Author Topic: Child Killing  (Read 22723 times)

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Elizabeth Rose

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Child Killing
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2005, 08:35:25 pm »
I think it is unfair to punish something else for your own mistakes.  There are other options other than abortion.  It's there for a reason, and that reason is not for it to be sucked out and thrown away, it's a BABY.  Fair enough wanting an abortion if you were raped, or if you have no family, no partner, no job, live on the street whatever...but most of the time it's just some horny kids who think it's fun to have unprotected sex, get pregnant, think "OMG MY PARENTS WILL KILL ME, IT WILL KILL MY SOCIAL LIFE WAH WAH WAH" and have an abortion because they are TOO MUCH OF A MORON to face their own mistakes.  Either that or their parents force them to get one which is just wrong.  Stupid people make me angry!   :angry:  :angry:

God bless you girl.

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Child Killing
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2005, 04:24:39 am »
Stupid people make me angry!   :angry:  :angry:

I've been saying stuff like this for many, many, many, MANY years now...and noone understands it....because humanity in general is stupid.
As for abortion, a fetus:

fe·tus    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (fts)
n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.

May still be a baby, but most abortions are done when the "baby" is still an embryo:

em·bry·o    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (mbr-)
n. pl. em·bry·os

An organism in its early stages of development, especially before it has reached a distinctively recognizable form.
An organism at any time before full development, birth, or hatching.

Is NOT a human being, it is a clump of cells that are starting to take-on the shape and characteristics of a human.
Therefor it is not a baby, it's just a large amount of disgusting cells trying to become a stupid human being.
As for the stupid girls who get pregnant by mistake in the first place, I hope they got an STD, so that makes one less stupid person to deal with on this planet.
Chickens are funny.
On many occasions, it's the males fault for unwanted babies, the female may want to keep it, but the male will tell her to get rid of it or they won't date anymore...or something along those lines.
FACT: sex is just pathetic and a waste of time, genes and brain cells.
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.


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Child Killing
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2005, 07:39:11 am »
unless you actaully want children, 'cos thats a different matter ....

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Child Killing
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2005, 07:46:08 am »
unless you actaully want children, 'cos thats a different matter ....
The people who want children all the time can turn like that and just go on to killing their child.


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Child Killing
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2005, 07:55:58 am »
That's creepy. I know this probably sounds dejavous but i would never do anything like that to my own flesh and blood

Offline Thomas

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Child Killing
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2005, 12:20:26 pm »
The only mortal beings on this planet that NEED to die are:

Party Clowns
Fur/Ivory Hunters

Beings that don't really need to die, but will anyway:


If I felt like it, I'de murder my own flesh and blood, but not my sister or parents....if I had a child I would probably get so stressed and enraged at it that I would do something horrible....honestly, I can be black-hearted around infants...
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.


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Child Killing
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2005, 12:25:03 pm »
i agree. abortion is cool by me, cos they are NOT ALIVE when they are aborted.
but killing off kids??
is it china that already does it?? the country where they cant have any more than one child per family. i saw a clip of a dead baby lying in the street, and no on took any notice of it for something like 14 hours, untill an old beggar man came and wrapped it in newspaper nad put it in the trash.
 they kill of the girls over there. so heres one for you msp, they reckon 70 percent of males will become gay, jsut cos there will be no girls left  :ohmy:
stop from living=murder

there is a thing called adoption


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Child Killing
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2005, 07:46:56 pm »
Embryo is human-life.  Not just according to God, but according to people with hearts.  
Killing a baby is worse than killing a grown up man. I mean he can't defend himself.  

many People are generally stupid.  And secular.  Being raised in the 90s is like being raised on spit.

well, not spit.  another word.

I think that women who get abortions should get captiol punishment, along with the "doctor", I mean, murderor, who performs it.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2005, 07:47:24 pm by MiraclrPlz »

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Child Killing
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2005, 01:17:43 am »
MSP, you're looking MORE at the disadvantages OF abortion, and not the advantages of it.
Some people say abortion in general is bad, but if a person is raped then why should they have the burden of a disgusting males child?
Abortion can sometimes be needed to prevent the baby from living a terrible life...if they where born with life-threatening mutations and/or a disease...would you want the child to suffer?
And an embryo ISN'T human, it is just a clump of DEVELOPING CELLS that doesn't even look or behave like a human.
People kill eachother all the time, it's in our nature, and most difectively: in our GENES.
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.


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Child Killing
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2005, 05:21:30 am »
^ also, children get depresed and look for their real parents when they find out that they are adopted.

