Author Topic: Ms. Puff Fanfic  (Read 8977 times)

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Ms. Puff Fanfic
« on: October 20, 2003, 07:11:39 pm »
This idea came from the episode of Spongebob where Ms Puff said "Ill have to move, create a new identity, and start a new boating school, again!"

Mrs. Puff: Dear Diary, So far so good! I think I have successfully relocated this time. No one seems to suspect anything. I came close when I was put in jail after giving SpongeBob his licence, but somehow the cops failed to do a background check...
...thank god they didnt do that background check. God only knows what they'd do if they found out I was a fugitive. Atleast they dont know what I've done yet.
Spongebob was his usual self, hes such a good student, I dont understand what his problem is. Seems like whenever his driving test comes up, he's someone totally different! I wonder if any counseling would help him....I know it will help me, but Im a teacher, and cant afford it.

Frencman narrator: Just then there is a knock at the door.
Mrs. Puff: Now who could that be? It's after 1 in the morning. :
*opens the door*
Mrs. Puff: Gasp! Not you! How did you find me?!?!

"I'd tell you, but then I'd hafta kill you, and then myself for telling you." replied the tall dark fish standing in the door way, "Now let me in!"
"Ok, what do you want?" Ms. Puff knew this was going to be a hard night.
"Well, well, Ms Puff, or should I say Mr. Blowfish!" The fish said
"Its Ms. Puff now"she snapped back "What do you want?"
"Well, we have a situation here, and we need some help from you."
"Why would I help you?" she asked.
"Because for helping us, we will clear your record." he replied.
"Well, i guess I have no choice." Ms. Puff looks down, defeated, "What do you need me to do?"

Late night visitor (LNV):
 Well as I recall, you were pretty chummy (pun totally intended) with a certain mutant crustacean back in Rock Bottom.
Mrs. Puff: Oh fish paste! Don't remind me! I got away from him a long time ago and just want it to stay that way.
LNV: Well if you want your record cleared you're going to have to get close to him again. How long do you think the good citizens of Bikini Bottom will tolerate your presence here in their fair town when they find out who you really are?
Mrs. Puff: *Sigh* Oh alright. He never knew I was disguised as a man. I guess I'll have to pretend to be disguised as a woman now. I can't go back to that old disguise. What do I have to do?
LNV: Okay! He was last seen in....

"...Jellyfish Feilds catching all the Jellyfish, and milking their jelly. Apparently he plans on selling it to Mr. Krabs, but we must know why he needs the cash."
Ms. Puff gasps "All those poor jellyfish."
"I know,"said the LNV, "We were watching him, but he found out, and has since stopped his little operation. We've been watching the Kruty Krab, but havent seen him there yet."
"Hey wait...I ate there today," said Ms. Puff, "and they said Jellyfish Jelly was coming soon!"
"So, hes aleady made contact..."
"Looks like it," Ms. Puff looks at the LNV, "What do you need me to do?"
"Find out what he needs the money for, and try to talk Mr. Krabs out of buying that Jellyfish Jelly!"

Frenchman narrator: As the late night visitor leaves, he gives Mrs. Puff his cell phone number.
LNV: Call me as soon as you know anything. Goodnight.
Mrs. Puff: Oh my. How am I ever going to get through this? *sigh* *sob*...
Well there is nothing to do but get a grip and tackle this chore hook line and sinker! (pun intended again)
Frenchman narrator: As Mrs. Puff fixes herself a cup of tea, her mind begins to reminisce of the old times with Cedrik the mutant crustacean.....

Cedrik...How long had it been, 3, maybe 4 years? She remembered all the great times they had. The speeding, running from the police, robbing banks. Back in their day they always gave Mermaidman, and Barnacle Boy a real hard time, they were the only ones they couldnt catch.
"God, those were the days." she said as she pulled out the picture she had of them waving infront of a warehouse fire they started. Cedrik looked so fine all 3 hands waving in the air. "Well, I guess its time to get an early start!"
She took a shower, got dressed in her cat burglar outfit, and headed for Jellyfish Feilds. Maybe she'll recognize Cedrik, how hard could it be to find a 3 handed crustacean?

