chance against us.  In fact, the next time you step into the ring with us, it might be your last.

USBWF, you have been warned.

*poses several times before exiting to Hendrix's Voodoo Child*
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 27, 2005, 05:43:28 pm
Haha. I watch wwf every week so I could probably use every hold in the book and still beat you :P
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Kenny Blankenship on August 27, 2005, 05:45:25 pm
Haha. I watch wwf every week so I could probably use every hold in the book and still beat you :P

No.  We'd pulverize you in a millisecond.  It would be two against one... how dare you say that you could defeat us.  You, you punk.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 27, 2005, 05:46:18 pm
Listen up, brotha! I'll meet you at Madison Square Garden this Sunday! And I'm gonna make it a no holds barred, anything goes match. See you there, brotha! [/hogan]
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Chongster on August 27, 2005, 05:52:21 pm
Listen up punk, look at this man
Can you not see the hate in his eyes, he could cut you in half...with his glasses.

We'll see you in Madison Square Garden, but you better find a partner, or else you won't be walking the next day!  And that's a promise!!!
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 27, 2005, 05:53:44 pm
I guaren-da*n-tee that I have a partner already.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Kenny Blankenship on August 27, 2005, 05:59:28 pm
I guaren-da*n-tee that I have a partner already.

Oh really?  Then who is this partner then?  Eh?  Eh?

Admit it... you're quivering in your boots already.  You're cursing yourself for EVER getting involved with the roughest, toughest, and handsomest tag team that ever existed!!  And you probably don't have any partner at all... wouldn't surprise me if you didn't even show up...

So long, punk.

*sees a "ssj roolz" poster in stands*

*rips it to shreds*
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Banana on August 27, 2005, 06:07:42 pm

(Rips off suit and tie to reveal huge muscles)

(Spongebob voice): I'm Ready....

Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Kenny Blankenship on August 27, 2005, 06:44:16 pm

(Rips off suit and tie to reveal huge muscles)

(Spongebob voice): I'm Ready....


You simpleton.  Your steroids induced muscles won't amount to anything against our brains, our talents, our ninja-yness, and our good looks.  And as they always say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall...

Yeah... so I was extremely bored earlier, and Simon was drunk enough, so we created a tag team and a stupid banner to go with it.  Jazzes mine up a little bit... get bored with all the text.  Why I'm going the wrestling route instead of the more acceptable "fan club" route, I don't know.  But I'm bored.  So sue me.  Oh, and if any of you punks quote this part to make it larger, I shall go nunchucky on you...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 27, 2005, 06:56:42 pm
Nunchunky us will get you no where!! (wow that came out wrong)

Do you really have the guts to face the #1 contenders who are unbeatable at this very moment in time? If we really wanted to try, we could easily beat you within a span of one minute. But if you want us to play fair, we'll let you think you're winning.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Kenny Blankenship on August 27, 2005, 07:32:54 pm
Nunchunky us will get you no where!! (wow that came out wrong)

Do you really have the guts to face the #1 contenders who are unbeatable at this very moment in time? If we really wanted to try, we could easily beat you within a span of one minute. But if you want us to play fair, we'll let you think you're winning.

We?  We?  Where is this partner you keep referring to?  You keep mentioning this partner, but yet I haven't seen him show his face yet...

Just admit it: no one's silly enough to team with you AGAINST US.  Cause you see, they know it would be suicide to step in with us.  Maybe you can pay someone an inordinate amount of money to team with you, but even the largest amount of money wouldn't be worth it!!  Cause we're THAT good, dangit!!!

So produce a tag team partner, or else we're not going to take your threats seriously...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Chrono on August 27, 2005, 07:38:40 pm
Whos the second member...? I see a first and third member, but no second member..
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Kenny Blankenship on August 27, 2005, 07:41:39 pm
Whos the second member...? I see a first and third member, but no second member..

