Author Topic: Plankton's Master Plan!  (Read 11160 times)

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Sponge bob Laura

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Plankton's Master Plan!
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2004, 03:41:54 pm »
thanks! Chapter 6 almost ready..

Ms. APuff

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Plankton's Master Plan!
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2004, 10:37:59 pm »
great so far! Keep it up!!

Sponge bob Laura

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Plankton's Master Plan!
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2004, 03:26:21 pm »
Here is the last Chapter in my first story! I will post the whole thing soon!

Chapter 6

 The next morning Candice went to check on Plankton. She knocked on the door of the Chum Bucket but no one answered. She tried again. There was still no answer.
“Plankton?” she called. “It’s me Candice! Are you there?”

  “Go away! I don’t feel like talking!” Plankton called back.

   “What’s wrong? Can I come inside?” Candice asked.

   “Fine come in,” Plankton said blankly.

    Candice walked in the Chum Bucket and went to the table was sitting at.

 “Someone took the Krabby Patties last night!” Plankton cried.

    “Oh really,” Candice said guiltily. “Well I didn’t do it.”

 “Why would you do it? You bought them,” Plankton told. “But I wonder who did, and how… It must have been Spongebob or Mr. Krabs or-“

  “Well! I’ve gotta go now. See ya! Gotta feed the snail,” Candice explained as she ran out the door.

“She’s no help at all,” Plankton mumbled.

  When Candice was back at home she grabbed a jacket and ran to Spongebob’s house to tell him about her busy night. She ran better in her running shoes then her high-heels. As she came to the Pineapple Spongebob had just came out to water the flowers.

  “Hi Spongebob! Want to here about my night?” Candice asked.

   “Sure,” Spongebob replied.

   Candice explained the whole crazy, sleepless night to Spongebob. Spongebob was shocked about what Candice went through to get the patties. As they talked a bus pulled up in front of a house on the other side of the Chum Bucket… And a girl stepped out.

                THE END….. OR IS IT?

Offline Spider-Boogie

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Plankton's Master Plan!
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2004, 03:51:27 pm »
Really cool.
April Fool: I'm the April Fool. What's up with that?
Timmy: It's official, this guy sucks. I wish he was somewhere else!
Timmy: Where'd you guys poof him to?
*Both fairies give evil smiles*
April Fool: I never asked for this!
Jorgen: Shut up, or I'll have Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face again!

Rachel is my USB wife <3
Vicky is also my USB wife <3

Sponge bob Laura

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Plankton's Master Plan!
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2004, 03:56:55 pm »
Here is the full edited version! :cool:

 Plankton's Master Plan  
By Sponge Bob Laura

Chapter I: "Moving in"

VROOM! VROOM! The sound of the moving van flooded Bikini Bottom as it sped down the road to a beautiful new house. As the van passed the Chum Bucket, Plankton was strolling down the path, ready to go to the beach. He looked down the street and saw a gleaming new mansion.

"Wow! I wonder who is moving in?" Plankton said hopefully to himself. "Maybe someone who is willing to get the Krabby Patty formula! I guess I'll just have to wait and see tomorrow!!"
Plankton walked off to the beach waiting for the day to end.

Back at the new house the furniture movers were just about done bringing in the heavy furniture from the huge van. A girl was standing outside the door tapping her foot on the ground, because the movers were so slow. She was a round Sponge with long dark hair that waved in the wind.
After the last sofa was pulled into the house the girl handed one of the moving fish some money. The fishes left in the noisey van, and went back to the center where they worked.
Inside the mansion, boxes cluttered the floors of the front entrance. The floors were made of tile and the walls were painted a vibrant magenta. The flowered curtains made of lace were hidden by a tower of boxes.

"Looks like I have a lot of work to do!" the girl sighed, kicking a box gently.

Six hours later all the boxes were put away and all the decorations were put up. The many roomed house took many hours to decorate, so the girl was super tired after everything was done. She walked up the 13 stairs to the giant bedroom, and climbed into the bed made of cotton. She fell asleep fast.

