Author Topic: How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.  (Read 14562 times)

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Gideon Brown

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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2004, 04:24:10 am »
MSP...what are YOU doing? Yoiu wanna detroy the just said so yourself.  


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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2004, 08:05:45 pm »
Well I can spell it out for you, then. There's a difference here that has to be pointed out and made clear before you can even continue with this discussion:

Bush is liked by conservatives because he is an honest, upstanding man who fears God and loves his country. If we wish to destroy Kerry, it is because he has lied on many occasions. Those times he has told the truth, he aligns him self with radical liberals and has alot in common with socialists around the world. I could make my decision not to vote for him based on his health care plan alone.

Free health care for everybody.
 a.) This country cannot afford it without raising taxes, which he has sworn not to do. How then will he achieve it? He cannot, it is an impossible promise to deliver on.
 b.) His plan relies on drugs from Canada. Canada has expressed no willingness to share drugs with our country. In fact, quite the opposite stance has been taken. They don't have adequate drugs for themselves and they certainly don't have enough for everyone in America.
 c.) Government run programs don't work. Have you ever recieved excellent service in any of these three places: DMV, Post Office or Permit Department? The reason why not is government run programs guarantee the jobs of their employees and offer no incentives to work harder. Everything is decided from the top down and therefore change happens slowly or not at all. The people you deal with are not the decision makers. In fact, they don't really care because their hands are tied.

This plan can not work. There is no question about it.

Kerry is preferred by liberals only because their other choice is Bush, who is hated to an extreme that few others have been hated in the history of the world. If the Kerry "supporters" wish to destroy Bush, it is because they hate him because he professes faith in God, something which inspires fear and discomfort in every liberal's heart. He stands for things and means what he says. This is something people cannot stand because they, themselves, are wishy-washy and don't like to be reminded of it.

My feelings:
Bush's policies work and the economy is flourishing. Everyone I know has finally purchased a new home and for the first time in my life we have AC in my family's new car. Say what you will but Bush's tax cuts have caused economic prosperity. You can listen to the DNC and the New York Time's numbers all you want, the truth is in the America I live in. I see good, the news says bad. What do I believe? My own eyes or the lies of the mass media?  

Gideon Brown

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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2004, 08:18:47 pm »
Believe me, the Democrats don't like John Kerry.  They just hate Bush.  Hate, hate, hate.  That's all they're about.  Destroy the opposition is all they want.  Destroy!
Kerrybuster...I asked MSP why he was trying to destroy the Liberals because he said this...
He's being a hypocrite. He hates liberals because they're trying to destroy the competition, but that's exactly what the competition is trying to do as well. It's the whole beeping point of politics. WIN WIN WIN.  


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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2004, 08:50:31 pm »
You do so much to label everyone a hypocrite. I've noticed this about you. It's as if your greatest attack on someone is to say that they're doing the exact same thing that they're accusing someone else to do. Only, there's one catch.

You skip the step of demonstrating how and why they are hypocrites. You are perfectly content to just label everyone a hypocrite and then just go about your business, thinking that you're the only one who's right because everybody else is just a hypocrite. It's almost as if you have no point of view of your own but so long as you can try to twist someone else's point of view against them you think that you've achieved something.

I'll tell you what you achieve by doing this. You make yourself look like an insecure, uneducated individual. Rather than debate the point you try to say constantly that people are doing things that they aren't and so they're no better than their own opposition. You make no distinctions between right and wrong but prefer rather to stay in the gray area between issues and fire arrows from there, where you feel safe.

You're not safe. I'm onto your game.

This is a direct quote from MSP:

I will do whatever is in my power to destroy those beliefs and erase them from the memory of man!

So the validity of his statement and whether or not he is in fact a hypocrite hinges on whether or not he said that his sole purpose was to destroy the supporters of John Kerry. Read closer. If you can, comprehend the entirety of his statement. He wants to destroy BELIEFS. He wants an ideology of hatred and immorality to be done away with. Not a group of people. And he certainly doesn’t make his statement without reason, he fully explains why he wants these ideas done with and he makes that clear distinction.

A-to-the quote machine:

Believe me, the Democrats don't like John Kerry. They just hate Bush. Hate, hate, hate. That's all they're about. Destroy the opposition is all they want. Destroy!

They don’t believe in anything in particular. They don’t even have their own views of why Bush should go down or what they would do better. They are rooted firmly in hate. MSP is motivated by care and concern for his fellow man and woman, children and babies (even the unborn) alike. He loves so much these poor people that it has driven him to anger. I know the feeling full well.

The haters of Bush hate so much that it has driven them to Jack-Balling. That is, where a dumb person through his stupidity continues to get stupider and stupider, similar to a snowball that amasses snow as it rolls. A person without a cause is dangerous, especially when they fill that void of a cause with hatred and contempt for other human beings. Need I remind you of the radical Islamic fundamentalists?

That is the difference you fail to see. That is why you have no position and you have no grounds for calling MSP a hypocrite. I can’t attack any of your positions in specific because you choose not to stand for anything, but I will call you afraid, cowardly and I will say that you are uninspiring in your debating skills and in who you seem to be as an individual. That goes both ways, as you don’t even inspire anger or hatred in me but this sense of “bla” that I’m sure covers all aspects of your life on earth.

