Author Topic: Interview with Timo  (Read 2929 times)

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Offline IceFox

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Interview with Timo
« on: October 12, 2005, 07:50:44 pm »
FOr a interview I decied to interview TIMO of USB fame! Its quite good. He was very descrpitive.

ChibiSsj4gogita4 is timo. Im SClubKid123(DONT MOCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

S Club Kid 123: Thank you for doing this interview Timo.
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Thank you. I was told there was going to be free food here.
S Club Kid 123: XD
S Club Kid 123: Lets start with something about USB
S Club Kid 123: What is your favorite aspect of USB?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Probably the members. They keep me up to date about stuff and always make me laugh when I'm not in a happy mood. Everyone is friendly to each other...ok, at least when they feel like it. :-)
S Club Kid 123: Least favorite?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I would have to say the way some of the members treat total n00bies when they first arrive. Even after the first week, they still treat them like n00bs. It's like an attack or something. I'll admit, sometimes I am in tha group. It's sad really and I'm trying to cut down on it.
S Club Kid 123: What do you think o the USB 'downfall'? Do you think it is really going downhill, and losing its edge?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I don't think it is, personally. Everything is going great right now and there's nothing that could break the trust that everyone has for each other.
S Club Kid 123: What are your thoughts on the new SpongeBob's?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Well, I have been home every weekend they are on but I've taped them so I could watch them. They are really great but some are more disappointing than others. Especially Mermaidman and Barnacleboy 6, it just didn't hold up to the expectations I hope it would have.
S Club Kid 123: I see.
S Club Kid 123: You writing very descrpitive anwsers
S Club Kid 123: Do you have a girlfriend?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Let me put this way: when girls talk to me IRL, that's the day that heck freezes over. But seriously, I don't have a girlfriend but I do talk to girls in my classes. There's a girl in 3 out of 4 of my classes but she's pregnant and a mother of 2 already so I can't go there. :|
S Club Kid 123: XD
S Club Kid 123: How do you like being mod?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I never thought I would get the position because I had the most posts in the forum. It feels weird, though. I feel like I need the staff's permission to do a few things now. It feels pretty good to have some power in Bikini Bottom so now that the people who spam it up when everyone is asleep, I'll most likely still be up and closing those threads.
S Club Kid 123: What is your favoite USB memory?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Well, the one that will haunt me forever is having 400 posts in one day. Yeah, I was a total brat back then and probably still am now to most people (yes you jackie-boy). I love the classic threads, though. "BANN SIZZLINSEAN" and "Falco & Doombringer are sexy beasts". Those always bring a smile to my face. I thought I would never be as...can't say respected...known around USB as I thought I would be. It's great to see that people still care about others.
S Club Kid 123: Cool, thats cool
S Club Kid 123: What do you mean you were a brat?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I think I was probably one of the stupidest, and still am, members and also the most hated back then for just spamming and bringing back old topics.
S Club Kid 123: ah I see
S Club Kid 123: your not styupid now
S Club Kid 123: Least favorite memory at USB?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: When it comes to debating I am. Sure, I like making topics and seeing peoples replies but I'm no good at debating at other things
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Least favorite? Probably when jackie-boy and I had our arguments just about everyday. We couldn't stand each other and still can't now, but not as much. We're "trying" to keep away from each other and insults and such but I don't know how long we can both last at that. It's funny when we are nice to each other, though, because it seems to never happen for the next month or so.
S Club Kid 123: Whats your favorite game(video game or  not)?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: On my PC, I play GunBound all the time. There is no other game for PC that I would care to play. For Xbox, it's most definately GTA: Vice City. I play nothing else for Xbox. I am so addicted to killing people on that game I should be arrested for doing so much. Any game on NES or SNES is a good game to play. But if it came down to my absolute favorite game in the whole world, it would be a toss-up between Mario Tennis for N64 or Super Smash Bros: Melee for GC.
S Club Kid 123: Cool
S Club Kid 123: What do you do in your spare time?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I try to do stuff in my spare time but lately, I've been addicted to the computer or sleeping or video games. Yeah, I'm really lazy when it comes down to it. When I'm at home, instead of my apartment, I play soccer, basketball, bowling, or watch a few game shows on tv.
S Club Kid 123: How is college?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I miss high-school. That's how bad it is right now. It's not my grades, it's how the professors here think that every student is a moron and think that we don't know anything. It's a computer college for crying out loud! We're suppose to know a little bit before some of us enter. My programming class is smart as poop...and that's saying a lot right there.
S Club Kid 123: XD
S Club Kid 123: What is your major?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: "webmaster" is my major. Yeah, I don't really need my programming class right now but I will in a couple years. I was thinking about being a teacher but I guess it's easier to be a computer geek like Chris or Kevin. But I WILL go back to college and get a teaching certificate. I love kids and they love me.
S Club Kid 123: thats really cool
S Club Kid 123: good for you
S Club Kid 123: What ticks you off most?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: My brother. But he's beside the point. I believe people who think that they are better than everyone else and the world evolves around them. It's like they don't need anyone else but themselves.
S Club Kid 123: What is your thought on the SpongeBob movie?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4 signed on at 7:24:02 PM.
S Club Kid 123: hello?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I see how it is... :P
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Just leaving me like that when I'm just starting to sound smart :|
S Club Kid 123: XD
S Club Kid 123: AIM sign me off
S Club Kid 123: What is your favorite cartoon?
S Club Kid 123: Teehee. Im making you choose between you brotherinXD
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Depending on what network it's on is a difficult choice. On Nickelodeon, my favorite is Spongebob Squarepants, of course. There will NEVER be another cartoon that I will like more than Spongebob on Nick. On Cartoon Network, my favorite is Family Guy, of course. Kevin and I just chat at each other with family guy quotes all the time. I'm also a fan of the classic Nick cartoons. I have an archive of a bunch of cartoon episodes on my PC. I love watching them.
S Club Kid 123: cool
S Club Kid 123: i wish I ha dloads of toons
S Club Kid 123: What is the hardest part of being a mod?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Making the decisions that hopefully will get you liked but not hated. Like, I don't want to falsely accuse someone of doing something wrong when they really didn't. It's harder on USB than any other forum I'm a mod or admin at.
S Club Kid 123: Chris(Red Hat) asks if you have ever liked a girl and she liked you back?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Of course. C'mon, I'm a magnet for ladies. Scratch that, I WISH I was a lady magnet. In my sophmore year in high school, I liked a girl and she liked me back so she asked me to Sadie Hawkins dance. Of course, I said yes and the two of us went. I didn't ask her out because I was that big of a nerd, and still am. I guess I'm scared of the decision "no" from a girl. I also liked 2 college girls when I went to a junior college in my chesmitry class. I don't know if they liked me back but I could tell they liked me for my brain power in chemistry. I am a nerd for chemistry. And for those who are reading this, that's a heads up for whenever you need help in chemistry. ;-)
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Let me put it at this...Alex says he's never had a lady and I bet he'll beat me to it
S Club Kid 123: XD
S Club Kid 123: MEEP! asks do you ever smile? You always have a frown!
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I never smile for pictures unless they are family. I don't like smiling but when I laugh, you better look quickly because I chuckle and then stop. I'm sure everyone at USB wants to see me smiling in one picture. I think I don't smile very well. I'll have time to do it tomorrow.
S Club Kid 123: Cool
S Club Kid 123: MEEP! asks how did you get into SpongeBob?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I've been watching Kids Choice Awards since 1991 and in the '99 KCA, I loved the episodes they showed. I couldn't stop laughing at the time. It really made my chest hurt laughing so hard. I couldn't get my mind off of Spongebob. I had to get all the merchandise but unfortuately, I knew my mom wouldn't do that. I have about half the stuff and I'm not sure if or when I'm going to buy the next piece of merchandise
S Club Kid 123: Liz asks if you could date any celeb, who would it be?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: If celebrity counts as wrestling, I would choose Stacey Keibler because she is one hot mamba-jamba. Outside of wrestling, it would be Kate Hudson just because she is so talented at everything she does.
S Club Kid 123: Coolness
S Club Kid 123: Was this interview too short?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: No way. It was more than I expected. I didn't realize so many mods would ask questions. That threw my dumbness off a bit.
S Club Kid 123: AND NOW...DUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDXUDUDUUDUUUUUUUUUUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUTHE FINAL QUESTION(ins sure you know it by now) well, lets see if you can guess. Whats the last question gonna be? Guess
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Why am I so stupid?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: What do I win?
S Club Kid 123: XD
S Club Kid 123: Was this interview, how you amercan say, cheesy like our food?
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I've never heard that expression before. What is that like...japanese or something? Oh, wait, it says american. Well, I like cheese and food. So, yeah, I guess you could say cheesy like our food.
S Club Kid 123: XD
S Club Kid 123: ok thank your for doing this interview sir *checks card* Jackson yes
S Club Kid 123: :P
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: I never got my free food. I'm hungry, dangit! I'm gonna get a support group and I'll see you on USB court.:-D
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: But really, thanks. It was nice. It was...unusual at time
« Last Edit: October 12, 2005, 07:53:29 pm by IceFox »

