Author Topic: MSP newfanfic  (Read 26933 times)

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the Reuturn of the evil1

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MSP newfanfic
« on: June 23, 2007, 10:54:23 pm »
this is the fanfic  i just finished. read it it's the best one i ever written.  i guess.  i'm sick of this account i don't know if the mods decided to unban me.  if they meant to, it says i'm still banned. just email me. MERz64Mario@aol.  im not comin back into this account so contact me via email just lemme know.

"Fresh Air For Krabs"
by Michael R******i/MSP
One fine day in Bikini Bottom, some say about a year ago, so it was that the now-hobo, Russ T. Naileyedtailfinson Man Jenson, a

once Navy buddy of Mr. Krabs, was posthumously awarded a prize from the contest which he had entered.  For peanuts, Man Jenson

had helped pick up garbage under Bikini Bottom's bridge, and was rewarded with a costly raffle tickit by a con-fish that felt

sorry for him.  The prize: An all-expense-paid vacation for six to the Sizzling Spring Sauna.  Because poor Russ had died around one week eairlier,

his one possesion he had willed to his old buddy, the eminent restraunt business owner, Mr. Eugene H. Krabs.  His ticket  won the drawing.

He was willed a prize won from generosity, a paradox

if ever there was one. Mr. Krabs was elated upon hearing he recieved an all-expense-paid vacation.

"Ooooooooooooooh goody goody goody!", Mr. Krabs bellowed.  He was as pleased as a crustaceon had ever been.  And that's where the story begins.

   "Mr. Squidwarrrd!  We've won a fantastic free vacation to the Sizzling Spring Sauna!", exploded Mr. Krabs.  "Are you gonna try to use me

as live-bait for a giant blue-lipped clam this time?", Squidward caustically replied.  He had remembered the last time they had went on a vacation.

He was unexcitable to tears.  "Arr har har!  Of course not!", laughed Mr. Krabs.  "This vacation shall  be a return to normalcy for us all!  Now

I'll certainlly take you and Squidward.  Per haps Pearly, too. She deserves something free, did I mention FREE! Boy, she'll never call me tight again."

  Mr. Krabs had thought to invite Pearl, for she was not yet 16.  After such a birthday, Mr. Krabs had little intention of giving her gifts of any kind

for a looooooooong time, so her birthday would have turned to be considered a catch22 situation.  "I'll get SpongeBob to round up the last two.  Say,

where is the little Barnacle, anyways?", asked Mr. Krabs.  "For the last time, I wanna be called Barnacle Maaan!", yelled Barnacle Boy, who had not

yet given that up.  "Not you, Barnacle Boy.", said Mr. Krabs, annoyed. "I'm right here Mr. Krabs!  Woooooooo!  I'm ready for a 'vacccccaaaaattttiiiooonn',

whatever that is.", SpongeBob said.  Mr. Krabs responded, "So ya heard, eh boy?  Ay, I decided already on Meself, Pearl, you, and Squidward.  Who shall the

remaning two be?  Any idears?"  "MEEE Patrck!", Patrick screamed, he had jumped out of the bathroom and had TP trailing from his foot.  "Oooo, Pat

can come?!", asked SpongeBob.  "Ay, alright, I, er, surpose so.", answered Mr. Krabs.  "And I too seek and invitation to your superlative vacation.",

requested Plankton.  "I long have dreamed of bathing in steam, it relaxes me so.  I must use my finite sauna towel, a long dream of mine.  If you will

I vow I shall not attempt to rob you of your formula for an undecided period of time."  "NEVER, YA LITTLE JELLYBEAN CYCLOPS!", imploded Mr. Krabs.

"THIS VACATION IS ALREADY A SUPERFLUOUS WITH CRITTERS THAT ANNOY THE PANTS OUTTA ME!"  "I'll give you all the profits of the Chum Bucket for a year

if you allow me to go.", said Plankton.  "Uh, ok.  There's always a chance you'll make a little, a little chance I'm willing to take, despite my great disdain

for you, after trying to have me, er, killed and all by King Neptune." said Mr. K.