The next morning at 8:00 the girl heard a knock at her front door. She slowly walked downstairs and opened the door. Surprised she looked around but no one was there.

"IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE?!" she yelled as she slammed the door. The knock came again. She opened the door.

" Hello my name is Mr. Sheldon Plankton!!! I'm your new neighbor!!! I own the Chum Bucket!!! I'M DOWN HERE!!!!" Plankton yelled in his loudest voice.

"What the?!" the girl said looking down at the small visitor. "Umm..... Oh! Hi. My name is Candice! Sorry for slamming the door. I'm not used to microbes coming to my house!"
"Hello Candice. Want to come to the Chum bucket for some lunch? It will be on me since you new and everything, Plankton said hopefully.
"Why sure," Candice replied. "I'll be there around noon"
"Perfect!" Plankton said evilly.

 Chapter II: "Trip To The Chum Bucket"

Around 10 O' Clock Candice was getting ready to go to her new neighbor's restaurant. She pulled on her pink tank top with a pair of red glittery jeans. She tied a red ribbon in her hair. Candice wanted to look her best for her first apperance in public.

Back at the Chum Bucket, Plankton was getting all spiffy too. He put on a small red tie and a pair of shiney black shoes. Plankton polished all the tables and put silverware on just one.

"Well who's coming?" Karen, Plankton's computer wife asked.

"Just our new neighbor," Plankton replied. "She will be here around Noon."

"Well it's almost 11:50 right now. She will be here really soon," The Computer said.
10 minuets later, right on time Candice showed up. She knocked at the door and Plankton greeted her. He led Candice to the table with the shiney silverware and gave her a menu. Candice sat down and looked at the menu.

"I'll have Chumbalaya and a shake please. AND remember you are buying it!" Candice added.

"Oh yes!" Plankton remembered as he ran into the kitchen. "The food will be ready shortly!"

As Candice waited she thought about what she should do after eating. Maybe I should go meets some new friends, she thought. Candice picked up an issue of some sort of newspaper and read one of the ads. It said: "Come to the Krusty Krab, Home of the Krabby Patty!" Maybe I should go eat here some time, she thought. But what she didn't know was that she would be going to the Krusty Krab sooner than she thought....
"Your Food is ready!!!!" Plankton sang as her rolled out of the kitchen doors on a rolling chair. He rolled over to Candice’s table and handed her the plate and the glass with the shake.

"Thanks for the food! What can I do to repay you?" Candice asked.

"Well, I really want a Krabby Patty," Plankton reply slyly.

"Oh yeah! Those burgers I just read about. Why do you want a burger?" Candice asked.

"Oh no reason.." Plankton replied.

"Well I guess I could get you one if you want it that bad," Candice replied with a mouth full of Chumbalaya.

Chapter III: Mission to the Krusty Krab

After lunch Candice left to go get a Krabby Patty from the Krusty Krab. She walked fast not watching the ground below her. Half way there she tripped on a pile of small stones and fell flat on her face. A group of girls nearby giggled and whispered something. Candice got up and dusted herself off. These stupid highheels! she thought.
Once Candice got to the Krusty Krab she walked in the front and went to the ordering counter.
"Welcome to the Krusty Krab. May I take your order?" the grumpy cashier named Squidward said flatly.
"I'll have two Krabby Patties and two Diet Dr. Kelp Drinks," Candice replyed.
"You are going to eat all that?! You must be really hungy Miss Skinny!" Sqiudward said sarcastically.
"No, Half of that is for my friend," Candice corrected.
"Whatever. Sponge make me a-"
"Got it already Squidward!!" said a little yellow sponge in brown pants named SpongeBob that came bounding out of the kitchen. He gave the food to Candice.
"Ummmm... I need this in a bag. It's take-out...." Candice pointed out.
"We are out of bags! I must go tell Mr. Krabs!" SpongeBob yelled.
SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs came out with two paper bags for Candice.
"Whoa! You are eating that much?!" Mr. Krabs asked.
"For the second time NO!!!! It's for a friend!! Stop bugging ME you annoying people!!" Candice yelled.
"Who's this friend of yer's?" Mr. Krabs asked.
"JUST A FRIEND!!!!!" Candiced screamed again as she stormed out the front door of the restaurant.
"Follow her son, she looks VERY suspicios," Mr Krabs ordered.
"YES SIR!!" SpongeBob replyed as he ran after Candice.
Candice was sprinting back to the Chum Bucket when Spongebob came out of the doors. He snuck around some buildings and peered around a corner. Candice was headed strait for the Chum Bucket. Oh no!! SpongeBob thought. She's headed for Plankton's house! I must stop her!!! Candice was reaching for the door handle but Spongebob dived in front of the door.
"What are you doing, little twerp?!" Candice asked
"Plankton is evil! He wants to steal the Krabby Patty formula to make his restaurant better then the Krusty Krab!" SpongeBob explained.
"It is better...." Candice mumbled under her breath as she pushed SpongeBob aside. "SO WHAT?! You can't stop me from doing this Spongegeek!"
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Spongebob cried as she walked though the front door.
Candice shut the front door behind her, leaving Spongebob outside crying his eyes out.

