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Off Topic => Everything Else => Debate Den => Topic started by: MiraclrPlz on November 21, 2004, 07:45:07 pm

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on November 21, 2004, 07:45:07 pm
Charles Darwin HIMSELF repented on his death-bed before God.  And yet people still follow his garbage.  Now about evolution. It goes against logic. Let me ask you a question. If you were walking down the street and you found an fully functional computer just sitting there on the side of the path, what would you believe about it? Would you believe that it just happened by random chance or that it had a creator who not only designed it but built it? Of course you would know that someone designed it and built it, because it would be impossible for it to just appear by random chance.

Now go look in the mirror. Do you realize that what you see is a trillion times more complex than the most powerful computer man has ever made? Yet evolution would have you believe it (you) were not designed or built by anyone, you just happened by random chance. Not only are they claiming that one fully functioning computer happened by random chance but two did, since they were able to recreate themselves sexually and that takes two at least.

Evolution uses time as the great equalizer. What I mean is that they claim evolution too billions of years. That makes it so slow that we can't possible expect to see any evidence in our lives. Okay, here is another logic question for you. Take a watch, any watch and carefully take every part apart and put them in a paper bag. Now you know that when you started you had a working watch. You know that all the parts are there and you know that they all fit together. Now close the bag and start shaking it. How long would it take before you would have a completely functioning watch again? All the parts are there already, you know they fit, you know they work, so how long before it randomly puts itself back together and starts working. I won't even make you wait until it randomly sets its own time correctly, just until it starts working again. How about a year? How about a hundred years? How about 4.3 billion years? Do you see my point? Random chance is not going to put all the correct parts back together yet evolution wants you to believe that is what happened and they did not even start with one (much less all) of the right pieces. The billion years are just to fool you.

Notice that I have not used the Bible once yet? That is because evolution is illogical. I don't need the Bible to disprove it. Evolution takes more blind faith to believe than the Bible ever will, yet many people blindly believe it and refuse to even look at the Bible.

Look at all the flowers on a spring day. Look at all the different kinds and colors, etc... They all randomly come from the same primordial ooze we did? Nice how evolution with no intelligent mind behind it made bees to cross pollinate the plants don't you think? Since evolution claims that only the strongest and wises of species will evolve (survival of the fittest) aren't we lucky that some managed to survive just so we more advanced species could eat them? Good thing plants are stupid and evolved into edible things too. Evolution would dictate that all plants become poisonous so that they are not eaten, but boy I'm glad most of the plants did not think of that.

I am not trying to make fun of what you believe, I am just trying to show you that logically what you believe is wrong. You can't have it both ways. You can't claim there is not intellect behind what happens and yet claim that things happened in a logical intelligent way. If evolution is true and that is why some animals evolved into poisonous animals, then why not all of them? If that had happened all life would have died!! Yet evolution would at least have proved itself.

There are countless more examples I could give you. For example; did you know that there are petrified trees standing straight up in the layers of the Grand Cannon? That means that the tree which is doing so must have existed for millions of years, because it is standing in and through millions of years of layers of earth. Of course another possibility is that it died standing up and was buried quickly in those layers as they settled out after a great flood. Oh, but that would mean those layers are not really millions of years old.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 21, 2004, 08:00:28 pm
MSP....let's pause for a minute and reflect on why some humans tend to believe there is no such thing as evolution...why would they do that? Because they are arrogant little pricks who think they are 'special'?  I personally don't see humans as being anymore special as any other species....and your computer analogy is very bad...computers aren't alive. Obviously, if it is not a living being, it can not reproduce. It does not have the capability to do so. Genetic mutations are proof that animals change. Again...I shall use the example of the whale fetus. If it has ALWAYS lived in the water, then the first phase of the pregnancy does that fetus HAVE LEGS? And why is it's nose an actual nose and not a freaking blowhole?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on November 22, 2004, 11:35:46 am
There is NO SUCH THING as evolution and Man is God's greatest creation!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Fredaykin on November 22, 2004, 03:33:34 pm
Your arguements fall appart once another intelligent individual is able to debate them with you.  Your entire hypothesis that evolution does not exist is based on several poorly constructed analogies.  They do not come close to demonstrating how evolution really works.  The point you make of why all plants and animals didn't evolve to be poisonous... that just shows a very poor understanding of evolution.  No sort of plant or creature just makes itself poisonous because it knows what will keep it alive the best.  Living organisms only need to be able to survive from whatever natural predators they may or may not have.  If they can't survive, they are wiped out.  All living organisms have some method or way of protecting themselves from going extinct.  Not all things need to be poisonous to stop things from eating them.  In fact, some plants, such as fruit trees, actually evolved to grow sweet fruit because those that genetically had this trait thrived.  By eating the nutritious fruit, animals pass the seeds through their digestive system, and drop them wherever they travel to.  This means that the plants have a higher chance of their descendents spreading and passing the genes on.  Evolution makes complete and logical sense.  If you are able to provide me with even a single accurate point that would potentially disprove evolution, instead of ignorantly resorting to "There is NO SUCH THING as evolution and Man is God's greatest creation!" when other people bring up logical points, then i will start to consider taking you as a somewhat intelligent person.  But as of now, it still boggles my mind that people are so intent on not accepting scientific facts.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on November 22, 2004, 07:08:06 pm
Evoultion is FAKE for four reasons:

1. Many skulls and fossils are being mutated as I speak underground like 50 ft below. Many of them are mutated by water and bugs and other carbon material that if it gets effected too much, it'll look like "another species" if it's removed. Thus disproving evoultion.

2. Charles Darwin on his deathbed said that the theory of evoultion is fake and made up.

3. The theory isn't true because, it hasn't been tested at all.

4. God made us.  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 22, 2004, 07:31:44 pm
number for can not be a reason, because God must be proven. Gos is NOT proven. God is about faith.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on November 22, 2004, 07:57:09 pm
Faith is more than what you think.  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Fredaykin on November 22, 2004, 08:02:18 pm
Those points do not disprove evolution.

1. Even if some fossils are slightly disfigured due to environmental, that still does not explain how there is such an obvious pattern in the growth and change of animals over thousands of years.  Maybe in some instances the fossils are disformed and not an exact replica of what the original specimen was, but on the whole, it does not affect the much larger amount of accurate specimens.  On top of that, even without relying solely on fossils, we can still observe evolution as it has taken place in our lifetime.  Cmonkey cited the example of how rats have evolved and many are now immune to certain types of rate poison.  Just saying that some fossils "may" have been disfigured does not disprove the theory.

2. Darwin was practically forced to renounce his views based on the environment he lived and grew up in.  Many people in that time were so strictly and blindly religious that he was shunned for his reasonable views, and had he not publicly renounced them under this pressure, he could very well have been condemned to ::Dolphin Noise:: by the clergy of that time period.  As a deeply religious man himself, Darwin mistakenly believed that he had almost no choice but to seek what was his only path to heaven.

3. The theory has been observed and demonstrated in the modern world.  Other than the rat poison example, i can think of a particular instance involving butterflies.  A certain type of tree died out in some part of the western hemisphere because of a disease.  An entire species of butterflies that was colored to camouflage with that bark began to die off, because it no longer had its natural means of protection.  Only a small amount of the butterflies, that happened to have different coloring patterns, survived.  They therefore were able to reproduce and pass on this trait.  While the others died, the species as a whole adapted to their environment, as a part of natural selection.  That is a critical part of evolution as we define it today, and we can see that the species did actually evolve.  That sounds like a tested example of evolution to me.

4. Fine, maybe God made us.  I will admit that i know nothing for sure about this.  I just think it is a terrible misinterpritation of the bible to think that everything in the bible needs to be a strict fact.  The bible is not an entire book based solely on facts.  It really bothers me that some people think that you can't be a Christian, or believe in the bible, and believe in evolution at the same time.  I don't think that the book of Genesis strictly contrasts with the theory of evolution.  If you were at the very beginning of the earth, and physically witnessed it, i don't think it would have physically looked anything at all like the book of Genesis describes it.  That does not mean that i don't think the story is not true because of that.  When you look at it, i think you need to look for the message it is trying to tell you.  As my pastor said, the emphasis of the story is not on that everything in the Universe was created in 7 days.  The story tells us that life is good.  Life is a wonderful thing, and for those that believe in him, it is a gift from God, whichever form you believe he, she, or it exists as.  It is a story of God's love, and not a story that should be used to explain physical truths of what occurred.  It is quite possible to believe that species evolve, but that God plays an integral part in it all.  Many scientists believe that there must be some sort of God, because otherwise there is no way to explain why the first collection of amino acids and proteins had that spark that turned it into an actual form of life.  Steven Hawking for example, the genius that has furthered so much of our understanding of the Big Bang and the origins of the Universe, believes wholeheartedly that a God exists and that he created the Universe.  The Big Bang may just have been the method that he chose to do it in.  Otherwise, as far as i have heard, no scientest has a good clue as to why the Big Bang started, and why existance spurred from nothingness at that precise moment.  It is just sad that people can't recognize that science and religion can, and maybe are meant, to exist and work together.  As Einstein once said, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 22, 2004, 08:14:37 pm
Faith is more than what you think.
Ah my dear, dear SSS....I have no faith in YOUR God. I once did, but I lost that faith. I DO know what faith is. I have faith in what Mother Earth has to offer us. And I have faith that humans are too blind to see it, because they are wrapped up in stories they made up centuries ago.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on November 22, 2004, 08:17:36 pm
Faith is more than what you think.
Ah my dear, dear SSS....I have no faith in YOUR God. I once did, but I lost that faith. I DO know what faith is. I have faith in what Mother Earth has to offer us. And I have faith that humans are too blind to see it, because they are wrapped up in stories they made up centuries ago.
I feel sad that you lost your faith. But you will gain it gain it back someday....just in another way.  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 22, 2004, 08:23:51 pm
I HAVE gained faith again. Just not in the same form of God as Christians see it. I'm meant to live by water, and water is where I shall live, because the ocean is the giver of life. The ocean is symbolic of the womb. I have found God in nature, and I plan on keeping my faith this way. When it rains, it is nature's way of helping her creations grow and thrive. When it snows, life ends, and when winter ends, life begins again. A neverending cycle. To me, that is God. God IS evolution.  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on November 23, 2004, 05:49:42 pm
What in the heck are you talking about?  Enviornmentalism isn't a religion!  You don't want to hear my opinion on extreme enviornmentalism, because I don't like it!! >:(  God is proven in my book, and I shunned out that science teacher who claimed to be a Catholic who taught evolution.  I refused to do the worksheets, and eventually I was transfered to anatomy.  That is my so-called by you "extremist" veiw on the TRUTH.  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on November 23, 2004, 05:51:39 pm
Plus, all those so-called "genetic evolution", are all just simple ordinary mutations.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Fredaykin on November 24, 2004, 05:37:27 pm
What in the heck are you talking about?  Enviornmentalism isn't a religion!  You don't want to hear my opinion on extreme enviornmentalism, because I don't like it!! >:(  God is proven in my book, and I shunned out that science teacher who claimed to be a Catholic who taught evolution.  I refused to do the worksheets, and eventually I was transfered to anatomy.  That is my so-called by you "extremist" veiw on the TRUTH.
Do you have any sort of reason in you at all?!?!?  First of all, as i very carefully said in my last post, you don't need to throw out the idea of evolution just because you are a devout Christian!  I seriously can't understand why more people do not realize that.  It does not help you to refuse to try and learn the facts that scientists have put forth.  If after that you still come to the conclusion that evolution is not possible, then i would still argue that you were wrong, but i would at least have a certain amount of respect for it, as long as it was purely based on facts and not a blind assertion based on a misconstrued view of religion.