"Moron.", Plankton said under his breath.

   The very next day, the boatmobile was packed and ready to go.  Mr. Krabs sniffed his beloved dollar air freshener.  It was green, had the semblance

and texture of a dollar; it was also money scented and had google-eyes that bobbled.  It dangled from the

rearview mirror.  The car was packed with Krabs, SpongeBob, Squidward, Pearl, Patrick,

and Plankton.  "Next stop, the Sizzling Spring Sauna! A breath of fresh air for our normally dissatisfyinglives!  What wonders await us?"

, yelled Mr. Krabs, when suddenly, the engine sputtered and the boat would not move.  "Aw, crud!", yelled

poor Mr. Krabs.  "Me boat won't start!!"  "For Neptune's sake, Mister Krabs!", exclaimed Squidward.  "The one time I get a free vacation, or any vacation for that

matter, and we have to be stalled for arrival."  "Urg, well-uh, uh, we coulda..., take a, a cab.", stuttered Mr. Krabs.  "GRRRRR!  Wait a second!  But this vacation

is supposed to be FREE!  That's the only reason I EVER agreed to this!"  "What if I just drive us all?", suggested Squidward."  

the Reuturn of the evil1

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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2007, 10:54:46 pm »
Uh, ya can't do that, Squid old buddy.", said SpongeBob.  "And why not, might I ask?",

asked Squidward.  "Well, me and Patrick kinda, well, took your gas for our Reef Blowers.", answered Sponge. "Why you I oughta!", yelled Squidward.

"Hang on there a second.", remembered Plankton.  "That big, four-eyed, blubbery nincompoop,

Bubblebass, is driving a taxi for that company now.  When we get to the SSS, we can just roll a doughnut down a hill when we get there.  I'll exsume the doughnut from

Patrick's bellybutton.", concluded Plankton.  "Hey!  I don't wanna give up my stored doughnut.", said Patrick; but it'll be worth it to get a cream-bath.  I love cream!"

"Er, okay Patrick.", said Krabs.  "Come on, daddy!  I got a date with my ex Billy's cuter older brother, Bobby Fishkins next week!  We can't get back late.  Let's go now!"

demanded Pearl."  "Pearl, when have I ever dissapointed you?", asked Mr. Krabs.  "Why, all I've ever done for you was nothing short of amorous behavior!"  "Waaaah I was

right!", cried Pearl.  "You do hate me!", she continued,  "Why darlin, of course not!", Krabs responded. 

   "I've just finished phoning Bubblebass on my shellphone.", said Squid.  "He'll be here  soon."  Bubblebass showed up in his cab.  They all got on board the cab-boat.

"Finally, were on our way!  At long last.", said Mr. Krabs.  "Yaaaaay!", yelled SpongeBob and Squidward simultaneously.  Squidward pointed out, "My back has been killing me.

a nice steam bath will suit me just beee-uutifully."  "Next stop, Sizzling Spring Sauna!", said Mr. Krabs.  Suddenly, the whole cab shaked from a huge rumble--it was Bubblebass'

stomach.  "Not quite.", said Bubblebass.  "I am very hungry and I can not operate when I'm hungry.  MMMM, hotdogs.  Sumptuous!", he said whislt gawking at Mr. Krabs' eyes.

"Stay back, ya disgusting blubber fart!  Your presence is becoming increasingly  unbearable eye poisen to me eyes!", said Krabs.  "So back off, ye blimp, or you'll be at

the business end o me cutlass!" The jellybean I lost!", Bubblebass said, noticing

 Plankton. "In exchange for permission to go to the Krusty Krab and one of you whip

me up Lard-fudge-patty greasy supreme, 10X10 pan-drippings style, I shall drive you all the way to the way to the SSS free from charge.  The fare will be on me."