                Chapter 1V: Candice’s Big Mistake
          When Candice walked inside the door she thought about why she was being so mean to everyone. Maybe I should go back out and give Spongebob these patties, Candice thought. –But then again… I promised Plankton. Candice was confused. She wanted to please both of them but that wasn’t possible. She made up her mind and decided to give them to Plankton.
  “I can’t be nice all time,” she said to herself.
   Candice walked into Plankton’s Laboratory and set the bag of food on the counter. Plankton came into the room all wide-eyed and happy.

    “I’ve finally have the Formula!! Now I will have the best restaurant ever!! Thank-you so much Candice!” Plankton yelled as he hopped around the room. “But since it’s late now I’m tired and I’ll have to wait until tomorrow, to find out the recipe. Well! Good Night!!!”

      Candice walked down the street to her house slowly. She felt guilty after making SpongeBob cry. She walked in through the door and flopped down onto her couch. She flicked on the T.V. to her favorite adventure show called Seacret Spies. Fish were on secret mission to get stolen items from bad guys. They had cool gadgets and private jets.
    “Hey Brittany,” Candice said sadly to her pet snail. “I did a bad thing… I think.”
      “Candice looked back at the flashing T.V. since her snail was ignoring her.
      “I have the greatest idea! I could sneak in the Chum Bucket grab the bag of food and no one will ever have known it was me!” Candice figured.

“Meow?” Brittany replied.

“Yes you can come… I guess,” Candice said to the eager snail.

      Candice put on black pants, a black shirt and did her make-up in black too. Then she went out into the darkness with Brittany at her side.
 Candice said to the snail, “Remember Brittany, Keep Quiet. That means NO meowing.”

                   Chapter V

      Candice and Brittany peered through a window, looking if Plankton was up out of bed. She ran to the front doors to see if they were locked or not. She tried to twist the doorknob but it was locked. L

   “Darn! We’ll have to go in through the window Brittany!” Candice sighed.

    “Meow!” Brittany replied.
     They went to the back of the Chum Bucket and unscrewed the window. Candice crawled through the window with Brittany on her back. Candice couldn’t see that well in the darkened Chum Bucket. Brittany got really scared of the dark new place so she started squirming around and crawled up to the top of Candice’s head. Brittany heard some sort of noise outside which made her jump and land on Candice’s eyes.

   “Brittany! Get off my eyes!! I can’t see!” Candice yelled as she tried to brush the snail off.
“Meow!!” Brittany cried, still sticking to Candice’s face.

  “I sure hope Plankton is a sound sleeper!” Candice yelled as she tripped on a stool.

     Candice got up and started trying to find the Krabby Patties. Clink! Clink! What was that? Candice asked in her head. Then she felt what she was standing on. She was standing on two forks that Plankton dropped earlier.

    “Oh Great. I must have gum on the bottom of my shoes! ‘Cause the forks won’t come off!” Candice said as she tried to pull the forks off.

