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Topics - spongemonkey13

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Everything Else / Favorite Single Digit Number
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:11:58 pm »
Hm I thought this would be an interesting topic.  My favorite number is 13. I honestly have no clue right now what my favorite single digit number is. I need to carefully ponder this and get back to you on that one.

The Waste Land / Eh I got bored
« on: August 08, 2005, 06:53:53 pm »
Um yeah the title basically sums it up

Everything Else / Summer Reading
« on: August 08, 2005, 01:28:18 pm »
Okay I have to watch one of these movies and write an essay on it:
Dances with Wolves
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Gone With the Wind
All the President's Men
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
The Majestic
Born on the Fourth of July
Inherit the Wind

Okay I have to read one of these books and take a test on it:
The Secret Lives of Bees-Sue Monk Kidd
The Things They Carried-Tim O'Brien
I Was Amelia Earhart-Jane Mendelsohn
Time and Again-Jack Finney
In the Company of Men-Nancy Mace
The Hunt Club-Bret Lott
Raising the Hunley: The Remarkable History and Recovery of the Last Confederate Submarine-B. Hicks and S.Kropf
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Change America-Erik Larson
Dr. Seuss Goes to War-Theodor Geisel/Richard Minear
Readomg Lolita in Tehran-Azar Nafisi

All right now I could use some help narrowing down. If you have seen or read any of  those could you recommend me one. Oh yeah and feel free to use this thread to get help with YOUR summer reading that you know you didn't do yet. Sparknotes is always nice but I am looking for actual recommendations/opinions. I am planning on actually reading the book and watching the movie. Please help out your fellow lazy forumers.

Everything Else / George Bush Countdown
« on: August 08, 2005, 11:50:52 am »
George W Bush Countdown
Well I found it amusing...I can't wait until January of 2009.

Everything Else / What Grade Are You In?
« on: August 02, 2005, 02:49:47 pm »
Yes it is almost that time of year for most of us. I think that there are more high school and college kids in here than you would probably expect. As for myself I am proud to say that I will be a junior this year and I only have 1 and a half years until I am finished with the whole high school thing.

Everything Else / Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
« on: July 11, 2005, 02:29:16 pm »
Yes I can not wait until midnight of July 16th. I have been waiting 2 years for this book to come out. I am going to Barnes & Noble on the night of the 15th and waiting to get this book. I already preordered a copy. Is anyone else going to get it at midnight like me? Um does anyone else actually like those books? :blink: Yeah thought so. Maybe it's just me but I am estatic.

Everything Else / Moving?!?
« on: July 04, 2005, 11:17:54 am »
We ended up selling our house and our closing is on the 19th. As soon as we get home we about 10 days to pack and move into a rental house right down the road. We will start building our house in August. It's going to be on the water and pretty big. I don't know when our computer will be set up but I am just saying in advance that I will most likely not be on after I get home. I am still in the same town but we are just living in a different subdivision. I will be able to be on until I get home. When I get home I might not be able to use the computer. :sad:

Games / ABC Game
« on: July 03, 2005, 07:48:37 pm »
Hokay so I was sitting in the car playing this game in my head. Try to name a different band/artist for each letter of the alphabet. Let's try to keep this thread going by not repeating any. There are enough bands without you having to repeat. I'll start with A.

Allman Brothers

Everything Else / Where Do You Rank In Your Family
« on: June 30, 2005, 05:55:53 pm »
Hey I am the oldest kid in my family. I have one younger sister who is 13. She and I get along pretty good. Being the oldest has its perks and its disadvantages. I was just wondering what everyone else is and how old your siblings are. My sister looks exactly like me except she's taller. Haha.

The Pineapple / Oh No
« on: June 22, 2005, 07:23:12 pm »
Yes, I know this is bad news but I got my dad to fix the computer 2 months earlier than expected. Please don't throw heavy objects at my abnormally large skull. Hopefully I will be on a regular basis again. Well sorry for the unfortunate news but you are stuck with me again. :tongue:

The Waste Land / Which one to use?
« on: June 11, 2005, 06:38:46 am »
I am wondering which of the following banners to use. I got bored one day in photoshop and made these:

I know they need resizing but tell me which one to use.

The Pineapple / To My Fellow Fans
« on: June 10, 2005, 09:50:12 pm »
Hah I doubt anyone has noticed but yes Nicole has been gone for the last few weeks.  It is because her computer is broken and has to be restarted. She has been on AIM though. She will not be getting her Internet fixed until school starts in August because her father feels that she doesn't need the computer in the summer. However Nicole will be taking advantage of these 8 days in Virginia and North Carolina. She will try to visit this week and other various points of the summer. Do not miss Nicole too much while she has computer issues. Feel free to IM her because she is always on and very bored. So I say to you my fellow USBers that Nicole is going to be online until she goes home. Please greet her nicely and pretend to be happy she's back.

Computers & Video Games / Favorite Office Assistant
« on: May 01, 2005, 08:21:38 am »
Yes my personal favorite is the wizard, Mr. Merlin!

The Waste Land / Photoshop Help
« on: April 30, 2005, 08:31:41 pm »
some one email me with photoshop tips. i am bored and confused. this is the only thing i can figure out how to do. how do i make sigs and jazz like that?

Everything Else / Have You Ever Had......
« on: April 28, 2005, 01:52:57 pm »
okay let's be serious here. this senior from our school died in a motorcycle accident yesterday. although i didn't know him that well i knew who he was. it was so weird though. everyone was crying and being really quiet the whole day. everyone was just so silent and sad. it was depressing. i feel bad for his friends who watched him die. he was riding a motorcycle and hit a pot hole in the road. he was thrown from his bike and hit a tree. his friends were riding right behind him and had to see his body parts torn off. his neck snapped instantly so he was dead but his body parts were all messed up. i mean i know people who were there. that is so horrible. i couldnt imagine if it was my friend. this other guy died last month at age 19 but he had a rare form of cancer. this kid was an average kid and his life suddenly ended. to make it worse his parents didnt know about it until a lot later. he was living with his best friend because his parents disowned him or something. when i was coming home on the bus i found out that i knew his younger brother. his younger brother used to go to my school. woah what day.

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