Plus, all those so-called "genetic evolution", are all just simple ordinary mutations.
Yes!  That's what genetic evolution is!  Genetic evolution is as simple as that.  It occurs when simple, ordinary mutations take place in a creature.  It just so happens that if they make it easier for that organism to survive, then there is a higher chance it will pass those simple genetic mutations on to its offspring.  As this keeps taking place, these organisms living in one particular area or environment may undergo a significant amount of these changes.  Doesn't it make sense then that with enough time, the species might eventually have enough new traits that you might not recognize it from what it looked like a thousand years earlier?  I'm not saying that "genetic evolution" has to be anything fancy or hard to swallow.  It really is just as simple as ordinary mutations when you look at it on a simple level.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Rocko on November 24, 2004, 10:30:08 pm
What in the heck are you talking about?  Enviornmentalism isn't a religion!  You don't want to hear my opinion on extreme enviornmentalism, because I don't like it!! >:(  God is proven in my book, and I shunned out that science teacher who claimed to be a Catholic who taught evolution.  I refused to do the worksheets, and eventually I was transfered to anatomy.  That is my so-called by you "extremist" veiw on the TRUTH.
YOur school probably requires you learn about evolution.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Patback399 on November 25, 2004, 04:01:24 am
As Fredaykin said, the Bible is not completely true. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. After their father amd mother died, they were the only ones on Earth. As most of you know, that's as far as the family tree's going to get.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on November 25, 2004, 04:52:55 am
MSP....let's pause for a minute and reflect on why some humans tend to believe there is no such thing as evolution...why would they do that? Because they are arrogant little pricks who think they are 'special'?  I personally don't see humans as being anymore special as any other species....and your computer analogy is very bad...computers aren't alive. Obviously, if it is not a living being, it can not reproduce. It does not have the capability to do so. Genetic mutations are proof that animals change.
I heavily agree.
Extreamly close resemblances, skeletonal fossils of anchient humans and how very similar they are to monkeys and us.
Natural selection and mutations are the main cause of evolution, horse's 60 million years ago didn't look like horse's atall....yet they have the same genetic structure as modern day horses do in thier bones.
The bible also have MANY flaws...and the bible is very sexist against women.
Jesus claims he loves MEN...where does he say WOMEN? Nowhere.
The bible says that women was created by a man's rib, when in scientific fact ALL human embryo's are female...they just require an extra chromosome and hormone at a certain stage to make them male.
And the main cause of war is over relgious beleif, how moronic human beings are.
Our fate will be caused by ourselves.
We are all doomed.
But back on the subject...
Dinosaurs and birds.
Carbon dating is the most acurrate system in all existance.
Your 'BIBLE' states that the Earth is just 400 years old, when carbon dating shows it is infact over millions of years old.
Scientists have been reversing the genes in birds to find out more on the dinosaur/bird debate...and results have been amazing!
We now know that T.rex was a scavanger and it's ancestor (the dazpleseosaurus) was a ferocious predator...what made the big carnevoir give up it's hunting in exchange for scraps!?
Genetic mutation is one cause.
Natural selection is the other.
T.rex was more powerful than Daz, it could crush bones more easily.
This was because the herbevoirs had thick hides and defences to cause trouble for carnevoirs to eat the meat.
But the fact is, science is more accurate than the bible, but that doesn't mean science doesn't have it's flaws.
Lots of things go wrong with science, but evolution is one thing that cannot be wrong, as too much evidence backs it up.
Along with the age of the universe. :p
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Patrick on November 25, 2004, 04:14:45 pm
Your 'BIBLE' states that the Earth is just 400 years old, when carbon dating shows it is infact over millions of years old.
Show me the verse in the Bible that says that. As I recall, the Bible never says that.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on November 25, 2004, 04:17:24 pm
Alright, as a Creation Scientist, this is a rather complex explanation, so sorry if I lose some of you...
When solar radiation strikes the earth's atmospher, it converts the stable carbon-12 (found in CO2) into radioactive Carbon-14. Now, Carbon-14 accumulates on all living organisms (dont worry, it's not enough to harm you, and there's nothing you can do about it anyway). So, when an animal dies, the Carbon-14 loses two subatomic particles and is released back into the atmosphere as normal, regular Carbon-12. The half-life of Carbon-14 is 5730 years, which means that, every 5730 years, half the remaining C-14 in the animal body is left. So, every 5730 years the amount of C-14 reduces from 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8 etc. So, the scientists carbon-date a dead animal carcas by measuring how much C-14 is still in the animal and, therefore, how long it's been dead.
The problem is, the magnetic field is decaying around the earth. The earth is covered in a magnetic field, which is STEADILY losing its strength by 1/2 every 1400 years. There are no magnetic reversals--there are only areas of stronger and weaker magnetism. So, if there are no reversals, then we know that the magnetic field has been shrinking at a measurably-stable rate. So, by the half-life of the magnetic field, the magnetic field would have been 320% stronger around 4500 years ago. But the thing is, the magnetic field filters out a lot of radiation (radiation is needed to make C-14). So, if the magnetic field was 320% stronger 4500 years ago, then it would've reflected most of the radiation, and therefore there would have been less C-14 in the atmosphere in ancient times--thus the C-14 in the atmosphere was at an un-measurable increase. Therefore, we cannot accurately Carbon-date ANYTHING because that would be assuming that the magnetic field was ALWAYS at the same strength it is today. For an example of wacky carbon dating rates:
The vollosovich mammoth was carbon-dated at 29000 years old, and the the SAME mammoth was carbon-dated at 44000 years old! Living Seals were carbon-dated as having died 1400 years ago! The shell of a living clam was carbon-dated as having died thousands of years ago! Trust me, if somebody comes up to you and says, "carbon dating proves the earth is millions of years old" they DO NOT know what they're talking about.

As the magnetic field shrinks, the amount of C-14 in the atmosphere increases, so C-14 dating doesnt work like scientists think...
Thus, disproving that fact of the idea of "it took a million years for the earth to be made".  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: SizzlinSean on November 25, 2004, 04:27:42 pm

Carbon dating is the most acurrate system in all existance.
Your 'BIBLE' states that the Earth is just 400 years old, when carbon dating shows it is infact over millions of years old.
Scientists have been reversing the genes in birds to find out more on the dinosaur/bird debate...and results have been amazing!
The Bible does not state that the Earth is 400 years old. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

Carbon dating has be disproved so many times it isn't funny. Its effected by water. Water oxidizes the carbon. Thats why it shows everything to be so old. They performed an experiment where they soaked a bird that a died a week earlier in water. After testing it they found that the bird's age was guessed at around 50,000 years old. So water ages it..... Ever hear of Noah's Ark?  :biggrin:  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 25, 2004, 04:58:27 pm
Can I just pause here and say that a Catholic nun who was the head of a Catholic schools religion department stated that Genesis is MYTH. It is a big story to explain how the earth was created, and is, yes, SYMBOLIC, but is not to be taken WORD FOR WORD. So while God may have created the Earth in Seven days, who's to say HIS version of one day and the HUMAN version of one day is the same?!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on November 25, 2004, 06:14:09 pm
1. (for last post and all others that talk about 'errors in Bible'/'date of earth' crap) Very accurate statement Charlie. I completely agree. That is the way it was taught at 3 different churches i've been to. It makes the most sense. At one church, it was taught that days could have even meant the recreation the universe.
2. (for all teh carbon dating posts) Carbon dating is crap. It is accurate a majority of the time, but otherwise crap. They do more than just 2 carbon datings btw...try about 400.
3. (for ones saying Bible is wrong) Stop trying to disprove the Bible. Nobody could give a flying crap if something was written incorrectly in it. It was taught at my second church that since the Bible was written by man, it could not avoid the feelings/beliefs/lies of man.
4. (the religious battle segment on page 1) I believe personally that it is a weakness to not accept and understand other peoples views while still holding onto your own. You are not perfect and you never will be. Do I hold a grudge against cmonkey for not being Christian? Heck no. Would I instantly convert to his religion if he told me mine had errors in its Holy Book? Heck no. Grow up and learn. As Mortal Combat 3 ROM load-screen taught us all, "Knowlege is nothing without Power"
5. (for almost everything Fredaykin says) You speak with more knowlege than most here. And he's only a Barnacle! GW! Heck, his avatar explains what he's sayin. :P
6. (ones about environmentalism not being a religion) It is...I can't recall the name, but we learned about religions in English class and History class last year and there is one that is purely based off of science. Some1 help me out
7. (the 'they are wrapped up in stories they made up centuries ago' nonsense) You honestly haven't read the Bible in a while. My pastor (and many others probably) relate a story from the Bible EACH SUNDAY to recent times. It honestly isn't that hard to see. You're more blind than that Big Mac you just bought. :P
8. God cannot be 'proven' as you say. He cannot be scientifically proven that he created the universe. He is only proven to the people that believe in him and see the miracles that he does.
9. Charles Darwin said his evolution theory was false on his deathbed for 2 reasons:
             a. Darwin was practically forced to renounce his views based on the environment he lived and grew up in.
             b. His faith was so overcoming that he gave away his life's accomplishment because it went against his religious beliefs.
10. Once again, take almost everything that Fredaykin says seriously. He is very broad-based.

That concludes my walnut. Please excuse me for a chicken wrap!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 25, 2004, 06:39:04 pm

6. (ones about environmentalism not being a religion) It is...I can't recall the name, but we learned about religions in English class and History class last year and there is one that is purely based off of science. Some1 help me out
yep...that religion would indeed be called Scientology....someone was very uncreative when naming it! lol...Tom Cruise is a member of fact, just the other day I was walkin' in this nation's capital and walked past the Scientology place of worship. I spazzed. was above a Tattoo parlor.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: cmonkey on November 25, 2004, 07:38:57 pm
Whoever wrote that rediculous carbon dating theory obviously has no real knowledge of science.  

1. The age of the earth is not determined by carbon dating.  The halflives of uranium isotopes are used, comparing the existance of Lead 206 and 207 isotopes.

