Author Topic: even though i'm half white i do apply this  (Read 35760 times)

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #60 on: January 20, 2006, 01:48:48 pm »
These sorts of debates always catch my attention.  As usual, emotions run high.

Just wanted to bring in another angle--if there's anything I've taken from the thread here (from most of the posters, of any racial group), it is the near-invisibility of white privilege.

When white privilege gets rendered invisible, much of what everyone has said here makes complete sense--especially Dragon of Grief.

But how, exactly, are whites "privileged"? Glad you asked.  Some statistics:

--The average white person in America will live 6 years longer than the average black person, a combination of better access to health care and crime rates, among other issues.
--For every dollar an average white person makes, a black person makes 70 cents (or to put this another way, for every dollar a black person makes, a white person gets $1.30--this highlights the white privilege aspect.)
--The average white family has about $40,000 dollars in "net worth" (assets minus debts--assets are like stocks and bonds--but the single biggest factor is home ownership.)  Blacks average $4,000.  So whites have 10X the wealth of blacks, on average.

There are plenty more stats like these; but in my view, the most important stat by far is the one showing differences in net worth.  We get a sense of that in Lil Loco's post a bit earlier.  My grandparents (I'm white, as is my whole family, by implication) moved to an area in the 1950s in which only white people could live; blacks and other racialized minorities were consigned to the kinds of areas Lil Loco's family was raised (I'm also from LA, so I'm very familiar with the areas he listed.)  The property value of my grandparents house skyrocketed--this was not the case for the areas where Lil Loco's family is from.  My grandparents used part of the equity on their house to help my parents get their first home.

Case in point: many whites are the current benefactors of an enormous windfall of wealth and inheritance money.  Many whites are living in areas (and their children are attending better schools) that they would never be able to live in or afford if not for the wealth being passed down to them.  I am part of that legacy, as my parents would have never been able to afford to buy a house in the nice suburban area (with nice schools) had it not been for my grandparents helping them out.  But again, my grandparents lived in an area that was, at the time they bought their home, a whites-only area.  30-40 years down the line, my parents and I reap the benefits.

In contrast, blacks are 4 times more likely to be helping their families out.  While my parents were helping me out by helping pay my college tuition, my Latino friends were living at home and paying rent to help their families.  This is part of the rationale (a somewhat faulty one, to be sure) behind having scholarships and such specifically earmarked for racialized minorities.  For whites who don't see the statistics I mentioned above and the role of centuries of white racism in creating those imbalances, of course scholarships-for-minorities will be deemed "racist."  And that makes perfect sense.

Sometimes we have to get past attitudes and look at the crude and, yes, boring statistics which do affect our lives and the lives of those around us.

Thus, I don't really want to address the whole debate over "white pride/black pride" when, to me, the bigger issue is "white wealth/black wealth" because it shapes so much of the debate. (White Wealth/Black Wealth is a book title that discusses these very issues, by the way.)

So it's not about good white people or "racist" white people (whatever that is) or good/racist/etc people of color, but about the vastly different life chances the different races receive (on average) in American society.  We often lose sight of that in the emotion-laden debates we have about pride or whatever.  And remember, these are averages--there are plenty of whites with no wealth and plenty of people of color who are rich and are benefiting from inheritances.  The conclusion?--in all our racial thinking, we can lose sight that the bigger issue may not be race, but capitalism!

Just wanted to give another opinion!  Thanks for reading!!!  :happy:

Lil Loco

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #61 on: January 20, 2006, 02:12:51 pm »
wut u brought up iz statistical.  yea you're right, on average, the white man does make more money than us minoritiez...but like i said, if sumone workz hard, they can achieve just az much az any white man could.  determination will bring u far, regardless of wut color u are.  i just flat out dont believe that sumone iz limited on their opportunity in life, becaue of their race.  nice to see another person bring sumthin up though.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 02:15:47 pm by Lil Loco »


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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #62 on: January 20, 2006, 02:14:52 pm »
About "Black History Month". It's just ridiculous. Why should there be a seperate month for the history of one race. Is there an Irish History Month? A German one? No. "History" should be history. Ever person that contributes to the advancements of our culture. Our culture as a whole. Why should Black History Month be any different from regular history? Anyway, some of the people you learn about are just in there for the sole reason of trying to make this seem more important than history as a whole. Such as (I can't think of the name) the lady who worked with shampoos. Why do we learn about her in particular, rather learn about George Washington in particular? Don't get me wrong, Martin Luther King Jr. was a great person, and a powerful speaker, but what makes him anymore important than all other revolutionaries in the past?

Every culture has gone through tough times. With Ireland, the potato famine. With Jews, the holocaust. With Polish, communism. With Britain, the Bubonic plague. And every nation has fought with the problems of war!

Okay, so the African Americans had the cicil rights movement. Sure, but it was just as horrible (and sometimes a little easier) than everything else going on in the world. Don't you think Jewish people are discriminated against? Everybody has to realize, the culture of everyone around has gone through just as hard times as you have.


You oughta do something about that cough there.