He died... choked on someone else's vomit.  Yeah... strange story.. but completely true.  Totally true, I swear...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 27, 2005, 08:55:30 pm
Banana is my partner...are you that blind? :P
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Kenny Blankenship on August 27, 2005, 09:00:27 pm
Banana is my partner...are you that blind? :P

Banana?  Banana?  That's the best you could do?  No... no, seriously... who did you really get?

But nevertheless, you'll be sorry for ever messing with us...

In fact.....


*sneaks into ssj's dressing room, nails him with a steel chair, and leaves him lying in a pool of his own blood*

That's a preview of what's to come, punk...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 27, 2005, 09:04:21 pm
Ok...if you actually do watch wrestling...I wouldnt be bloody after ONE chair shot. :P

Anyways...when you slip and fall on your back after you step on banana (haha...joke...get it? -.-;;) then I'll be going off the top rope and doing a frog splash on yo butt.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: spongeybrain09 on August 27, 2005, 09:08:36 pm
ah but you are both forgetting the special guest referree ME pinata man with my move the pinata stick!
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Chongster on August 28, 2005, 03:04:47 am
Ok...if you actually do watch wrestling...I wouldnt be bloody after ONE chair shot. :P

Anyways...when you slip and fall on your back after you step on banana (haha...joke...get it? -.-;;) then I'll be going off the top rope and doing a frog splash on yo butt.

Yeah but the awesone power and strength we'd hit you with said chair would be just so intense, you would be bleeding, plus the shine from our super clean teeth would put you forget the whole slipping on a Banana crap, you wouldn't even get that for.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: weird_4 on August 28, 2005, 07:05:34 am
Hey buddy! I fight you. Lemme just put myself in a plastic bubble so I'm industructible. *jumps into plastic bubble* Okay I'm ready.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Chongster on August 28, 2005, 07:15:09 am
Hey buddy! I fight you. Lemme just put myself in a plastic bubble so I'm industructible. *jumps into plastic bubble* Okay I'm ready.


Pfft, you think you in a big ball can stop us? Seriously? how would you hurt us. you could hardly take a good swing at us behind a bubble. We'd just flick you in the side and watch you roll all the way down a hill.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: weird_4 on August 28, 2005, 07:17:07 am
Ahh. But I could also run over you with the plastic bubble. If I run that fast that is.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 28, 2005, 07:36:07 am
I can pop that bubble...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: spongeybrain09 on August 28, 2005, 08:01:13 am
so it will be THE ASIAN D00DS vs ssj4gogita4 and banana.
this match should be close the asian d00ds with their good looks and the strategic methods of ssj and banana.  don't forget the charming special guest refferee me pinata man!
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Chongster on August 28, 2005, 08:10:52 am
Dont bother refereeing, the match will be over before it begins, we'll win,
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Fifth Dynasty on August 28, 2005, 10:06:14 am
Do you guys honestly know anything of the WWE? I do, trust me (Rey Mysterio and Undertaker are my favorites). Chongster, the only way it would be over "before it begins" would be if you used a weapon or something that gets you disqualified before the bell rings. In a tag team match it would take at least a few minutes to pick up the pin (so I suggest using a great submission like the Cripler Crossface or a Sharpshooter), unless its a tornado tag match (both members of each team in the ring at the same time for the duration of the match). No tag team ever wins in under a minute (besides the new Legion of Doom), hate to disappoint. If you actually do go through with this, if, let's say, ssj does a tombstone piledriver on you (even though it wouldn't be possible unless he was a Heavyweight, like the Undertaker), you would be out. If you did the Alabama Slam (guarantee you nobody but me knows what that is), ssj would be knocked out for 8 seconds, letting you pick up the pin. So you see, if you do go through with this you can't just amazingly kick out after an amazing move. It just doesn't happen. Jesus, I love the WWE.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Chongster on August 28, 2005, 10:11:34 am
Yes, all that is true, BUT, this is the USBWF as Kenny wrote in the first post, so we have our own set of rules we made,  :laugh:  there's no way we can lose!!
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Fifth Dynasty on August 28, 2005, 10:17:04 am
Oh, please. Suggestion: It should be called SBWF (USBWF sounds retarded), and this is out of hand. You have to have rules for matches. You allow chair shots and tables in matches? Come on, realism helps.