Offline Thomas

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Child Killing
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2005, 10:50:50 am »
^Yes, but they do not just get depressed over it and look for their real parents. Some children commit suicide over it, a kid in my class commited suicide after finding out his REAL father was a criminal who raped girls.
It was so sad, the poor lad was given a chance to live a good life with another family...but then he came up with the words: Who where my REAL parents?
And you cannot lie to a child, they always know the difference between a lie and the truth...unless they're retarded like many are today...but that's not the point, what Im saying is the child will find out eventually on it's own....and sometimes the conciquences can be disasterous for both child and adoptive parents.
Adoption CAN be a good thing, but can also be rather bad...
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.


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Child Killing
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2005, 08:24:21 pm »
Rape is not the kids fault.  Saying that kids bare sins of whatever a rapist did is the most stupid liberal thing that c be said.  God loved us before he created us in the womb.  We are not just some mere unloved spawns of evolution.  There is no evolution!  We were all created by God, and we are all loved by God.  The Sacred Heart of Jesus pours out with love and compassion, and it hurts Him so, with all the love He has to give, some men do not love Him.  To kill an innocent kid just because the father raped a woman...that doesn't mean the kid is going to be evil!  The kid can enjoy life and love God and all the pleasues on Earth and no law shall permit the taking of his life.  I do not abide by the law of Roe vs. Wade.  Just like I do not believe in The DreScott Descision, I do not believe in Roe V. Wade.  I do not obey or abide by that law, and will never vote for anyone who supports it.

Offline SizzlinSean

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Child Killing
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2005, 08:45:00 pm »
I do think abortion is cool though, becuase teenagers get preggers alot, and i don't think many children would like to be raised by a mum who is old enough to be their big sister!!

So you're essentially saying that because it would be somewhat awkward, the mother should kill a living human being so she doesn't have to be embarrased?

i agree. abortion is cool by me, cos they are NOT ALIVE when they are aborted.

Wow. Does anybody think of what the embryo will become? Are we so self-centered these days that we can't stop to think of the one person that doesn't have the say in the matter, the child? Even if a woman is raped, wouldn't she want to make something great, of an incredibly horrible situation? Or does she need to add even more pain to her life?

I'm truly shocked by some of these answers. I don't normally post in these types of threads, but this was a different case.

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Child Killing
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2005, 08:47:07 pm »
that's sick! I do think abortion is cool though, becuase teenagers get preggers alot, and i don't think many children would like to be raised by a mum who is old enough to be their big sister!! A friend of a friend got pregnant and had twins, now she is really depressed, cos she has one year until GCSE's and she has no one welse to take care of her poor innocent children!!
If the teenager cannot handle it, they dont need to be having sex in the first place.
If the teenager cannot handle it, give it to the mother or grandmother
If the mother or grandmother cannot handle it, put it up for adoption
Abortion should not be a choice...its like murder

Offline Thomas

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Child Killing
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2005, 11:57:22 pm »
Rape is not the kids fault.  Saying that kids bare sins of whatever a rapist did is the most stupid liberal thing that c be said.  God loved us before he created us in the womb.  We are not just some mere unloved spawns of evolution.  There is no evolution!  We were all created by God, and we are all loved by God.  The Sacred Heart of Jesus pours out with love and compassion, and it hurts Him so, with all the love He has to give, some men do not love Him.  To kill an innocent kid just because the father raped a woman...that doesn't mean the kid is going to be evil!  The kid can enjoy life and love God and all the pleasues on Earth and no law shall permit the taking of his life.  I do not abide by the law of Roe vs. Wade.  Just like I do not believe in The DreScott Descision, I do not believe in Roe V. Wade.  I do not obey or abide by that law, and will never vote for anyone who supports it.

But how would you like to KNOW you where the spawn of an act of rape?
Think of the psychological problems that would happen to the child if they found out the truth!
Suicide, murder and other more corrupted acts of destroying humanity.
The human mind is weak, the slightest thing that doesn't seem right to the child will make it react in the only way it knows instinctivly: destruction.
And another thing is, there are FAR too many people in the world, I just can't wait for the human race to become sterile so no more infants can be born.
Anger and greed are diseases that spread through a virus: humans.
And it's our anger and greed that brings pain upon other creatures.
It is not needed.
Let people abort their child, may be better for thr never know, a child may be the next LIBERAL or worse....GEORGE BUSH.

Abortion should not be a choice...its like murder

But what is worse, them being psychologically tortured or not existing at all and feeling no more pain?
Im all for abortion, murder or not, it stops unwanted babies being born.
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.