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Off Topic => Everything Else => Topic started by: Lil Loco on March 14, 2007, 10:30:02 pm

Title: Another Country?
Post by: Lil Loco on March 14, 2007, 10:30:02 pm
I love my country, it's teh awesome.  But if you could/had to live in another country besides your own, which would it be?  Give some reasons too.
Myself, I'd probly live in Japan.  I've been into Japanese culture for as long as I can remember and I find appeal in their country.  It's got some awesome places and their country land is amazing.  I also want to take up new styles of martial-arts, as I've studied in them since I was 7.  I just recently started studying the way of the sword and I love it...That country is my new Mecca hahah.  Besides that, Japanese food is the bomb and plus they invented anime.  Soo, yeah that seals the deal for me.  =P

Which country for you?
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: Daniel on March 14, 2007, 11:25:20 pm
Japan. It has a decent economy, and teh manga pwns.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on March 14, 2007, 11:28:45 pm
Australia. Never been there but want to.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: Lil Loco on March 14, 2007, 11:44:09 pm
Japan. It has a decent economy, and teh manga pwns.

Second largest economy in the world.  Oh snap son.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: VulturEMaN on March 15, 2007, 03:17:09 am
Iceland. Bananas and hot springs.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: CloneTrooperX on March 15, 2007, 03:33:31 am
Japan! Creator of Kamen Rider,Super Sentai, and Ultraman!
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: Chongster on March 15, 2007, 05:55:47 am
I'm actually hoping, around 5 years or so along the line, to move to America, I'm moving to London in 3 months time to start my Animation Company, then I'd like to move it across to California maybe. I'd miss the UK loads, but the opertunites in Animation mostly reside in California.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: Thomas on March 15, 2007, 02:18:26 pm

I respect it's culture and people, they are also very respectable people to talk to....and they are not arrogant like the French, which is a good thing.

Besides, the food is good for you and tastes fantastic.
It's entertainment is the best in the world.
They know how to have fun without HARMING someone else in the process, although Sumo-Wrestling is an exception...but I like watching Sumo anyway, it's great for gambling....errrr....I mean...chatting.  -_-

I haven't been yet, but I would LIVE their if I could afford it.
I already know some of the language.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: Ealcon on March 15, 2007, 03:28:17 pm
Texas, like Sandy.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: Daniel on March 15, 2007, 03:30:16 pm
I'm actually hoping, around 5 years or so along the line, to move to America, I'm moving to London in 3 months time to start my Animation Company, then I'd like to move it across to California maybe. I'd miss the UK loads, but the opertunites in Animation mostly reside in California.

Wow.. tell us the name of your company when you make it..

Cause I have some stuff I was thinking about. But, I don't HAVE an animation company.

And the style of most of them, IE nickelodeon, turns me off. Too much lame jokes.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: IceFox on March 15, 2007, 04:56:22 pm
Ealcon - Texas isn't a country :p

I would move to either Japan or England for many reasons, however I have family and friends I know best here, so I would probably just move down to Southern California for college (CalArts) and to do some stuff in teh movie biz.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on March 15, 2007, 05:04:50 pm
Texas should be considered its own country :P
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: VulturEMaN on March 15, 2007, 06:52:01 pm
Texas should be considered its own country :P

Only state allowed to fly their flag at the same height as the US flag. They pretty much are their own state.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on March 15, 2007, 08:27:09 pm
Texas spewed out one of the most vile people on Earth *not mentioning names*
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: VulturEMaN on March 15, 2007, 09:01:32 pm
Texas spewed out one of the most vile people on Earth *not mentioning names*

Indeed. But their waterparks pwn all.
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: Daniel on March 15, 2007, 09:09:42 pm
Texas spewed out one of the most vile people on Earth *not mentioning names*

I thought Fidel Castro came from Cuba...

Just kidding...

You meant Bush...
Title: Re: Another Country?
Post by: AppleNick on March 15, 2007, 10:03:07 pm
Japan for obvious reasons. I've half-seriously thought of any of those small former Soviet nations with the -stan suffix besides Turkmenistan to live somewhere interesting and new. Polynesian island nations might be cool, like French Polynesia. Those are all dream ideas that probably won't come to be unless I get alot of money and time. If I'm seriously going somewhere else (AND I AM), it'll be in western Europe. France or Norway.