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Author Topic: Jesus and Crosses  (Read 32645 times)

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Lil Loco

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2006, 03:17:43 pm »
the "obvious impared"?  you're the one who's obvious impared, by not figuring out that what someone says in response to a question is what they think of it.


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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2006, 05:15:25 pm »
Im not asking what you think of the question, im asking WDYTJWD.

keeping on topic, is there any biblical source quoting jesus as wanting the cross to be his symbol?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 05:18:48 pm by The All Seeing Eye »

Lil Loco

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2006, 06:29:49 pm »
the Bible says to remember the sacrifice Jesus made...the cross is one of the symbols used to help us do that. 
as for your little question...is there any biblical source of Jesus NOT wanting the cross to be a symbol?  no.  why do i T-H-I-N-K Jesus isnt bothered by the cross?  because physical death is a small step in a much bigger picture...and Jesus went through it willingly.  if Jesus was so afraid of physical death, he wouldnt have died.  He wasnt afraid of death in life as a man...and it really aint gonna bother Him as the divine one who cant DIE at all.  bottom line...my opinion...what i THINK.  what i BELIEVE.  what i know to be true.  got some other technicality you wanna throw at me?  i aint listening cuz i made my point.  got a problem with that?  tough toasties...i dont care.  believe what you want.


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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2006, 06:58:14 pm »
So jesus has no emotions? it is impossible that being in human form, in a human body, his human mind just might be overwhelmed by the experience?

And dont throw my question back at me, just admit that there *isnt* any place in the bible saying jesus is in favor of crosses being used as his symbol. i probably would have voted for a loaf of bread or a fish or something to symbolize generosity and kindness, if i were on the commity that picked the cross. if the only reason for the cross is to remember why he died, why not use a symbol representing humanity or salvation, instead of using his method of death.

If they had hanged, drawn and quartered him, would churches have nooses atop them?
If they had burned him at the stake would there be flames around peoples necks?

No one said jesus was afraid of physical death either, only that it is possible that the experience might have left deep psychological wounds. However, if you read Matthew 27:46, he doesnt sound any too pleased about dying either.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 07:20:12 pm by The All Seeing Eye »

Lil Loco

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2006, 08:29:18 pm »
So jesus has no emotions? it is impossible that being in human form, in a human body, his human mind just might be overwhelmed by the experience?

He's no longer in human form...your point fails.

And dont throw my question back at me

well i did.  dont like it?  i dont care.

No one said jesus was afraid of physical death either, only that it is possible that the experience might have left deep psychological wounds. However, if you read Matthew 27:46, he doesnt sound any too pleased about dying either.

no one likes dying...but like i said.  He wasnt afraid.  He didnt and still doesnt have the fragile mind that men have.  the Son of God is never going to be "psychologically wounded" by anything.

disclaimer: everything i said above is what i think and believe, so shut your face about it.

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2006, 08:46:56 pm »
So jesus has no emotions? it is impossible that being in human form, in a human body, his human mind just might be overwhelmed by the experience?

He's no longer in human form...your point fails.
I think he meannt upon a second coming


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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2006, 10:47:31 pm »
yup. second coming, not right now. besides, didnt he *suffer* for our sins? if he didnt suffer and isnt still suffering, then what was the point?

Lil Loco

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2006, 08:49:12 am »
yea, He suffered and He died for our sins.  i never said He didnt suffer as a man, buts thats besides my whole point.  Jesus can't die anymore cuz He's no longer a man.  if you were incapable of being physically harmed by anything, what reason would you have to fear anything at all?  well then you say He could've been emotionally or psychologically wounded by the experience...once again, He doesnt have the fragile mind we have.  and no, i'm not sayin He doesnt have emotions, but there's no reason to fear or look down upon a symbol of something that cant harm you.  it's just how some people remember His death, and i dont think it'll bother Him...period.

review time...
  died willingly as a man
+divine being
+cant die anymore
+cant be hurt anymore
+no fragile mind
+wants us to remember His death
  no reason to fear or hate crosses
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 08:41:47 am by Lil Loco »

Offline DiE HaRrD PuNk

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2006, 07:06:23 am »
All seeing Eye your an idiot. no offence...

