Author Topic: Racism.  (Read 54290 times)

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Re: Racism.
« Reply #105 on: January 19, 2007, 03:29:07 am »
I personally, find nothing wrong in taking pride in your heritage... I am Swedish, and I am proud as hell of it... but people's pride tends to overinflate and turn into full blown vanity... I also am a proud homosexual. But I don't parade it around in front of people. This is why Gay Pride Parades disgust me... yeah, I am gay but I am not gonna go out and parade around showing off because of it. Same goes for me being Swedish. I am not going to galavant around to the entire world that I am proud to be Swedish. In conclusion it is OK to be proud of who you are, just not TOO proud, because as we all know, pride is a very bad thing... it is one of the seven deadly sins, and wether you are religious or not pride is very destructive to yourself and everyone around you, and then you cause people to become very envious of you. It all ends up bad in the end...

*Claps* Good for you, I'm Irish, but I don't go around saying, I'M IRISH! OUTTA MY WAY! I'm also a catholic, but I don't say that Catholics are better then Protestants or anything, and, even though I'm not gay, good for you for staying true to your beliefs, overblown pride is a BAAAAD  thing.


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Re: Racism.
« Reply #106 on: January 24, 2007, 11:41:45 pm »
« Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 10:01:27 pm by The All Seeing Eye »