Author Topic: Drugs  (Read 16732 times)

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Offline ssj4gogita4

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« Reply #45 on: June 05, 2005, 11:48:06 am »
Is marijuana used for any medical purposes?

~angelene's dreams

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« Reply #46 on: June 05, 2005, 11:56:38 am »
ummm...yeah.  is seems to be the only thing that eases certain nerve-damage pains.  :sad:

It wouldn't be perscribed IF there was an alternative...think about it.

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« Reply #47 on: June 05, 2005, 11:58:10 am »
Well, I know there is NO way to stop it from growing or being used illegally but there really needs to be something done about it.

~angelene's dreams

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« Reply #48 on: June 05, 2005, 12:00:05 pm »
Well, I know there is NO way to stop it from growing or being used illegally but there really needs to be something done about it.

Everything that grows naturally on this Earth had a PURPOSE.  The issue of ABUSE is the PROBLEM.   :closedeyes:


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« Reply #49 on: June 06, 2005, 12:24:56 am »
well, whatever is gong on, its comes down to the same priclpal of everything else in these threads. its personal choice. if you wanna take drugs, then it is no ones business, excpet maybe the police, but thats sorta moot cos the mojority of drugs are better than booze.
as long as people make informed decisions, it should be ok.

~angelene's dreams

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« Reply #50 on: June 06, 2005, 08:16:17 am »
On the whole...ppl who use drugs are NOT bad ppl, they just made a poor choice of what to throw thier money away on.

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« Reply #51 on: June 06, 2005, 10:44:18 am »
On the whole...ppl who use drugs are NOT bad ppl, they just made a poor choice of what to throw thier money away on.

Agreed. Drugs arent an excuse for anything. They do make bad choices meaning, you got yourself in the mess. So, I hate how people whine about how "I have an issue with drugs and that why I am the way I am blah blah blah". Should've been smart the first time and stayed away from it, idiots. Just thought I add something to it.


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« Reply #52 on: June 06, 2005, 05:28:19 pm »
On the whole...ppl who use drugs are NOT bad ppl, they just made a poor choice of what to throw thier money away on.

Agreed. Drugs arent an excuse for anything. They do make bad choices meaning, you got yourself in the mess. So, I hate how people whine about how "I have an issue with drugs and that why I am the way I am blah blah blah". Should've been smart the first time and stayed away from it, idiots. Just thought I add something to it.
or just do it responsibly??
i have been an alcolholic, but it wasnt anyone elses choice, and the booze didnt make me buy it.

and for throwing your money away?? $50 for a pill in nz, you can EASILY spend over $100 ina night if your dirnking, and you get a worse hang over, and do stupid things.

and in england, its only a pund or two per pill. so the money thing really isnt an issue

remeber peoples, you cant be against drugs and not against drinking, cos drinking does a whole lot more harm than drugs, ont he whole

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« Reply #53 on: June 06, 2005, 05:54:46 pm »
On the whole...ppl who use drugs are NOT bad ppl, they just made a poor choice of what to throw thier money away on.

Agreed. Drugs arent an excuse for anything. They do make bad choices meaning, you got yourself in the mess. So, I hate how people whine about how "I have an issue with drugs and that why I am the way I am blah blah blah". Should've been smart the first time and stayed away from it, idiots. Just thought I add something to it.

cos drinking does a whole lot more harm than drugs, ont he whole

HAHAHAHA! Thats rich.


