Author Topic: Birth Control and contraceptives  (Read 33647 times)

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Birth Control and contraceptives
« on: April 28, 2005, 08:02:29 pm »
Birth control is extremly evil and a HUGE sin. Birth Control is definitilu anti-Baby and anti-Child. That is what that god awful thing is for, the point of it is for birth control to stop the life of an innocent baby from being born. Why would you stop your own child from being conceived or born? What kind of human being are you?
Birthcontrol is  form of abortion because
"I'would go crazys if I had any mors kids, they say.  But my church says to enjoin and be fruitful.  Go on out there, The Church of Rome says multiply.  For those of you who don't wanna hear any more "poop from the pope", you must listen.  Birthcontrol pills, for example, mess up the the reproductive system, making a womans body believe she is already pregnant but it not, and then it stops life.  Enjoin and be fruitful.  God wants it that way.


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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2005, 08:05:02 pm »
Are you against just the pill, or condoms too?


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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2005, 08:09:55 pm »
Both of course.  I can not believe that some people say the Catholic Church is allowing people to die from AIDS in Africa for not letting them use a condom.  Wouldn't tha just be more bloodshed and sin?  Yes.  How can you say Birthcontrol is not a form of abortion?  Well you can't.

Elizabeth Rose

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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2005, 08:11:15 pm »
Birth control is unhealthy for the woman, but I still say it's better for her to screw her own body up than to kill a baby. You can't kill it if it was never conceived. I don't like birth control one bit, and would never, ever use it, but if people just have to have sex, and don't want a kid, they should use birth control.


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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2005, 08:17:07 pm »
But what about the fact that it is a horrid sin?  I mean someone having 5 kids is nothing to be ashamed of.  Sex.  Contraceptives.  1 time.  That is stopping what may have been hundreds of great generations(if the world is around that much longer, before the 2nd coming of Jesus.)  Enjoin and be fruitful.  Have alot of kids.  God wants it that way.  I don't wanna hear this "population control" crapola.

And let there not be blood on thy hands.

Gideon Brown

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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2005, 08:23:03 pm »
There would not be blood if a child isn't conceived you fool.

As for population control. You have a problem with it? fruitful....but humans were fruitful in the past because we didn't have medicine that could cure almost any disease. We NEEDED to multiply. We don't anymore. Mother Earth will have her way with you, while I rest peacefully in my state of pure religion.

Elizabeth Rose

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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2005, 08:23:16 pm »
But what about the fact that it is a horrid sin?  I mean someone having 5 kids is nothing to be ashamed of.  Sex.  Contraceptives.  1 time.  That is stopping what may have been hundreds of great generations(if the world is around that much longer, before the 2nd coming of Jesus.)  Enjoin and be fruitful.  Have alot of kids.  God wants it that way.  I don't wanna hear this "population control" crapola.

And let there not be blood on thy hands.
Not all people need kids. I doubt God cares about birth control, as long as we are not murdering a perfectly good life already.


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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2005, 10:59:23 pm »
Both of course.  I can not believe that some people say the Catholic Church is allowing people to die from AIDS in Africa for not letting them use a condom.  Wouldn't tha just be more bloodshed and sin?  Yes.  How can you say Birthcontrol is not a form of abortion?  Well you can't.

Im a bit confused by your post. Condoms are wrong, unless they are to prevent a discease, then they are right? Or they are wrong because when having sex, you know you could catch something. Im a bit slow, so dont mind my stupidity.


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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2005, 11:16:33 pm »
hahaha, your funny.
having too many children screws your body up way more than taking hte pill. give it two years and your completly back to normal. having a kid has the weirest life long "side effects" ever.   some women have PERMERMENT heommoroids after having children, they can be partially paralised, gain weight, have reduced feeling in their limbs etc etc.

i met a lady who cant move. just sits on the sofa all day every day cos she had two children too close together, and it pushed apart the vertebre in her back.

and of course you "dont wanna hear" the population control point, cos its valid, and people are ruining the earth. but you somehow see that as ok :mellow:

anyways, its practicle and sensible to use contraception. if your not able, or not ready to have children, its the best thing to do.

once again, if you say that using a condom is hte same as having an abortion, then by your logic, women are disgracing god everytime they have sex and DONT get pregnant. or even have their periods and dont get pregnant, its still "wasting" a cell.
i want you to explain this to me. really explain it, not dodge around it using internet morality blurbs. cool?? :biggrin:


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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2005, 01:31:01 pm »
You are basically saying that:

* getting STD's and a house full of sodding kids is fruitful

* having a period is a sin

* and that people shouldn't have sex for love but to have kids

*having gay sex is evil, because, it's not to concieve a child

If you were a gurl, you would say different!!!


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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2005, 01:38:31 pm »
You've got a little too much Ned Flanders in you. People have freedom for a reason. You want to be gay? Then be gay. You don't want a kid? Take those birth control pills. You should be putting your body through having a kid if you don't want to. If it's a sin you're willing to commit, then by all means, convert to Atheistism. I think that our freedom is a great gift and the government and others have been abusing it. Lots of things are now sins which shouldn't be sins.


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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2005, 03:21:00 pm »
You are basically saying that:

* getting STD's and a house full of sodding kids is fruitful

* having a period is a sin

* and that people shouldn't have sex for love but to have kids

*having gay sex is evil, because, it's not to concieve a child

If you were a gurl, you would say different!!!

I dont think thats what he means.

I think he meant that you should use a condom to prevent getting an STD but not for birth control.

Having your peroid is natural, and I doubt he is saying its a sin. I think he meant that to do things to purposly prevent getting pregnant is a sin.

I dont think Ive ever heard MSP once say that you should breed like crazy and not love the person you are with. They shouldnt have sex before marriage, because you should marry someone you love and then have children.

I dont think thats why he thinks gay people shouldnt have sex. He just thinks being gay is wrong all together.

Well thats what I understood from his posts. I dont agree with him, but I think thats more what he meant. Correct me if Im wrong

Dragon Of Grief

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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2005, 06:19:26 pm »
Oh god...

People should still be able to have sex without worrying about having children. I don't see why it is such an "evil sin". I just fail to see it.

What about histerectomies, Mike. You against those too?


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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2005, 06:31:16 pm »
Okay I sorta agree with this whole Anti-Birth Control, population control is evil. LONG LIVE GLOBAL WARMING.

Dragon Of Grief

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Birth Control and contraceptives
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2005, 06:44:54 pm »
What was the point of that, Justin?