Jesus died for us. He knew it since the day he was born. It was Gods plan. God plans everything. Why dont you take a look in YOUR bible?? God has everything planned out. Our God is a loving God, a caring God, and he risked his only son for all of evil humanity so God could help our greedy souls. We dont even deserve that. He risked his only sons life for us. Thats amazing. Of course Jesus would not be afriad of crosses. God plans everything that will happen before, during and after the second comming of CHrist. Which is not far off. The war between two nations in the middle east from revalations is happeneing. That is one of the last steps. The mark of the beast which is the computer chip that either goes into your forehead or hand. Thats where the mark of the beast goes. It scans you for information, and they have already come out with that! There will be many storms and the Earth shall shake and crumble. God is giving us signs that he is coming for us soon. The anti christ is NOT far off from taking over.

He wants us to remember that he died for us, what he did for us was amazing. He is not scared of crosses. He looks at them as a sign of triumph and pride because of waht he did to help save humanity..which is going down the drain anyways. He is not afraid of crosses.

And I just dont THINK that, I KNOW that.He came to me in a dream, and showed me whats going to happen. No arguments against crosses. Theres nothing you can argue.

Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names Rachel....call me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2006, 02:56:44 am »
All seeing Eye your an idiot. no offence...

Jesus died for us. He knew it since the day he was born. It was Gods plan. God plans everything.
God has everything planned out.
This denies free will, thus all actions anyone takes are pre-ordained. I am not guilty of sinning for god wanted me to sin?

Our God is a loving God, a caring God
He is neither. He is a petty and jealous god, for those who do not follow him will suffer eternal damnation. That is about 4,000,000,000 to 5,000,000,000 people every hundred years, and rising.

he risked his only son for all of evil humanity so God could help our greedy souls ... He risked his only sons life for us.
His son died and knew he would die, and after he died went straight to heaven, there was no risk involved.

The war between two nations in the middle east from revalations is happeneing.
War in the middle east has been happening for as long as people have lived there, this is nothing new.

The mark of the beast which is the computer chip that either goes into your forehead or hand. Thats where the mark of the beast goes. It scans you for information, and they have already come out with that!
Please, do not ever have children or adopt. And add some more tinfoil to your hat there.

There will be many storms and the Earth shall shake and crumble.
The earth is always shaking and crumbling, and there have been a great many quakes and major volcanic eruptions for as long as man has existed. There is a photo somewhere of a collapsed double decker freeway...

God is giving us signs that he is coming for us soon.
Good, i have a great many questions for him.

The anti christ is NOT far off from taking over.
So then god is powerless against the anti christ? When the end of the world occurs, what purpose does Hell serve? if all who will ever be sent to hell are there, why allow them to continue suffering? a Kind and Caring god would put us poor wreches out of our misery, rather than allow us to suffer. The mortal men who founded our fine country saw fit to forbid Cruel and Unusual punishment, why hasn't God?

He wants us to remember that he died for us, what he did for us was amazing. He is not scared of crosses. He looks at them as a sign of triumph and pride because of waht he did to help save humanity..which is going down the drain anyways. He is not afraid of crosses.
Care to give a little more insight into that assertion? the cross was only one method of execution, it would have been just as easy to have hanged him, or chopped off his head at the block. no, the cross was the most agonizing and *humiliating* form of capital punishment, though it was hardly special for jesus.

And I just dont THINK that, I KNOW that.He came to me in a dream, and showed me whats going to happen. No arguments against crosses. Theres nothing you can argue.
If the second coming of Christ is supposed to be the very next time he appears on earth since his death some 2000 years ago, whatever you saw in your dream couldnt have been him, right?

