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Messages - Roger

Pages: 1 ... 395 396 [397]
DivX player is pretty good, but WMP and Winamp should both play them.  I don't understand why they don't.

Computers & Video Games / Top Ten Best Lookin GameCube
« on: May 03, 2005, 07:55:55 pm »
I would be the first to say that RE4 looks a lot better than Metroid, but someone beat me to that, so let me be second.  

RE4 is one of my favorite games ever and I believe that it's the best looking console game out right now besides God of War for PS2.  (Notice I didn't say best looking game out...I don't want any Doom 3'ers saying "N0 w4y! D00M !!! R0x0Rz j00!!!11")

Everything Else / what's your favorite part of the day?
« on: May 03, 2005, 07:49:39 pm »
My favorite part of the day is probably when im walking out of Calculus XD
You read my mind.

Everything Else / Famous People From Your State
« on: May 03, 2005, 07:48:25 pm »
That is insane, but a bad kinda way.

Everything Else / Famous People From Your State
« on: May 03, 2005, 07:41:41 pm »
Famous people from Kentucky...
Kevin from the Backstreet Boys.. the only famous person I can think of that lived in my hometown. <sarcasm>Wow, how lucky am I?</sarcasm>
A billion country singers:
Eddie Montgomery (I bagged his groceries one time XD)
John Michael Montgomery (My teacher went to High School with him and my cousin goes to school with his daughter. For prom last year and this year he's renting them a limo and throwing a party for them.. pretty neat)
Ashley Judd (Biggest UK Celebrity)
Rick Dees (owns a farm only 5-10 miles from where I live)
Muhammed Ali
Abraham Lincoln
Daniel Boone
Rosemary Clooney (George Clooney's Grandmother, she lives around here somewhere...)
Nappy Roots
That's all I can remember right now, i'm sure there's more
[snapback]175818[/snapback] forgot that George Clooney's whole family is from here, not just his grandmother.

Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys is also from Kentucky.

Also, one of the members of the rock band Disturbed is from Kentucky, though I doubt many of you listen to them.

EDIT: Oh yeah...I remember now.  Tom Cruise was the other guy I was trying to think of.

Oh and Jim Varney of "Ernest" fame.  My dad went to high school with him.

EDITED AGAIN:  Oh and Daniel Boone wasn't from Kentucky.  He just went through Kentucky :P

Everything Else / Rules?
« on: May 03, 2005, 07:37:15 pm »
I really don't see a problem with it.  It's happened plenty of times at my school and nobody seems to care.

But high school might be different than middle school.  I don't know.

Everything Else / Where do you live?
« on: May 03, 2005, 07:35:55 pm »
I, like GDF, live in Central Kentucky.  

Better to call it Redneckville, KY

Also might be appropriate to call it "Git-R-Done", KY.

Everything Else / I'm Back... For Now
« on: May 03, 2005, 07:14:19 pm »
The kid is back.. All of you rejoice.

Everything Else / Usb's Missed
« on: May 03, 2005, 07:08:25 pm »
I talk to Greendayfreak every day.  I have been friends with him since third grade, so we're pretty close.  He seemed happy to know how many people miss him.  Here's to hoping he makes a comeback.

EDIT:  And as soon as I say that, he tells me he just registered and logged in.  Welcome back.

Everything Else / Have You Ever Had......
« on: May 03, 2005, 07:02:54 pm »
I as much, maybe more, than any of you know how it is.  My dad died just over a month ago of lung cancer.  It's tough, I know.  My whole life has been turned upside down, especially considering I just turned 18 and I'm about to graduate.  So much stuff from school bearing down on me and the the death of my father nearly drove me to the edge.

Debate Den / To All The Homophobes Out There.
« on: May 01, 2005, 08:49:55 pm »

The Pineapple / Revenge of the Cheez
« on: May 01, 2005, 08:33:18 pm »
I don't know how many of you remember me, but I was pretty active on the old Spongebob Area forums.

I have always been named thebigcheez.  My real name is Roger.  I just turned 18 a couple of months ago.  My favorite character is Patrick.

I listen to all types of music, but the last couple of days it's been all Kanye West for me.  My favorite music is Green Day (and not just since American Idiot came out) I've liked them since about 1998.  Dookie is the best CD ever in my opinion.

I play RuneScape.  My name on there is thebigcheez if you wanna add me.  

Well that's basically all I know to say, so yeah.

If there's anything else you all wanna know, let me know.

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