Author Topic: 25 Facts About You  (Read 5458 times)

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25 Facts About You
« on: December 19, 2004, 07:58:56 pm »
Me first.

1. I love hockey.
2. I'm an "Internet-rat".
3. I own 579 DVDs.. and counting.
4. I'm cocky.
5. I want to be a filmmaker.
6. If not that, then a professor at a college, teaching Greek mythology.
7. And a comic book writer.
8. Current favorite TV shows are Scrubs, Arrested Development, Lost, Smallville, Jack & Bobby, and pretty much any comedy on Adult Swim.
9. My style of dress: Hoody, long pants, short socks, Fossil Blue watch, and Chuck Taylors (THE OLD GOOD KIND).
10. I have had a long-distant relationship with someone from a message board. THAT was fun.
11. I have played several Shakespeare characters in professional plays: Malvolio (of Twelfth Night); Shylock (of Merchant Of Venice); and Mercutio (of Romio and Juliet).
12. You're still reading this?
13. My gym teacher was arrested for trying to molest a young teacher at the school.
14. My brother is gay.. and in the army.
15. I am one of the few people who though Shrek was overrated. The 'Muffin man' shtick got old the first time.
16. I don't hold back when I criticize things/people.
17. I saw 9 phenominal movies this year.. and 14 stinkers.
18. I only have NO Christmas shopping done.
19. I like video games but have no many to spend on them because of my huge DVD collection. So I borrow from friends.
20. I have made 21 really good friends in real life, but am only associated with 7 of them right now.
21. I own a kitten named Baron von Kitty Fantastico.
22. My birthday is March 22. Several gifts I'd appreciate are The Incredibles DVD, Team America DVD, Donnie Darko DVD, Finding Neverland DVD, or a sled.
23. I never plan to do drugs, drink, or smoke.
24. If I could have three wishes, they would be: a) to fly. The other two I'll give away to charity.
25. I hate politics.
26. I don't know when to quit.
27. My current dress: boxers (come on, Sean, like you don't wanna see me in boxers..), and a T-shirt that depicts a little Texan with big ears and a frying pan, saying "Hello, America.. BACK FOR SECONDS???"
28. I wrote a skit called Canadian Gangsters.

Gideon Brown

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25 Facts About You
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2004, 09:38:42 pm »
Hrmmm...this may be hard

1. I am a fan of Nirvana
2. I believe Kurt was murdered
3. I am technically a metalhead
4. My dirty scret is my love for celtic rock
5. I play trumpet
6. I would like to learn to play accordion
7. I AM Canadian
8. I'm taking Business in college...first year
9. I would like to go into marketing
10. My favourite fast food restaurant is Wendy's
11. I LOVE seafood, but hate eating fish
12. I currently own one guppy, Nancy, because her brother, Sid, died.
13. I am currently wearing a Nirvana T-shirt, and a Kurt-like sweater
14. I am a fan of Ewan McGregor
15. My favourite movie is Big Fish
16. I want to publish a book one day
17. I am an extreme Green member...
18. I HAVE tried drugs before...but no longer do them
19. Next April, I turn 19
20. The moment I'm 19 I shall legally get drunk in Ontario
21. My first concert was a Great Big Sea concert (because I couldnt go see Megadeth)
22. I had third row seats...behind my math teacher
23. I love to act, and to play music
24. I can also sketch portraits...
25. I ave Love Gun by KISS on LP!


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25 Facts About You
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2004, 01:08:16 am »
1. My name is Paige
2. My initails spell out pat
3. I own seven horses, one who is pregnant, a dog, and two rabbits
4. I have two guitars which I never play
5. I am always dressed in black except the piano scarf I always wear, my grey toque, and my shades.
6. My favourite band is Megadeth
7. I am wearing my grey toque, my shades, my piano scarf, a puffy black jacket, taz boxers and leg warmers (dont ask)
8. I  always wear two different shoes, one hightop and ones a skater shoe
9. I have green eyes
10. I love the smell of smoke
11. I hate police
12. I like to spit
13. I have two brothers, one who is in the army and I hope he gets shot
15. I dont eat a lot of meat because it makes me puke
16. I am anti-social
17. I do a lot of comunity service
18. My hair is cut uneven purposely
19. I am pale and haev black hair (no i am not a goth and i refuse to call myself one)
20. I have choked on mash potatos and tripped over pillows
21. I hate Christmas
22. My favourite movie is house of a thousand corpses
23. I like the taste of glue sticks
24. I get along better with animals then people
25. I can moon walk
« Last Edit: December 20, 2004, 01:10:05 am by oscar_the_grouch »