I understand remembering his death, but who decided to use the cross? was jesus in any way involved in the aproval of the cross? how long after his death was it until his followers started using the cross? If the important part of having a symbol for jesus is remembering him and his sacrifice, are there not more friendly symbols available?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 03:08:18 am by The All Seeing Eye »

Offline DiE HaRrD PuNk

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2006, 07:36:28 am »
All seeing Eye your an idiot. no offence...

Jesus died for us. He knew it since the day he was born. It was Gods plan. God plans everything.
God has everything planned out.
This denies free will, thus all actions anyone takes are pre-ordained. I am not guilty of sinning for god wanted me to sin?

Our God is a loving God, a caring God
He is neither. He is a petty and jealous god, for those who do not follow him will suffer eternal damnation. That is about 4,000,000,000 to 5,000,000,000 people every hundred years, and rising.

he risked his only son for all of evil humanity so God could help our greedy souls ... He risked his only sons life for us.
His son died and knew he would die, and after he died went straight to heaven, there was no risk involved.

The war between two nations in the middle east from revalations is happeneing.
War in the middle east has been happening for as long as people have lived there, this is nothing new.

The mark of the beast which is the computer chip that either goes into your forehead or hand. Thats where the mark of the beast goes. It scans you for information, and they have already come out with that!
Please, do not ever have children or adopt. And add some more tinfoil to your hat there.

There will be many storms and the Earth shall shake and crumble.
The earth is always shaking and crumbling, and there have been a great many quakes and major volcanic eruptions for as long as man has existed. There is a photo somewhere of a collapsed double decker freeway...

God is giving us signs that he is coming for us soon.
Good, i have a great many questions for him.

The anti christ is NOT far off from taking over.
So then god is powerless against the anti christ? When the end of the world occurs, what purpose does Hell serve? if all who will ever be sent to hell are there, why allow them to continue suffering? a Kind and Caring god would put us poor wreches out of our misery, rather than allow us to suffer. The mortal men who founded our fine country saw fit to forbid Cruel and Unusual punishment, why hasn't God?

He wants us to remember that he died for us, what he did for us was amazing. He is not scared of crosses. He looks at them as a sign of triumph and pride because of waht he did to help save humanity..which is going down the drain anyways. He is not afraid of crosses.
Care to give a little more insight into that assertion? the cross was only one method of execution, it would have been just as easy to have hanged him, or chopped off his head at the block. no, the cross was the most agonizing and *humiliating* form of capital punishment, though it was hardly special for jesus.

And I just dont THINK that, I KNOW that.He came to me in a dream, and showed me whats going to happen. No arguments against crosses. Theres nothing you can argue.
If the second coming of Christ is supposed to be the very next time he appears on earth since his death some 2000 years ago, whatever you saw in your dream couldnt have been him, right?

I understand remembering his death, but who decided to use the cross? was jesus in any way involved in the aproval of the cross? how long after his death was it until his followers started using the cross? If the important part of having a symbol for jesus is remembering him and his sacrifice, are there not more friendly symbols available?

No, your a freaking idiot. *No Offence*

And for your information i am adopting when i am older. Because I am right with whats happening I am an idiot. I dont think so.

His last coming was about 2,000 years ago, and hes soon to come again. Why would he come to me in a dream and tell me and show me all thas going to happen, when i didnt even believe in him? tell me moron.

I learned that what my dream was about was exactly what was in the bible. I never even knew it.

The EArth that CRUMBLES AND SHAKES, of course it does all the time moron. The bible says major storms and earthquakes will happen. And Our God isnt only a jealous God. HE cares and loves, and he gives us many chances in life, so dont be going around saying he isnt friendly and doesnt care.

God knows everything. Dont even argue that. He knows what you are thinking, doing, and anything else.

And crosses are the symbols that we carry around close to us to represent how much we truly appreciate and care that he DIED for us. He did it willingly. He knew what was going to happen.

Jesus is the son of God, and He is also one with God. God had Jesus die on that cross for all of us.