EDIT: Oh, and in your signature you shouldn't have it say tag team champs, you should make a belt.

EDIT 2: And ssj, if you watch WWF every week, then you don't watch it anymore. If you wathced it every week you'd know it isn't called WWF.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Chongster on August 28, 2005, 10:22:00 am
Woah, calm down, none of this is serious, we weren't actually looking for matches, its just a joke me and Alex decided to do because we were bored. We dont intend to start any matches at all.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 28, 2005, 12:06:58 pm
Woah, calm down, none of this is serious, we weren't actually looking for matches, its just a joke me and Alex decided to do because we were bored. We dont intend to start any matches at all.
Why? Because you cant handle banana or me? Mm-hmm. :P
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Scilla on August 28, 2005, 12:32:23 pm
EDIT 2: And ssj, if you watch WWF every week, then you don't watch it anymore. If you wathced it every week you'd know it isn't called WWF.

You got SERVED! Mahahha..

I wanna be one of them binkini girls who fight other girls and kicks their buttocks. Yay for me!!
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 28, 2005, 12:45:21 pm
EDIT 2: And ssj, if you watch WWF every week, then you don't watch it anymore. If you wathced it every week you'd know it isn't called WWF.
Dur, I already knew that it turned into WWE but I hate saying the E so I still stick with WWF. You really want me to prove it to you? Find a way and I can.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Lil Loco on August 28, 2005, 06:06:25 pm
Do you guys honestly know anything of the WWE? I do, trust me (Rey Mysterio and Undertaker are my favorites). Chongster, the only way it would be over "before it begins" would be if you used a weapon or something that gets you disqualified before the bell rings. In a tag team match it would take at least a few minutes to pick up the pin (so I suggest using a great submission like the Cripler Crossface or a Sharpshooter), unless its a tornado tag match (both members of each team in the ring at the same time for the duration of the match). No tag team ever wins in under a minute (besides the new Legion of Doom), hate to disappoint. If you actually do go through with this, if, let's say, ssj does a tombstone piledriver on you (even though it wouldn't be possible unless he was a Heavyweight, like the Undertaker), you would be out. If you did the Alabama Slam (guarantee you nobody but me knows what that is), ssj would be knocked out for 8 seconds, letting you pick up the pin. So you see, if you do go through with this you can't just amazingly kick out after an amazing move. It just doesn't happen. Jesus, I love the WWE.

Sumone poured a lil too many fruity pebblez in their cereal bowl today...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Scilla on August 28, 2005, 06:23:01 pm

For the record.. I did not say buttocks.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Lil Loco on August 28, 2005, 06:25:31 pm
Nah...You typed it.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Isnt Anything on August 28, 2005, 06:26:06 pm
Could I be an announcer? Or at least one of the people in the shiny suits that stands next to the wrestlers when the talk in the ring...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Scilla on August 28, 2005, 06:29:09 pm
Nah...You typed it.

[sarcasm]Ahaaha!! That was friggin hilarious!! YEEYEYEYEYEYSSS![/sarcasm] -- No.. They changed my post.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Lil Loco on August 28, 2005, 06:30:59 pm
Ahhhh..."I see"...Said the blind man to hiz deaf wife.
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 28, 2005, 07:06:30 pm
Could I be an announcer? Or at least one of the people in the shiny suits that stands next to the wrestlers when the talk in the ring...
You can be that guy that says "ladies and gentlemen...LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!"
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Chrono on August 28, 2005, 08:37:10 pm
Could I be the second members replacement? I have amazing nunchucks skills...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Kenny Blankenship on August 29, 2005, 06:05:42 am
Could I be an announcer? Or at least one of the people in the shiny suits that stands next to the wrestlers when the talk in the ring...