Gideon Brown

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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2004, 09:16:55 pm »
So darling me has no point of view? Oh I have a point of view. My point of view:
Humans are arrogant little pricks. I HATE this "oh we're so much smarter than all the other animals because we have larger brains and we have emotions"  only reason that humans took over the world is that they had thumbs, and they had a larger brian than the apes. Whales have large brains. The Sperm Whale's brain is the largest in the world. Dolphins love. In fact, dolphins are about the only other species on earth to copulate for fun. Yep. Dolphins are whales. Not to mention that they stay with the sick and dying until they finally pass on. They care about each other. They LOVE.

I hate humanity. They are cruel not only to nature, but to themselves. They consider themselves higher than anything and have the right to manipulate the world around them. Genetic Engineering on animals?'s okay, and only wackos who talk to their dogs get angry about it. But genetic engineering on humans? Hey buddy!! You can't play God!!!

Man's nature is to be self-centered. Only way to humble yourself is to realize you are not as good as everyone else. Maybe you're view is wrong. Heck, mine probably IS wrong.

You want to complain about my freaking tactics on debating? Here's an example of MSP's on another board:
You are burning in ::Dolphin Noise:: anyway for what your politics support. You say you are not a Liberal, when you are Green. The Green party is an extremely radical liberal party. And you are making God's judgement apon you too easy for Him! SHUT UP YOUR ::Dolphin Noise::ING BLASPHEMOUS MOUTH AND BURN! I HATE LIBERALS! I KNOW LIBERALS HATE RELIGION BECAUSE THEY WANT THE GOVERNEMENT TO BE OUR GOD! DIE LIBERALS!

Don't believe me that he wrote it? I don't care. I know he did.

I believe that if we want to change our way of living we must stop killing animals to extinction. The largest animal in the world is probably going to disapear in the next twenty years. Why? Because hey...we needed two million whales in two decades (bettwen 1954-1974) for freaking reseach. And hey!! We still need more!! BAH!!!!! DOWN WITH HUMAN ARROGANCE!!
How about we try saving animals? How about we try saving the Earth? I don't care if there is a God, if we continue to treat 'his' creation as our own, we shall ::Dolphin Noise:: ourselves. And if God is the Earth? We're already screwed.
So what does this make me? Liberal? Do it? When I am coonstantly being told by some 15 yr old kid that I'm a Liberal when obviously from ME VIEWS that I'm Green, I sorta kinda wanna attack him back. Especially since he says I'm going to ::Dolphin Noise::. And especially when he tries to say that Canada is a communist country. Wha? Communist? How? I'm living beneath the LICO line...meaning I don't have enough money to live comfortably. Yet I do. Why? Because my parents know how to save money. But not everyone knows about these things because they were not brought up thinking MONEY MONEY MONEY and so they don't have money to buy them a computer. They don't have enough money to own four cars for a four person family. But do I BLAME them? No! Because not everyone knows how to save money. Not everyone knows that you can get AIDS by sleeping around with anyone *stares at MSP*
If you KNEW why I hate MSP so much, maybe you wouldn't hate ME so much.

And now that I have EXPRESSED MY VIEW do I think they are wholly right? GOD NO!! Only weirdos like me think that whales are sentient beings trying to tell us something. Only weirdos like me believe nature is more important than humans. I HATE HUMANS. Does that mean YOU should hate humans? DEAR GOD NO!! I don't want YOU to be like ME because I am a unique individual who does NOT tell people they are ::Dolphin Noise::ed by God. I do not go around saying
Islam is a false religion. 9/11 happend because in the 6th or 7th century, a camel salesman by the name of Muhhamid or however you spell it sold camels. He encountered many people of many religions, from CAtholics to Bhuddists to Jews. So he decided to slap all these religions together, take some ::Dolphin Noise:: from each religion, to start his own false religion, claiming he had visions from "God". He called this little book the Quaran or however it's spelled. Of course, if you said this in a muslim country, they'd either cut your head off slowly, like the scum they are, or put you in a meat grinder, head first. But I'm not in Iraq, Pakistan or Afghanastan Iran or whatever. So this is what I've to say to them: FAAAAART.
 St. John the Baptist, destroy Islam!
Nope...MSP said that stuff...can you even REMOTELY see WHY I don't like him? Or are you blinded by my not having an opinion and calling everyone a hypocrite?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2004, 09:55:59 am by Charliez Fallen Angel »

Offline Daniel

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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2004, 08:50:10 pm »
I will hate them!!!  I will do whatever is in my power to destroy those beliefs and erase them from the memory of man!
You hae some issues. :ohmy:  

Offline Hannahbal

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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2004, 02:57:35 pm »
Um yeah. You have not known MSP as long as we have, Kerrybuster. When he got banned here the first time, he was making death threats to the Global Mods.  


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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2004, 07:05:34 pm »
Believe me, the Democrats don't like John Kerry. They just hate Bush. Hate, hate, hate. That's all they're about. Destroy the opposition is all they want. Destroy!

This is another reason why I don't like him, he makes fun of another group of people who is totally having another opinion different from him. Man, I wish someone could just deny him from the debate den, especially what Hannah said about the death threats. :sleep:
« Last Edit: October 27, 2004, 07:08:05 pm by super_sayian_spongebob »

Dragon Of Grief

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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2004, 07:56:08 pm »
I like how Kerry's recent ad not only attacked Bush, but attacked Republicans AS WELL. Bush never attacked Democrats in any of his ads. I bet Kerry lost a lot of votes with that ad. Who knows... some Republicans might have supported Kerry.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2004, 07:57:01 pm by Dragon Of Grief »


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How To Talk To A Liberal... If You Have To.
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2004, 08:09:42 pm »
Which candidate shares your values?  I'm gonna make a thread.