And It doesnt matter if he went straight to heaven. He went through much pain, agony, and humiliation.

And the wars between the two countries in the middle east? It doesnt happen ALL the time, you are saying that every week, every month, or every day there are two countries from there at war. THat is false, NOT true.

The fact that all the other events in revalations are taking place, this just adds to the list. BEcause Isreal, the holy land, is going to war. Not just some other regular old country.

Somewhere over there the anti christ is there. HE is the leader of one of the countries. I have a feeling Jesus will come during my lifetime. He told me there isnt much time left in my dream, and to spread the word. In one way I am a prophet. I dont want to be, but i am....and i doubt im one of the seven prophets, but who knows.

And as for the crosses, wtf do you mean are there any more friendly symbols available? Do you thik a peice of bread symbolizes what he did for us? What he went through for us? Of course not. Do you think a fish and a loaf of bread symbolizes what he did for us. It will never be enough.

The cross is the only symbol that keeps us reminded what he did. If he did not want man to make crosses he would have said so. But there is not anything in the bible that says " DO NOT make crosses"

So obviously God wants us to be reminded of what happened, and to wear it with pride knowing your God did that for you, and you appreciate so much what he did that your wearing the cross with pride.

As for you, you sound like msp, cut it out.

Lord knows we dont need another MSP.

And The good followers of God will be saved, the others who dont believe shall live on The planet while the anti christ is ruling.

And No they dont have to go to hell if they are LEFT BEHIND, they can make it up and start following him during that rough time, and deny to worship the anti christ, like what is supposed to happen, and deny him saying "no you arent greater than god, you are not more powerful, your not more holy. He will kill you of course, but God will let you come to heaven.

Thats your last chance to get to heaven. He gives us many chances in life. He is a kind, caring, strict God, which makes him all around perfect.

EDIT: I see what my mom says about me being a lawyer....id make a good lawyer... :P
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 07:44:57 am by DiE HaRrD PuNk »
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names Rachel....call me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

<33 Asian Guys Are Hawt<33



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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2006, 03:54:20 pm »
No, your a freaking idiot. *No Offence*
Is that sarcasm or are you actualy trying to not offend me while using an offensive phrase?

And for your information i am adopting when i am older.
Please dont, we don't need more paranoid conspiracy theorists.

Because I am right with whats happening
And whats happening?

I am an idiot.

His last coming was about 2,000 years ago, and hes soon to come again. Why would he come to me in a dream and tell me and show me all thas going to happen, when i didnt even believe in him?
So you don't believe in him? I think you misunderstood the question. Christ is supposed to not return until his Second Coming, so your dream is either the Second Coming of Christ, or the imaginings of your brain.

tell me moron.
name calling again, eh?

I learned that what my dream was about was exactly what was in the bible. I never even knew it.
So you never knew anything about christianity before your dream? Ever seen Donnie Darko? Its a movie about a rather emotionaly disturbed young man whoes friend frank fortells the end times.

The EArth that CRUMBLES AND SHAKES, of course it does all the time
So if it shakes and crumbles all the time, how is that a sign of the end of the world?

Time to invest in a thesaurus mate.

The bible says major storms and earthquakes will happen.
The Gavelston hurricane of 1900 brought great death and destruction comparable to katrina, as did the 1906 quake in San Fransisco. If storms and quakes are a sign of christ coming, he is 100 years late, at a minium.

And Our God isnt only a jealous God. HE cares and loves, and he gives us many chances in life, so dont be going around saying he isnt friendly and doesnt care.
Life vs Eternity, we are given but a fraction of our total existance in life and death to follow your god. For your god to say a child rapist and an islamic nun are equal and send them both to hell for not accepting christ is evil.

God knows everything. Dont even argue that. He knows what you are thinking, doing, and anything else.
Duh. Im not arguing against that, im arguing against divination. For God to know all that is to happen means that free will does not exist. Again, because God has decided all the actions I will ever take for me, I am incable of sin.