2. The magnetic field does not steadily weaken.  The field reverses about every 250,000 years.  It is currently nearing another reversal.  The reversals have been scientifically proven beyond any doubt.  The evidence rests in the magnetism of volcanic rock in the sea floor.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on November 26, 2004, 12:15:45 am
Anyway, I don't want to waste my time discussing this nonsence.
I hope you'll feel happy about what I did this morning (don't want to post it cause it may seem offensive) because of religion.
The main cause of war is over religious beleifes.
Come on humans! Wake up!
Are you so pathetic that you need to beleive in something like that!?
It will just lead you to your doom, science needs to act now before the world kills itself and everything on it.
Humans, the most pathetic and unsuccessive creature on Earth thinks it owns everything.
The only official sucess humans have had is at bringing more pain and suffering apon themselves.
What does this have to do with evolution?
Well, actully it does.
Humans where monkeys back then....and they still behave like them now.
Only now the monkeys can shoot eachother's brains out.
If global warming doesn't finish humanity off....
If the comet that is due to crash into Earth doesn't....
If disease or any other extinction causing natural disaster doesn't...
Then war, over something so useless, certainly will.
No matter how hard humanity will try now, it won't matter anymore....because death is something everything faces.
And it is VERY hard to beleive there is a space filled with infinite human scumbags, above or below the overworld.
And the only reason anyone even beleives in a religion is because they're scared of being alone....well...I have news for you all.
I've been alone for about 15 years.
I may have a family and friends, but I hardly ever talk to them.
I've felt alone for a very very long time and have stuck up to the fact I am was not born to socialise with people, they don't understand me.
And why am I complaining so much?
Because I can.
And I can deny my existance if I wanted to.
This is also why I plan on leaving the forum, there are too many people who can just easily wind me up.
So in short:
1) I hate religion
2) Humanity is doomed no matter what you say
3) Religion is for cowards
4) Humans are still brainless monkeys
5) Im leaving the forums

Well....that sums everything up. Im leaving now.
I bid you all a dark farewell....
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on November 26, 2004, 12:28:05 am dont need to leave if a few people wind you up...just ignore them. Everyone else likes ya
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on November 26, 2004, 07:30:31 am about dark and depressing...I'd go see a therapist...I think that 'Day after Tomorrow' got a bit into your head...
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on November 26, 2004, 11:57:41 am
Quote dont need to leave if a few people wind you up...just ignore them. Everyone else likes ya
 :angry:   TOO LATE FOR ME NOT GETTING WOUNDED UP?!  TOO LATE!  Sure the ape and the humans share some resemblances, so what that doesn't prove ANYTHING!  Religion is not for cowards!  Cowards don't have religiom because htey are afraid of H-E dubble hockey sticks!!!And when the Christ said he loved men, men also includes women!  When he said man does not live by bread alone, that includes all of man-kind!  So your facts are wrong, Mrs. SpongeBob Shrine!!!  I am against change!  Science is well and good but "progress" will destroy us all.  Good old traditions make this world good!  Liberalism has failed IF HISTORY HAS TAUGHT US ANYTHING!  IT'S FAILED!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 26, 2004, 04:58:04 pm
Quote dont need to leave if a few people wind you up...just ignore them. Everyone else likes ya
:angry:   TOO LATE FOR ME NOT GETTING WOUNDED UP?!  TOO LATE!  Sure the ape and the humans share some resemblances, so what that doesn't prove ANYTHING!  Religion is not for cowards!  Cowards don't have religiom because htey are afraid of H-E dubble hockey sticks!!!And when the Christ said he loved men, men also includes women!  When he said man does not live by bread alone, that includes all of man-kind!  So your facts are wrong, Mrs. SpongeBob Shrine!!!  I am against change!  Science is well and good but "progress" will destroy us all.  Good old traditions make this world good!  Liberalism has failed IF HISTORY HAS TAUGHT US ANYTHING!  IT'S FAILED!
Which is why almost half your country wants to move to Canada. Yep. Mmhmmm. Which is also why us Canadians' know how to live peacefully. Yep. You make so much STUPID sense. Holy geez. I'd rather listen to sea shanties than read your pointless flaming.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on November 26, 2004, 05:19:41 pm
Man has always been the way man is today. Those so called 'humanoids' and 'cavemen' where different species of man that died out. We are our own species. We never evolved form fish or monkies. The idea alone is just prepostrious. Just because we are closely related doesn't mean crap. And if we DID evolve from monkies why aren't THEY human too? Perhaps you eevolutionists can explain that?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 26, 2004, 05:26:42 pm
Easily. There were too many monkeys so some monkeys ventured north, or south, or whatever, and in turn began to adapt to their surroundings. It's the exact same reason why grazing animals went into the ocean. THERE WERE TOO MANY OF THEM IN ONE PLACE. So they looked to another place for sustenance, and found it, and adapted to their new way of life.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: SizzlinSean on November 26, 2004, 05:47:32 pm
Easily. There were too many monkeys so some monkeys ventured north, or south, or whatever, and in turn began to adapt to their surroundings. It's the exact same reason why grazing animals went into the ocean. THERE WERE TOO MANY OF THEM IN ONE PLACE. So they looked to another place for sustenance, and found it, and adapted to their new way of life.
But there is a major difference between Macro Evolution (Evolving from another species) and Micro Evolution (Adapting to surroundings). I believe in Micro evolution, but there is no way that we could've evolved from another animal.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 26, 2004, 05:49:22 pm
Uhm....that's what whales did...Whales are just big they look like cows to you now?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on November 26, 2004, 06:21:28 pm
Easily. There were too many monkeys so some monkeys ventured north, or south, or whatever, and in turn began to adapt to their surroundings. It's the exact same reason why grazing animals went into the ocean. THERE WERE TOO MANY OF THEM IN ONE PLACE. So they looked to another place for sustenance, and found it, and adapted to their new way of life.
Nice try, but I am not buying that for one second. Everything should have evolved then. Not just some things and not others. It doesn't make sense.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 26, 2004, 06:27:29 pm
Yes it does. Not ALL of the cows turned into whales because once many died off, and others went to the oceans, there were still some on land, and they had enough food to live. Survival of the fittest. Either you adapt to NEW surroundings, or you adapt to your current surroundings.

What you're saying is that all must change. But I ask you this: If two fancy guppies mate, and have babies, why do only 75 percent turn out to be fancy guppies?! Because not all of them feel it is NECESSARY to survive as some pretty stupid little fish.  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on November 26, 2004, 07:53:56 pm
Quote dont need to leave if a few people wind you up...just ignore them. Everyone else likes ya
:angry:   TOO LATE FOR ME NOT GETTING WOUNDED UP?!  TOO LATE!  Sure the ape and the humans share some resemblances, so what that doesn't prove ANYTHING!  Religion is not for cowards!  Cowards don't have religiom because htey are afraid of H-E dubble hockey sticks!!!And when the Christ said he loved men, men also includes women!  When he said man does not live by bread alone, that includes all of man-kind!  So your facts are wrong, Mrs. SpongeBob Shrine!!!  I am against change!  Science is well and good but "progress" will destroy us all.  Good old traditions make this world good!  Liberalism has failed IF HISTORY HAS TAUGHT US ANYTHING!  IT'S FAILED!
Which is why almost half your country wants to move to Canada. Yep. Mmhmmm. Which is also why us Canadians' know how to live peacefully. Yep. You make so much STUPID sense. Holy geez. I'd rather listen to sea shanties than read your pointless flaming.
Half my country wants to move to Canada over a President THEY elected, than like I said, GO.  I don't need the vermin ruinining my country.  I'll buy the ticket.  If this country were all Republican, it would be a Utopian society.  And if man came from monkey, then how come apes arn't still falling out of trees turining into man?  HUH?  ANSWER THAT
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 26, 2004, 08:13:40 pm
*sigh* MSP...if God created man than how come we're such freaking screw ups?! We're God's creation, we shouldn't be screw ups.

And...uhm...stop calling the US YOUR country. It sure as ::Dolphin Noise:: isn't your country. You may live in it, but you don't own it.

And let's find our definition of Utopia shall we?

u·to·pi·a    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (y-tp-)

often Utopia An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects.
A work of fiction describing a utopia.
An impractical, idealistic scheme for social and political reform.

1. An imaginary island, represented by Sir Thomas More, in a work called Utopia, as enjoying the greatest perfection in politics, laws, and the like. See Utopia, in the Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction.


n 1: a book by Sir Thomas More (1516) describing the perfect society on an imaginary island [syn: Utopia] 2: ideally perfect state; especially in its social and political and moral aspects [ant: dystopia] 3: a work of fiction describing a utopia 4: an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal

I can assure you that the Conservative party is NOT a utopian party. The closest party that could EVER come close to creating a Utopia would be a Communist party, as they are trying to make everything equal for everyone.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on November 27, 2004, 06:26:50 am
Quote dont need to leave if a few people wind you up...just ignore them. Everyone else likes ya
:angry:   TOO LATE FOR ME NOT GETTING WOUNDED UP?!  TOO LATE!  Sure the ape and the humans share some resemblances, so what that doesn't prove ANYTHING!  Religion is not for cowards!  Cowards don't have religiom because htey are afraid of H-E dubble hockey sticks!!!And when the Christ said he loved men, men also includes women!  When he said man does not live by bread alone, that includes all of man-kind!  So your facts are wrong, Mrs. SpongeBob Shrine!!!  I am against change!  Science is well and good but "progress" will destroy us all.  Good old traditions make this world good!  Liberalism has failed IF HISTORY HAS TAUGHT US ANYTHING!  IT'S FAILED!
Which is why almost half your country wants to move to Canada. Yep. Mmhmmm. Which is also why us Canadians' know how to live peacefully. Yep. You make so much STUPID sense. Holy geez. I'd rather listen to sea shanties than read your pointless flaming.
Half my country wants to move to Canada over a President THEY elected, than like I said, GO.  I don't need the vermin ruinining my country.  I'll buy the ticket.  If this country were all Republican, it would be a Utopian society.  And if man came from monkey, then how come apes arn't still falling out of trees turining into man?  HUH?  ANSWER THAT
How many times do I have to post this?