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25 Facts About You
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2004, 05:19:18 am »
1.My name is Jordan(not an african american boy thoe no offense)
2.I like Harry Potter
3.To me Nick only  has 10 good shows.
4.I collect cartoon figures
5.I'm obsessed with Zim & Spongebob
6.I know alot about animals
7.Donald Duck & Daffy Duck are my favorite cartoons characters
8.I like Ed,Edd 'n Eddy
9.I hate STUPID anime
10.I have 2 dogs
11.I'm a Pitsburgh Steeler fan
12.I celecrate Christmas
13.I beleive in most  paranormal investigations
14.I have alot of DVDs
15.I'm a member & post alot in 4 forums
16.Stewie is my favorite Family Guy character
17.I don't under stand Huanakah or Kwanza
18.My favorite foods are cheesburgers,popcorn & tacos.
19.This is my longest post ever
20.I don't love anyone except my parents
21.I'm a Tampa Bay Bucaneers fan
22.Scary movies bore me(one killing after another*phhhhh*)
23.I'm running out of Ideas
24.10% of my brain goes to cute stuff
25.This date in December is my favorite Holiday

Kenny Blankenship

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25 Facts About You
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2004, 07:46:20 am »
Dang, this might take a while....

1. Live in Minnesota
2. I'm obsessed with our local sports teams
3. I'm left handed
4. I homeschool
5. I have three younder siblings, 2 brothers and 1 annoying sister
6. I speak fluent gibberish
7. I hate mustard
8. I hate the media's obsession with Brett Favre
9. Ummm........ I live a fairly boring life
10. I'm embarrassingly shy in real life
11. Politics suck
12. Somehow related to Carrie Fisher (of Star Wars fame)
13. Favorite TV Shows: MXC, SpongeBob, MXC, SNL (when it doesn't suck as bad as it does this year), MXC, Around The Horn, MXC, Pardon The Interruption, MXC, MXC, MXC
14. Favorite Bands: Rubber (ha ha), Beatles, Stones, Who, Kinks, Hendrix, Cream, etc.
15. Blue eyes
16. Brown hair
17. 5'10"
18. 140 lbs
19. Actually lost a lot of weight a bit back.  Ballooned up to 200 lbs. two summers ago
20. I'm probably forgetting something
21. ... because I inherited my mother's memory
22. Have absolutely no clue what I want to do for a career
23. I'm pretty self centered
24. ... and fairly strange
25. If the Vikings beat the Packers this Christmas Eve, I will streak naked down our street (on second thought... maybe that's not such a good idea)


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25 Facts About You
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2004, 08:10:09 am » is will in pensacola FL IZ spongebob less now
5.doesnt now how to code
6.likes cartoon sitcoms
7.enjoys living near the beach a christian a member of rhino gamig
10.loves chistmas time
11.buys fireworks that arent allowed in florida in alabama
12.likes naruto
13.likes shonen jump manga
14.has 36 winamp skins
15.suscibes to nick
17.WANTS to subscribe to PSM
18.has 7 GOOD friends
19.running out of ideas for this list
20.WAS apple pie (cloned)
21.oce drank 12 red bulls
22.loves starbucks
23.enjoys reading
24.voted for bush
25.eats pie Alot
« Last Edit: December 28, 2004, 05:56:54 pm by megapat0099 »


