Author Topic: Who are your best forum friends?  (Read 24186 times)

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Who are your best forum friends?
« on: June 09, 2005, 07:37:26 pm »
Now, before I begin this thread, I want you all to know that this is not to single anyone out. Just say good things about people on these message boards that you get on real well with. If any mods feel that they need to lock this so no one gets hurt, then please do, and I apologize in advance.

Sean - Sean's a funny guy, and I love joking around with him.
Kevin - He knows his computer stuff, and I enjoy talking to him.
Hannah - She is my goddess. 'Nuff said.
Alex (Kenny) - Nicest guy on the forums. He knows how to keep things orderly 'round here.
Liz - She likes Simon & Garfunkel and Star Wars. Do I honestly need to say any more than that?
Isn't Anything - Wonderful taste in music, and a great mod to boot. I hope she's back as soon as possible to continue her modly duties. Haha, "duties".
Andrew - Very mature for his age. I hope he sticks around here.
Banana - I haven't known him for too long, but I already know that this is one funny guy.
Patrick - He sadly doesn't come on these forums as much as he used to. I wish he would. He was my first friend here. And I love him.
GreenDayFreak - This is one heckuva decent guy. I'll be sad to see him go to college this fall because he may not have as much time to be on anymore
Sponge_Tron-X - Okay... So he's got some typing problems. I don't care, I like the dude.

I'm sorry if I forgot you!
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 08:00:51 pm by Jackie-Boy »

Offline Isnt Anything

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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2005, 07:55:47 pm »
Hmm. Same as Jack. I dont mean to single anyone out and I get along with A LOT of you. Hope this doesnt hurt anyone. I like most everyone here.  :cool:

Jackie-Boy- Very Funny and can be random. Cool guy and a HIGE movie buff! If I ever have any questions about movies, I know where to turn!

Liz- Just Awesome. One of the Nicest mods!

Starr2k3- Always cool and mature for his age. I like talking to him. Very smart.

Kevin- He really is "Mr. Awesome".

Sean- Really cool. I love talking to him and is a very mature guy and a great mod. Always knows what to do when I dont.

Squidward 400- Former TBLC admin and still cool. Funny as heck. Wish I could've talked to her more!
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 07:57:16 pm by Isnt Anything »


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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2005, 08:02:42 pm »
Kenny - I talk to him outside of the forums more than anyone else on MSN and he's a great guy. We get to talk more sports outside of the forums, so it's nice because I keep him up with my sports world (UK Basketball, Reds Baseball) and he updates me on his (Vikings football, Twins Baseball).

IZ - I've known him longer than anyone else and we talk quite a bit on MSN. One crazy dude, but he's a cool guy, even if I do make fun of him as much as possible :P

Liz - What can I say? She's the female me XD I don't get to talk to her often outside of the forums, but it seems like we think the same quite a bit.

JackieBoy - I haven't known him long, but we've began talking quite a bit on AIM and he's a good guy. We may be seeing seeing his name up in lights some day as the director of a movie :)

Rocko - We talk every now and then on MSN and it's cool to talk to someone that lives as close to me as he does. I'm able to talk to him about things going on in Cincinnati because I go up there a few times every year.

Andrew - Haven't talked to him in a while, but he was cool to talk to on MSN when I did... and like Jackie said, he's very mature for his age.

*Adds more, doesnt feel like making a new post XD*

Isnt_Anything - We've barely spoken outside of the forums, but she's a cool gal. We often disagree with each other, but she makes very good points in all of her arguments and i'll miss her these next few months when she goes off to college...

ssj - You used to get on my nerves quite a bit and, frankly, I couldn't stand you awhile back. But you're just so nice to me and talk so highly of me and you really do add so much to these forums. I'm sorry I felt that way before, and we should talk off the forums sometime!

MEEP - You seem like a cool guy even though we rarely talk to each other, even on the forums. Nice to see a good christian guy on the board :) I have you on my AIM list, I should talk to you sometime...

Hannah - Sorry, I completely forgot to mention you x.x You're another of the girls on this forum with a great taste in music! You just don't find that anymore :) We should talk on AIM more... i'll have to PM you sometime when it's not 12:50 AM XD...
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 09:50:15 pm by GrEeNdAyFrEaK »

Elizabeth Rose

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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2005, 08:05:17 pm »
I need to think about this so I don't leave anyone special out, but let me just say that after a craptacular day, this really made me smile.


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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2005, 08:12:06 pm »
I need to think about this so I don't leave anyone special out, but let me just say that after a craptacular day, this really made me smile.

I'm sure I still have some to add.

The point of this topic is for those of us who have ever felt like leaving forever to look at all the friends we've made here, and how special this place is to us in that way.

Offline RandomDude18

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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2005, 08:17:51 pm »
Rocko - We talk alot every day.
Sean - We talk a little everyday.
Melissa - We talk for hours everyday and havn't got a single day without talking to each other for 2 hours or longer since we first started talking.
Ryan - We talk atleast once a day.
Alain - We a talk a little everyday.
Nikki - She's really nice to talk to and is a good friend.
Nick - We used to talk alot but only talk like a couple times a month now.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2005, 03:30:11 pm by Red Hat »


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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2005, 08:25:33 pm »
I don't know if anyone likes me as a freind but people I like alot (as friends)are:
Spongey 34
Sarah(zim girl!) :tongue:
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 09:55:02 pm by Sb129 »

Kenny Blankenship

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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2005, 08:41:54 pm »
Well, let's see....