>_> We didn't evolve from monkeys. Monkeys and humans share a common ancestor. One ancient animal evolved, and then half the species evolved into humans and the other half evolved into monkeys.  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on November 27, 2004, 07:22:31 am
Oh no. Who could explain how the first creature became to be?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on November 27, 2004, 08:29:59 am
Oh no. Who could explain how the first creature became to be?
Then how did God come to be?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Patrick on November 27, 2004, 09:29:20 am
*sigh* MSP...if God created man than how come we're such freaking screw ups?! We're God's creation, we shouldn't be screw ups.
If God wanted us to all be good, and not do anything bad etc., we would all be robots. He wanted us to have free will.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on November 27, 2004, 11:13:02 am
Oh no. Who could explain how the first creature became to be?
Then how did God come to be?
God always has been and always will be. How many times must you be told? You just asked the same thing several times before.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on November 27, 2004, 11:27:21 am
Oh no. Who could explain how the first creature became to be?
Then how did God come to be?
God always has been and always will be. How many times must you be told? You just asked the same thing several times before.
Then how do you know the first animals couldn't have always been here?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on November 27, 2004, 12:34:00 pm
Because they need something to create them.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on November 27, 2004, 12:39:19 pm
Because they need something to create them.
Oh, so God can just poof out of nowhere but animals can't? That doesn't make any sense.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Dragon Of Grief on November 27, 2004, 01:38:37 pm
Actually it does. God always has been around. God is forever. God created animals. What part of this aren't you getting?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on November 27, 2004, 01:53:18 pm
Actually it does. God always has been around. God is forever. God created animals. What part of this aren't you getting?
The fact that your main arguement against evolution is where did the animals come from, and it can just as easily be reversed.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on November 27, 2004, 02:41:20 pm
They came from God, there is no natureal evidence, but creation.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Patback399 on November 27, 2004, 05:38:55 pm
Because they need something to create them.
Oh, so God can just poof out of nowhere but animals can't? That doesn't make any sense.
People are so used to things being created that we contrast with God just being there.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on November 29, 2004, 06:05:38 am
There's more evidence against it.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 29, 2004, 06:46:36 am
More evidence against what? Against evolution? Cite this evidence for me, MSP...please, I would like to read it, and then state my rebuttal.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on November 29, 2004, 01:31:22 pm
I would like to randomly point out that the sun created the Earth and the sun was created by a nebula (as we have seen it happen) and nebula's created by dying (or dead) stars.....thats a true form of creation.
Something that dies creates something new.
I was having a random moment, this has no use to the topic...I think...except for proving the true creation of Earth and it's sisters. O_o'
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: oscar_the_grouch on November 29, 2004, 10:16:44 pm
Which is why almost half your country wants to move to Canada. Yep. Mmhmmm. Which is also why us Canadians' know how to live peacefully. Yep. You make so much STUPID sense. Holy geez. I'd rather listen to sea shanties than read your pointless flaming.
Im a proud Canadian :rolleyes:

Because they need something to create them. 

Oh, so God can just poof out of nowhere but animals can't? That doesn't make any sense.  

People are so used to things being created that we contrast with God just being there.

I think IZ has a point... god needed to come from somewhere. if you cant prove it with logic i wont beleive it. you can easily reverse it. how do you not know that animals didnt create god because they wanted a leader? i do live with christian/ "spirtually connected" people and i know an abundance about religon and i dont buy a word of it. i actaully got kicked out of sunday school when i was younger pressing the fact that mary couldnt be a virgin if she had a kid. if god can strike me down, let him act. i havent died yet, and if he is so against people not following him why doesnt he kill the satanics? i know a few and they are full of life. i dont agree with their religon anymore then with anyones else and i disagree that god created everything.

and i was also wondering why cant god be a woman? we give life, so if god is realy why isnt he a woman? if people are all equal why are homosexuals lower then a hetero sexual? im not meaning to anger anyone and say what they beleive in is wrong, but it makes no sense.

Passion rules reason- Terry Goodkind

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on November 30, 2004, 12:04:54 am
That's what Im ticked-off about....why is everything based on MEN in the bible?
Its cause it was written by a man who wanted power....and got it.
Lousy *dolphin sound* !! >_<
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: oscar_the_grouch on November 30, 2004, 04:30:21 pm
yeah i never understood that! why cant god be a woman? i dont beleive in god but id like an answer to that if anyone can give me a good reason. not men are more powerful or anything along that lines. how do you know he is a man?

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 30, 2004, 06:46:04 pm
Hrmmm....the minister at my church is a vegetarian feminist and she says God was female. Hehe.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: SizzlinSean on November 30, 2004, 06:48:38 pm
yeah i never understood that! why cant god be a woman? i dont beleive in god but id like an answer to that if anyone can give me a good reason. not men are more powerful or anything along that lines. how do you know he is a man?

"And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." Genesis 1:5

Just telling you what the Bible says.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 30, 2004, 06:50:46 pm
Sorry buddy, but God didn't write the Bible...the Bible was written
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on November 30, 2004, 06:55:54 pm
I would like to say my opinion about Feminism, and vegetarians, but I am not allowed to say it on this forum.  She said God was a female?  Liberalism is one thing, but that's just ridiculous!  That exceeds the boundries enough possibly to even sicken moderate Liberals!  Religion is true and nothing CharlizFallenAngle can say can disprove it.  You Liberals made it so that Jesus said "One does not live by bread alone."  That is distorting the quote.  He said "Man doesn't live..."etc .  Man means man-kind.  I am so sick of femminists with their no respect for the right to life of the unborn and other things I'm not allowed to say.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 30, 2004, 07:55:05 pm
And Duper, I'm so sick of men who think they can control women. You seem to be growing up into one of them. God is NOT male...he is NOT female...he is NEITHER, so shut up.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on November 30, 2004, 07:56:45 pm
1. God the Father is referred many many times in the Bible with the pro-noun 'he'
2. JESUS CHRIST is God.  I do believe He was a male.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 30, 2004, 07:59:27 pm
Jesus Christ is NOT God...he is God's SON. Holy geez...learn your fricking Bible. And let's need a those times, while MEN were the ones overpowering the women, you'd think they'd write He instead of She or It...just to put another one over the women..DUH.
Nobody has met God, so you don't know what gender God is.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on November 30, 2004, 08:06:58 pm
WHAT THE...Did you just say Jesus Christ was not God?  I thought you went to Catholic School!  The Holy Trinity  means that God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost are all one in the same.  There is one God, not 3!  Maybe if you learned about religion, you wouldn't be so hostile torwards it.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on November 30, 2004, 08:08:27 pm
No...I am hostile toward YOU not religion you idiot.
I accept other people's religions...I just can not accept a person who can not accept mine. Again. Shut up.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: oscar_the_grouch on November 30, 2004, 10:00:32 pm
No...I am hostile toward YOU not religion you idiot.
I accept other people's religions...I just can not accept a person who can not accept mine. Again. Shut up.

said it like it is :excl:

anyways MiraclrPlz whats wrong with feminists? they just feel very strongly about female rights. they have the same passion towards there cause as you do towards your god. and again vegitarians choose to be that way and it doesnt effect you in anyway shape or form. dont blow up when contributing to a topic about god. some people dont beleive, others do. if you give your opinion in a debate you have to expect different opinions too. you may think god is a man, others may think shes a woman, an it, or even an animal, or just might not beleive at all. that is their choice and not everyone's religon is based on the one you beleive in. they might have a complelty different bible that says god is different then the one you have put your faith in. is that to say they are wrong? everyone always thinks they are right and that is that. i always think im right and i am normally wrong. to be honest i think atleast 70% of the time i am wrong. so peace, and i admire how passionate you are about your god and ready to stick up for HIM then again back to feminists they are just sticking up for what they beleive in :excl:

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 01, 2004, 12:09:06 am
Thats alot of awsome stuff you just said there oscar_the_grouch! XD
My only the godfather...that movie so rocks. lol.
Seriously though, my only god is the SUN.
Since facts show it created the Earth and it's family, we girls do the same.
Create families and hold them together, and it seems men don't care about that. ;_;
Im so glad I ain't getting married or having kids.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 01, 2004, 06:22:21 am
Okay the sun created the Earth.  But what created that sun?  That is crazy to say there was no original creator.  It makes very little-no sence.  No, not even little.  NO sence.  
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 01, 2004, 07:24:31 am makes no sense in YOUR eyes. It may make absolutely erfect sense to them, and myself. It depends on your mindframe. And from what I can tell of you, your mind frame is "I'M RIGHT AND YOUR WRONG EVEN WHEN YOU DISPROVE ME."
Let's admit it, MSP, you do that. If someone disproves your facts, you start swearing and complaining and making less and less sense.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 01, 2004, 07:42:36 am
The SUN was created by A NEBULA...and a NEBULA by a once proud and mighty star....but the first nebula was created durin THE BIG BANG.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: oscar_the_grouch on December 01, 2004, 12:35:30 pm
Thats alot of awsome stuff you just said there oscar_the_grouch! XD

Thank-you :excl:

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Starr2k3 on December 02, 2004, 03:33:13 pm
Okay the sun created the Earth.  But what created that sun?  That is crazy to say there was no original creator.  It makes very little-no sence.  No, not even little.  NO sence.
Okay. God created the earth. Who created god?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: SpongeBrain on December 02, 2004, 04:05:42 pm
...Leave us alone MSP.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 03, 2004, 12:04:44 am
If GOD created the earth, then who created him?
Did he just appear from nowhere!?
And what about other alien races!?
Is god a human!?
If so you speak such rubbish, there ARE other lifeforms in the universe.
They may not have a GOD because they beleive there is intelligent...yes...intelligent life in the universe.
Sadly they won't find any intelligent life on this planet, they would have to try really hard to find anything. -_-
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on December 03, 2004, 03:39:47 am
The SUN was created by A NEBULA...and a NEBULA by a once proud and mighty star....but the first nebula was created durin THE BIG BANG.
Ok, sounds good. But what if God started the Big Bang?
First of all, God has been said in the Bible to be "incomprehensible" and "above all". Would that not imply/entail humans and other life forms not being able to understand 'where He came from'/'how He was created'? God revealed himself to many people through Jesus, and then they were able to understand a bit of what God was about.
i havent died yet, and if he is so against people not following him why doesnt he kill the satanics
^from oscar
I know you've said alot of good stuff in the last few posts oscar, but crap, that was the worst there. If you ever read the Bible again, God does not destroy people who are against his teachings for hope that they will be saved by the teachings of Christ.

2nd, this feminine nonsense and (oh my gosh...grow up) 'racism' to vegetarians is...well, I can't think of a word for it yet, but it'll come soon. Whomever said it was right. We do not know what God looks like. It was generally implied, however, that because humankind was created in the image of God that he was a man (completely wrong). Ever see the movie Dogma(rated R)? It has Silent Bob in it too. Go rent it now. And this vegitarian bull (haha..I made a funny :P). Let them be. Why critisize what they think is right when it involves personal beliefs. I've almost come to the point that I think this topic should be deleted because it's so full (and was started by) complete rubbish posts. Once again I will say I have no reason to disprove anyone's religious or social standards. If they go to a satanic religion, that means that nobody 'either tried to reel them towards God' or 'their attempts weren't fruitful'.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 05, 2004, 12:55:19 pm
lol, I remember being on another forum and I had a huge debate with a kid who claimed GOD started the big bang...then everyone ganged up on him and he exposed that he wasn't actualy the age he was...he was just 7 years old. XD
The fact is, sometimes topics like this can be funny, as they speak such strange stuff and more stuff that is freaky. lol.
I don't care what happens to this topic, but one things for sure, there was ALOT of rubbish yelled at us. XD
*feels comical right now*
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: spongehead 32 on December 05, 2004, 01:58:16 pm
I havent read the intire topic

I am comenting on what MSP said at the start

the theory u have just discribed MSP dose exsist

though I cant exactly remember the name

its in my RE book but thats at school

but it dose exsist

u are saying that the universe, the earth and everything around us is much to complecated to have apeared by chance

u are saying that if u find a watch in the middle of the feild there must have been a creator because it is so purpouse full

but there is one thing u forget to mention which compleatly destroys this theory

if the universe did have a creator there must have been a reason for the universe, a purpouse for it, for if the universe had a creator there must have been a reason for its creation

as for ur evelotion speech theres another thing u forget

ofcourse a watch wont become a watch again no matter how long u wait

but u dont take a human apart and leave one alone for a long time for it to eveolve, what happenes is that they breed, breeding causes manything to happen, and creates an almost exact repleca of the parent, but since there are two parents the repleca cant realy be extreamly the same, thats how evelotion works

theres only one tiny change with each genoration and they are so small that they go by un noticed, and it dose work wtih watched

though watches dont breed the creators make each one diferent, and from sand timers watches have evolved other the years to clockwork, and then digital,

and please not I am just commenting on what MSP said at the begining of the topic so if this was said befor then I apologies

please tell me what u think about my argument and if I should try out for debating at my school
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 05, 2004, 06:56:22 pm
Okay the sun created the Earth.  But what created that sun?  That is crazy to say there was no original creator.  It makes very little-no sence.  No, not even little.  NO sence.
Okay. God created the earth. Who created god?
Nothing created God.  He always was and always will be!  *mutters to self....* READ THE BIBLE!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: One time thing on December 05, 2004, 07:00:53 pm
Jew here... No bible reading for me.