Frenchman narrator: Ahh Mrs. Puff arrives at peacefull Jellyfish fields.
Mrs. Puff: I'd forgotten how exciting my old covert ways had been. Better get the past out of my mind, I've got a job to do.
Frenchman narrator: Just then there is a movement among the kelp weeds.
Mrs. Puff: Now what could that be? It's too small to be Cedrick and all the jellies are sleeeping now. I had better get a closer look.
*crawls on her enormous belly toward the kelp patch*
Frenchman narrator: As Mrs. Puff gets closer another piece of the puzzle is revealed.
Mrs. Puff: PLANKTON! What are you doing here and what is that crazy contraption hidden in the weeds?
Plankton: !Mrs. Puff! Whaaaa?
Frenchman narrator: Mrs. Puff grasp tiny Plankton in her chubby little fin.
Mrs. Puff: I might have known you'd be involved in this somehow! Now sart talking and tell me how you know Cedrick!

"Cedrik? Whos that?"
"You know who I am talking about!" Screamed Ms. Puff
She squeezed, just a little to let Plankton know she wasnt messing around. "Ok! Ok! He came to me, said he needs me to make a device. Seems that he found a magic ingredient. If you add this stuff to jellyfish jelly, it turns out that whoever eats the jelly can be mind controlled with this device."
Ms. Puff gasps, "Oh my!"
"And he's already got Mr. Krabs buying it by the gallon!" Planktons evil laugh peirces the dull pre-morning sky.
"Thank god Cedrik doesnt know Im a woman!" Ms. Puff thought. "Ok, I'm in!"
Plankton looked up at Ms. Puff bewildered, "What?"
"You heard me! Im in! I want to help with your plan."
"But why?"
Ms. Puff thought real quick "Teaching doesnt pay enough"
Plankton shrugs "Your right, ok your in Cedrik should be here any minute"

Frencman Narrator: They didn't have to wait very long. As the sun peaked over the horizon, Mrs. Puff saw that very familiar and frightening silhouette. It could only be ( spoken in a loud booming voice with spookey music behind it)
"Cedrick the Mutant Crustacean."
Mrs. Puff: (Thinks to herself-Hmmmmm, he looks so much older now.)
Now remember Plankton, I am his old buddy Mr. Blowfish. Don't blow my cover or you'll be sorry.
Plankton: Yeah, yeah, I got it.
Frenchman narrator: Cedrick stops and stares at the two of them.
Cedrick: Are my eyes decieving me? or is that really you Braxton Blowfish!?!
Mrs. Puff (aka Braxton): Yeah it's me.
Cedrick: I thought you were killed during that raid on Old man Jenkins private still?
Braxton: No thanks to you. I just barely got out of there. Where were you? Some partner you turned out to be. The minute things got swampy you took off and left me there to fend for myself!

"So you still posing as a boating instructor?" asked Cedric
"Yes, I got arrested the other day, and they let me go...this female disguise works great!"
"HAHA, who would ever guess you would be dressed as a woman?" Cedrik said as plankton looked up impatiently.
"I can understand, but who's running this show, and why are we all here??!" he asked rudely.
Cedrick looked down, "Oh, I almost forgot about you, and our plan for a second."
He giggled. Braxton looks at him, and says "Yes why are you here doing this?"
"Well," Cedrick grinned evilly, "I finally went back to Old Man Jenkins Still, and found what we paid for."
Braxton was stunned! All that fuss all those years ago..."No way! you got your hands on the Mindownium we wanted to buy all those years ago?" The twinges ran up his spine..."Oh Neptune!" He thought to himself "If I'm right about this, then I wont have to worry about getting my record cleared"

Plankton: Look, it's getting light out here. We had better get under cover before someone see's us.
Cedrick: Good idea. Lets all go to the cave I've been hiding in over that hill.
Frenchman narrator: The trio heads (*pun*) over the hill to cedricks cave.
On the way Mrs. Puff aka Braxton Blowfish begins to fantasize about the future:
**Hmmmm, after all these years my biggest dream is within my grasp. Gaining control of the Mindownium will ensure my future happiness as well as making me the richest women in the sea...... to think I actually started liking my position in Bikini Bottom. Teaching all those kids to drive was becoming pretty rewarding.**
Cdrick: Well we're here! Lets get to work on the next phase of my plan.