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25 Facts About You
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2004, 09:14:39 am »
1. My name is Dan
2. I love Green Tea (drink over 3 glasses a day)
3. I've been fluent in the computer language "BASIC" since I was 6
4. I like food
5. My favorite movie is Happy Gilmore
6. I've never played a game on a Sega Genesis
7. I take a 128mb thumb drive with me wherever I go
8. I am a huge Yankees fan
9. I am very conservative and a GOP volunteer.
10. My favorite TV shows are SpongeBob, Iron Chef, Mythbusters,
11. My favorite TV channels are Food Network and Discovery Channel
12. I go rock climbing almost every week
13. I wish Comcast would pick up The Anime Network
14. Wants to write a technical book
15. My MP3 player is a whopping 32MB!
16. I like to sleep.
17. I have never read a single book I was assigned to read for school (SparkNotes work wonders)
18. I like to go golfing
19. I like to play Pool/Billiards
20. I am a master at Laser Tag
21. I prefer reading magazines than reading books
22. My favorite food is Buffalo Wings
23. My favorite website is Homestar Runner
24. The voices in the new Decemberween cartoon are weird...
25. I loved the soda SURGE when it was around

Offline ssj4gogita4

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25 Facts About You
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2004, 09:32:02 am »
1.I live in TX
2.I live near a retarded college campus
3.I watch Golden Girls
4.I watch Lifetime Network
5.I hate TNT and USA networks
6.I like to ride bikes
7.I listen to bad boy music :D
8.I watch Young and the Restless
9.I am a big fan of The Price Is Right
10.I am #1 fan of Spongebob and Family Guy
11.I like to keep my room neat
12.I like NCAA and not pro leagues
13.I hardly ever talk IRL
14.I dont smile unless its a family picture
15.I became a Christian at 12
16.I have Garfield/DBZ/Spongebob calendars/posters > you @ lazer tag
18.I love playing pool(billiards)
19.My favorite food is anything Grandma cooks
20.My favorite book is goosebumps, garfield, and Encyclopedia Brown
21.I eat, drink, and sleep Root Beer
22.My favorite movie is Emperor's New Groove
23.No one can beat me at an NES game...or SSB:Melee
24.I subscribe to Game Informer
25.I have a dog named Snickers
« Last Edit: December 20, 2004, 10:50:52 am by ssj4gogita4 »


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25 Facts About You
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2004, 09:52:07 am »
8. I hate the media's obsession with Brett Favre
Yup, you're a Vikings fan alright XD
1. My real name is Brandon *dramatic music plays*
2. I live in Kentucky
3. My favorite band is pretty obvious, but I also like Nirvana, STP, The Suicide Machines, Alkaline Trio, Creed (yes, make fun of me XD), Metallica, Rage Against the Machine, Public Enemy, etc etc
4. I have a Gamecube and Gameboy Advance, i'm gonna wait for the release of Playstation 3 before I get anything else :)
5. I'm around 5'11 200 lbs
6. I work at a grocery store
7. I have a minor heart condition (it constantly beats too fast)
8. I'm 17
9. My Birthday's February 21st
10. I'm currently in AP Calculus so I have about 2 hours of homework every night x.x
11. My memory sucks, I also inherited that from my mom
12. I got a 27 on the ACT (Kentucky's equivalent of the SAT); Average scores are 19-22
13. The mazda "Zoom Zoom" kid freaks me out XD
14. I have an evergrowing hatred for Linkin Park XD
15. I wear size 12 shoes
16. I drive a dark blue 2001 Plymouth Neon
17. I wrecked my car the day American Idiot came out
18. A few years ago I placed 2nd in my district for Language Arts in Academic Team \m/
19. I'm a huge Kentucky Basketball fan
20. I'm a huge Cincinnati Reds fan
21. I never travel x.x The farthest west i've ever been is St Louis; sad, eh?
22. My dad went to the game where Hank Aaron tied Babe Ruth's homerun record
23. My Uncle used to be a scout for the Baltimore Orioles
24. I have a Golden Retriever, Buddy
25. I was once asked the guys from 12 Stones if they liked cheese while shaking their hands. They replied "Of course" XD

Offline SizzlinSean

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25 Facts About You
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2004, 10:23:54 am »
This will take a while... I might just add them as I think of them.

1. My name is Sean.
2. I play Electric Guitar
3. I love playing video games.
4. I'm extremely sarcastic.
5. I have ALL of my Christmas shopping done. \m/
6. I'm 16, yet I don't even have my drivers permit yet(Overprotective mom... Wait, I can use this in the next line!.)
7. I have an overprotective mom.
8. I want to be a psychiatrist when I get older.
9. If not that, a Baptist preacher(Might as well go along with my lineage.)
10. I am NOT a clean freak.
11. I have dreams of owning a 150,000 dollar house, but not being able to pay for it. Then passing it on to my kids. By then the interest will be horrible and they'll file for bankruptcy.
12. As you can tell, I pride myself in being a bit of a jerk.
13. I've been a Christian since I was around four.
More later.

