Author Topic: Yup... Bush still sucks.  (Read 8246 times)

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« on: September 03, 2005, 02:48:31 pm »
The days after 9/11, I have to admit that Bush did an alright job (although if he listened to some reports, this could have been avoided). When he came to NYC and spoke to the rescue workers, he did it showing emotion, strong leadership, and promising the country we will track down those who did this.

In a few days, it'll be four years ago. Terror attacks are on the rise, we still haven't got Bin Laden, but we got Saddam and a war in Iraq. What?

Anyway, this isn't about that. Since 9/11, Bush has went down the drain, and his latest ratings show it (it's in the 40's, a President hasn't had a rating this low since frickin' Watergate).

Now we have another huge disaster on our hands. With New Orleans flooded and with a posable 1000+ people dead, Bush has once again screwed innocent people over. No, I'm not going to blame Bush for using his godly powers and forming a hurricane that hit New Orleans. (Admittadly, that would be cool if he could do that.) No, he's once again proved his admin will screw up whenever something big happens.

This story shows that Bush cut funding for Hurricane Protection. This link makes it easier to understand.


    Army Corps request: $11 million
    Bush request: $3 million
    Approved by Congress: $5.5 million


    Army Corps request: $22.5 million
    Bush request: $3.9 million
    Approved by Congress: $5.7 million


    Bush request: $2.9 million

Wow, that was nice of him! They ask for $11 mil, he cuts it by $8 mil. Thank you too, congress. You only raised it by $2!

So, what does that mean? If the dumba$$es that run our country LISTENED to the danger that faced the south, we could see less damage and less people dead. But no, just like 9/11 the government ignores warnings and the normal people of the country get the punishment.

I'm sure if Texas got it the idiot would give his arms and legs for that state.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2005, 05:34:18 pm by Elizabeth Rose »

Lil Loco

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2005, 03:58:07 pm »
I'll give u the fact that the entire government needed to be quicker with their reaction time...but therez not much more than that...itz sad that people have been killed from thiz, but u know sumthin...the majority of the people that stayed in new orleanz when it hit, stayed there for the onez that got stuck their and couldnt get out in time, i feel for them...but the other people...when u hear the wordz "category 5" and "one of the strongest storms yet", u dont stay and ride it out...u get the hell outta there...and thouzandz didnt.  doez that mean their livez dont mean sumthin, nah it doeznt...but blamin bush for sumthin they decided on their own iz sumthin way too many ::Dolphin Noise:: people are doin.  screw whether the ::Dolphin Noise:: levviez broke, louisiana shoulda called a mandatory evacuatation well b4 the storm hit, that waz within the governor'z power but it didnt happen till practically the day b4 it touched land, and it waz too late for alotta people...wut the governor shoulda been doin waz takin every greyhound, skool bus, and large vehicle at disposal, and shippin people outta state whether they wanted to or not.  but no, because thingz happened the way they did, everyone wantz to turn around to bush and point the finger for everything...and now instead of doin sumthin about it, people ::Dolphin Noise:: and moan and say he aint tryin...and sum stupid foolz got the gaul to remark that he'z racist and thatz why...dispite wut anyone wantz to say, he'z tryin ::Dolphin Noise::it, and if sumone dont agree and thinkz they can do a better job then STFU, get ur ::Dolphin Noise:: down there and do sumthin about it...period.  im sick 'a thiz.

people that dont wanna admit or agree...i aint attackin u personally but enough iz enough.

Gideon Brown

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2005, 04:05:13 pm »
After reading that response, my eyes hurt. Oh with the Z's. *shudders*
I think that Bush has cut back way too much on the important things, and focused on his army. His is a nation of war. I don't agree with it. *shrugs*
But I really don't know enough about the cutbacks he has made, because I have given up reading the newspaper. Too much depression in it. Too much Martin bashing. YES he only got in because Chrétien retired, but he's made amends. *grumbles*

Lil Loco

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2005, 04:07:47 pm »
Oh and jus so u know, he'z bringin thouzandz of soldierz from iraq over to help with the relief.