Frenchman narrator: Meanwhile back at the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs arrives to work.

"Oh!" Mr. Krabs looked tiredly at the floor, Then grabs his face. "Its Anchovy Wednesday! Oh NO!! Hope Spongebob shows up soon."
Squidward bikes up to the door, and falls off due to the added weight of football pads with pillows lashed to them. "Mr Krabs! Can you help me up?"
Mr. Krabs wipes a tear from his eye, and the smile from his face, walks outside, and helps him up.
quietly"eddy" Mr. Krabs eyes pop straight up, and he looks around. eddy eddy eddy eddy"getting louder now as he walks upto the scene."IM READYYY!"
"Hello me bucko's, Mr. Krabs waves at Spongebob as Squidward slowly goes off balance, and hits the door. Pulling himself back up straight. He opens the door.
"Im off to hide at the cash register" He says.
Mr. Krabs secretly asks Spongebob, "Did you bring it?"
Spongebob innocently looks up, and says "Yes!" reaches behind him, and pulls out a HUGE jar of jellyfish jelly. "Yup! Cedrik gave me somemore again last night!"
"Good, from today on, I'll pay you double overtime"
"Whoopeeee!" Spongebob jumped for joy, and says "YAY I'm makin money today!"
"Good, now take the jelly back, and get ready, for the bus loads are comin, I can smell it!" Mr. K's nose twitches. "I'll be hiding in me office" And off he ran.
"I'M READY!!!!!" Spongebob ran into the kitchen just as the busses surrounded the store.

Meep, meeep, meeeep,MEEEEEP! The sound grew louder as they readied to depart the busses. Sqidward braced himself for what was sure to be a very trying day. SpongeBob had already begun preparing the super deluxe krabby patties he knew would be in great demand.
Mr. Krabs (in his office): "Now what did that mutant stranger say about this jelly?
Oh yes. He says he can double it's strength allowing me to use less and charge more. All I have to do is give him a mere 5% of my profits. Aaaarg, now where did I put his cell phone number?"
Frenchman narrator: Back at the secret cave.
Cedrick: So I've convinced That greedy Mr. Krab to supply the jelly. Little does he know, once we have enough we...

"...will get that Krabby Patty formula, and use the Chum Bucket to sell them to everyone under the sea!"Cedrik laughs evilly, "Then we will do anything we want!!"
*ring ring* Cedrik pulls out his cell phone "Hello?"
"Its me" Mr. Krabs whispered
"Me! ug ug ug" Mr Krabs laughed, "You know who"
"Ohhh uhhh... hello..."
"Yes, I need another TWO gallons of the jelly."
"You know the deal Mr. K! I can only get you one gallon of the stuff. I am getting better jelly soon tho."
"Well, how soon?" Back at the office the walls shuddered as the anchovies forced their way into the store
"SOON!, look, Ive got to go, I'll give Spongebob the jelly tonight as usual! And you can go ahead and serve it now if youd like." Cedrik grinned evilly.
The walls of Mr. Krabs office shuttered, as the anchovies started flowing out of the store "Ok, Ill do that tomorrow then" Mr. Krabs hangs up as the last anchovy walks in. A krabby patty hits his open mouth, he turns around, and walks onto a bus, and they pull out.
Squidward slowly peeks over the completely stuffed cash register

Back at the cave Cedrick looks down at Plankton, "So you figure out that device yet?"
Plankton pulls out a Big box with an antannae on it, and says "Why yes...I think I have, but we need a test subject!"
Cedrick holds one of his hands over Plankton, and a few flakes fall out if his claw, and land on Plankton. Cedrick takes the box away from Plankton, holds down the big red button, and says...

