Author Topic: even though i'm half white i do apply this  (Read 35796 times)

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2006, 08:03:59 am »
Eh, honestly I could care less right now. You guys are over exaggerating.

Some times you have to exaderate to get your point heard.

Lil Loco

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #46 on: January 19, 2006, 08:13:29 am »
i think anyone should be able to be proud of wut nationality they are...i dont got any problem with that.  i'm proud to be puerto rican, and no one haz a problem with that.  but do i think that puerto ricanz are better than anyone else?  no.  the minute sumone thinkz that their race or nationality iz better than sumone else'z or that they should get sum special treatment over another, iz the minute i lose respect for them.  and racism isnt limited to one race.  there'z white racistz yea, but there'z also brown and black racistz too...i see it alot.  i also dont believe that, because sumone iz a certain color, that they cant succeed in life without sumone to baby them.

my dad, a brown man, grew up in the wilmington projectz from nuthin.  poor az hell, they could only afford to eat alot of the same cheap food most of the time.  my dad went to skool illiterate and had to teach himself how to read, cuz his teacherz never helped him.  he graduated high skool, workin his ::Dolphin Noise:: off, doing the best he could.  by no meanz iz my dad the most intellectual guy around, but on hiz own, he pulled himself up, and now supportz hiz family that respectz him for wut he'z acchieved in life.  my dad, who came up from nuthin, made sumthin of himself without help or special treatment from anyone.

my mom, a fair-skinned woman, grew up in inglewood with not much money.  going to skool, she waz the target the of the only lighter skinned gurlz at skool.  black and brown kidz alwayz messed with her, and she struggled through that all the way till she graduated.  doez she hate blackz or brownz now?  well she didnt seem to care that my dad waz brown when she got with him...doesnt phase her that sum of her closest friendz are black.  but the point standz...there'z white, brown, and black people that are all guilty of racism.  which iz why a person needz to be judged by character, not by skin color.  my mom, who suffered racism for half her life, iz the most anti-racist person you'll find.

my friend ron, a black guy, grew up in south LA county, the same area my parentz did, and went to skool, and worked hard.  he applied himself, and got real good gradez all through high skool.  ron went to college, and got in on hiz own, because he alwayz worked hard and his work ended up paying off for him.  he never asked for any special treatment cuz he waz black, and he didnt need any either, cuz anyone that really appliez themself can do wutever they want if they try.  u cant limit yourself just cuz you're brown, black, or white...cuz then you're just settin yourself up for failure.

if i waz going to college i wouldnt expect any special treatment from them.  actually it would p1ss me off, if they tried to give me special treatment.  to me, that'z like saying, "well since you cant handle it on your own, we're gonna help you out and give u a fair chance."  wut kinda stupid ::Dolphin Noise:: iz that?  if people want real equality, then they'd realize that real equality meanz everyone getz the same opportunitiez and treatment az everyone else.  well i'm done for right now.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2006, 08:43:27 am by Lil Loco »

Dragon Of Grief

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2006, 10:36:00 am »
Eh, honestly I could care less right now. You guys are over exaggerating.
Look whose talking... we haven't exagerrated nearly as much as you have :rolleyes:. You live in such an unrealistic world... plus you're wrong. You are just too full of pride to admit the Liz, oscar the grouch, I and many others proved you wrong.

And that is a very powerful statement, Jeremy... I really respect that.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2006, 10:36:36 am by Dragon Of Grief »

Elizabeth Rose

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2006, 11:19:29 am »
Jeremy has written one of the most thoughtful and insightful posts of the century.


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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2006, 01:13:51 pm »
i agree :rolleyes:


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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2006, 01:59:57 pm »
yea that was really good jeremy


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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2006, 02:04:21 pm »
jeremy u got alota great influences, i respect that

Lil Loco

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2006, 02:07:16 pm »
much thanx to all u guyz.

Offline Scilla

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #53 on: January 19, 2006, 05:11:26 pm »
Eh, honestly I could care less right now. You guys are over exaggerating.

Some times you have to exaderate to get your point heard.
Yes, I know.

Eh, honestly I could care less right now. You guys are over exaggerating.
Look whose talking... we haven't exagerrated nearly as much as you have :rolleyes:. You live in such an unrealistic world... plus you're wrong. You are just too full of pride to admit the Liz, oscar the grouch, I and many others proved you wrong.

And that is a very powerful statement, Jeremy... I really respect that.

You are so right Ty. You should get your freakin White Pride day, I could care less. But I can't make it happen so dont get angry at me for the freakin way things are because I am not the one giving out those freaking scholarships to the freaking black kids, okay?

Elizabeth Rose

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #54 on: January 19, 2006, 08:36:43 pm »
I don't think Ty was mad at you in particular....

Dragon Of Grief

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #55 on: January 19, 2006, 08:40:01 pm »
Eh, honestly I could care less right now. You guys are over exaggerating.

Some times you have to exaderate to get your point heard.
Yes, I know.

Eh, honestly I could care less right now. You guys are over exaggerating.
Look whose talking... we haven't exagerrated nearly as much as you have :rolleyes:. You live in such an unrealistic world... plus you're wrong. You are just too full of pride to admit the Liz, oscar the grouch, I and many others proved you wrong.

And that is a very powerful statement, Jeremy... I really respect that.

You are so right Ty. You should get your freakin White Pride day, I could care less. But I can't make it happen so dont get angry at me for the freakin way things are because I am not the one giving out those freaking scholarships to the freaking black kids, okay?
No, it's the fact that you said "everyday is your day" is what got me going... and the fact that you think it is right for black people to get scholarships for being black, but you think that White people don't deserve them for being white.

Offline Scilla

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #56 on: January 20, 2006, 04:51:19 am »
When did I say that white people dont deserve scholarships? I've NEVER said that. And I also never said that black deserve them either. I did however, explain a reason why.

Everyday is kind of your day. I mean, you guys are the majority. No matter what y'all say. Because yes I know blacks and mexicans and other races are growing and we are pretty much taking over. But not yet. I mean, its not like I think that white people pretty much own everything, its just that.. well you kinda do. But the 14 or 15 % that us other races have is ours. And let us enjoy it while we can.

o.- and yes I do notice that made no since whatsoever.

Lil Loco

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #57 on: January 20, 2006, 08:36:58 am »
lol, u might wanna up that percentage a lil bit.  us latinoz alone are pushin 15-20%.  blackz are sumwhere around 15%.  asianz and other minoritiez are around 5%.  but i see wut ur tryna get at...sorta. :P
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 08:41:42 am by Lil Loco »

Dragon Of Grief

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #58 on: January 20, 2006, 09:04:01 am »
When did I say that white people dont deserve scholarships? I've NEVER said that. And I also never said that black deserve them either. I did however, explain a reason why.

Everyday is kind of your day. I mean, you guys are the majority. No matter what y'all say. Because yes I know blacks and mexicans and other races are growing and we are pretty much taking over. But not yet. I mean, its not like I think that white people pretty much own everything, its just that.. well you kinda do. But the 14 or 15 % that us other races have is ours. And let us enjoy it while we can.

o.- and yes I do notice that made no since whatsoever.
I don't care about the growing minorities... and did you know the White race only accounts for 8% of the world... are we really the majority? Even Europe has a lot of non-white immigrants. Nothing wrong with that, I am just saying compared to the 30% it used to be, 8% is a significant decrease... and your logic is still flawed. Your logic still implis you think minorities deserve better chances.

And in about 50 years Latinos will make up yes... 49% of the North American population it is predicted... so 50 years from now when we make up 15% of the population will we be treated like minorities are treated now? Loco is right. The non-white population is growing at a very rapid rate which once again... is not a problem with me.

In the end I just want everyone to be equal... until the day when each ethnic group is completely evened out in America I fear this will never happen.

Offline Scilla

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even though i'm half white i do apply this
« Reply #59 on: January 20, 2006, 12:07:30 pm »
Sorry to say, but it's not going to be. I REALLY dont know why everything is this way. But it's always going to be this way.. always.