Bubblebass pulls up to the KK.  "Wonderful!", answered Mr. Krabs.  "Mr. Squidward, get in the kitchen and whip him up one!  On the double Mr. Squidward."

"ERRRRRRRRG!!!", yelled Squidward.  "Can't things ever just go smoothly?  Must this interminable tortue never come to a stop?!  I refuse to!", he continued.  So Mr. Krabs

threatened, "Get in there or your--".  "Yeah, I know!  I'm fired!", interrupted Squidward.  "So aye-aye, sir."  Squidward finished Bubblebass's request.  "I have a voracious

appetite.", said Bubblebass.  The patty was dripping with grease, lard, a five cans of mayo, smothered in chocholate, saturated in pan-drippings, and was topped off with

marshmellows.  It weighed five pounds, but that didn't stop Bubblebass from gulping it down in one bite.  "GAAAH!", yelled Bubblebass.  He clutched his chest.  He was dead

before he hit the ground, the ultimate result of a decades old binge-eating habit. But where was Squidward?  Minutes later, Eugene told SpongeBob, "Go see what's taken 'em."

SpongeBob entered the Krusty Krab.  "Squidward!?  Yooo hoooo!", he called.  Upon entering the kitchen, he gasped.  He discovered Bubblebass' corpse, and pitiful Squidward

was under him.  "Ahhhgghgh!  My back!  OOOOOOWWW THE ANGUISH!  Get me the ::DOLPHIN NOISE:: out this instant, SpongeBob!", demanded Squidward.  Pearl walks in and vomits at the

sight of a dead Bubblebass.  "How gross!", she yells.  "That is definitly NOT coral."  She helps SpongeBob get Squidward out.  A moment later they walk out.  "Where the hallibut

is Bubblebass?", asked Mr. Krabs.  "He, eh, died.", answered SpongeBob.  "Oh tartar sauce!  What'd he have ta go and do that for?!!", hollered Krabs.  "Oh well, we'll take this

cab anyway.  Where the devil are the keys?", he wondered, unaware that Bubblebass more than likely ate them(another bad habit of his).  "Oh for kelp's sake, I'll fix

your car, Krabs.", offered Plankton.  "And we can finally persue your lackluster vacation, with your "free" pretext and all."  "OOOH MY BACK!  NEPUTUNE HAVE MERCY!", moaned


   A few hours later, Plankton had repaired Mr. Krabs' boat, and they all got onboard.  "DADDY, YOU BETTER GET US THERE THIS TIME!", screamed Pearl, with much anger.

"Shut your trap, ya spoiled vanity brat!", yelled Plankton.  "Oh my gosh, this ain't good.", whimpered SpongeBob.  "You pipsqueak!  How dare you!", came back Pearl.

"Atleast I don't live my life in a mirror, for all the skin-deap things!  Annoying brat!  Krabs is too cheap to spoil you how'd you turn out this way anyway?!"

"And who are you but some insidious little failed recipe thief?", answered Pearl.  "Enough!", roared Krabs!  I won't have this bickerin on the way to me free vacation!"

"Free, free, money, free, blah blah blaaaah!  I swear, you cheepskate Krabs!  When they give you your autopsy all they'll find'll be a cash register!!"  "What about me?!",

complained Squidward.  I hate my dull job at your low-life restraunt!  You give me all work and little leisure for minimum wage and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRGGHHH!  MY BACK!