...okay little jellies, come to papa. As he pushes the button he steps over a dazed and confused Plankton and exits the cave.
"Wait Cedrick! What have you done to Plankton?" Arrg! Nothing that won't wear off in a few days. That was just Orb of Confusion in a highly concentrated form. I call them Flakes of Confusion or FOC. By the time he comes out of it we will have completed our plan and be long gone from here." " Are you sure it won't harm him?" asked Mrs. Puff (aka Braxton) "I don't really like him, but we agreed no one would get hurt!"
"Nah! Don't worry all he'll have to worry about when he comes outta it is a nasty headache. Of course he ptrobably should think twice about having kids. It may cause chromozone damage."
Frenchman narrator: From outside the cave came a loud peacefull buzzing sound.
Cedrick: Here they come Brax ma boy! Grab the trap and follow me!

Plankton: ***whispers with a silly grin on his face*** I'm college educated heehee.

'Braxton' Rushed to keep up with Cedrik wondering about the madmans scheme. "But if it worked" she wondered. She giggled to herself. The evil plans flooding back, and "And," she thought silently "If, it works...hmmmm"

Later...uhhh nighttime, ya

Spongebob comes walking up to his house to meet Cedrik. "Hello, Spongebob, how are you?"
"Ready for bed..." he said slowly
"Thats ok, I'll just put this jellyfish jelly right here" Cedrick pulls out the HUGE jar of jelly, and sets it just inside the door as Spongebob walked slowly off to bed.
"Good night Spongebob"
"Good night "

Later at the secret cave...Plankton is pullin a patrick+orb of counfusion scene from MM&BBIII...just then his face lights up, and he says.."I'm college educated hee heeuhhhhhhhhh" and then his face sorta melts again...
At the sooper secret hide out...complete with slanted floor & nasty color scheme....
"Brax, old buddy you were always the brains of the outfit...can you reverse engineer this 'remote'." tosses the little black box to her.
"I'm pretty sure I can" she said, As she deftly takes off the face plate, and button..."Easy!" she said looking up, "all we need are a few parts"
"Great! I'm glad to have you back! What have you been doing?"
"Ever try to teach a sponge to drive?"
Cedrik jumps out of his chair " What sponge are you talkin about?"
"Weeelllllllll, Spongebob...."
"Squarepants? HAHAHA hes the one delivering this stuff"Cedrick laughed loudly, and flips a switch on the wall. Suddenly the room changes to a lab with Old Man Jenkins(OMJ) tied up in the middle. "Time to get to work old man, and Braxton, the parts you'll need might be over there" Cedrick pionted to a corner of the lab.

Clam crows on a fence post. "KAKADOODLEDOO!!!" Followed by [FOGHORN]

Spongebob jumps outta bed, and into his pants. He feeds gary, and notices the jelly jar next to the door..."Ok, I need to take that to Mr. Krabs again...did Cedrik drop off another present for him?" He grabs the jar, and out the door he goes being ever so Spongebob chanting "I'm ready eddy eddy, I'm READY!!!!"

Back at the sooper secret hideout 'Braxton' asks "Any more coffee? It was a little harder than I thought but I'm done making the 'remotes'."
Cedrick points at a pot of coffee. She walks over, and pours a cup, and drinks it.
Suddenly, Mermaid man, and Barnacle Boy bust thru the door!

As they burst through the door, Mrs. Puff shreaks and throws her freshly poured cup of Java in the air, and short circiuits several of the remotes she has just finished making. "Barnicles!" she exclaims.
"By the power of Neptune we have come to foil EVIIIIIIL!" they shout!
"Not this time!" Cedric replies. He flicks a switch on his belt which shoots out a giant net engulfing Mermaid Man and Barnicle Boy.
"You were never able to catch us then and you certainly won't be catching us now. Why you're nothing but a couple of old dried up sushi rolls. WHaa WHaa whoa!"
As he quickly stuffs the dried up duo into a nearby cage Mrs. Puff realizes the time and readies to leave.
Cedrick: Hey where are you going Brax? We have a lot to do today.
Mrs. Puff: Hey if we want to pull this off I have to keep up appearences and show up for work. I have exams to give and I've never missed an exam day.
Cedrick: I guess you're right, but try and finish early so you can get back here.
Mrs. Puff: Will do!
Frenchman Narrator: Cedrick turns to Old man Jenkins with an evil look in his eye...

Later at Mrs. Puff's house:
Mrs. Puff: I can't believe I once actually cared for that guy. He is even more sinister than before. And to think I was actually thinking of going back to my old ways. But when I think of that little Sponge and how his unwitting involvement in this plan will devestate him, I just can't go through with it. I've got to come up with a way to stop this while fooling Cedrick. "I think I've got it!" She said as she headed out the door.

As Cedrick approached the cage MM&BB held onto each other, and shuddered "What are you going to do to us?"
"Well Ive been waiting a long time for this, and have put some thot into it" he says as he puts on a rubberglove, and pulls out an electric eel.
Suddenly, the door busts open, and with a mighty yell  in jumps
"MANSPONGE!" followed by

Mansponge quickly pulls out a grappler, and swings into action as Boypatrick pulls out the orb of confusion. "We will NEVER GIVE IN TO EVIL!" yelled Mansponge.
Mermaidman points to the sky, and yells
"EVIL!" as Mansponge bounces off of Cedricks chest.
"What the heck are you?" Cedrick laughed as Boypatrick walked upto him, and flipped the switch on the Orb of Confusion. As Spongebob hit the floor the Orbs waves hit the 3 of them, and their heads sorta melts as they make stupid noises.


The boats surrond the hideout as the police hop out of the boats. "We have you surrounded!" yelled LNV into the bullhorn "Come out with your hands up!"
OMJ still tied up walks slowly out the door. 4 cops jump him, and proceed to pummel him.
Then the door swung open revealing the 3 people inside. Heads melted all saying "DUUUHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH" tongues haging out. LNV walks up, and flips the switch, and slaps cuffs on Cedrick, and another cop slapped cuffs on his 3rd hand, and locked it into place to. "Cedrick, Ive been waiting a long time to say this. Yer under arrest!"
Cedrick looks down defeated and Ms. Puff walks in. "Brax, ol buddy, how could you do this?"
Ms. Puff looks at him angrily, and says "Thats Ms. Puff to you! I would never let you corrupt this great little town of Bikini Bottom, not to mention my favorite little sponge! You are the most evil man I've ever met!"
Mermaidman, and Mansponge point to the sky, and yell "EVVVIIIILLLL!"
"Id have never let you take over the sea, no matter how tempting it is!"
The cops haul off the criminal, and an ambulance take OMJ to the hospital, as Boypatrick stands in the middle of the room still acting confused.
Barnacleboy walks upto him, and slaps him in the head. "Ow!!" yelled Boypatrick, "That hurt" he rubbed his head.
Everyone laughed.
The End!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2003, 05:36:35 pm by mermaidman97007 »


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Ms. Puff Fanfic
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2003, 08:03:29 pm »
hey thats pretty good bet it took a while to write :biggrin:  :biggrin:  :biggrin:  


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Ms. Puff Fanfic
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2003, 08:13:27 pm »
HAHA and I think we arent done, Ms.Apuff is working on pics to go with it :biggrin:  

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Ms. Puff Fanfic
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2003, 06:35:54 pm »
That was a very good story. It was written by two of my favorite members. Very cool.  :cool:  
Mr. Krabs: Do you smell it..that smell...a kind of smelly smell...a smelly smell that smells smelly. Anchovies.
Squidward: What?
Anchovies: MEEP, MEEP, MEEP.

I probably won't be on here too much being in college and all. I will try to pop on every once in a while though to share my thoughts.


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Ms. Puff Fanfic
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2003, 08:12:33 am »
wow. that is very long. i wish i had the patience and creativity to write fanfics.


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Ms. Puff Fanfic
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2003, 11:07:34 am »
:biggrin: Its pretty easy when you are colaborating with a freind :biggrin:  


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Ms. Puff Fanfic
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2003, 02:13:06 pm »
i love mrs puff and try to know everthing about her but is she really a guy?


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Ms. Puff Fanfic
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2003, 02:21:19 pm »


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Ms. Puff Fanfic
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2003, 02:22:14 pm »
HAHA the story we made it so cedrik thot she was a man, and had thot that all along...Oh, and read da rules double posted
« Last Edit: October 25, 2003, 02:23:09 pm by mermaidman97007 »