Author Topic: Why Are You For Gay Marriage?  (Read 11825 times)

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Gideon Brown

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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2004, 06:02:25 pm »
How does Hitler killing the jews have ANYTHING to do with gay marriage? That was just totally off-topic. We aren't talking about murdering people here. And it is not a fact, because maybe I DON'T think it infringes human rights? See, it is an opinion.
You said the infringes on human rights. You say you don't care about that part of why gays should get married. You shouldn't say that. Hitler INFRINGED on the rights of the Jews by killing them. So...human rights SHOULD be taken seriously.

And I personally don't even think marriage means anything in today's age, so who. really. cares? You wanna see what makes divorce rocket sky high? Look at someone like Britney Spears. THAT's what makes our divorce rate skyhigh. NOT gay people getting married.  


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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2004, 08:19:27 pm »
Gay marriage is morrally wrong  Even John Kerry is against it.  Marriage is between a man and a woman and there can't be gay marraiges.  We must protect familys.

Gideon Brown

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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2004, 08:23:08 pm »
Must protect families? Oooh...I can see it now
Nice family sitting in their backyard eating hamburgers around a picnic table. Father is blonde, and conservative. Wifey is obliging and caters to his every whim. Two children, one boy, one girl, fighting over the last ear of corn. Suddenly, out of nowhere, these two gay men fly into the backyard. "Quick! Grab the little boy!" One cries, and the other throws the kid in a sack and runs off.
Yep. The gays are definitely gonna be a danger to families.


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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2004, 08:26:28 pm »
They set bad examples.

Gideon Brown

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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2004, 08:29:28 pm »
And straight people don't? Right.
Here's a list of what my father alone does
Insults women
Insults different races
Poor manners
Has a superiority complex

And what makes straight people so much better than gay people then? Seriously. I don't know what goes on in my parents' bedroom, and I don't want to know. And they're straight.

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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2004, 01:45:05 pm »
I've come to find that gays are nicer than the rednecks that MSP invisions.


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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2004, 08:44:10 pm »
Gay marriages don't promote family, they can't have any.

Being unmarried does not prevent people from sharing money.

In what way in saying hey you can't have a marriage license infringeing on someone's human rights. Give me a freaking break here. comparing it to hitler and his evil edicts only lessens the plight of the jewish people and you need to take a serious look into the MILLIONS who were systematically imprisoned, tortured, and BURNED.

The lack of a marriage license prevents gay couples from doing nothing. A marriage license is a piece of paper which provides the bearers nothing.

A drivers license provides the bearer the right to drive but it's not a right to have a drivers license. why should it be a right to have a marriage license.

So regardless of the divorce rate no one has even suggested a reason, besides hitler, why gay marriages should be allowed.

 ->They can still own things together.
 ->They can still sleep in the same beds.
 ->They can get a name change.
 ->They can even go on vacations together.

What's the problem, what can't they do that requires a marriage.


Gideon Brown

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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2004, 09:14:12 pm »
I'll take u up on that one ESP....first, here's an essay I found:
And here's a reason:
A benefit to heterosexual society of gay marriage is the fact that the commitment of a marriage means the participants are discouraged from promiscous sex. This has the advantage of slowing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, which know no sexual orientation and are equal opportunity destroyers.

And as for the money's all about taxes and insurance. Those two are different when married. For instance, if you have a family, your partner and children get benifits as well.
THAT'S what the GOVERNMENT is against. They'll be getting screwed out of money.

Offline cmonkey

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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2004, 02:00:30 pm »
Gay marriages don't promote family, they can't have any.

Being unmarried does not prevent people from sharing money.

In what way in saying hey you can't have a marriage license infringeing on someone's human rights. Give me a freaking break here. comparing it to hitler and his evil edicts only lessens the plight of the jewish people and you need to take a serious look into the MILLIONS who were systematically imprisoned, tortured, and BURNED.

The lack of a marriage license prevents gay couples from doing nothing. A marriage license is a piece of paper which provides the bearers nothing.

A drivers license provides the bearer the right to drive but it's not a right to have a drivers license. why should it be a right to have a marriage license.

So regardless of the divorce rate no one has even suggested a reason, besides hitler, why gay marriages should be allowed.

 ->They can still own things together.
 ->They can still sleep in the same beds.
 ->They can get a name change.
 ->They can even go on vacations together.

What's the problem, what can't they do that requires a marriage.
1.  Adoption.  Instead of a kid growing up in an orphanage, he/she grows up with two loving parents.  Therefore, gay marriages do promote family.

2.  What if a homosexual dies without a will.  In marriage, the person's belongings would go to his/her wife/husband type person.  Without marriage, it would go.... who knows where.  Theres your sharing money point.

3.  It is a human right for people to be treated equally no matter thier religion, race, or sexual preference.  Therefore denying marriage to gay people is an analogy of denying life to Jewish people.

4.  Ok, then how about this.  From now on, it is illegal for a homosexual to get a drivers licence.  What do you think of that?  Does that sound reasonable?  No, it does not.  It is only a slip of paper, but it is one being systematically denied to a group of people.  It is a right to be treated equally by the government.

Nobody has suggested a reason?  Are you sure you're living in the same reality as the rest of us.

1.  Tax benefits for filing as a married couple
2.  No inheritance taxes
3.  Spousal Social Security benefits
4.  Insurance benefits
5.  Ability to make a visit in a hospital
6.  Joint adoption
7.  etc,etc,etc

And thats not even including the moral issues of depriving rights to groups of people...

Check out my website, oh, nevermind

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Gideon Brown

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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2004, 04:21:21 pm »
CMonkey, I love your points!! SO VALID!!!

Offline IceFox

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Why Are You For Gay Marriage?
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2004, 04:56:28 pm »
Exavtly. I 100% agree with cmonkey. They are just like everybody else, except that they a just a little diffrent. Gay and Lesbians shoud be able to gat married, and like #3 on what cmonkey said, people who do not let them get married or treat them different, are breaking i thik it was the constituition. They should get to be married, because, again, like cmonkey #3, it is just like saying, "Well, Ok, your black, you can't get married to her, bcause she's not black." It is just like being racist, and the gay should be able to get married.