LEISURE IS THIIIIS?!!! "YEAH WELL BLIP BLAD RRRROOA $%^^##@#$%&&*(^#^&%#@#$%^&^%$#@#$%^&*&^%$#@#$%^&*&^%$#@#$%^&~~~~``", yelled them all simultaneously, then suddenly, they

arrived at they're destination.  "WOOOOOOOOOOHHHHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOOO!",yelled Squidward.  "Were heeeeeerrrreee!!!"  They all ran out of the boat.  "This is what I call living!",

yelled Mr. Krabs.  "Weeeee're ready!", yelled SpongeBob and Patrick Star.  "Finally, a little enjoyment in life, said Squidward and Plankton together."  "I guess I am a little

high-strung and can use a little relaxation.", said Pearl.  They sprinted up to the gate, reading the sign "Welcome to the Sizzling Spring Sauna" all the way.  And no sooner did

they all reach the gate than...well...what did they see?  Nothing less than a chain around the front gate with a note on the door reading: "Closed indefinitly, due to poisen

gas leak."  All their jaws drop to the floor.  It reamined silent for 2 minutes until Patrick said, "Well that was a ripoff."  "I should have known.", said Squidward.

I can never, ever, ever, ever have a nice, peaceful time.  Ever."  The pungent smell of the place began to reek.  "So much for that Superlative vacation.", added Plankton.

"Well, no use killing ourselves over something we have no control over.", said Mr. Krabs.  "Morbid, depressing, I know.  But that's life and you can let it get you down.

But that big fat globe will just keep spinnin around.  And who are we?  Just a bunch of saaaaad sea creatures.  Let's go.", he said.  They boarded his boat, now replete with

dissapointed sea creatures.  But Mr. Krabs convinced them all, in their sorrow, that dissapointment was a part of life. 

The vacation proved to be a flash in the pan.  Mr. Krabs commenced driving them all back to town.

"Atleast anything can't get any worse.", thought Squidward.   

"Aw, gee.", said Mr. Krabs.  "I haven't been this despondent since I lost Mrs...", he stops, because he catches himself.  "Oooooh, you're talking about Mrs. Puff again,

arn't you Mr. Krabs?, teased SpongeBob.  "Watch it, boy!", snarled Krabs.  "Oooohooo Kasanova Krabs, you're old lady had junk in the trunk.", chuckled Squidward.  "I'm

warnin' ya!", warned Mr. Krabs.  What followed was taken even further when Patrick guffawed, "Haw haw! I hear on your third date, when you knocked on her door, Mrs. Puff

had nothing on!"  "Well, I think she had the TV on...", feeblily responded Mr. Krabs.  "Atleast I could hold on to Karen!", boasted Plankton.  "That's it!  I oughta throw

you nitwits all overboard!"  "Tis better to have loved and...", began Squidward, but interrupted by a big-meaty-claw punch in the nose.  All the passengers apologized, and

said they were just saddened.  "We know you tried to do something good for us.", said SpongeBob.  "Yeah, daddy, we all love you.  Thanks for the thought, which alone counts,

even if you were still being cheap all the way.", said Pearl.  "Ah, me darlin' Pearl.  I shall sniff me airfreshener, which makes me think of her, and money.  Me two

girlfriends.  Me two beloveds.", thought Mr. Krabs.  His airfreshener was most especially dear to him, for Pearl had given it to him as a gift, one father's day many

yesteryears prior.  So he closed his eyes to smell his love, his life, his all.  Never in the annals of undersea history had ever yet been recorded, and never have since,

the scream let out by Mr. Krabs, upon discovering no smell.  No smelly smell that smelled.  No fresh air.  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!  WHERE'S ME MONEY-SCENTED

MONEY AIRFRESHENEEEEEERRRRR?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????"  They were about halfway home, back into town by this time.  "You're missing whattt?!", asked Squidward.  "ME AIRFRESHNER!


mad krab as he screamed.  Then he did something that put them all in horrible danger.  He stopped his car on the busiest highway under the ocean.  MAC trucks zooooomed by.

Meanwhile, Mr. Krabs booty was haning out the car, the front driver's side car door open, as he searched frantically for his precious airfreshener.  "You'll get us

all killed!!!", screamed Squidward at the top of his lungs.  "DADDY STOP!", yelled Pearl.  "Mr. Krabs, you can't stop your car on the highway!"  "NOOOOOOO! MUST FIND

AIRFRESHENERRRR!", Krabs yelled.  "You sick, twisted, greedy krab!", boomed Plankton as boats and trucks honked sped by, some coming within inches of hitting them.