Offline ssj4gogita4

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25 Facts About You
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2004, 10:50:16 am »
13. I've been a Christian since I was around four.
More later.

Hmmm...that would mean you didn't REALLY know the meaning until you were around 12 or 13. Thats when I did it

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25 Facts About You
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2004, 11:35:55 am »
No. I knew the meaning at four. I was a smart kid.

Offline AppleNick

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25 Facts About You
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2004, 12:17:57 pm »
1. I taught myself to read when I was 3.
2. I was never baptised, although my parents wanted me to.
3. I used to be a really good skater, but I forgot how to kickflip because I stopped for two years.
4. I've always hated Windows.
5. I got expelled from my school recently, intentionally.
6. I'm ambidextrous at most things.
7. I kick with my left foot.
8. If I stop running for 3 seconds after I ran 20 feet, I get tired and can't run for another minute. I need to keep going.
9. I can't surf! But neither can you...
10. My shoe size is 10.
11. I borrowed Spongefanatic1992's shoes for the weekend.
12. The only College Football team I like is the Florida Gators.
13. I can make my eyes shake.
14. I sometimes sneeze if I'm in bright light.
15. The lower part of my legs have seen the worst of the worst in damage.
16. I hate getting haircuts. The people try to "Style it up", but all they do is make me bald.
17. My parents are forcing me to go to college, but I will never use the degree.
18. I used to have an extremely aggressive dog that knocked down my 70-pound stepbrother.
19. My parents got divorced when I was 8.
20. I'm never online during the weekends because I'm playing Tony Hawk's Underground. I do nothing else over there unless I'm out of the house.
21. Guarana doesn't make me stay up all night.
22. Every time I finish burning a Linux distro, I label it with the distro name and "=D".
23. It takes me 3 hours to fall asleep.
24. I know LANPartyMaker is reading this.
25. I've used Macs since I was 2.

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25 Facts About You
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2004, 12:22:13 pm »
No. I knew the meaning at four. I was a smart kid.

If that's what you call it...

1. My name is Kevin
2. My favorite band is Nirvana.
3. I'm 5'3"
4. I weigh 120.
5. My hair goes down to about the bottom of my head.
6. I play saxophone.
7. I'm in Winter Drumline.
8. I'm getting a drum set today.
9. I hate EA Sports.
10. I own every Nintendo Console system.
11. I own a dreamcast. \m/
12. I have an AMD Athalon MP 1800+.
13. I suscribe to Electronic Gaming Monthly.
14. I have my drivers permit.
15. I live in a 2700 sq foot house.
16. I live in Michigan.
17. I use Opera.
18. I rent games online.
19. I use Trillian 3.0
20. Some of my favorite bands are; Green Day, Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Weird Al, Audioslave, Rage Against the Machine, Ramones, Clash, Metallica, Incubus, Offspring, Puddle of Mudd, and Weezer to name a few.
21. I play Half-Life online. (My name is IZLover)
22. I have an Ernie Harwell bobblehead on my desk.
23. I own all 4 128-bit systems.
24. I own every gameboy except the original, and the regular advance.
586. I can't count.


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25 Facts About You
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2004, 12:42:33 pm »
1. My eyes are blue
2. My birthday was yesterday
3. I have a square hip
4. I own an Ibanez Acoustic
5. I love Nirvana
6. My favorite color is green
7. My cat is black
8. I have blue converse shows with writing all over them
9. My favorite TV show is ER
10. My dad watches Pimp My Ride
11. I am obsessed with Paris, France
12. I'm afraid of large crowds.
13. I hate my Unified Science teacher.
14. I love Technical Theatre
15.I got my hair cut today
16. I am in the middle of watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
17. I illegally burn cds.
18. I legally burn cds.
19. I hate hate haters
20. My nails are purple with green dots.
21. I scored a 98% on the Missouri Consitution Test.
22. I take CardioVascularFitnessWalking!
23. My painting > Yours
24. I love my stalker.
25. I dislike seafood.