And crosses are the symbols that we carry around close to us to represent how much we truly appreciate and care that he DIED for us. He did it willingly. He knew what was going to happen.
He knew it was going to happen because it was god's will right? Then god killed his own son?

Jesus is the son of God, and He is also one with God. God had Jesus die on that cross for all of us.
Why? Could not god himself have simple come to earth and told us how he wished things to be?

And It doesnt matter if he went straight to heaven. He went through much pain, agony, and humiliation.
But hardly enough to atone for all the sins of every human that would ever exist.

And the wars between the two countries in the middle east? It doesnt happen ALL the time, you are saying that every week, every month, or every day there are two countries from there at war. THat is false, NOT true.
While the last 60 years have been filled with high tension conflict, there were wars and agressions going back as far as Sumer and earlier.
The fact that all the other events in revalations are taking place, this just adds to the list. BEcause Isreal, the holy land, is going to war. Not just some other regular old country.
Israel was founded by war, and has been the subject of war for 60 years
Somewhere over there the anti christ is there. HE is the leader of one of the countries.
Some would say the same of Bush :p

I have a feeling Jesus will come during my lifetime. He told me there isnt much time left in my dream, and to spread the word. In one way I am a prophet. I dont want to be, but i am....and i doubt im one of the seven prophets, but who knows.
Perhaps you are a false prophet, your dream a message from satan, ment to lead the faithful astray. Hell, you could be the Anti Christ for all anyone knows. To put stock in dreams is to step into madness.

And as for the crosses, wtf do you mean are there any more friendly symbols available? Do you thik a peice of bread symbolizes what he did for us? What he went through for us? Of course not. Do you think a fish and a loaf of bread symbolizes what he did for us. It will never be enough.
When christianity started, the cross was a symbol of death and torture, like the guillotine and the noose. It took a long time after that for it to be accepted and recognized as the symbol of the church.

The cross is the only symbol that keeps us reminded what he did. If he did not want man to make crosses he would have said so. But there is not anything in the bible that says " DO NOT make crosses"
The bible was written years after jesus died. I would put far more stock in it if the bible had come straight from God without middle men.

So obviously God wants us to be reminded of what happened, and to wear it with pride knowing your God did that for you, and you appreciate so much what he did that your wearing the cross with pride.
Millions of jews were killed by the nazis. We dont go around wearing swastikas to remember their sacrifice.

As for you, you sound like msp, cut it out.

Lord knows we dont need another MSP.
Never met him. If you cant handle someone who dissagrees with you, stay out of the thread.

And The good followers of God will be saved, the others who dont believe shall live on The planet while the anti christ is ruling.

And No they dont have to go to hell if they are LEFT BEHIND, they can make it up and start following him during that rough time, and deny to worship the anti christ, like what is supposed to happen, and deny him saying "no you arent greater than god, you are not more powerful, your not more holy. He will kill you of course, but God will let you come to heaven.
If god loves and is caring, he would not allow the Anti Christ to rule. If god is all knowing then he wouldnt need to test humans, he would know from the moment they are concieved if they are worthy of heaven.

Thats your last chance to get to heaven. He gives us many chances in life.
You cant have it both ways.

He is a kind, caring, strict God, which makes him all around perfect.
God punishes those who do not follow him with eternal damnation and suffering, thats way beyond strict. No man on earth has ever been so cruel.

EDIT: I see what my mom says about me being a lawyer....id make a good lawyer...
You would have been thrown out for contempt of court just based on how many times you resorted to name calling.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 03:58:10 pm by The All Seeing Eye »

Offline DiE HaRrD PuNk

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2006, 06:16:55 pm »
Ok msp, maybe you should read the whole sentence next time. The fact that everything that was in my dream is in the bibel, a bit ironic being the faact that i didnt even know about it. And God is coming back, I know it.

I am adopting. YOu shouldnt get married, id feel bad for your future husband, i mean wife..