"You're not gonna get me killed!", he continued.  He pulled out a neutron disintigrator raygun he had invented.  "SILENCE YA LITTLE GREEN SNOT WITH ANTENNAS!  YOU MESS WITH


Plankton fires the shot. 

All of Bikini Bottom attends the funeral of Mr. Krabs.

But that is just what went through Plankton's mind.  In reality, Mr. Krabs ripped his passenger-side vanity mirror

 off his boat and deflected the blast.  It bounces back on Plankton's

gun.  It malfunctions.  KABAAAAANNNNG.  The blast sends Plankton flying out of the boat, disintigrating his left antenna, and onto the street, where he is swept up by a

streetsweeper.  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!", screams Pearl.  "Shut up!", yelled Patrick. "Can't you clam-brains see I'm trying to take a nap?!"  Mr. Krabs gets back in the

boat and floors it, now completly insane, driving 125MPH, into on-going traffic, on the highway.  "Daddy, please stop!", pleaded Pearl. "That airfreshener was a piece of junk!

It only cost sixty-seven cents!", she screamed.  "And I didn't even buy it for you Daddy!  I was busy at school I recall!  I distinctly remember giving Squidward $0.67 I found

in my pocket it pick it up for me!  "It's true!", cried Squidward.  "Pearl didn't buy it!  I did!"  "I'm sorry, Daddy!  You were always cheap with me, so I spared little for

you!!  It was junk!!", nervously stated Pearl, with abundant desperation.  "NOOOOOO!  NOOOOOOOO!  YOU'RE LYING!  WHAT MAKKKKKKES YOU LIEEE!?  YOU ALWAYS LOVVVED ME!!!!!!!!!

AND I'LL NEVER STOP TILL I FIND ME BEAUTIFUL SCENT!", yelled the krab with the warped mind.  "Please Mr. Krabs!  Please stooooopppppppp!", whined SpongeBob.  But he drove on.

He zoomed so fast off the highway, narrowly escaping death through cheese-graters, through educational television, through sea mines and chaos.  He drove into the deepest,

darkest, most eerie cave in Jellyfish Fields, that even SpongeBob, in all his valor, had never dared enter it.  Big Lenny, the daddy of all jellyfish, flew into the boat

and strung Patrick on the backside.  "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!", he hollored, for only one other had been stung by Big Lenny and lived, a doctor named Man-o-War.

Patrick screamed in agony and fell on SpongeBob, bounced off him and whacked Squidward in his nose, breaking it.  "GGGGGAAAAHHHHH!  KILL ME!  KILL ME!  MY NOSE!  MY BACK!

MY HAIR-RRRR-RRRR!", wept Squidward.  Patrick was fortunate to have been stung on the buttocks, or he would not have lived; a huge red horrendous bump hurt Patrick on his

right buttcheek, while Krabs kept driving like a madman.  He was now going at around 175MPH, so fast, the spidometer spun around three times and snapped off into Squidward's

eye.  "WWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY??????????!!!!!!!", Squidward cried out.  "Caught a little shrapnel there, eh Squidward?", said SpongeBob.

"MUUUUUST-FIND-AIRFRESHENER!!!", yelled loveable you-know-who.  He zoomed back onto

the highway.  "I'M COMMIN MY LIL' AIRFRESHENER!  I'LL SAVE..."--THUD!  "AIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!", yelled Pearl.  "You've ran over Bobby Fishkins!!  HE'S DEAD!"



foaming at the mouth more than ever.  "I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!", cried SpongeBob.  "You crazy old fool!  Can't you see the error in your reasoning?!", attempted Squidward,

by persuasion.  "I'D RATHER BE WRONG WITH ME AIRFRESHENER THAN RIGHT WITH YOU!", fired back Mr. Krabs.  "Zing!", quipped Patrick.  "Shut up Patrick.", said Squidward.

