Author Topic: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...  (Read 13101 times)

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Dragon Of Grief

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Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« on: November 26, 2007, 08:00:30 pm »
BECAUSE HE IS MSP!!! Come on people. Do you honestly think he believes the dribble coming out of his own mouth? Why do you all get so worked up over him? No rational sane person believes in the things he does. PEOPLE COME ON! Lol. The older members should know better then to even RESPOND to his political opinions... i've known MSP on these forums for YEARS! It's all an act people!


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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 03:19:25 am »
he's funny tho

Offline IZ

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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2007, 08:28:02 am »
Honestly, I really don't think he's kidding. I've met plenty of people who believe what he believes.


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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2007, 09:58:05 am »
no one else here has conservative views


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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2007, 09:59:40 am »
I been here for almost 5 years

Elizabeth Rose

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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2007, 01:03:45 pm »
no one else here has conservative views
Shows what you know.

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2007, 09:52:41 pm »
no one else here has conservative views
Correction: No one else here is a close minded bigot.

Liz is conservative but she is actually a smart, cool, and funny person. You're just a waste of life molecules.

I know you well, MSP... I have seen your other side, I have seen you post at randominsanity and lf... it's all an act and I know it is. You only pull this act on these forums. You didn't really start getting bad until Scooter got banned and wasn't holding you on a leash anymore.

Come on. Drop the act. Seriously. And if this is not an act, and you're serious... then get psychiatric help fast.


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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2007, 07:25:25 am »
you're saying that if you are conservative, you are mentally ill?  Conservatives say that liberalsm is a mental disorder.  Liz, I don't think she's that conservative, she seems more Neo-Con.  The liberal spongezoners hate me cause I utter extreme right-wing views, such as capital punishment for abortion.  Liz is against abortion, but I bet she doesn't support the death penalty for it.  But if human life begins at conception, I believe there is no difference between taking the abortive morning after pill, a 1st trimester abortion, a partial birth abortion, of killing a 3 year old kid, or killing a 40 year old man.  If you believe human life begins at conception, then why is it an extreme right-wing view to support the deathpenalty for it?  No wonder abortion is still legal, because conservatives don't stand behind their own rhetoric!  Because I stand for my own convictions?  That should be a mainstream conservative view, not an extremist view!  I wish the country would shift to where i have mainstream conservative views, or where my views are considered more mainstream.  To me, liz is just a neo-con, or a middle-of-the-rd. watered down conservative. 

And no, I don't like these "BushBots", these ppl that back that man for anything he does.  Bush is a liberal president.  Among the things he pisses me off is letting all these illegal mexicans into the country.  Deport all of the illegal aliens NOW!!!  And when he tried to sell the ports to Arabs!  WTF!  The man has put this country in debt for generations to come!  and alienated his conservative base!  Bush is no conservative!!


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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2007, 07:35:19 am »
there i just blasted bush, something a BushBot would never do.


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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2007, 10:17:42 am »

Offline IZ

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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2007, 10:18:28 am »
she seems more Neo-Con.
the pot calls the kettle what?


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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2007, 06:18:20 pm »
Everybody! I have conservative repellent!

Elizabeth Rose

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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2007, 06:45:56 pm »
I don't support the death penalty period.  It's not like it takes away the crime.  Whoever it was still got raped.  Whoever it was still lost their life, and his or her family is suffering.  Killing the convict doesn't make those things go away.

And if we are going to kill convicts, do it right.  The Electric Chair is disgusting.  It's better to just take them out back and shoot them than electrocute them.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2007, 06:47:42 pm »
Them mexicans is stealing our jerbs!

You know, the jobs we won't do anyway?

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: Why you shouldn't take MSP seriously...
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2007, 06:48:16 pm »
you're saying that if you are conservative, you are mentally ill?  Conservatives say that liberalsm is a mental disorder.  Liz, I don't think she's that conservative, she seems more Neo-Con.
LOL. I never said that. There is a difference between being a conservative, and being an obnoxious fundie. Most conservatives I have met are very nice, reasonable, kind, people... they just like to stick to the old ways. Nothing wrong with that. It's the religious right fundies that call themself "conservatives" that makes them look bad. And do you even know what a neo-con is?

The liberal spongezoners hate me cause I utter extreme right-wing views, such as capital punishment for abortion.  Liz is against abortion, but I bet she doesn't support the death penalty for it.  But if human life begins at conception, I believe there is no difference between taking the abortive morning after pill, a 1st trimester abortion, a partial birth abortion, of killing a 3 year old kid, or killing a 40 year old man.  If you believe human life begins at conception, then why is it an extreme right-wing view to support the deathpenalty for it?  No wonder abortion is still legal, because conservatives don't stand behind their own rhetoric!
I am against abortion too... but the death penalty? That is just rediculous. You don't know what women go through in pregnancy. You're not a women, you'll never be pregnant, so what gull do you have to call for the death penalty on women who have abortion? My Mom had an abortion... two as a matter of fact... when she was a teenager. She was forced into it though. My Mom came from a wealthy family, and having children as a teen would have been unacceptable. And how can you consider birth control MURDER?!?!?! Come on now. I could really nail you here but I won't, because it is just too easy... like I said, I am against abortion as well. AND I AM A LIBERAL! OMGZ!!! You really shouldn't put labels on political positions... but however, capital punishment for abortion is rediculous.

Because I stand for my own convictions?  That should be a mainstream conservative view, not an extremist view!  I wish the country would shift to where i have mainstream conservative views, or where my views are considered more mainstream.
A mainstream conservative view would be say, that abortion should be illegal. An EXTREMIST views would be that there should be capital punishment for having an abortion... you don't know the circumstances of why women have them. Would you want your wife to go through a pregnancy if she was raped by another man? Think about that one for awhile before you respond.

To me, liz is just a neo-con, or a middle-of-the-rd. watered down conservative.
Neo-con and watered down aren't very good comparisons. Liz is a conservative. A very intelligent one. We don't agree on a lot of issues but we get along. I love her to death. You? You're just a show. I don't even think you believe most of the crap coming out of your mouth.

And no, I don't like these "BushBots", these ppl that back that man for anything he does.  Bush is a liberal president.  Among the things he pisses me off is letting all these illegal mexicans into the country.  Deport all of the illegal aliens NOW!!!  And when he tried to sell the ports to Arabs!  WTF!  The man has put this country in debt for generations to come!  and alienated his conservative base!  Bush is no conservative!!
Funny... 2 or 3 years ago you were practically worshipping him like a God. As far as the illegals, they are the least of your problems. Trust me. Job outsourcing is more a threat to this country then some poor Mexican immigrants who plunge toilets and pick berries for less than minimum wage. Those outside of the country stealing our jobs are the true threat... not some poor old Mexicans on less then minimum wage jobs that most Americans REFUSE yes REFUSE to do. A lot of them head back home anyways once they have made some money. You used to be one of these "BushBots" MSP, so I would watch what you say.