Offline spongemonkey13

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2005, 04:13:30 pm »
After reading that response, my eyes hurt. Oh with the Z's. *shudders*

Dildo. I really don't care for Bush too much. He has made some poor economical and military decisions. I completely disagree with the whole Iraq war situation. I have an idea let's wipe out an entire country because there could possibly be a couple terrorists. There is honestly no reason to go to war. That may my stupid hippy philosophy but it's my opinion.


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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2005, 04:16:51 pm »
I'll give u the fact that the entire government needed to be quicker with their reaction time...but therez not much more than that...itz sad that people have been killed from thiz, but u know sumthin...the majority of the people that stayed in new orleanz when it hit, stayed there for the onez that got stuck their and couldnt get out in time, i feel for them...but the other people...when u hear the wordz "category 5" and "one of the strongest storms yet", u dont stay and ride it out...u get the hell outta there...and thouzandz didnt.  doez that mean their livez dont mean sumthin, nah it doeznt...but blamin bush for sumthin they decided on their own iz sumthin way too many ::Dolphin Noise:: people are doin.  screw whether the ::Dolphin Noise:: levviez broke, louisiana shoulda called a mandatory evacuatation well b4 the storm hit, that waz within the governor'z power but it didnt happen till practically the day b4 it touched land, and it waz too late for alotta people...wut the governor shoulda been doin waz takin every greyhound, skool bus, and large vehicle at disposal, and shippin people outta state whether they wanted to or not.  but no, because thingz happened the way they did, everyone wantz to turn around to bush and point the finger for everything...and now instead of doin sumthin about it, people ::Dolphin Noise:: and moan and say he aint tryin...and sum stupid foolz got the gaul to remark that he'z racist and thatz why...dispite wut anyone wantz to say, he'z tryin ::Dolphin Noise::it, and if sumone dont agree and thinkz they can do a better job then STFU, get ur ::Dolphin Noise:: down there and do sumthin about it...period.  im sick 'a thiz.

So what you're saying is that because someone made a stupid decision, they don't deserve to live? And besides, you have to put yourself in their position. Sure, they made a mistake, but you're full of crap if you claim that you wouldn't blame it on Bush either. People are scared, and when people are often scared, they need to find someone to blame it on. They may not always be right, but it eases their pain a little bit. It's common human nature. However, this time they're 100% right.

As for Bush's stupid vacation, people give him so much credit for cutting it short... three days short! He arrived in New Orleans JUST yesterday, when he should have been there Monday!

And for all you know he could be the most racist person in the world. But you'll never know, will you?

Oh and jus so u know, he'z bringin thouzandz of soldierz from iraq over to help with the relief.

My brother happens to be one of them.

Lil Loco

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2005, 05:01:03 pm »
Two thingz...

1- My bad if i came off harsh, i had sum stuff happen today so...yea.

2- U need to read wut i said, i said their livez do still jus sayin that if they stayed on their own free will, itz not bush'z fault or anyone elze'z fault for wut happened to still sux that people died but layin blame for that aint right.  and bein scared iz no reazon to point fingerz...u may think itz all bush'z fault, but i dont...and az far az the racism goez...i may never know for sure, but guess wut...neither will u.  so my bottom line iz that, if sumone thinkz he'z doin a sucky job and aint satisfied with wutz goin on, then do sumthin about it...dont jus sit there and whine...take action.  donate money, drive down there and help with the relief, do wut u gotta do.  but moanin about "oh itz all bushz fault, oh he'z a bad prezident, etc etc" aint gonna get nuthin done...period...end of story.

thiz iz the whole reazon i dont do political stuff, cuz i get p*ssed when i do.  once again, i apologize for comin off like that...but, take wut i said how u wanna take it...
« Last Edit: September 03, 2005, 05:01:47 pm by Lil Loco »


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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2005, 05:30:36 pm »
Two thingz...

1- My bad if i came off harsh, i had sum stuff happen today so...yea.