[stupidity] My sister is an evolution, she doesn't have wisdom teeth, from a line of getting them pulled. I might not either *goes to get x-ray*[/stupidity]
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 05, 2004, 07:10:35 pm
[stupidity] My sister is an evolution, she doesn't have wisdom teeth, from a line of getting them pulled. I might not either *goes to get x-ray*[/stupidity]
That makes PERFECT sense!! I myself have no wisdom teeth, but my brother had to get them pulled. Why? Well, because I'm the younger child and I am a much better fit person in this world. BAH!!!!
Did you know that humans used to be so short? Hrmmm.....
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 06, 2004, 12:10:26 am
no bible reading for me...I just enjoy burning things....and books are one of them. XD
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on December 06, 2004, 03:16:41 am
Okay the sun created the Earth.  But what created that sun?  That is crazy to say there was no original creator.  It makes very little-no sence.  No, not even little.  NO sence.
Okay. God created the earth. Who created god?
Nothing created God.  He always was and always will be!  *mutters to self....* READ THE BIBLE!
God was created somehow it just doesn't say in the Bible
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on December 06, 2004, 03:18:23 am
Burning things is also one of my nightly chores. About 2 weeks ago, my Boy Scout troop (but mainly me) burned over 200lbs of dishonorable flags (seeing that we are allowed to by gov't law). It was fun cause we used soooo much diesel that it when we lit it, it sounded like some1 lit a billion fireworks (or maybe cause I threw a few into the flag pile).

btw, I already talked about God being uncomprehendible, so wouldn't it make sense if his creation was also the same (looks for the easy way out :P )
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on December 06, 2004, 03:23:19 am
God by definition is the uncreated creator of the universe, so the question "Who created God?" is illogical

-The universe (including time itself) can be shown to have a beginning.
-It is unreasonable to believe something could begin to exist without a cause.
-The universe therefore requires a cause, just as Genesis 1:1 and Romans 1:20 teach.
-God, as creator of time, is outside of time. Since therefore He has no beginning in time, He has always existed
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 06, 2004, 06:00:46 am
He was not created no how.  He just always existed.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 06, 2004, 06:28:44 am
Here are some essays proving something to you creationists: (

Heck..I'll even post the other one so you don't gotta click on a link: (
The Short Proof of Evolution
Ian Johnston

[This document is in the public domain and may be used, in whole or in part, without charge and without permission, by anyone, provided the source is acknowledged.  Last revised in July 2001]

We live, we are constantly told, in a scientific age. We look to science to help us achieve the good life, to solve our problems (especially our medical aches and pains), and to tell us about the world. A great deal of our education system, particularly the post-secondary curriculum, is organized as science or social science. And yet, curiously enough, there is one major scientific truth which vast numbers of people refuse to accept (by some news accounts a majority of people in North America)--the fact of evolution. Yet it is as plain as plain can be that the scientific truth of evolution is so overwhelmingly established, that it is virtually impossible to refute within the bounds of reason. No major scientific truth, in fact, is easier to present, explain, and defend.

Before demonstrating this claim, let me make it clear what I mean by evolution, since there often is some confusion about the term. By evolution I mean, very simply, the development of animal and plant species out of other species not at all like them, for example, the process by which, say, a species of fish gets transformed (or evolves) through various stages into a cow, a kangaroo, or an eagle. This definition, it should be noted, makes no claims about how the process might occur, and thus it certainly does not equate the concept of evolution with Darwinian Natural Selection, as so many people seem to do. It simply defines the term by its effects (not by how those effects are produced, which could well be the subject of another argument).

The first step in demonstrating the truth of evolution is to make the claim that all living creatures must have a living parent. This point has been overwhelmingly established in the past century and a half, ever since the French scientist Louis Pasteur demonstrated how fermentation took place and thus laid to rest centuries of stories about beetles arising spontaneously out of dung or gut worms being miraculously produced from non-living material. There is absolutely no evidence for this ancient belief. Living creatures must come from other living creatures. It does no damage to this point to claim that life must have had some origin way back in time, perhaps in a chemical reaction of inorganic materials (in some primordial soup) or in some invasion from outer space. That may well be true. But what is clear is that any such origin for living things or living material must result in a very simple organism. There is no evidence whatsoever (except in science fiction like Frankenstein) that inorganic chemical processes can produce complex, multi-cellular living creatures (the recent experiments cloning sheep, of course, are based on living tissue from other sheep).

The second important point in the case for evolution is that some living creatures are very different from some others. This, I take it, is self-evident. Let me cite a common example: many animals have what we call an internal skeletal structure featuring a backbone and skull. We call these animals vertebrates. Most animals do not have these features (we call them invertebrates). The distinction between vertebrates and invertebrates is something no one who cares to look at samples of both can reasonably deny, and, so far as I am aware, no one hostile to evolution has ever denied a fact so apparent to anyone who observes the world for a few moments.

The final point in the case for evolution is this: simple animals and plants existed on earth long before more complex ones (invertebrate animals, for example, were around for a very long time before there were any vertebrates). Here again, the evidence from fossils is overwhelming. In the deepest rock layers, there are no signs of life. The first fossil remains are of very simple living things. As the strata get more recent, the variety and complexity of life increase (although not at a uniform rate). In all the countless geological excavations and inspections (for example, of the Grand Canyon), no one has ever come up with a genuine fossil remnant which goes against this general principle (and it would only take one genuine find to overturn this principle).

Well, if we put these three points together, the case for evolution is air tight. If all living creatures must have a living parent, if living creatures are different, and if simpler forms were around before the more complex forms, then the more complex forms must have come from the simpler forms (e.g., vertebrates from invertebrates). There is simply no other way of dealing reasonably with the evidence we have. Of course, one might deny (as some do) that the layers of the earth represent a succession of very lengthy epochs and claim, for example, that the Grand Canyon was created in a matter of days, but this surely violates scientific observation as much as does the claim that, say, vertebrates just, well, appeared one day out of a spontaneous combination of chemicals.

To make the claim for the truth of evolution in this way is to assert nothing about how it might occur. Darwin provides one answer (through natural selection), but others have been suggested, too (including some which see a divine agency at work in the transforming process). The above argument is intended, however, to demonstrate that the general principle of evolution is, given the scientific evidence, logically unassailable and that, thus, the concept is a law of nature as truly established as is, say, gravitation. To deny evolution (as defined here) is on the same level of logic as to deny the fact that if someone jumps off the balcony of a high rise apartment and carries no special apparatus, she will fall towards the ground. That scientific certainty makes the widespread rejection of evolution in our modern age something of a puzzle (but that's a subject for another essay).  In a modern liberal democracy, of course, one is perfectly free to reject that conclusion, but one is not legitimately able to claim that such a rejection is a reasonable scientific stance.

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 06, 2004, 07:37:39 pm
The world is ony 6,000 ear old  No scenc candetermin how oldthe earth is.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 07, 2004, 12:15:25 am
MP, don't babble like an idiot, check your spelling and grammar. -_-
And in other information, the world is over 4 billion years old, the age of rocks is undeniable, as they have been around longer than any human beings.
The oldest animal on land dated back 200 million years ago.
The oldest single cell organism in the sea dated back 400 million years ago.
We know this from fossils.
Fossils where once animals and every living thing contains carbon.
We test how long it has taken for the carbon to decay in the fossil (not as in rot, but as in dissapear) and this is called carbon dating.
And everything actualy contains evil, nothing is pure good except newborn babies, like we're being evil now, arguing amongst eachother for what reason?
To disprove something that cannot be disproved.
And to try and prove something that can hardly be proven.
The bible could have easily just been written by a guy who wanted power over a group of people, and by saying that his book is the truth would get all the attention he needed.
I could just as easily write a big book now and claim it is a religion, and people would beleive it, because they need to beleive in something easier for them to understand as science is just too complicated for normal human brains to take in.
It's a good thing I just mentioned and read all this on evolution, since I have an exam on it today, my kai it's going to be easy.
And if GOD had just turned up out of nowhere then doesn't that mean we can too?
The universe is a big, big, big, big, big, big, big.ect place!
We have been gazing at the stars for centuries trying to find answers, but right now we have only found the universe.
Maybe...someday...we will find the truth.
Was life created by a GOD....or....did they just happen to be lucky and appear?
That question, at the moment in fact, is pointing at life being lucky and appearing.
We got lucky, but now it has run out, we need to reverse the genes of birds to see if dinosaurs actualy evolved!
And right now they are trying this, it will take another 50 years to finish this, but it will be worth it.
I like dinosaurs, they're funny. XD
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on December 07, 2004, 03:10:53 am
hey Charliez, just for future reference...I think that the person who wrote that essay you pasted in this forum is beyond idiotic. They gave us 3 weak points as to why evolution is the way, then said something that was like "we now how lots of rock solid evidence" toward the last paragraph.

*punches Ian Johnston in the face and various other places*

Sarah makes the point that this topic might as well be never-ending as we cannot find the answer.

btw, sarah, they have looked at the genes of animals and traced em CHICKEN!....yummy yummy barbeque CHICKEN! YAY!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 07, 2004, 06:37:42 am
Okay....vultureman....what had that ANYTHING to do with this stated you thought someone was wrong, gave NO proof and then said something about barbeque chicken. Yep. That is VERY intelligent.

Sarah DOES have a point about God just being. How can God just be, if nothing else can?! I I am...I have a conscious...I don't remember not ever having one...maybe I have always BEEN. Maybe I'm God!! BAHAHA!!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 07, 2004, 06:40:59 am
You're all saying this junk and expect me to accept your ridiculous opinion?  That'll never EVER happen.  I don't believe in EVOLUTION.  It is not a proven fact! >_>
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 07, 2004, 06:59:30 am
lol, Broly is the god of destruction! XD just kidding!