     Brittany was still stuck on Candice’s face so she tried again to yank her off, but stuck on like the forks. Candice started smacking the scared snail, and then Brittany bit her on the forehead. Candice jumped in start and landed on the forks. She bounced a bit and fell over a table. Candice landed on the top of her head with Brittany still hanging on.

  “OW! BRITTANY GET OFF ME NOW!!!” Candice said in an upset voice.

   Brittany quietly squirmed off Candice and went out the opened window. Now that Candice could see better she looked for where she put the bag of Krabby Patties.

   “Aha! There you are you annoying, evil little bag of food! Come to Candice!” Candice said as she tried to stand up on the forks.

  She got up and took a step. Clink! Another. Clink!

   “Stupid forks!!” Candice yelled yanking one off her shoe.

        Let’s’ check on Plankton…

  “What the.. Umm.. What was that noise? Hmm… Maybe a snail got in.. I should go check,” Plankton Mumbled as he crawled out of bed.

  Candice scampered over and grabbed the bag of food. She ran over to the window and stuck her head through. The she heard the door unlocking. Candice squirmed to get out but the shoe with the fork stuck to it got stuck. The door slowly opened…

  “Great. This is just great,” Candice whispered as she yanked to get out.

  Just in the nick of time the fork flew off Candice and went flying toward the door. Candice fell out the window and the fork missed Plankton by half and inch.

 “What the!?”  Plankton gasped as he flicked on lights. “My Chum Bucket is a mess!”

  Candice ran to Spongebob’s house and knocked on the on the door. Spongebob woke up with a start, because he hasn’t had a visitor so early. He went down to the door to see Candice panting away.

“Here are the krabby Patties. I took them back from Plankton. Sorry for making you cry,” Candice told Spongebob.

   “Wow thanks!” Spongebob yelled with eyes full of glee. “ By the way, how did you do it?”

    “Long story. Tell ya later!” Candice said as she walked back to her house.

Chapter 6

 The next morning Candice went to check on Plankton. She knocked on the door of the Chum Bucket but no one answered. She tried again. There was still no answer.
“Plankton?” she called. “It’s me Candice! Are you there?”

  “Go away! I don’t feel like talking!” Plankton called back.

   “What’s wrong? Can I come inside?” Candice asked.

   “Fine come in,” Plankton said blankly.

    Candice walked in the Chum Bucket and went to the table was sitting at.

 “Someone took the Krabby Patties last night!” Plankton cried.

    “Oh really,” Candice said guiltily. “Well I didn’t do it.”

 “Why would you do it? You bought them,” Plankton told. “But I wonder who did, and how… It must have been Spongebob or Mr. Krabs or-“

  “Well! I’ve gotta go now. See ya! Gotta feed the snail,” Candice explained as she ran out the door.

“She’s no help at all,” Plankton mumbled.

  When Candice was back at home she grabbed a jacket and ran to Spongebob’s house to tell him about her busy night. She ran better in her running shoes then her high-heels. As she came to the Pineapple Spongebob had just came out to water the flowers.

  “Hi Spongebob! Want to here about my night?” Candice asked.

   “Sure,” Spongebob replied.

   Candice explained the whole crazy, sleepless night to Spongebob. Spongebob was shocked about what Candice went through to get the patties. As they talked a bus pulled up in front of a house on the other side of the Chum Bucket… And a girl stepped out.

                THE END….. OR IS IT?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2004, 03:21:13 pm by Sponge bob Laura »


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Plankton's Master Plan!
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2004, 05:34:46 pm »
Great Job. It was very original. It must have taken a long time to write all of that. By the way- Yes, I do rock.


Sponge bob Laura

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Plankton's Master Plan!
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2004, 06:51:41 pm »
Thanks! My second story is called "Claire Vs. Candice"
It's second part in the Trilogy!


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Plankton's Master Plan!
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2004, 08:13:00 pm »
You forgot chapter 3

Sponge bob Laura

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Plankton's Master Plan!
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2004, 03:19:21 pm »
I did! Oh I'll fix that!