Whilst on the highway, Mr. Krabs' boat nearly hits Grubby Grouper, "Whooooaaaa!!! This ain't Tubular!", yelled Grubby.  He swerved off the highway down a hill to his

demise.  Boats honked and slammed into egother, houses burned to the grounded.  Explosions...everywhere....everywhere the eyes could see...treachory, treachory, treachory.

Traffic backed up for miles due to the crazy boat of Mr. Krabs, accidents encompassed the highway, bridges were engulfed by flame.  And Krab's boat survied though every

dangerous second.  Suddenly, Mr. Krabs saw a tear roll down his daughter's eye in the side mirror.  He came back to sanity...well not completly, but enough anyway.

He looked back and saw what he had done.  "As painful as it is, I must let it go.", said Mr. Krabs, angrily.  "I'll take us all home.  You all happy now?!!", he said.

After hours of this zany affair, in the worst day of all of their lives, Mr. Krabs drove home.  "Unnnngh...", moaned Squidward.  "Hey, it's almost time for work!", said

a happy SpongeBob.  Just as Mr. Krabs was pulling up to SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward's houses, he said, "I found the airfreshener!  I'm sitting on it."



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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 03:49:52 pm »
its good.

Offline Spider-Boogie

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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2007, 06:54:00 pm »
its good.

You would think so. :rolleyes: *coughspammercough*
April Fool: I'm the April Fool. What's up with that?
Timmy: It's official, this guy sucks. I wish he was somewhere else!
Timmy: Where'd you guys poof him to?
*Both fairies give evil smiles*
April Fool: I never asked for this!
Jorgen: Shut up, or I'll have Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face again!

Rachel is my USB wife <3
Vicky is also my USB wife <3

Offline DiE HaRrD PuNk

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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2007, 11:05:19 am »
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

<33 Asian Guys Are Hawt<33

Pipo Monkey 36

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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2007, 11:21:08 am »
What a great story!


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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2007, 06:28:35 pm »
by Michael R******i/MSP

Yur last name isn't Richardi is it?  XD

Nice work, BTW.

Offline DiE HaRrD PuNk

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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2007, 06:38:55 pm »
by Michael R******i/MSP

Yur last name isn't Richardi is it?  XD

Nice work, BTW.

Lol yea. Its not that hard to figure out.. Rico Suave Msp..
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

<33 Asian Guys Are Hawt<33


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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2007, 11:22:16 pm »
so u ppl like it good i guess ill try to put it on fanfic dot net.  i had some on sbonline a few yrs back but i dunno where sbonline is


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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2008, 08:45:45 pm »
what?  no me llamo es no "Richardi"


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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2008, 09:08:47 pm »
Damn I am really really good.  I know there are some spelling errors, but when i wrote it during the summer i wrote it on my laptop and had not the internet yet during that summer in New Jersey by which means to spellcheck.  if only ppl would take time out to read my masterpeice!

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2008, 12:06:43 pm »
Mr. Michael Rudnicki... oops, did I just give out your last name ;-)


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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2008, 03:12:24 pm »
Yeh.  and when i get my mod powers soon im gonna take it off!

Offline Spider-Boogie

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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2008, 03:53:40 pm »
Yeh.  and when i get my mod powers soon im gonna take it off!

Mod powers? Good joke Mike. ^_^
April Fool: I'm the April Fool. What's up with that?
Timmy: It's official, this guy sucks. I wish he was somewhere else!
Timmy: Where'd you guys poof him to?
*Both fairies give evil smiles*
April Fool: I never asked for this!
Jorgen: Shut up, or I'll have Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face again!

Rachel is my USB wife <3
Vicky is also my USB wife <3


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Re: MSP newfanfic
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2008, 04:03:34 pm »
Yeh Boogie-boy well see who'll be laughing.

Just kidding I love everybody now!  Even myself  ...a little.