I passed that exam with flying colours today, because I revised everything just by reading this topic.
Life must have meaning, otherwise it would be useless to exist.
My theory is that the meaning of life is to live it up, enjoy it and make the most of it, before you lose it forever.
This topic is not going to end until one of the oppositions brings up undeniable proof.
A book is not good enough.
And neither is an essay.
My words are not enough, we cannot define the meaning of life or why we exist by paper.
We need to stop, think for a moment and then act.
Not just act immidiatly without thinking *glares at some people* ...of a logical or at least understandable manner, some people here don't understand certain things as easily as others, and we need to learn that.
Science is something based around facts, whilst religion is all based around faith.
What is faith?
What are facts?
Faith: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
EXAMPLE: keeping faith with one's supporters.

Facts: Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed. A real occurrence; an event.
EXAMPLE: Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact.

Taken clearly from the dictionary, the one thing that explains all...and is there for those who want to speak english...not babble like idiots.
We must learn now that evolution has undeniable proof, backed heavily by scientific facts.
But some people just don't want to accept the facts, some people just want to stick to what they want to know.
It's like playing a game, you either like playing it or don't and in some occasions you can get hurt by the opposition.
Meaning that we can say our 'facts' and our 'faithful' beleifs, but remember, watch what you say, some people may be hurt by it.
It's like me just saying 'BUSH IS LAME', well...what about the people who like bush? (im from the UK, so I personally don't care)
But the truth is, Evolution is a change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
Man...that was alot of words in my mouth. WHy didn't I write this down for the exam!? >_<''
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on December 07, 2004, 12:21:54 pm
Okay....vultureman....what had that ANYTHING to do with this stated you thought someone was wrong, gave NO proof and then said something about barbeque chicken. Yep. That is VERY intelligent.

Sarah DOES have a point about God just being. How can God just be, if nothing else can?! I I am...I have a conscious...I don't remember not ever having one...maybe I have always BEEN. Maybe I'm God!! BAHAHA!!
Okay....Charliez Fallen Angel....what do you not understand?
I said "They gave us 3 weak points as to why evolution is the way, then said something that was like 'we now how lots of rock solid evidence' toward the last paragraph.".
My proof that the paper was complete rubbish was that their points in each papagraph were weak and unexamined and that they tried to finish it off by saying that it was 'rock solid evidence'. The kid who obviously wrote this paper must have been in 6th grade and doing it 20 minutes before the paper was due.

My statement about chicken was intelligent. I stated that scientists have pretty much got it down as to how chickens evolved from dinosaurs in response to Sarah's statement from before. It was in everyone's science books in 7th grade. The barbeque part was just there because I was hungry and felt like being a bit stupid. Honestly, lighten up. It didn't need to be intelligent to be better than your ramblings most of the time.

You are not God. Please realize that. Your statements are so full of lies that I might as well call you satan.

Sarah: your post is fairly  :P ... ex. I had faith that 20 people would show up for my Eagle scout project. I didn't know how many would come, but I had faith in my friends that they would come. I got a turnout of 22. The fact is that I got 22. My point is that if we have a little faith, maybe the facts will come to us easier.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 07, 2004, 04:50:56 pm

Okay....Charliez Fallen Angel....what do you not understand?
I said "They gave us 3 weak points as to why evolution is the way, then said something that was like 'we now how lots of rock solid evidence' toward the last paragraph.".
My proof that the paper was complete rubbish was that their points in each papagraph were weak and unexamined and that they tried to finish it off by saying that it was 'rock solid evidence'. The kid who obviously wrote this paper must have been in 6th grade and doing it 20 minutes before the paper was due.

 Honestly, lighten up. It didn't need to be intelligent to be better than your ramblings most of the time.

You are not God. Please realize that. Your statements are so full of lies that I might as well call you satan.

Saying that his arguments are weak does not give me proof as to WHY they are weak. And this is a debate den, you are SUPPOSED to act intelligently in here. ANd oh yes, I lie...I so definitely am the devil...OMG!! I'm the Antichrist!! Wait...have I said that I'm Jesus? No? Then I can't be the Antichrist. And I never said I was God...the Earth is God. Deal with killing your God while I try and save God's creations.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 07, 2004, 11:58:11 pm
We are going to keep moving in circles in this debate, it will soon start again, it is innevitable.
Please, people, don't argue...
If you MUST argue then PM eachother.
I shall wait for the next post before I begin my rubbish stuff again. -_-
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 08, 2004, 06:28:57 am
Alot of people saw Christ after His ressurection.  That is proof.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on December 08, 2004, 06:38:16 am
Alot of people saw Christ after His ressurection.  That is proof.
Yes but thats what the Bible says. It's not necessarily true
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 08, 2004, 06:45:37 am
So many people saw Him.  Why isn't that in History books?  How do we know Alexander the Great existed?  Eye witnesses.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 08, 2004, 06:48:55 am
You're basing all your facts around ONE book MP, when all of us are giving more than one source for facts on evolution.
You need to think of a better way to actualy prove your facts are true, because the book is not enough.
If all your hopes rest on one thing, you can become greatly dissapointed when you lose it.
Variaty, people, use more than one source to gather information.
I've used 3 so far: a dictionary, science book and theological texts.
Every text says the same thing.
That faith has no material proof, when facts do.
So facts, give me some MP, I need to see some cold hard facts before I even come close to a real debate with you.
So, throw all those facts at me, and I'll know if they're all from the same thing....and if they are it means you're not even trying.
And if you don't try, you're not having a real debate.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on December 08, 2004, 06:53:09 am
So many people saw Him.  Why isn't that in History books?  How do we know Alexander the Great existed?  Eye witnesses.
The reason it's not in history books, in my opinion, is because of religion issues with government/states
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 08, 2004, 07:06:21 am
So many people saw Him.  Why isn't that in History books?  How do we know Alexander the Great existed?  Eye witnesses.
It's because anyone could have easily just said "I SAW GOD!" and they would have been beleived...that's because LIE TESTERS where not invented then. -_-
I could just easily say "I SAW GOD!" and people would ask me questions about it and expect my answers to be the truth, when I am infact making it up.
Also, drugs make people SEE THINGS.
The writers of the bible could have taken drugs for all we know, hellusinated the whole thing, then before they knew it the people of Earth where brainwashed into the book they made from just having fun.
And we need pure facts from you MP, not just that book, it doesn't even make logical sence.
When adam and eve died, their sons where the only ones left.....the line had ended!
No further reproduction could take place.
Marie had a son and yet she was still a virgin.
Hello!? She had sex, so she ain't no virgin.
If Jesus was so powerful and special, why was he murdered?
If GOD was so kind, why are innocent children starving!?
If GOD was so kind, why are so many innocent people being killed!?
If GOD was so kind, why is the world so full of rubbish!?
Tell me that!
It aggrivates me sometimes, at how such a stupid story, written by people who where likely to be on drugs, can cause so much pain and ruin the world.
WAR is mainly over religious beleifs, you may think it's all for money and power, but isn't religion a power itself!?
Give me facts as to why the bible has ruined so many lives, even those who beleive/d in it.
Tell me why, tell me.
I won't accept anything until logical answers are given, not just typical rubbish as in 'it's what GOD wanted'....
If he is so kind....why does he let all this happen to innocent lives!?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 08, 2004, 07:36:34 am
Sarah has many good answers, and I've actually asked the minister at my Church some of these. What did she say? She said humans can only speculate. Therefore there are no valid answers to your questions. Which is unfortunate I suppose. People like myself need PROOF of something, so it's very hard for me to believe in this God Christians believe in.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 08, 2004, 08:36:25 am
yes, how very, it's funny CFA, I had an idea the very minute I read your post.
I should make a sign outside saying 'no Jehovah's witnesses, no political advisers, no rubbish what-so-ever.'
lol, they wouldn't read the sign, they are blinded by such idiocity that they think we will convert....just like in the chronicles of riddick, they just want to rule the world do these religious people. XD

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Frodo4president on December 08, 2004, 09:38:35 am
In middle earth...there is no bible! You sail into the west!
'Sides...evolution is undeniable, it is impossible to disprove it.

PS. Vote for me.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 09, 2004, 02:20:37 am
MP, you must learn now that the bible has no logic, no science and no facts what so ever in it.
The bible is more like a fiction book than anything else, just a story to tell little kids, not something to take seriously.
If GOD said jump off a cliff, would you?
If GOD said murder an innocent child, would you?
If GOD said burn all non-beleivers, even your friends, would you?
Sometimes, when we get so alone, we can hear voices in our heads and beleive they are a special being, when it just shows we're going insane.
I heard voices, but I don't listen to em.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on December 09, 2004, 03:19:44 am
In response to Sarah's last 2 posts:
When adam and eve died, their sons where the only ones left.....the line had ended! - I need to grab a bible for this one...bbl with answer

Marie had a son and yet she was still a virgin. - God impregnated her...exact words were something like "he seeded her"

If Jesus was so powerful and special, why was he murdered? - They say the answer to this one every sunday. He died to forgive our sins, so that we may eventually (and hopefully) find our way to heaven.

If GOD was so kind, why are innocent children starving!?
If GOD was so kind, why are so many innocent people being killed!?
If GOD was so kind, why is the world so full of rubbish!?

(last 3 questions) Ya know there's a thing called Satan, too? :P

Good questions. Go ask your local Christian or Catholic pastor those questions. I'll try and answer as many as I can. I also believe that there are more books than just the Bible that contain stories of Jesus. I'll get back to you on that one too.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 09, 2004, 04:06:40 am
God impregnated her...exact words were something like "he seeded her"

Poor, poor woman. *shakes head in pity*

Go ask your local Christian or Catholic pastor those questions. I'll try and answer as many as I can.

*shakes head again in disbeleif* Never ask me to go talk to a local christian, please, it's not easy. XD
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 09, 2004, 05:04:07 am
The local Christians say that you can only speculate because no one really understands God's agenda.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 09, 2004, 05:34:05 am
what I don't understand is WHY GOD is suck a loser. -_-
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Frodo4president on December 09, 2004, 06:18:36 am
what I don't understand is WHY GOD is suck a loser. -_-

Simple, he made everything, therefore he had to have made himself a loser- therefore he is.