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« Reply #54 on: June 06, 2005, 06:33:55 pm »
alcolhol costs more, financially. the government spends ALOT more cash on booze than drugs.

alcolhol kills people. comparitivly there are hardly any deaths by drugs compared to alcolhol. in fact, there are no recorded deaths that have been directly linked to pot.

there are more rape, abuse, sucide incidents related to alcolhol than any other drug.

more families break up from alcolhol abuse than any drug usage.
in fact, the only drugs i can think of that are as bad as booze, are p and heroin. and p is not that bad, its a person by person thing. it doesnt affect me at all, but some people it turns crazy.

so yeah, a random "thats rich" ? chack facts beofre you spout off.  just cos your teachers tell you somthing, does not make it true

Elizabeth Rose

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« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2005, 06:42:12 pm »
alcolhol costs more, financially. the government spends ALOT more cash on booze than drugs.

alcolhol kills people. comparitivly there are hardly any deaths by drugs compared to alcolhol. in fact, there are no recorded deaths that have been directly linked to pot.

there are more rape, abuse, sucide incidents related to alcolhol than any other drug.

more families break up from alcolhol abuse than any drug usage.
in fact, the only drugs i can think of that are as bad as booze, are p and heroin. and p is not that bad, its a person by person thing. it doesnt affect me at all, but some people it turns crazy.

so yeah, a random "thats rich" ? chack facts beofre you spout off.  just cos your teachers tell you somthing, does not make it true

Remember that one yourself.

Alcohol is dangerous. Drugs are dangerous. However, it is easier to be "responsible" with alcohol than it is with drugs. The only reason more incidents are alcohol related is because alcohol is easier to get, and therefore easier to abuse. Drugs are illegal, therefore people are less likely (note: less, not none) to use them, and they are very expensive, making people less likely to buy them over alcohol.

Pot is hardly dangerous in my opinion though. Marijuana is not really one of my main concerns. My main concerns are hallucegenic drugs, such as LSD, and things that really hurt people like heroin.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 06:43:27 pm by Elizabeth Rose »

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« Reply #56 on: June 06, 2005, 07:01:17 pm »
so yeah, a random "thats rich" ? chack facts beofre you spout off.  just cos your teachers tell you somthing, does not make it true

Yeah, teachers told me that. How bout...I've lived with people like that. So before you spout off, consider that and shut your ::dolphin noise:: mouth. And correct you typos and learn to spell.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 07:37:17 pm by SizzlinSean »


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« Reply #57 on: June 06, 2005, 07:21:28 pm »
^^^ nice, way to debate. i have lived with alcolholics and druggies, the druggies wernt the abusive rapists.

Elizabeth, we never had drug talks at school (that i can remeber), and i didnt wanna say anything about pastors or anything, cos there is enough of that.

drugs are in no way more expensive than alcolhol.
ill do an nz ezample, cos i know them here.
$50 for a pill that will last you all night.
drinks are minumum $5 a pop. if you drinking cheap beer.
but, around $8 for a proper drink.
so, within 6 drinks, which will not get you badly done (for the average person, anyway) over 3 hours, you  will spend more, quite a bit more. then your also more likely to eat, and get juice nad stuff as well. which you dont do on pills cos it ruins the buzz.

agree that you are less likely to do drugs, but only for private parties and things, if you go out, then its easier to get high, especially if your underage.  if you are so inclined, it is alot easier to get drugs if you cant et alcolhol, cos there is no one policing drugs.  and some of them you can get at your local park.

lsd and muchrooms and stuff are not that bad. once again, if you take enough, but not too much, you can controll yourself.  the same thing applies to alcolhol.  unless you take heaps, you wont throw yourself of a cliff or anything. (on that note, a firend of mine threw himself off a clif and died at new years, he was drunk, everyone who was with him was high) but untill you havebeen on drugs, i cant really illistrate that point, cos its not a feeling any of you guys would know. you can controll yourself, if you need to.
the worst things are these legal party pills!!
i have dont alot of stuff, but htese things almost put me in hospital.
they contain (i did not know this beofre i took them) what they use to worm cattle!!!! gross

and yeah, agreed with heroin, needles are jsut wrong, no matter how you lok at them. no high is worth that.

EDIT: have to take somthing back, jsut cos somone is a druggie or an alcolholic, doesnt make them better or worse than anyone else. there are plenty of nice alcolholics nad druggies, and plenty of horrible people who dont have a vice.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2005, 09:12:19 pm by Eva:Gina »