Author Topic: The Seven Stars  (Read 1950 times)

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The Seven Stars
« on: September 16, 2003, 02:22:49 pm »
Hey everyone. Here's my new fanfic series. THE SEVEN STARS. Ihope you like it, and PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK. I need to know if I have to improve something. This will be probably a TEN part series. It might be a nine part though. So, here it is. ENJOY!

Luigi:  Hey Mario! Mario? Are you here? You got a letter from the princess. Where is he?

Mario: What a nice day. The mushroom fields always cheer me up. What’s this? Koopa tracks! And, a note!
Mario flips it open and starts reading
Mario: -reading off note- Be sure to be there. This time my plan will be successful! BWAHAHAHA. He will die!  -Bowser
Mario: -GASP- Bowser’s after me! I have to warn Luigi!
Mario: Luigi? Where are you? OH NO.
Mario runs into the next room
Mario: He’s….DEAD! He’s holding something… It says: Mario, will you please visit me at the castle. –Peach
Mario: Uh oh, I hope Bowser hasn’t gotten Peach!
Door: Creaaaaak
Kammy: Mario! You’re here! Bowser has a message for you.
Mario: What?
Kammy: Bowser told me to tell you: “If you want Peach, come to her bedroom”.
Mario: Grrrrrrr.
Mario: There better be no traps. –takes flower- YAHH!
Mario opens the door
Mario: No ones here…. Wait! There she is! She’s tied up!
Mario Unties Peach
Peach: Mario! Bowser, raided the castle. No toad is left alive…
Mario: Why did he DO this? I will destroy him!
Peach: Wait! He said something about, the seven stars…
Mario: He captured them again?
Peach: No, he said: “ BWAHAHA, we have to find them, if you don’t, there will be consequences”.
Mario: Why does he want them again?
Bowser: -goes into the room- Guess mushroom boy! –does fire breath- AHH! HAHAHA! Time to finish you.
Mario: AHH!
-Bowser picks him up-
Bowser: Good night, Mario! –throws him out the window-
-Mario lands in bushes-
Mario: Ouch. Huh?
Dyne: Hey, watch it!
Mario: Who are you?
Dyne: I’m a toad. I don’t really have a home. Well, maybe these bushes, but, why did you just fall out of a window?
Mario: Don’t you know! Bowser has raided the castle!
Dyne: Oh…. Well, we all know you can beat him.
Mario: …… He surprised me. AND he says he needs the seven stars.
Dyne: The seven stars? I’ve heard about them! People say it’s in a mountain somewhere, guarded by a huge dragon! But I think that’s just to scare kids from going into the mountains, but I do it anyways. ^_^
Mario: What should I do??!!
Dyne: I know, search for the seven stars, and get them before Bowser.
Mario: It’s not that simple kid. I don’t know which mountain to go to!
Dyne: I think I might. Once when I was searching for Shrooms near the bottom of a mountain, I found this. –pulls dragon scale out of pocket-
Mario: Woah, are there such things as dragons?
Dyne: I don’t know. But there is a story about the seven stars. It goes like this: Once, someone made the Seven Stars, to bring peace and stuff, and put all the stars into balance, but he didn’t want them to go into the wrong hands, because if they did, the person would be super strong! So, the person who made the seven stars, created creatures to guard all seven. Including a dragon. But, people say the dragon guards ALL seven. But, I don’t know if that’s true.
Mario: But, Bowser has had the seven stars before, why wasn’t he all powerful?
Dyne: Hmmm, well, I think there are two different ones. Did he have the star-rod?
Mario: Yes.
Dyne: Ok, then there’s different stars… Those stars are copies of the REAL seven stars.
Mario: Copies?
Dyne: Yes, once, a warrior went out to get the seven stars. And he succeeded. He brought them back to his village, to a magician. He told the magician too make copies of the seven stars. The magician said he couldn’t. And in saying so, the magician was killed. And so the warrior went out to find another magician. And he did. But, this one was evil. He tried to make copies, but he failed. And created the seven stars again. But a weaker, and not as powerful.
Mario: Okay. But, how do you know so much?
Dyne: I don’t really know. I think I had it in a dream.
Mario: Well, I guess I have to go find the stars…
Dyne: I don’t think that’s possible. There is a prophecy that this whole thing will happen all over again. The warrior will return, but with a lighter heart.
Mario: Okay, but I might as well try, prophecies aren’t always true.
Dyne: Well, if you go, can I come?
Mario: Okay, but it’ll be dangerous.
Dyne: I know that.
Mario: Well then, let’s go!

Super Ry

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The Seven Stars
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2003, 05:08:55 pm »
Oooooooooooooh, that was great. Um, is this gonna be like WVC? And could you bring Luigi back to life in the near furture?


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The Seven Stars
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2003, 05:30:34 pm »
Um, no, WVC was VERY confusing. I didn't get it. And i can't say anything else about the story that happens later on. Was it good? Should i do a different story?