The earth shakes and crumbles MORE VIOLENTLY now. Quote the rest of the sentence, dont pull bits and peices.

Your an idiot, your right.

YEs i believe in him. He is coming again, I suppose if you dont believe it you wont be saved. Have fun on EArth with the anti christ. :)

God didnt kill his own son. Man did. He knew it was goign to happen though. It was Gods plan.

And sp your saying that him dieing on the cross isnt enough for all of humanity? God did. I guess your the one who doesn't believe.

Whats happening is the end times. Revalation.

He is not late, there are way to many signs that are the same thing as the bible that is going on at the same time.

Maybe Bush is the anti christ, none of us know.

See , you are in a life of sin. God didnt come to me for no reason. The anti christ did not give me that dream. perhaps i should post my dream...maybe you would be able to understand better, although i highly doubt it. I am not arguing anymore about this. I believe in God, I believe everything He has done, what He has shown me and told me in dreams. Your acting much more like the anti christ in this topic.

Ill post my dream again. Although small minds cant function with reading such true and story length material.

And did you notice that everyone in this topic is agaisnt you? Have you realized that?

You are the only one who thinks the absolutley insane idea. God is not afraid of crosses, neither is Jesus.

Here is my dream.

I had a dream and jesus came to me. And told me the antichrist is coming soon.
And to trust him and he took me to the future of what the world was going to be like when and after he came and the people left behind who didnt go to heaven.

And everything was burned to the ground, there was no buildings and no food or water or anything. Just bombs and guns and dead body parts blown apart everywhere.

And he told me to trust him, and give myself to him and just follow what he's saying and that i shouldnt be scared.

And he told me to just trust him ad do what he says, and i wont end up there.

And he told me the antichrist is coming soon and he doesnt want me left behind with him (the anti christ)

And he told me to spread the word, which is why i'm doing this now, to help you guys.

It was just..amazing... i saw him..i was just..i dont know

He was just so awesome standing there next to me, just..so heavenly, glorius...i cant explain it...he wanted me to spread the word.

But it was so real, he took me to the future while the anti chrsit was ruling, it was just horrible..i mean i have heard he comes to the people who have doubt, like me, and i just really..wow..just amazing!

Im doing everything he told me in the dream, and so far things are getting better!

Because im trusting my life to him, and im not scared or anything, and don't have doubts like before.

And he looked like all the pictures of him described and painted, except better!

But he just had this unearthly and amazing glow to him...he wore like a glowing white older outfit that you see alot back when he was alive , but his was just, like, i dont know..

Unexplainable, and indescribeable!

He told me he'd made sure i made it to heaven if i just follow him and do what he told me, and to spread the word of what he's said to me!

The future with the anti chrsit was just, i dont know, horrible, scary...there were dead bodies and body parts blown everywhere..

But he told me theres NOT HARDLY ANY TIME LEFT BEFORE THE ANTI CHRIST IS ON EARTH, but i dont know if he ment born or take over, he wouldnt tell me.

I just needed to spread it, like he said, i believe in him more than ever now.

Iasked him , "Why did you come to me, outta all of the people, im no one special and important"

But he put his hand on my shoulder and told me im important as everyone else is. I could feel him touch me, it was insane feeling, and i was sleeping, you can't feel things like that if your asleep..

It was just warm, glowy, unexplainable feeling, i dont know, incredible.. like nothing ever before...

I told him i felt ashamed standing in his presence, because i was sinful and he was just so holy!

But he told me he'd repent my sins right there and then if i wanted. And of course i said yes.

But i dont know, it was the greatest experirence ever. When he came to me i just automaticly bowed before him. Just his presence being there with him was incredible.I dont know, it was just, amazing..

He showed me the gates of heaven but wouldnt let go in, just view it everything was gold.

I asked him directly, why did you choose me father, why didnt you choose the pope or someone important? All he said was that i was just as important as the pope.

Well i just asked him..he kinda laughed at me, but i didnt question why he laughed when i said the pope.......

