Author Topic: Spongebobnet Made Me Do It...  (Read 2052 times)

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Offline IceFox

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Spongebobnet Made Me Do It...
« on: November 11, 2006, 03:31:49 pm »
I see you are going back. Here is a reminder of something I wrote for YOU that took my own time to write up:
umm,no,i don't care of what people here think of me.I don't get by advice.Nobody gives me advice here soo,no pwoned...
And this is why your flamed. If you payed attention (See a step or two below), you would notice us giving you plenty of advice.

1. We are not telling you to change yourself, we are telling you to pay attention. Almost all of the posts I have seen by you could have been avoided if you actually payed attention to the post that was written, but instead you just reply away. Believe it or not, that greats REALLY annoying. You need to pay more attention. Focus a bit, and slow down on the posts.

2. Don't take EVERYTHING SERIOUSLY. A lot of posts are something called sarcasm. The definition of sarcasm?
Sarcasm is sneering, jesting, or mocking a person, a situation or thing. It is often used in a humorous manner and sometimes expressed through particular vocal intonations. Sarcasm is often expressed in ironical statements. It can sometimes be the sincerest form of discourse for the emotionally fragile. This is often done by simply over-emphasizing the actual statement, or particular words of it.
[Source: Wikipedia]. You take everything TOO seriously, when a lot of the posts, primarily in the Waste Land are for fun. For example, the thread with the Shoes video. It is for fun. And yet, you are somehow required to come in and say the video is not funny, and then eventually insult an entire Nation. That is called ignorance my friend. And it was reached by taking things too seriously, when the easy post would have been "I did not enjoy the video that much, it was not my thing."

3. Copying. You copy people. At least you used to. You don't do it as much now, but I still see it. You some how think repeating what someone has previously stated is funny, but it is not.

4. FireFox Does Not Suck. You Lose.

5. Don't take that above step seriously...but FireFox is still pwnsome.

6. Your list in the Pokemon Vote-Off is screwing up the game, because all the information you post is wrong. Your best bet is to either leave that thread or ask Brad for help. He knows how to do it, and he will help you, I am sure, if you listen to what he says. He really isnt a mean guy, he is just frusterated with you like a lot of people here.

7. Stop Falsley Leaving. A lot of your posts say you are leaving, and then a few hours later and come back and post like crazy. That is not the definition of leaving. We aren't encouraging you to leave, we are encouraging you to grow up a little bit.

8. Take...fracking...advice. Trust me. While not all advice is good, advice like this post, is. It will allow you to be yourself without everyone hating you in any way.

9. Spell Check. It's not too hard. You don't have to do it all the team, I obviously don't, but something as simple as Google can verifiy your misspellings.

10. Learn the definition of hypocrite, which is:
A person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives
[Source: Princeton so you know its right ftw] Falsley calling people a hypocrite is rude, uneeded, and is gennerally a bad idea. In every way.

11. DO REASEARCH. Your previous post saying "What is so special about firefox" shows you don't even bother to do research to verify what you say, even if that post was sarcasm. Oh and to awnser your question, FireFox is faster, has tabs, has built in Search Engine functions with no spyware, way more secure than IE, and more stuff I myself do not feel like explaining as all this stuff can be researched...Oh, one more thing. It is modable, not only allowing people to customize how they wish, but allows the furthering of education, by giving people the perfect browser to work on and tweak which can ultimately lead to a very sucessful profession in technolgy.

12. Relax...aight?

The above post was not in any way meant to be rude, harmful, nor hurtful. It was created to help YOU become respected without losing yourself in the proccess. As you can tell, it may have been harsh, but that is one of the best ways to get people to understand and listen.

Offline SpongeBrain

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Re: Spongebobnet Made Me Do It...
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2006, 03:33:07 pm »
It's Firefox.
All Time



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Re: Spongebobnet Made Me Do It...
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2006, 03:33:32 pm »
I don't need advice on the internet!I need advice on life!Which is far more important.

Offline IceFox

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Re: Spongebobnet Made Me Do It...
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2006, 04:28:49 pm »
It's Firefox.
I wrote that a while ago.