Well, if there is a god then where the heck did he come from if he didn't make himself???? Now THAT is weired....hhhmmm? Doesn't everything start somewhere? I mean, the Bible started somewhere... even what it states about Adam and Eve... they started somewhere.. So where the*Don't try to bypass the word filter* did God come from? Another God made him?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 09, 2004, 10:08:33 am
Don't bother asking that question F4P, you'll get the same, unlogical and unproved answer of 'he's always been there'.
If he's always been there, then I have, then you have because it makes NO logical sence of someone just appearing from nowhere and nothing else doing the same.
Face it people, we got lucky with life....and now...heh...we're wasting it arguing over it.
So much pity over so much trash. Tisk tisk. *shakes head*
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 09, 2004, 08:01:21 pm
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 09, 2004, 08:15:00 pm
Uhm...MSP...I won't mock you if you won't mock me...course, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon eh?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 09, 2004, 08:23:56 pm
There ALWAYS was and ALWAYS will be a God.  Case-closed.  The Human Mind can NOT concieve the answer.  Don't try.  Maybe someday a theologian can come along and explain it.  That has yet to happen.  Also, the Holy Trinity.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all ONE God.  Hard comprehend, but you just have to believe it.  Please CharlizFallenAngles, don't let some Liberal Nun take your faith away.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 09, 2004, 08:29:15 pm
Excuse me MSP? Do you mind not trying to tell me to become a freaking christian? I hate Christianity for it's VIOLENCE. Christianity is the cruelest religion of them all. No other religion can compare to how many holy wars that christians have fought. Oh and let's not forget that I DONT AGREE WITH CONVERTING PEOPLE WITHOUT THEY"RE OWN CONSENT!! So while a bunch of nuns go to some godforsaken place in Africa, saying they're helping a tribe of people to live, instead they are taking from them their simple nature gods and forcing an all mighty god they've never heard of upon them. THAT I don't agree with. I do NOT believe humans are made in God's image, otherwise God must be a snotfaced little prick.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on December 09, 2004, 08:36:14 pm
If humans were God' perfect beings, he was WAY off.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: SizzlinSean on December 09, 2004, 09:19:34 pm
They aren't perfect. They were originally perfect, but through Adam's sin, they became unperfect.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 09, 2004, 11:51:51 pm
NOTHING is perfect, nothing ever was, and nothing ever will. It is innevitable.
And don't type in caps MP, it's so immature. -_-
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Frodo4president on December 10, 2004, 08:00:43 am
I agree! I think perfection has its own ways through different people. Example.
PERSON 1: That boiled egg was perfect!
PERSON 2: nAAAH, it was alright..

So "God's" view on perfection is his own, not ours, and as he gave us the freedom to think for ourselves then his view on perfection is mearly an opinion and not a fact. And if you think that "God's" view on perfection is unquestionable then I think you need to find another faith, perhaps one that isn't in the form of a dictatorship.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 11, 2004, 06:54:57 pm
:blink:  :biggrin: Most violent religion of all? :bawls over laughing.:  Sure.  THat's why Christians convert people with a Cross and a Bible.  Muslims convert people with a sword and a Quar'an.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on December 11, 2004, 06:55:55 pm
Evolution is fake can organisms change?! There's no proof! Big bombshell!  :cool:
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 11, 2004, 07:15:11 pm
:blink:  :biggrin: Most violent religion of all? :bawls over laughing.:  Sure.  THat's why Christians convert people with a Cross and a Bible.  Muslims convert people with a sword and a Quar'an.

MSP, I'm afraid you haven't studied religion at all. Christianity has had the most CRUSADES for religion. Best part of these crusades? They were killing each other! BAHAHA!!! Not to mention Christians went to other countries and slaughtered the people. For what? For God of course! Take a class on religion...I was forced to take...FOUR. I know a lot more than you think.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 12, 2004, 10:09:26 am
1) MP and CFA, all forms of religion have some form of violence in it.
2) S_S_S, proof exists, in you, in the ground, in every living thing.
3) Religion is made by human faith, evolution is made by natural proof.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on December 12, 2004, 03:31:14 pm
2) S_S_S, proof exists, in you, in the ground, in every living thing.

Wrong, there IS NO proof. There hasn't and NEVER WILL.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: GIR on December 12, 2004, 03:52:25 pm
NOTHING is perfect, nothing ever was, and nothing ever will. It is innevitable.
And don't type in caps MP, it's so immature. -_-
DICTATORSHIP!!!!! were the ones getting dictated!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 12, 2004, 08:17:35 pm
CFA the crusades were about the Catholic Church reclaming the Holy City from the Muslims.  Why should the Holy City be controlled by they who pulled down that giant cross and smashed it?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on December 12, 2004, 08:21:30 pm
CFA the crusades were about the Catholic Church reclaming the Holy City from the Muslims.  Why should the Holy City be controlled by they who pulled down that giant cross and smashed it?

So? If you listened to what God said, you wouldn't kill ANYONE.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: AppleNick on December 12, 2004, 09:12:23 pm
Evolution is fake can organisms change?! There's no proof! Big bombshell!  :cool:

You obviously haven't learned about evolution in school. :ph34r:
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 12, 2004, 11:57:42 pm
exactly, applenick, these accusers of evolution being fake have not studied it in school...even if they had they wouldn't have listened to it because it is infact the truth.
Humans never want to hear the truth, that's why we're all filled with stinky lies! *gollum! Gollum!*
lol, there 'truth' is on paper, when ours is in solid rock, humans, animals and the planet itself.
We have more proof than any religion has.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 14, 2004, 06:51:13 am
You people just like it because it defies religion.  That is bullflip (I wanna say it but i can't say it) that Evolution is a "proven fact" just so long as it craps on religion it's okay by you God fearers.  And nothing you can possibly say will make me believe otherwise.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 14, 2004, 07:12:55 am
me? Fear god?
A being who can do nothing?
A being who is nowhere near as supieror as life itself?
I don't fear him, I pity those who follow him.
IF I ever met GOD, I would tell him how bad at his job he is.
I would tell him to destroy all life, and not create anything again.
Because I have seen life behind eyes unclouded, it is full of death, pity and regret.
Nothing good lies ahead in the future, everything good was discarded in the past...
Why did we give up TRUE freedom for intelligence?
Intelligence, that doesn't even work?
If humans are so smart, why are we so stupid?
It's too bad, that something can't just wipe humanity out right now...
Maybe then the universe would be a better place for those who are not polluted by our stupidity.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 14, 2004, 09:44:06 am
MSP, I love the way you assume that people who are not very religious FEAR God. I myself, am just the opposite. How many times have I stated on this board and another, that I believe the Earth is God? I do not fear God, because God is evolution. God is the ground we walk on. God is the whales in the oceans, the birds in the sky, and the deer in the forest. God is crying. Everytime I go for a walk and see a frog, with three regular legs and one deformed leg, I can hear God crying. Everytime I see a man boasting about how many deer he shot for fun, I hear God crying. Everytime someone says something in the name of God, I hear God crying, because it is not what God wants. This is MY God, MSP. You can't change that. Even if I DO believe in God, that doesn't mean I believe the same things you do. In all, in the end, all Gods amount to the same thing. The same rules. Don't kill others, don't steal, love others. Therefore, God has opened MY eyes and shown me evolution, and I BELIEVE God. I have faith that God showed me the truth.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 14, 2004, 11:35:40 am
planet earth was alive, and now it is dead.
Dead in disbeleif, at how many people forget it was what looked after us and still is.
Earth is our mother and father, the sun is the earth mother and father...the fellow planets are it's brothers and sisters.
They live together, why can't we?
That was pointless, but CFA, your GOD is better than any other GOD I've heard of, for one it doesn't involve violence, just protection.
Protection from a force that can cause great damage.
A force I cannot name, for I have yet to find a name for it.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 14, 2004, 02:29:00 pm
The force is called humanity. At least in my own opinion. I have this hatred for the human race, so technically, indeed, I do hate myself in that extent. Humans try to pretend they show compassion, but I have yet to meet ONE human being that is truly compassionate.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on December 14, 2004, 03:44:38 pm
Truly compassionate eh? Try my college. There some girls in some of my classes that are WAY TOO COMPASSIONATE
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on December 14, 2004, 05:21:20 pm
Evolution is fake can organisms change?! There's no proof! Big bombshell!  :cool:

You obviously haven't learned about evolution in school. :ph34r:
There's hasn't been, since the evoultion is fake!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: AppleNick on December 14, 2004, 08:08:19 pm
Evolution is fake can organisms change?! There's no proof! Big bombshell!  :cool:

You obviously haven't learned about evolution in school. :ph34r:
There's hasn't been, since the evoultion is fake!

Wow, that made no sense.

Anyways, no point in putting this here if you don't have proof against your opinion more than "God made us". And the thing about him saying it is false... That may be a place to rest for religous people, but it is an excuse. Evolution makes complete sense. If you actually pay attention to it, you may actually realize what we are saying.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 14, 2004, 08:25:20 pm
me? Fear god?
A being who can do nothing?
A being who is nowhere near as supieror as life itself?
I don't fear him, I pity those who follow him.
IF I ever met GOD, I would tell him how bad at his job he is.
I would tell him to destroy all life, and not create anything again.
Because I have seen life behind eyes unclouded, it is full of death, pity and regret.
Nothing good lies ahead in the future, everything good was discarded in the past...
Why did we give up TRUE freedom for intelligence?
Intelligence, that doesn't even work?
If humans are so smart, why are we so stupid?
It's too bad, that something can't just wipe humanity out right now...
Maybe then the universe would be a better place for those who are not polluted by our stupidity.
Are you pagan?  What kind of God it that?  That's not even a religion that exists.  Enviornmentalist Religion?  No such religion.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 14, 2004, 08:28:26 pm
It is a pagan religion indeed. Wicca is formed on believing in the Earth. Religion does not have to be a founded thing MSP, it can be what you truly believe in your heart, not what a church believes so it can squeeze money out of you.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 14, 2004, 08:33:25 pm
Religion has to be based on a practical premisis.  If Paganism is the one revealed faith then why did it disapear, at least publically, for centuries?  If whatever universal power that created it truly existed then why would they (it) allow paganism to disappear and have no relevance to humanity except for the few folks who currently hold on to it?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 14, 2004, 08:37:50 pm
It did not disapear, it was made illegal to practice these things, because Christians are so picky about people's religious freedom. If you were caught praying to a pagan god/goddess you were Hanged. Burned.
These pagan religions are thousands of years older than Christianity, MSP. And I'm not exaggerating.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 15, 2004, 03:08:39 am
I have no support for any religion, and I don't mind people discussing there beleifs.
But it's people who try to force me onto their religion, I dispise that.
It certainly takes away our freedom, instead of being given it.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on December 15, 2004, 03:11:58 am
I have no support for any religion, and I don't mind people discussing there beleifs.
But it's people who try to force me onto their religion, I dispise that.
It certainly takes away our freedom, instead of being given it.

You're not really GIVEN freedom...
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 15, 2004, 05:56:52 am
Yeah my great-grandpappy died to give people like YOU freedom.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 15, 2004, 07:44:49 am
Wow, gee, MSP, that's DEFINITELY what your Christian God wants to hear you say.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 15, 2004, 09:45:03 am
We're all isolated...wait...what am I talking about?
YOUR isolated. Behind walls of lies. The planet is crying, can you not hear it?
It's saying "Stop this madness, it's hurting me, the pain I have cannot be shared".
If you DID take science and DID do evolution, let's hear what you learned...and if you deny it is false anyway without saying anything you should have learned (as it is part of the science cirriculum) it proves you are infact trying to find the easy way out.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on December 15, 2004, 09:55:25 am
Yeah my great-grandpappy died to give people like YOU freedom.