(in no particular order, of course...)

Isn't Anything: You know... if I were to create some sort of Most Valuable USBer list, I'd probably rank her at the top.  Probably the smartest member here, and oh yeah, she has a ncie taste in music...

Liz: You know, it wouldn't surprise me if the entire male population on these boards had some sort of a crush on her.  She's just so dang loveable...

Starr2k3: I'm going to repeat what's been said before... mature beyond his years.  Plus, it's always fun to talk sports with him, considering two of our main teams are pretty much rivals...

GDF: Well, what to say... he knows more sports than I do, so I've got to respect him.  Outside of sports, though, I really enjoy him... always fun to talk to, very intelligent, and an awesome contributor to the forums.  Although he is probably one of the main reasons Green Day became exceedingly popular on the forums... I won't hold it against him, though...

Jack: Hands down... the coolest member here.  No contest.

Rocko: I probably don't know you all that well, but you're a pretty cool dude.  Hope to continue to talk with you...

IZ: It's been fun to discuss Nintendo with him the past few weeks.  And he's the only person I know of that at least tried listening to one of my favorite artists.  That automatically makes him awesome in my book...

ssj: Likes MXC.  What more can I say?  But he's pretty cool as well.  Best member still regularly active in Bikini Bottom...

I know I'm forgetting others, but to finish off I'd like to single out chongster and Chrono.  They're probably my two favorite newbs around here... hopefully they stick around.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 08:53:06 pm by Kenny Blankenship »


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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2005, 08:51:27 pm »
Jack: Hands down... the coolest member here.  No contest.

When I hit 1,000 posts my member title will say "USB's Fonzie".

Elizabeth Rose

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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2005, 08:54:19 pm »
Ok, ok. I have had my thoughts, though I am sure to forget someone worthy.

Dragon of Grief (a.k.a. Ty) is the one that sticks out most in my head. What can I say? He's just too sweet, and we actually have gone beyond the boards and spoken on the phone. He is the coolness.

Jackie-Boy has been my friend for a while. He never has anything boring to say, and always makes me smile. XD

GreenDayFreak I like lots too, although we rarely talk outside the forums. He is like my long lost twin almost. :ohmy:

Isn't Anything is one of the few girls I actually pay attention too. It's not that I dislike girls, it's just that I don't really get along with them well. She has the best music knowledge ever.

Spongebuddie is my sister-in-law and a sweetheart. She has a kind heart, and reminds me of my dear cousin. If only she had the Weezer obsession, then I'd be suspicous.

Kenny Blankenship reminds me of my daddy. I think it's his sense of humor. :happy:

I guess I'll go ahead and say JackWhite2000, since I can't really escape from him anyway. XD

Now, I know there are others, and I really like almost everyone here, but these are the people that stick out in my head the most.

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2005, 08:54:25 pm »
sb-129: Meh, havent talked to this member in forever but still awesome.
spongey34: what a fr00t cake this character is. He's like...beyond cool
angelenes~dreams: Gal has too much going on.
Alain2k5: Talk rarely on AIM but still a funny and cool guy.
GrEeNdAyFrEaK: Dang, I wish I had his smarts. Very funny and all around good guy. Too bad we can only chat on here.
spongebuddie: Man, this girl is funny when you talk to her on AIM or YIM. She likes to smile/laugh a lot, too. O_o;; Kinda scares me sometimes.
GideonBrown: This girl is beyond freaky, which is a good thing. She makes me laugh on ventrilo and AIM. She's my USB wife so she knows better than to make me laugh :P
Rocko: Talk every now and then and it's usually about video games or computers. Kinda like Chris :D

Red Hat: This man has become from "i own linux" to "i own suite life of zack & cody". This guy is cool to the max.
IZ: Too much funniness in him. We could talk in convo of family guy quotes all day long and still understand what we were talking about.
Starr2k3: Umm. Hardly talk to him on AIM but still good to talk to him when I can.
Kenny: I bet if we were on a team on MXC, we would dominate. Very cool for being an MXC fan. Although we can get in arguments over usb maybe a few times, he's still a good guy.
SizzlinSean: Good Christian man that talks funny on AIM. Could be my long lost brother.
Elizabeth Rose: Funny to talk to on AIM. ... I know I have some more on her but I can't think right now.
Hannahbal: She's to talk to on AIM when I actually do AIM her. xD I still have that bday picture which still has me laughing. I don't mind her calling me Tom because I actually get called that sometimes IRL. :P CURSE YOU ^_^
« Last Edit: June 10, 2005, 06:57:22 am by ssj4gogita4 »

Kenny Blankenship

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« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2005, 09:01:48 pm »
Jack: Hands down... the coolest member here.  No contest.

When I hit 1,000 posts my member title will say "USB's Fonzie".

Well, maybe not THAT cool, but I guess it would work...

Kenny Blankenship reminds me of my daddy. I think it's his sense of humor. :happy:

....and this is.... a good thing, right?


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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2005, 09:07:20 pm »
I added some more to my list, didn't want to break it up any...

Elizabeth Rose

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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2005, 09:20:31 pm »
Kenny Blankenship reminds me of my daddy. I think it's his sense of humor. :happy:

....and this is.... a good thing, right?
Oh yes indeed. My father is a very special person.


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Who are your best forum friends?
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2005, 09:24:43 pm »
Quote from: ssj4gogita4,Jun 9 2005, 10:54 PM
sb-129: Meh, havent talked to this member in forever but still awesome
YAY!Someone SAID they like me! :biggrin: