Author Topic: Transfat/smoking bans  (Read 34607 times)

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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2007, 11:06:26 pm »
CMONKEY HOW THE HECK COULD YOU CONDONE IN THEM PUTTING THOSE NASTY THINGS ON THE PACKS!  THATS DISGUSTING!!! BLOOD VESCULAR DISEASE?!!!  BLINDNESS?!!! WTF I NEVER HEARD THOSE.  THOSE ARE JUST LIES!!!  Excessive smoking over many many years may cause lung cancer, so why would they put all that false stuff on there?!!!!!  it's sick!!!! it aint fair to smokers!!!  that's socialism for you!!!!  As for the US, it was the US gov that got many people hooked on smoking during world war II cigarettes were prevalent in the Army rations.  and many of that passed on to today.  I'm sure atleast 1/4 of the world population still smokes.  The statistics for the US is 35% of men and 20 something for women.  That's ALOT of people.  And not everyone gets sick.


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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #46 on: July 29, 2007, 07:46:07 am »
All of those facts are 100% true there, Mikey.  It's not disgusting, it's letting people know what they can do to themselves by smoking.

My grandma got emphysema from smoking.  My grandpa had to get a tracheostomy cuz he got cancer of the throat from smoking...About 15 years later, he died from cancer that metastasized from his lungs throughout his body and brain, even though he had quit smoking after the first incident.

And back in WWII, the government didn't know the extent of harm that cigarettes could do...Back then, everyone smoked cuz it was cool.  Lol and wtf do you keep talkin about socialism for?  What are they doing?  Are they preventing people from lighting up?  No, they're merely warning.  Unless they go and take away yur precious cigarettes, I see no reason for you to complain.


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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #47 on: July 29, 2007, 11:42:42 am »
You think that what those Australians did was right?  Only a retard wouldn't have ever heard the stuff they claim.  If a smoker chooses to buy cigarettes, why should they be grossed out with those sick pictures on the PACKS?  It's one thing to have them in pamplets by the cigarettes, but to have them on the packs themselves that aint fair.  and smoking causes blindness?  I never heard that!  I dont think anyones heard that BS. If their gonna do that crap, cant they limit it to the lung cancer and whatnot why made up stuff?  Cause people are gonna see the bogus stuff and say hey maybe it all aint true.  Sorta like if there's no Easter Bunny, why would there be a Santy Clause type of ordeal.


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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2007, 12:05:46 pm »
Lol if you refuse to believe the truth, that's yur problem, but people deserve to be warned about what they can be doing to their bodies. 


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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2007, 09:10:28 pm »
I'm just gonna jump in, and say it would be good if they banned smoking. Nothing good comes out of it. Sure it can make you loose weight, but at what cost?

And if you think smoking 3 cigarettes a day isn't an addiction, you're wrong. Anyone who has ever smoked more than once and hasn't exactly "quit" is addicted.

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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2007, 09:21:11 pm »
I'm just gonna jump in, and say it would be good if they banned smoking. Nothing good comes out of it. Sure it can make you loose weight, but at what cost?

And if you think smoking 3 cigarettes a day isn't an addiction, you're wrong. Anyone who has ever smoked more than once and hasn't exactly "quit" is addicted.
Banning things have always worked in the past...

In order to make it through the world one needs some insanity.

Elizabeth Rose

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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2007, 10:16:44 pm »
I'm just gonna jump in, and say it would be good if they banned smoking. Nothing good comes out of it. Sure it can make you loose weight, but at what cost?

And if you think smoking 3 cigarettes a day isn't an addiction, you're wrong. Anyone who has ever smoked more than once and hasn't exactly "quit" is addicted.
An addiction is when you feel like you absolutely need something.

Main Entry: ad·dic·tion
Pronunciation: &-'dik-sh&n, a-
Function: noun
1 : the quality or state of being addicted <addiction to reading>
2 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol)

If you smoke once, then go another six months before smoking again, you aren't addicted.


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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #52 on: July 29, 2007, 11:43:13 pm »
I'm just gonna jump in, and say it would be good if they banned smoking. Nothing good comes out of it. Sure it can make you loose weight, but at what cost?

And if you think smoking 3 cigarettes a day isn't an addiction, you're wrong. Anyone who has ever smoked more than once and hasn't exactly "quit" is addicted.
Banning things have always worked in the past...
Exactly.  Like Prohibition.  Seriously people, alot are "bad" for you.  And if you think a little passive smoke is any wheres near and bad for you as actually smoking the cigarette, you are sick, and you need help big time!!  It is so dilluded when it burns off the cigartte some finicky wimps may not care for the smell, but that is all it really provenlly can do!!!!  HITLER TOO WAS A HEALTH NUT AND VIAMITLY ANTISMOKING.  HE SAID THAT TOBACCO WAS THE RATH OF THE RED MAN AGAINST THE WHITE MAN FOR HAVING BEEN DEALT HARD LIQUOR!  ALOT OF STUFF IS BAD FOR YOU.  INHALING THE EMMISION FROM CARS CAN BE BAD FOR YOU JUST AS BAD BUT WE NATURALLY DO IT ALL THE TIME WHEN WE WALK DOWN STREETS AND STUFF!!!  ALOT OF THINGS IN THE AIR IS BAD FOR YOU.  SO THEY SAY.  IT AINT GONNA KILL YOU!!!!  Can not fast food be addictive?!!!  Fatty food is sooooooooooooo good.  Yes it can be as addictive as nicotine for some people.  So why no ban that next?!!!  DONT YOU PEOPLE WANT TO LIVE IN A FREE SOCIETY?!!!!  What I can't understand is that why not ONE person on this forum concurs with me when 35% of the men in this nation and a good chunk of the women still do smoke!!!  NOT EVERYONE BELIEVES THE CRAP THEY SAY AND THINK THEY SHOULD MAKE LAWS TO ENFORCE WHAT A STUPID, YUPPIE, HEALTH NUT SECTION BELIEVES!!!  THAT'S LIKE MAKING BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS THE STATE RELIGION AND OUTLAWING ALL OTHERS!!!  SCREW YOU YUPPIES!!!!  IT DONT MATTER IF YOU DONT WANT TO ENJOY AND NICE, PEACEFUL, DELICIOUS CIGARETTE.  YOU CAN EXERCISE ALL YOU WANT.  BUT YOURE STILL GONNA WIND UP DEAD.  YOU CAN BE  PRISSY WEIGHT WATCHER... WELL IM A REAL AMERICAN!!!  AND ITS MY GODDA-- RIGHT NOT TO AGREE WITH ALL YOU PEOPLE~!!YOU ARE STILL GONNA BE MAGGOT FOOD NO MATTER IF YOU DONT LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.  BE MY GUEST!!!!


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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #53 on: July 30, 2007, 09:12:05 am »
Quit whining.  No one is taking away yur precious cigarettes.  And if you have a problem with not being able to smoke in places like restaurants, too freakin bad.  Get over it.

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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #54 on: July 30, 2007, 02:05:35 pm »
Yes Mike, we are all going to die eventually.

I'd like to not die in a hospital bed with a oxygen tank because I just HAD to smoke.

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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #55 on: July 30, 2007, 06:21:54 pm »
Yes Mike, we are all going to die eventually.

I'd like to not die in a hospital bed with a oxygen tank because I just HAD to smoke.
I'd not like to pay to die prematurely in a hospital bed with an oxygen tank because I just HAD to smoke.


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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #56 on: August 02, 2007, 03:59:11 pm »
You're not going to die.  Do you know how many people smoke?  35 percent of men in this country and almost the same of women.  Veryy very few get lung cancer and whatnot.  its all in the facts.  So quit bein a little baby.


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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #57 on: August 02, 2007, 06:32:58 pm »
Over 400,000 people a year die from smoking.  And the only one whining like a baby is you.

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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #58 on: August 02, 2007, 07:53:57 pm »
You're not going to die.  Do you know how many people smoke?  35 percent of men in this country and almost the same of women.  Veryy very few get lung cancer and whatnot.  its all in the facts.  So quit bein a little baby.
Care to cite your sources? I highly, HIGHLY, doubt that 70% of the US smokes.


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Re: Transfat/smoking bans
« Reply #59 on: August 02, 2007, 10:30:57 pm »
uuuuuuhhhhh....  i foreget the statistics.  I read 35 percent of men and 28 or 29 something per cent of women.

...70 percent?

Even if it was both 35% of men and 35% of women in this country... it would be 35% of the country...