The United SpongeBob Forums

SpongeBob SquarePants => Easter Island Head => Topic started by: Rabble on November 14, 2004, 09:47:47 pm

Title: A Good Way To Make A Good Fan-fic
Post by: Rabble on November 14, 2004, 09:47:47 pm
1. Something that doesn't invole saving the world so it can be more innovative.
2. It can be scary funny or Ackward
4. No love scences
5. Good Intro which explains everything
6. A good ending. No dream endings those are lame.
7. Big action
8. Good use of vocab. Instead of using words like nice cool fun great use like fantastic and stuff
9. Oxymorons are always fun
10. Metaphores.
11. Good grammar, No missspellings
12. Puns if needed
13. Creative Charaters with there own personality
14. Use your own ideas Not stealing others
15. Don't make a 3 chapter Fan-Fic Its to short. Unless your going to make Really big chapters. If not every fan-fic should be at least 6 chapters

Follow these rules you have a awsome fan-fic
Title: A Good Way To Make A Good Fan-fic
Post by: IceFox on November 14, 2004, 09:53:16 pm your opinion, although I agree with some of them.
Title: A Good Way To Make A Good Fan-fic
Post by: Patrick on November 15, 2004, 12:39:12 pm
I agree and disagree with some. The most important rules are use correct spelling and grammar. Also, don't use script form. I remember I made a topic like this a while back.
Title: A Good Way To Make A Good Fan-fic
Post by: 1luke12 on November 15, 2004, 06:08:33 pm
Yes, as you may be able to see, I try hard to put those features in my fan-fics. And yes, dream endings a really lame, but in the book Alice in Wonderland, it doesn't matter.
Title: A Good Way To Make A Good Fan-fic
Post by: spongey675 on November 16, 2004, 02:27:41 am
Well i'd have to agree with what,patrick and spongetron-x said
Title: A Good Way To Make A Good Fan-fic
Post by: IceFox on November 16, 2004, 05:25:00 pm
Well, i woukdn't say it was copying if you write a fan-fic of a movie, beasue it is not a paody. You said to use good vocab. You said stuff. Try to identify stuff. All of my teahers have been very picly about that stuff.
Title: A Good Way To Make A Good Fan-fic
Post by: .com person on November 16, 2004, 06:39:56 pm
I inspired you to do this huh  :biggrin:

Anyways  :biggrin: