Author Topic: Florida Woman's Feeding Tube Removed  (Read 27916 times)

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Florida Woman's Feeding Tube Removed
« Reply #105 on: March 31, 2005, 05:05:48 pm »
Killing one woman, to end her suffering, is nothing compared to slaughtering thousands of innocent families with bombs and guns. If you think war is fair enough, your priorities are screwed up. no wonder society is going down the crapper.

Have to agree. I dont see how people can consiter war okay but are against this.


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Florida Woman's Feeding Tube Removed
« Reply #106 on: April 01, 2005, 12:40:39 am »
Dont be melodramatic. I have said, that in THIS instance, i dont agree with it. because there is somthing obviously unhinged with the husband.

The euthanasia comment was not directed at you, just the abortion part.

and just because somone is rich, it DOES NOT mean they would make a good parent. what does the economic state a person may be in have to do with the desire, or ability to raise children. dont be a snob, your pretty much saying htat if your rich, your smarter and more compassionate than enyone poorer than you. My boyfrinds mum is poor. she was VERY poor when she had him. and shes a fantastic mum. My exs mum was a millionare (litteretly) and she was a crapp parent.  i do understand your point of poor people not being able to afford them. where i live they are free if you are under 22. and you have to go through 2 doctors and be assessed in able to get one. Its not like you can just rock up, drop your pants and they'll do it in the foyer.

No, just because someone is rich doesn't mean they will be a good parent, but they can afford to keep kids up, so they have no excuse to abort them. I never at any point said rich people are "smarter and more compassionate than enyone poorer than you" because that's not true. I come from a family of four (actually five, but he's gone away in the Marines) children and we are far from rich. I don't call wondering if you can keep your house, or whether or not you can have needed clothing items because the business area is screwing your dad over rich. My parents have been very good to me. Just because you are poor doesn't mean your white trash. :)

Free under 22? I don't like the sound of that. Can a 15 year old girl get one without her parents consent?

And what an amazing thing to say. its very sterotypically american, just what the rest of the world expects. "war is inevitable" like afganistan?? like hte twin towers thing, they attacked you first?? no they didnt, people dont do things like that on a whim, they do it out of shere desperation because greedy countries are sucking htem dry and leaving them to rot.

Yes, I'm afraid they do do those things "on a whim". That is why they are called terrorists.

And with euthenasia. One day i think it is going to come to the point where we will have to enforce mandatory abortions, and kill off weak/ sick/ crippled/ handicapped children. its sick, i know, and dont think i would support it, or like it. but the world is NOT ABLE to sustain us.

it'll be our animal instincts telling us to lower the population, the same way rats will kill each other if there are too many in one cage.

That may happen, but it won't be because we have to. It will be because we are sick. That's a violation of plain ole human rights.
Killing one woman, to end her suffering, is nothing compared to slaughtering thousands of innocent families with bombs and guns. If you think war is fair enough, your priorities are screwed up. no wonder society is going down the crapper.

Yes, yes it is. We murdered her. War is "fair enough". And killing thousands of innocent families? Not really. In many places, if not all, they leave alone anyone not trying to kill them. They go through houses in search of terrorists, but they don't hurt anyone that doesn't try to stop them.
what do you mean "they have no excuse"?? thay might not feel able to raise children,a nd not be willing to put their offspings life into anothers hands. that is excuse enough. im not sayin that just cos your ppor your white trash. im saying htat jsut cos your rich it doesnt make you capable. michael jackson was rich untill a little while ago.

umm, yeah, i htink you can get them under 15. im not sure. eveyone i know was over.

the twin towers were not on a whim. do you know what it means?? (seriously) it means with no forward planning.
The crashes were very cautiosly planned, because they were sick of your economic system growing more and more wealthy at their expense. you do know htat you are in the worlds top wealthiest 8%.
question your propaganda. the rest of the world gets both sides of the story.

there have been between 8-15 thousand civialina deaths caused my americans in iraq, and tens of thousands more in afganistan.
they hurt plenty of people that dont try to stop them. bombs arent selective. neither are bullets. they are trained to shoot hten ask questions.
you have been amazingly blinded, and you are very, very ignorant. im not saying its your fault, you are kept from the information.
but its realy sad that you think its ok to murder. in the name of oil.
you put your car ahead of human life. whos sick now??  :sad:

and i know your going to say im wrong, but our media isnt and censored as yours. we get facts, not crazy fundimentalist propaganda.