Author Topic: Disproving Evolution  (Read 46340 times)

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Disproving Evolution
« on: November 21, 2004, 07:45:07 pm »
Charles Darwin HIMSELF repented on his death-bed before God.  And yet people still follow his garbage.  Now about evolution. It goes against logic. Let me ask you a question. If you were walking down the street and you found an fully functional computer just sitting there on the side of the path, what would you believe about it? Would you believe that it just happened by random chance or that it had a creator who not only designed it but built it? Of course you would know that someone designed it and built it, because it would be impossible for it to just appear by random chance.

Now go look in the mirror. Do you realize that what you see is a trillion times more complex than the most powerful computer man has ever made? Yet evolution would have you believe it (you) were not designed or built by anyone, you just happened by random chance. Not only are they claiming that one fully functioning computer happened by random chance but two did, since they were able to recreate themselves sexually and that takes two at least.

Evolution uses time as the great equalizer. What I mean is that they claim evolution too billions of years. That makes it so slow that we can't possible expect to see any evidence in our lives. Okay, here is another logic question for you. Take a watch, any watch and carefully take every part apart and put them in a paper bag. Now you know that when you started you had a working watch. You know that all the parts are there and you know that they all fit together. Now close the bag and start shaking it. How long would it take before you would have a completely functioning watch again? All the parts are there already, you know they fit, you know they work, so how long before it randomly puts itself back together and starts working. I won't even make you wait until it randomly sets its own time correctly, just until it starts working again. How about a year? How about a hundred years? How about 4.3 billion years? Do you see my point? Random chance is not going to put all the correct parts back together yet evolution wants you to believe that is what happened and they did not even start with one (much less all) of the right pieces. The billion years are just to fool you.

Notice that I have not used the Bible once yet? That is because evolution is illogical. I don't need the Bible to disprove it. Evolution takes more blind faith to believe than the Bible ever will, yet many people blindly believe it and refuse to even look at the Bible.

Look at all the flowers on a spring day. Look at all the different kinds and colors, etc... They all randomly come from the same primordial ooze we did? Nice how evolution with no intelligent mind behind it made bees to cross pollinate the plants don't you think? Since evolution claims that only the strongest and wises of species will evolve (survival of the fittest) aren't we lucky that some managed to survive just so we more advanced species could eat them? Good thing plants are stupid and evolved into edible things too. Evolution would dictate that all plants become poisonous so that they are not eaten, but boy I'm glad most of the plants did not think of that.

I am not trying to make fun of what you believe, I am just trying to show you that logically what you believe is wrong. You can't have it both ways. You can't claim there is not intellect behind what happens and yet claim that things happened in a logical intelligent way. If evolution is true and that is why some animals evolved into poisonous animals, then why not all of them? If that had happened all life would have died!! Yet evolution would at least have proved itself.

There are countless more examples I could give you. For example; did you know that there are petrified trees standing straight up in the layers of the Grand Cannon? That means that the tree which is doing so must have existed for millions of years, because it is standing in and through millions of years of layers of earth. Of course another possibility is that it died standing up and was buried quickly in those layers as they settled out after a great flood. Oh, but that would mean those layers are not really millions of years old.

Gideon Brown

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2004, 08:00:28 pm »
MSP....let's pause for a minute and reflect on why some humans tend to believe there is no such thing as evolution...why would they do that? Because they are arrogant little pricks who think they are 'special'?  I personally don't see humans as being anymore special as any other species....and your computer analogy is very bad...computers aren't alive. Obviously, if it is not a living being, it can not reproduce. It does not have the capability to do so. Genetic mutations are proof that animals change. Again...I shall use the example of the whale fetus. If it has ALWAYS lived in the water, then the first phase of the pregnancy does that fetus HAVE LEGS? And why is it's nose an actual nose and not a freaking blowhole?


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2004, 11:35:46 am »
There is NO SUCH THING as evolution and Man is God's greatest creation!


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2004, 03:33:34 pm »
Your arguements fall appart once another intelligent individual is able to debate them with you.  Your entire hypothesis that evolution does not exist is based on several poorly constructed analogies.  They do not come close to demonstrating how evolution really works.  The point you make of why all plants and animals didn't evolve to be poisonous... that just shows a very poor understanding of evolution.  No sort of plant or creature just makes itself poisonous because it knows what will keep it alive the best.  Living organisms only need to be able to survive from whatever natural predators they may or may not have.  If they can't survive, they are wiped out.  All living organisms have some method or way of protecting themselves from going extinct.  Not all things need to be poisonous to stop things from eating them.  In fact, some plants, such as fruit trees, actually evolved to grow sweet fruit because those that genetically had this trait thrived.  By eating the nutritious fruit, animals pass the seeds through their digestive system, and drop them wherever they travel to.  This means that the plants have a higher chance of their descendents spreading and passing the genes on.  Evolution makes complete and logical sense.  If you are able to provide me with even a single accurate point that would potentially disprove evolution, instead of ignorantly resorting to "There is NO SUCH THING as evolution and Man is God's greatest creation!" when other people bring up logical points, then i will start to consider taking you as a somewhat intelligent person.  But as of now, it still boggles my mind that people are so intent on not accepting scientific facts.


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2004, 07:08:06 pm »
Evoultion is FAKE for four reasons:

1. Many skulls and fossils are being mutated as I speak underground like 50 ft below. Many of them are mutated by water and bugs and other carbon material that if it gets effected too much, it'll look like "another species" if it's removed. Thus disproving evoultion.

2. Charles Darwin on his deathbed said that the theory of evoultion is fake and made up.

3. The theory isn't true because, it hasn't been tested at all.

4. God made us.  

Gideon Brown

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2004, 07:31:44 pm »
number for can not be a reason, because God must be proven. Gos is NOT proven. God is about faith.


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2004, 07:57:09 pm »
Faith is more than what you think.  


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2004, 08:02:18 pm »
Those points do not disprove evolution.

1. Even if some fossils are slightly disfigured due to environmental, that still does not explain how there is such an obvious pattern in the growth and change of animals over thousands of years.  Maybe in some instances the fossils are disformed and not an exact replica of what the original specimen was, but on the whole, it does not affect the much larger amount of accurate specimens.  On top of that, even without relying solely on fossils, we can still observe evolution as it has taken place in our lifetime.  Cmonkey cited the example of how rats have evolved and many are now immune to certain types of rate poison.  Just saying that some fossils "may" have been disfigured does not disprove the theory.

2. Darwin was practically forced to renounce his views based on the environment he lived and grew up in.  Many people in that time were so strictly and blindly religious that he was shunned for his reasonable views, and had he not publicly renounced them under this pressure, he could very well have been condemned to ::Dolphin Noise:: by the clergy of that time period.  As a deeply religious man himself, Darwin mistakenly believed that he had almost no choice but to seek what was his only path to heaven.

3. The theory has been observed and demonstrated in the modern world.  Other than the rat poison example, i can think of a particular instance involving butterflies.  A certain type of tree died out in some part of the western hemisphere because of a disease.  An entire species of butterflies that was colored to camouflage with that bark began to die off, because it no longer had its natural means of protection.  Only a small amount of the butterflies, that happened to have different coloring patterns, survived.  They therefore were able to reproduce and pass on this trait.  While the others died, the species as a whole adapted to their environment, as a part of natural selection.  That is a critical part of evolution as we define it today, and we can see that the species did actually evolve.  That sounds like a tested example of evolution to me.

4. Fine, maybe God made us.  I will admit that i know nothing for sure about this.  I just think it is a terrible misinterpritation of the bible to think that everything in the bible needs to be a strict fact.  The bible is not an entire book based solely on facts.  It really bothers me that some people think that you can't be a Christian, or believe in the bible, and believe in evolution at the same time.  I don't think that the book of Genesis strictly contrasts with the theory of evolution.  If you were at the very beginning of the earth, and physically witnessed it, i don't think it would have physically looked anything at all like the book of Genesis describes it.  That does not mean that i don't think the story is not true because of that.  When you look at it, i think you need to look for the message it is trying to tell you.  As my pastor said, the emphasis of the story is not on that everything in the Universe was created in 7 days.  The story tells us that life is good.  Life is a wonderful thing, and for those that believe in him, it is a gift from God, whichever form you believe he, she, or it exists as.  It is a story of God's love, and not a story that should be used to explain physical truths of what occurred.  It is quite possible to believe that species evolve, but that God plays an integral part in it all.  Many scientists believe that there must be some sort of God, because otherwise there is no way to explain why the first collection of amino acids and proteins had that spark that turned it into an actual form of life.  Steven Hawking for example, the genius that has furthered so much of our understanding of the Big Bang and the origins of the Universe, believes wholeheartedly that a God exists and that he created the Universe.  The Big Bang may just have been the method that he chose to do it in.  Otherwise, as far as i have heard, no scientest has a good clue as to why the Big Bang started, and why existance spurred from nothingness at that precise moment.  It is just sad that people can't recognize that science and religion can, and maybe are meant, to exist and work together.  As Einstein once said, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

