Author Topic: Poem: From That Day On  (Read 3953 times)

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Poem: From That Day On
« on: November 22, 2006, 03:39:24 pm »
This is a poem I recently wrote about when I first fell in love with the show, written in my own perspective. It could use alot of work, but is worth reading.

Two years ago, on the 28th of may,
I curiously unwrapped my birthday gifts.
When they all were unwrapped,
my collection of presents contained
two games for the PSP and the player itself.
One of which starred SpongeBob,
but while I had not yet regocnized how wondrous it was,
I put it aside, and I'd look at it seeing just some other game.
I ignored it like dirt at first and went to work on the other.
Growing bored with that one, I played my SpongeBob game
to see what it was like.
Without realizing it, I lingered on that handheld game untill sundown,
and by the time I had stopped, I began thinking.
I didn't realize what the feeling was at first,
but after I thought deeper and deeper,
I could tell what my emotion was that I had never felt before.
I finally realized the brilliance of that yellow guy
with a gap-toothed smile
and the aquatic world around him.
Day after day, I wanted to do was watch a walking, talking sponge
rather than do anything else.
I couldn't express it enough.
I tried making sketches of it,
poems in his honor,
sometimes even a song.
No matter how hard I try,
I can never get enough of it or get it out of my head.
Ever since I played that one little game,
my obsession over SpongeBob won't go away.
But then again,
if something won't leave your mind,
it's probably just ment to be.
Whether or not it is,
I'm in love and don't know when I get out.
It's all because of that handheld videogame
I got as my birthday gift.
At first it was just another game,
but now it's my passion.