It was the best experience ever though, it was just..just real..



I was dreaming about school too and all of the sudden the dream gets cut off and Jesus comes.

We first start out in a desert area, common day, and he takes me to the future where buildings and cities are supposed to be.

And everything is burning and ashes and red, blood red satanic colored stuff....and the sand! blood red too!

And Jesus told me not to be afraid, and he was just showing me what it was like, i trusted him and he stood close to me.There was just..I don't know, everything was horrible!

Dead bodies, bombs, body parts just everywhere, and i asked why am i here, he told me that this is what the anti chrsit will be doing and what will happen when he takes control.

It was just...too violent and graphic to explain really..

Jesus didnt tell me when the anti christ was coming, who he was or where he was, he just told me he'd be coming to this earth soon. He kept telling me to SPREAD THE WORD, he wants to save and get as many people to heaven as he can beofre IT'S TOO LATE. He didnt want them to be left for the anti christ to torcher and have them suffer.

He told me not to worry about when the anti christ came, just liive my life and enjoy it and SPREAD THE WORD and he would watch over me.
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He told me to get to heaven, accept him as your lord and savior, to accept him as your God, and accept that he IS THE SON OF GOD, HE IS GOD. TO NOT SIN, TO BELIVE HE IS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD. TO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE ANTI CHRIST, BUT TO TRUST JESUS AND GOD AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OK.


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Please if you belive all these things that happened to me last night then please, PLEASE ,PLEASE repost thiis to spread the word to others. I'm doing what God told me to do to help everyone. Like Jesus told me, THE ANTICHRIST WILL BE HERE SOON, THERE ISN'T MUCH TIME LEFT, SAVE AS MANY SOULS AS YOU CAN BY SPREADING THE WORD.

This best efficent way i can do this is through the internet. Please repost it, pass it along, email it, do whatever it takes to spread the word.



Pass it along, please, if you have any questions search for me on myspace or just send me a message and i will gladly answer any questions.

Best of luck,

Rachel Kessler

ps. Name calling..hmm this is a forum not a court room. 14 vs. a 20 year old who has no faith in God and doesnt believe he cares. Hmm i seem to be the smartest of the two.

And i wont be name calling when im a lawyer, but i can sure do it now.

You could be satan for all we know. You are putting down God.

You are doubting the fact that Jesus wasnt enough for our sins.

You dont believe that Jesus comes to people, he came to me, and it wasnt satan. I pray for you that he will help you.

And you are referrring me to an idiotic movie. My dream isnt just a movie. I never believed before, and everything that was in my dream was in the bible. I didnt even know.

If your against God so much then get out of this Den please. Ive argued many points in all my time i have been here, and quite a number of people have told me i am an excellent debater.

 Your poll isnt even worded correctly. You worded it with such exaggeration of how he will freak out over crosses, that the poll choice isnt fair.

He isnt afraid of a cross.

your choices consist of your attitude towards it. "He will freak out because the symbols of his death are all over the place"

"He will be totally ok with seeing signs of his death all over the place"

Your wording is not fair.

its like saying that he will be ok with the crosses is the worst choice.

an example is saying

"George Bush is a dumb president and he cant cook well"
" John Kerry makes excellent ketchup and can cook amazingly"

Wich is the more positive choice? Obviously the one your for. You made your choice more positive.

The poll needs to be nuetral (sp?)

so people can deicide on their own without your input.

and the fact is, everyone is against you. Your the only one who voted your choice.

Well thats all for now. I will try to ignore your useless posts....

« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 06:31:54 pm by DiE HaRrD PuNk »
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names Rachel....call me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

<33 Asian Guys Are Hawt<33



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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2006, 07:22:42 pm »

Offline DiE HaRrD PuNk

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Re: Jesus and Crosses
« Reply #29 on: July 23, 2006, 07:52:24 pm »
thanks for the link. I joined. :)
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names Rachel....call me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

<33 Asian Guys Are Hawt<33