Gideon Brown

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2004, 08:14:37 pm »
Faith is more than what you think.
Ah my dear, dear SSS....I have no faith in YOUR God. I once did, but I lost that faith. I DO know what faith is. I have faith in what Mother Earth has to offer us. And I have faith that humans are too blind to see it, because they are wrapped up in stories they made up centuries ago.


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2004, 08:17:36 pm »
Faith is more than what you think.
Ah my dear, dear SSS....I have no faith in YOUR God. I once did, but I lost that faith. I DO know what faith is. I have faith in what Mother Earth has to offer us. And I have faith that humans are too blind to see it, because they are wrapped up in stories they made up centuries ago.
I feel sad that you lost your faith. But you will gain it gain it back someday....just in another way.  

Gideon Brown

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2004, 08:23:51 pm »
I HAVE gained faith again. Just not in the same form of God as Christians see it. I'm meant to live by water, and water is where I shall live, because the ocean is the giver of life. The ocean is symbolic of the womb. I have found God in nature, and I plan on keeping my faith this way. When it rains, it is nature's way of helping her creations grow and thrive. When it snows, life ends, and when winter ends, life begins again. A neverending cycle. To me, that is God. God IS evolution.  


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2004, 05:49:42 pm »
What in the heck are you talking about?  Enviornmentalism isn't a religion!  You don't want to hear my opinion on extreme enviornmentalism, because I don't like it!! >:(  God is proven in my book, and I shunned out that science teacher who claimed to be a Catholic who taught evolution.  I refused to do the worksheets, and eventually I was transfered to anatomy.  That is my so-called by you "extremist" veiw on the TRUTH.  


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2004, 05:51:39 pm »
Plus, all those so-called "genetic evolution", are all just simple ordinary mutations.


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2004, 05:37:27 pm »
What in the heck are you talking about?  Enviornmentalism isn't a religion!  You don't want to hear my opinion on extreme enviornmentalism, because I don't like it!! >:(  God is proven in my book, and I shunned out that science teacher who claimed to be a Catholic who taught evolution.  I refused to do the worksheets, and eventually I was transfered to anatomy.  That is my so-called by you "extremist" veiw on the TRUTH.
Do you have any sort of reason in you at all?!?!?  First of all, as i very carefully said in my last post, you don't need to throw out the idea of evolution just because you are a devout Christian!  I seriously can't understand why more people do not realize that.  It does not help you to refuse to try and learn the facts that scientists have put forth.  If after that you still come to the conclusion that evolution is not possible, then i would still argue that you were wrong, but i would at least have a certain amount of respect for it, as long as it was purely based on facts and not a blind assertion based on a misconstrued view of religion.

Plus, all those so-called "genetic evolution", are all just simple ordinary mutations.
Yes!  That's what genetic evolution is!  Genetic evolution is as simple as that.  It occurs when simple, ordinary mutations take place in a creature.  It just so happens that if they make it easier for that organism to survive, then there is a higher chance it will pass those simple genetic mutations on to its offspring.  As this keeps taking place, these organisms living in one particular area or environment may undergo a significant amount of these changes.  Doesn't it make sense then that with enough time, the species might eventually have enough new traits that you might not recognize it from what it looked like a thousand years earlier?  I'm not saying that "genetic evolution" has to be anything fancy or hard to swallow.  It really is just as simple as ordinary mutations when you look at it on a simple level.

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2004, 10:30:08 pm »
What in the heck are you talking about?  Enviornmentalism isn't a religion!  You don't want to hear my opinion on extreme enviornmentalism, because I don't like it!! >:(  God is proven in my book, and I shunned out that science teacher who claimed to be a Catholic who taught evolution.  I refused to do the worksheets, and eventually I was transfered to anatomy.  That is my so-called by you "extremist" veiw on the TRUTH.
YOur school probably requires you learn about evolution.

In order to make it through the world one needs some insanity.