That statement is 100% false. Stop lying. People who die dont give you freedom. Freedom comes naturally
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 15, 2004, 08:42:15 pm
That statement you made about freedom is false.  People like my great grand-father from WWI died to give Americans freedom.  There are 3rd world countries where freedom is not natutal.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on December 15, 2004, 08:43:55 pm
What I meant is that freedom comes when you say it comes...its hard to explain. My head hurts...its not Friday yet
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 16, 2004, 12:49:21 am
Im lucky, MP, because I don't live in the USA.
Im also unlucky, for living in the UK.
The only country that's TRYING to work, but is failing badly.
Pathetic human nonsence. -_-
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: MiraclrPlz on December 16, 2004, 06:46:50 am
I do not share a common ancester with apes, humans have always been like this.  We were created in God's image, God does not look like an ape.  And there is plenty of scientific evidence against all forms of evolution:  For example, how come apes arn't falling out of trees turning into humans now?  It's all complete nonsence.  Science has practically proven the existence of God.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 16, 2004, 08:03:27 am
K, first, MSP, you have no idea what God looks like. End of case. Second, if God looks like humans, and Bush looks like a monkey, then God must look like Bush who looks like a monkey.
And finally, us Canadians have something for you. It's about micro-organisms, and the study is pretty much brand new.

Microscopic Sex
Halifax (CP) -- The report probably should have been called Micro-orgasms for Micro-organisms.
A research paper unveiled by scientists at Dalhousie University in Halifax says even microscopic, bacteria-like organisms called Halorubrum have sex. The study could show how bacteria and archaea evolve.

It may not make sense to someone who doesn't pay attention in science class, MSP, but to me it does. Because you see, micro-organisms duplicate themselves, not copulate. But now they are.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 16, 2004, 11:56:39 am
But CFA, don't they reproduce asexualy?
From what I have learnt, microorganisms such as bacteria and aomibahs (sp?) can only 'clone' themselves...or reproduce asexualy.
And that point about bush being a monkey is hilarious. XD
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on December 16, 2004, 11:58:13 am
But CFA, don't they reproduce asexualy?
From what I have learnt, microorganisms such as bacteria and aomibahs (sp?) can only 'clone' themselves...or reproduce asexualy.
And that point about bush being a monkey is hilarious. XD

He is! Have you ever seen those evolutionary charts? It doesn't look like he made it all the way up...
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: super_sayian_spongebob on December 16, 2004, 02:27:59 pm
Evolution is actually UN-logical. Still mane skulls are being mutated underground, and if we did come from monkeys why do some monkeys still exist? And why is our DNA similar to humans propaganda just so we can lose our faith?

Answer: There IS NO Evolution.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 16, 2004, 02:28:09 pm
But CFA, don't they reproduce asexualy?
From what I have learnt, microorganisms such as bacteria and aomibahs (sp?) can only 'clone' themselves...or reproduce asexualy.
And that point about bush being a monkey is hilarious. XD

Nono...I know most micro-organisms just duplicate themselves, but they have recently just found one that actually has sex!! Meaning, it has EVOLVED.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: oscar_the_grouch on December 16, 2004, 06:16:05 pm
Evolution is actually UN-logical. Still mane skulls are being mutated underground, and if we did come from monkeys why do some monkeys still exist? And why is our DNA similar to humans propaganda just so we can lose our faith?

Answer: There IS NO Evolution.

hasnt someone already said that monkeys and humans both evolved from a different type of animal or was that in a different post? evolution is based on facts and logic. hahaha bush looks like a monkey LOL. ill stop talking now because i dont make any sense.

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 17, 2004, 12:21:32 am
hasnt someone already said that monkeys and humans both evolved from a different type of animal or was that in a different post? evolution is based on facts and logic. hahaha bush looks like a monkey LOL. ill stop talking now because i dont make any sense.


Actually that makes perfect sense.
This makes no sense:

There is no evolution!

Looks like someones brain hasn't EVOLVED yet.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: ssj4gogita4 on December 17, 2004, 03:32:45 am
Apes dont turn into humans without science formulers
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 17, 2004, 05:48:02 am
What's a formuler?!
How do you know this?! HOW?! You do NOT know this! Have you studied the evolution of a certain species?! I have!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on December 17, 2004, 12:17:03 pm
I only studied the evolution of dinosaurs...and how they may infact be birds now.
I still cannot imagine a brachiosaurus covered with feathers though...*shudders*
We DO know that stegosaurus was a reptile, scale imprints tell us this.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on December 17, 2004, 12:51:30 pm
Evolution is actually UN-logical. Still mane skulls are being mutated underground, and if we did come from monkeys why do some monkeys still exist? And why is our DNA similar to humans propaganda just so we can lose our faith?

Answer: There IS NO Evolution.

Religion is even more illogical. Some big dude who's always exsisted creates us.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Fifth Dynasty on December 17, 2004, 01:36:10 pm
OoOh, Kevin, I'm assuming you aren't a Christian. Then type this in on a calculator 77342.06  and flip it over. :-P. I'm kidding. Anyways -- I, myself, am INDEED a Christian and do believe in 'God', but I've always wondered this: Where'd God Come From?!

Moving On-Topic.

EVERYONE has seen the little chimp theory with the chimpanzee evolving into a much more human like substance and then into man. Sure I believed it, maybe in 2nd Grade. But come to think of it...I doubt tremendously that an EFFING CHIMP can turn into a human. I honestly don't know where we came from, and I could really long as we're here now.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: AppleNick on December 20, 2004, 01:25:23 pm
Ryan, that's what the theory of evolution teaches: How that effing chimp turns into a human. :blink:

I think I've said this enough, I'm ignoring this topic from here on out.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on December 20, 2004, 01:32:11 pm's how we humans have dipped our hand into God's creation pool. We EVOLVED certain animals on purpose...for instance, look at horses...we decided that we wanted large heavy draft horses, so we took two overly large horses and mated them...and continued to mate them (over and over with the same stallion at like...the great grandaughter's mate is her greatgrandfather...eww) to keep those certain traits. The oldest PUREBRED horse known to man is the Arabian, the line virtually untouched by other breeds of horses for thousands of years....and the Arabian has also put it's genes into the gene pool for other horses, because we humans prefer their traits. That is evolution in its finest form, controlled by humans.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: oscar_the_grouch on December 20, 2004, 07:23:04 pm
Quote's how we humans have dipped our hand into God's creation pool. We EVOLVED certain animals on purpose...for instance, look at horses...we decided that we wanted large heavy draft horses, so we took two overly large horses and mated them...and continued to mate them (over and over with the same stallion at like...the great grandaughter's mate is her greatgrandfather...eww) to keep those certain traits. The oldest PUREBRED horse known to man is the Arabian, the line virtually untouched by other breeds of horses for thousands of years....and the Arabian has also put it's genes into the gene pool for other horses, because we humans prefer their traits. That is evolution in its finest form, controlled by humans.

good example. speaking of horses and breeding my arab is going to have a baby in the spring. we bred her purposly to a quarter horse to get a thicker horse. but thats a bit off topic.

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: godruleshahahaha on August 03, 2005, 11:26:26 am
you guys are just dumb. read the dam  bible !!! plus

the second law of thermodynamics states that everything is in a state of decline
therefore evolution is poop
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: godruleshahahaha on August 03, 2005, 11:33:38 am
youre an ignorant twit

Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Sb129 on August 03, 2005, 11:37:13 am
I beleive God created evolution.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on August 03, 2005, 11:43:40 am
Way to bring back a dead topic N00b-Who-Sounds-Like-MSP!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Chongster on August 03, 2005, 11:44:55 am
you guys are just dumb. read the dam  bible !!! plus

youre an ignorant twit

wow, you've made a grand total of 3 posts so far and 2 of them blatenly flaming,  the second one moreso...
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Sb129 on August 03, 2005, 11:52:22 am
Why'd he post here anyway?It's in the rules to not post in OLD topics.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Elizabeth Rose on August 03, 2005, 11:57:23 am
He's banned.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Sb129 on August 03, 2005, 11:59:05 am
Eh,oh well that's for breaking rules...
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Chongster on August 03, 2005, 12:33:42 pm

Thats just what I was thinking.

He's banned.

Good, he needed that.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Sheldon J. Plankton on August 03, 2005, 12:38:01 pm
Good job banning him, get him the heck out of here.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on August 06, 2005, 04:37:15 am
someone please close this topic...and thanks for banning him...he was irritating me. :dry:
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: maxmyles on August 06, 2005, 07:55:19 am
Evolution is nothing but a bunch of idiotic hoo-ha. :dry:
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: jojobird on August 06, 2005, 09:41:25 am
How were people once monkeys and eventually transformed into a human being? In can't be possible. Maybe just because chimps are smart almost like humans is how this evolution theory came to be.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IZ on August 06, 2005, 09:50:00 am
How were people once monkeys and eventually transformed into a human being? In can't be possible. Maybe just because chimps are smart almost like humans is how this evolution theory came to be.

People didn't evolve from monkeys. Monkeys and Humans share a common ancestor.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: jojobird on August 06, 2005, 09:51:57 am
What ancestor is that?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on August 06, 2005, 10:17:04 am
Do something that many people do not do...............

[spoiler]Read a book, pay attention is science class and do your OWN research for once.[/spoiler]

I can't beleive how many times I have said stuff like that...and noone does it, noone reads it and noone even respects it as my opinion.

Here's my bible: Johnny The Homicidal Maniac.
This is an old topic, an annoying one, and should be closed before we argue again as we did with MSP.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: jojobird on August 06, 2005, 10:34:20 am
i read it!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on August 06, 2005, 12:34:58 pm
I still think this topic should be closed. it is REALLY old.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: IceFox on August 09, 2005, 12:59:02 pm
There is no need for this topic to be closed.

Anyways man has been wrong about so many things in the past, is there even in any little chace that they are wrong about Eveloution, huh? And like Sean said, water ages things, so fossils that appear to be millions of years old...
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Sheldon J. Plankton on August 10, 2005, 06:16:37 am
Evolution makes sense, even today animals adapt to changes in the enviornment, thats how we became who we are, ancient animals who adapted to the point where we came along.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: weird_4 on August 10, 2005, 09:06:03 am
I still think this topic should be closed. it is REALLY old.
I agree. This is topic is really old.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on August 11, 2005, 08:12:23 am
It's a topic started by MSP, and all his topics cause conflict and senceless arguments. therfor it should be closed before we say something stupid like that banned n00b did.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on September 14, 2005, 04:52:19 pm
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: jojobird on September 14, 2005, 05:22:11 pm
Why did you bump it!?
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on September 15, 2005, 12:12:44 am
That's it. I may not be a mod but this has GOT TO BE CLOSED dammit! >_<''
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on September 15, 2005, 04:23:44 am
I bumped it cause it needs closed! :P
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on September 15, 2005, 05:35:27 am
Nobody was posting in it! Way to 'excuse' yourself from spamming.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: VulturEMaN on September 15, 2005, 06:28:50 am
I was one of the people posting in it a couple months ago. It got me angry that the request to close it hadn't been listened to.

These heated conversations need buried for good.
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Gideon Brown on September 15, 2005, 06:58:12 am
It WAS buried! YOU unearthed it! Grow up and leave well enough alone!
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Thomas on September 15, 2005, 09:05:26 am
Ok, now it deffinatly needs closing...

*immitates a MOD and pretends to close it*
Title: Disproving Evolution
Post by: Hannahbal on September 15, 2005, 02:36:18 pm