Seriously, ellaborate on why you point out my post.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 02:15:44 pm by Patback399 »

Offline Scilla

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #63 on: January 20, 2006, 02:21:27 pm »
My cough meant that I didnt understand you. I'm not very good at reading that much.. sorry. :/

Elizabeth Rose

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #64 on: January 20, 2006, 02:29:24 pm »
More white people go to and graduate from college too, which would be why they make more money.

Dragon Of Grief

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #65 on: January 20, 2006, 02:56:12 pm »
These sorts of debates always catch my attention.  As usual, emotions run high.

Just wanted to bring in another angle--if there's anything I've taken from the thread here (from most of the posters, of any racial group), it is the near-invisibility of white privilege.

When white privilege gets rendered invisible, much of what everyone has said here makes complete sense--especially Dragon of Grief.

But how, exactly, are whites "privileged"? Glad you asked.  Some statistics:

--The average white person in America will live 6 years longer than the average black person, a combination of better access to health care and crime rates, among other issues.
--For every dollar an average white person makes, a black person makes 70 cents (or to put this another way, for every dollar a black person makes, a white person gets $1.30--this highlights the white privilege aspect.)
--The average white family has about $40,000 dollars in "net worth" (assets minus debts--assets are like stocks and bonds--but the single biggest factor is home ownership.)  Blacks average $4,000.  So whites have 10X the wealth of blacks, on average.

There are plenty more stats like these; but in my view, the most important stat by far is the one showing differences in net worth.  We get a sense of that in Lil Loco's post a bit earlier.  My grandparents (I'm white, as is my whole family, by implication) moved to an area in the 1950s in which only white people could live; blacks and other racialized minorities were consigned to the kinds of areas Lil Loco's family was raised (I'm also from LA, so I'm very familiar with the areas he listed.)  The property value of my grandparents house skyrocketed--this was not the case for the areas where Lil Loco's family is from.  My grandparents used part of the equity on their house to help my parents get their first home.

Case in point: many whites are the current benefactors of an enormous windfall of wealth and inheritance money.  Many whites are living in areas (and their children are attending better schools) that they would never be able to live in or afford if not for the wealth being passed down to them.  I am part of that legacy, as my parents would have never been able to afford to buy a house in the nice suburban area (with nice schools) had it not been for my grandparents helping them out.  But again, my grandparents lived in an area that was, at the time they bought their home, a whites-only area.  30-40 years down the line, my parents and I reap the benefits.

In contrast, blacks are 4 times more likely to be helping their families out.  While my parents were helping me out by helping pay my college tuition, my Latino friends were living at home and paying rent to help their families.  This is part of the rationale (a somewhat faulty one, to be sure) behind having scholarships and such specifically earmarked for racialized minorities.  For whites who don't see the statistics I mentioned above and the role of centuries of white racism in creating those imbalances, of course scholarships-for-minorities will be deemed "racist."  And that makes perfect sense.

Sometimes we have to get past attitudes and look at the crude and, yes, boring statistics which do affect our lives and the lives of those around us.

Thus, I don't really want to address the whole debate over "white pride/black pride" when, to me, the bigger issue is "white wealth/black wealth" because it shapes so much of the debate. (White Wealth/Black Wealth is a book title that discusses these very issues, by the way.)

So it's not about good white people or "racist" white people (whatever that is) or good/racist/etc people of color, but about the vastly different life chances the different races receive (on average) in American society.  We often lose sight of that in the emotion-laden debates we have about pride or whatever.  And remember, these are averages--there are plenty of whites with no wealth and plenty of people of color who are rich and are benefiting from inheritances.  The conclusion?--in all our racial thinking, we can lose sight that the bigger issue may not be race, but capitalism!

Just wanted to give another opinion!  Thanks for reading!!!  :happy:
I greatly respect your opinion... but the fact of the matter is most black people do live in ghettos... this I can agree with... but then why don't they try and better themselves and be decent upstanding citizens instead of hating the White people for something that happened hundreds of years ago? Also remember many of the Black people back in Africa sold their own people to the European colonists... yes, they were selling out their own race.

And I do agree capatilism does not work... I myself am borderline poverty... capatilism has done nothing but make the rich richer and the poor poorer.


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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #66 on: January 20, 2006, 03:16:03 pm »
yea thats a good point there too :)

Offline Scilla

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #67 on: January 20, 2006, 03:17:35 pm »
They were selling their own race because they had no money, they needed to in order to survive..

Dragon Of Grief

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #68 on: January 20, 2006, 03:40:57 pm »
They were selling their own race because they had no money, they needed to in order to survive..
So White people aren't all to blame for slavery am I correct :happy:

Offline Scilla

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #69 on: January 20, 2006, 03:41:41 pm »


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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #70 on: January 20, 2006, 03:41:47 pm »
no one said they were :P

Dragon Of Grief

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #71 on: January 20, 2006, 03:43:04 pm »
No I am not correct, or No white people aren't all to blame?

Offline Scilla

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #72 on: January 20, 2006, 03:43:34 pm »
Eh both.. I dont know. I cant debate you right now. I'm eating.


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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #73 on: January 20, 2006, 05:01:43 pm »
Eh both.. I dont know. I cant debate you right now. I'm eating.

You would be too busy to post if you were eating.

Lil Loco

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #74 on: January 20, 2006, 05:03:51 pm »
actually no...i eat while i'm on the computer sumtimez.