As long as you introduce us properly, mentioning that we're the Tag Team Champs and Kings of the Earth and Handsomest Man on the Planet and all, then sure...

Could I be the second members replacement? I have amazing nunchucks skills...

No.  It's a tag team.  Having three members would defeat the whole purpose of the thing anyway.  Besides, you don't have an Asian guy in your avatar...

Sorry for not responding earlier, it's just that I've been training rigorously for our match with Banana and ssj.  You know... clicking the mouse button, getting up and down from the chair I'm sitting on, intense stuff.  And now, after going through the most grueling training in the history of ever, there's absolutely no chance our "challengers" will beat us now.  They had a 0% chance of beating us before, but now.... it's like -8.7%.  If that's possible...

You guys won't stand a chance to us... what kind of tag team are you anyway?  You don't even have a catchy name for your team...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Chongster on August 29, 2005, 07:54:46 am
Could I be an announcer? Or at least one of the people in the shiny suits that stands next to the wrestlers when the talk in the ring...

As long as you introduce us properly, mentioning that we're the Tag Team Champs and Kings of the Earth and Handsomest Man on the Planet and all, then sure...


And you have to wear this

Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Fifth Dynasty on August 29, 2005, 10:48:12 am
Ring Announcer or Match Announcer? Ring Announcer's introduce the wrestlers, Match Announcers say whats going on in the match and whatnot. Yeah, SSJ, I believe you. By the way, if any of you guys do watch the WWE, who's your favorite wrestler? For me it's gotta be Rey Mysterio and Undertaker on SmackDown and John Cena and Legion of Doom (Heidenreich and Animal).
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 29, 2005, 11:31:11 am
Ring Announcer or Match Announcer? Ring Announcer's introduce the wrestlers, Match Announcers say whats going on in the match and whatnot. Yeah, SSJ, I believe you. By the way, if any of you guys do watch the WWE, who's your favorite wrestler? For me it's gotta be Rey Mysterio and Undertaker on SmackDown and John Cena and Legion of Doom (Heidenreich and Animal).
Stone Cold (although not here anymore)
Undertaker (smackdown)
Batista (smackdown)
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Fifth Dynasty on August 29, 2005, 11:59:39 am
Yay! Someone likes Undertaker! Yay!
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Kenny Blankenship on August 29, 2005, 12:10:53 pm
Ring Announcer or Match Announcer? Ring Announcer's introduce the wrestlers, Match Announcers say whats going on in the match and whatnot. Yeah, SSJ, I believe you. By the way, if any of you guys do watch the WWE, who's your favorite wrestler? For me it's gotta be Rey Mysterio and Undertaker on SmackDown and John Cena and Legion of Doom (Heidenreich and Animal).

Koko B. Ware and the Gobbeldy Gooker own you all....
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Fifth Dynasty on August 29, 2005, 05:44:57 pm
Going with the classics? How about Junkyard Dog. He was awesome. So was Ultimate Warrior
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 30, 2005, 08:27:04 am
Ultimate Warrior was awesome in WCW. XD
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Lil Loco on August 30, 2005, 10:21:32 am
Me and my brother uzed to have a ultimate warrior stuffed wrestler from like 20 yearz ago...I think I still got it sumwhere...

Just like thiz one hahahah...
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 30, 2005, 10:28:34 am
Me and my brother uzed to have a ultimate warrior stuffed wrestler from like 20 yearz ago...I think I still got it sumwhere...

Just like thiz one hahahah...
I got that one
Sting (black & white)...I then colored him red to match the NWO Wolfpac. I made this before they even gave out the real ones.
Hogan (red & yellow)
Title: USB's Tag Team Champs
Post by: Lil Loco on August 30, 2005, 10:33:32 am
Yea, u know thoze guyz were tight...Mine'z been beat up over the yearz.

The stuffing iz disproportioned and he'z got holez cuz my brother shanked him a whole buncha timez.