Kenny Blankenship

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Interview with Timo
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2005, 08:02:04 pm »
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Let me put it at this...Alex says he's never had a lady and I bet he'll beat me to it

No.  No.  No.

Otherwise, very good interview.  Nice job on both sides...


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Interview with Timo
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2005, 08:07:52 pm »
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Let me put it at this...Alex says he's never had a lady and I bet he'll beat me to it

No.  No.  No.

Otherwise, very good interview.  Nice job on both sides...

Oh please... I bet Alex has tons of ladies everywhere. In fact, there must be two blonde playmates there with him right now... he's just being humble so the rest of us don't feel bad.

Cool interview. I liked it.

Kenny Blankenship

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Interview with Timo
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2005, 08:11:11 pm »
ChibiSsj4Gogita4: Let me put it at this...Alex says he's never had a lady and I bet he'll beat me to it

No.  No.  No.

Otherwise, very good interview.  Nice job on both sides...

Oh please... I bet Alex has tons of ladies everywhere. In fact, there must be two blonde playmates there with him right now... he's just being humble so the rest of us don't feel bad.

Shh... don't ruin my whole schtick, alright?

Offline IceFox

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Interview with Timo
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2005, 08:35:40 pm »


Thanks guys. Ive got a little list. Again, DO NOT ASK TO BE INTERVIEWED!

Offline Scilla

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Interview with Timo
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2005, 05:47:48 pm »
Honestly, your little 'acting like a newbie' thing is getting way old. But good interveiw.

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Interview with Timo
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2005, 07:13:37 pm »
Honestly, your little 'acting like a newbie' thing is getting way old. But good interveiw.
How am I acting like a newbie?

Offline Roger

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Interview with Timo
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2005, 07:16:46 pm »
Honestly, your little 'acting like a newbie' thing is getting way old. But good interveiw.
How am I acting like a newbie?
I'm REALLY hoping that wasn't serious.

She was talking to IceFox.  >_<

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Interview with Timo
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2005, 07:17:20 pm »
Actually I was serious...I thought she was talking to me. That's how stupid I am. :|

Sorry Scilla ^_^;;

Offline IceFox

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Interview with Timo
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2005, 12:24:38 am »
Yeah, sorry too. I think its getting old, I just do it sometimes.

But yeah, thankls for the comments.