2- U need to read wut i said, i said their livez do still jus sayin that if they stayed on their own free will, itz not bush'z fault or anyone elze'z fault for wut happened to still sux that people died but layin blame for that aint right.  and bein scared iz no reazon to point fingerz...u may think itz all bush'z fault, but i dont...and az far az the racism goez...i may never know for sure, but guess wut...neither will u.  so my bottom line iz that, if sumone thinkz he'z doin a sucky job and aint satisfied with wutz goin on, then do sumthin about it...dont jus sit there and whine...take action.  donate money, drive down there and help with the relief, do wut u gotta do.  but moanin about "oh itz all bushz fault, oh he'z a bad prezident, etc etc" aint gonna get nuthin done...period...end of story.

thiz iz the whole reazon i dont do political stuff, cuz i get p*ssed when i do.  once again, i apologize for comin off like that...but, take wut i said how u wanna take it...

What makes you think I'm sitting here doing nothing? I donated $35, about seven pairs of old jeans, a crapload of shirts, and like four boxes of food. However, that isn't gonna take away how unpleased I am with the way he's taking care of his country. Nay, it isn't HIS country... it's our country.

Lil Loco

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2005, 05:35:17 pm »
To each hiz own homez...I cant change ur mind on how u think, itz ur opinion and i respect that...just az u cant change mine (not that ur tryin to).  if you've done that then thatz cool.  my statement iz a general one...if ur unsatisfied, do sumthin...i aint directing toward anyone i particular im jus sayin.  im tired of people who whine and dont do nuthin.  other than that, im done wit thiz topic, unless sumeone elze decidez they wanna make a smart-alek remark.

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2005, 06:19:00 pm »
Ya could always IGNORE what Bush does. I'm already sick of everyone bashing Bush. He's here for 3 more years. Deal with it.

Offline IZ

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2005, 07:01:17 pm »
Ya could always IGNORE what Bush does. I'm already sick of everyone bashing Bush. He's here for 3 more years. Deal with it.

Yes, let's ignore the man in charge of our country. ><

You can't ignore what he does. He'd get away with anything if that happened.


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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2005, 09:26:17 pm »
To each hiz own homez...I cant change ur mind on how u think, itz ur opinion and i respect that...just az u cant change mine (not that ur tryin to).  if you've done that then thatz cool.  my statement iz a general one...if ur unsatisfied, do sumthin...i aint directing toward anyone i particular im jus sayin.  im tired of people who whine and dont do nuthin.  other than that, im done wit thiz topic, unless sumeone elze decidez they wanna make a smart-alek remark.

1) People do need to do something about it  but they can bash on him. I think if most of the people did something that would help a little bit, but all bush will do is go play golf on his vactions. I'm not saying its wrong to take a vaction when your president, becuase most people need breaks but coming back late is what a bad president would do. Mabye whining all the time wouldn't help and you can't make everyone do it unless he actully does something. Point proven.

Offline Daniel

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2005, 09:50:27 pm »
Ya could always IGNORE what Bush does. I'm already sick of everyone bashing Bush. He's here for 3 more years. Deal with it.

Yes, let's ignore the man in charge of our country. ><

You can't ignore what he does. He'd get away with anything if that happened.

Kevin, It's cogress that makes the decisions, not the president. I think. If I'm wrong, say so, please. :happy:

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2005, 09:51:37 pm »
Ya could always IGNORE what Bush does. I'm already sick of everyone bashing Bush. He's here for 3 more years. Deal with it.

Yes, let's ignore the man in charge of our country. ><

You can't ignore what he does. He'd get away with anything if that happened.
Well, no matter what decisions he makes...he's here for 3 more years.

Offline IZ

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Yup... Bush still sucks.
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2005, 09:52:11 pm »
Ya could always IGNORE what Bush does. I'm already sick of everyone bashing Bush. He's here for 3 more years. Deal with it.

Yes, let's ignore the man in charge of our country. ><

You can't ignore what he does. He'd get away with anything if that happened.

Kevin, It's cogress that makes the decisions, not the president. I think. If I'm wrong, say so, please. :happy:

I know that, but he still has a massive amount of power. You can't ignore that.