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Off Topic => Nickelodeon => Topic started by: Banshee 1919.2 on August 27, 2007, 12:51:10 am

Title: The Death of Nick
Post by: Banshee 1919.2 on August 27, 2007, 12:51:10 am
Nick is becoming a network more aimed at the elementary set so they have gross out humor in their shows (I ocassionally laugh at it at first, but shortly consider disgusting as my brain tells me to restrain my wrong emotional response at it).

Considering this, here are the shows I love to consider them dead:

Ned, Unfabulous, Life with Derek, Naturally Sadie and Drake and Josh (they need to be more interesting).
Title: Re: The Death of Nick
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on August 27, 2007, 07:35:42 am
Life with Derek and Naturally Sadie is Disney
Title: Re: The Death of Nick
Post by: SpongeBrain on August 27, 2007, 09:06:33 am
Nick is becoming a network more aimed at the elementary set so they have gross out humor in their shows (I ocassionally laugh at it at first, but shortly consider disgusting as my brain tells me to restrain my wrong emotional response at it).

Considering this, here are the shows I love to consider them dead:

Ned, Unfabulous, Life with Derek, Naturally Sadie and Drake and Josh (they need to be more interesting).
I didn't know this. Thank you for informing me.
Title: Re: The Death of Nick
Post by: Thomas on August 27, 2007, 11:29:33 am
All Nick had running for it was Spongebob, Invader ZIM, Ren & Stimpy and Rugrats.
(Anything else I missed was purely a result of faulty brain cells)
Title: Re: The Death of Nick
Post by: edso on August 31, 2007, 06:02:12 pm
I don't watch any of it, mainly because its either teenage crap or fake anime.

I remember Nick Arcade, where you won prizes for playing video games.

Title: Re: The Death of Nick
Post by: SpongebobSquarepants- on December 21, 2007, 02:12:15 am
um.. disney is good too!
Title: Re: The Death of Nick
Post by: SpongebobSquarepants- on December 21, 2007, 02:12:41 am
who else thinks so?
Title: Re: The Death of Nick
Post by: evol687 on January 11, 2008, 10:10:59 am
Disney channel has nearly wreaked me in 1999/2000 with there gloopy rubbish and was as worse as it is today

Don't watch television

ride your bike
don't play sports expect for soccer and hockey and golf
listen to music
use your television only to play video games(ones only from 1972- to the mid 90s in my opinion IE the nes/sega genesis/ atari 2600 etc

the only good thing that was ever on disney channel was the immortal sitcom that ran from 1985 to 1992 known as growing pains now that was a show