Author Topic: Disproving Evolution  (Read 46347 times)

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2004, 04:01:24 am »
As Fredaykin said, the Bible is not completely true. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. After their father amd mother died, they were the only ones on Earth. As most of you know, that's as far as the family tree's going to get.

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2004, 04:52:55 am »
MSP....let's pause for a minute and reflect on why some humans tend to believe there is no such thing as evolution...why would they do that? Because they are arrogant little pricks who think they are 'special'?  I personally don't see humans as being anymore special as any other species....and your computer analogy is very bad...computers aren't alive. Obviously, if it is not a living being, it can not reproduce. It does not have the capability to do so. Genetic mutations are proof that animals change.
I heavily agree.
Extreamly close resemblances, skeletonal fossils of anchient humans and how very similar they are to monkeys and us.
Natural selection and mutations are the main cause of evolution, horse's 60 million years ago didn't look like horse's atall....yet they have the same genetic structure as modern day horses do in thier bones.
The bible also have MANY flaws...and the bible is very sexist against women.
Jesus claims he loves MEN...where does he say WOMEN? Nowhere.
The bible says that women was created by a man's rib, when in scientific fact ALL human embryo's are female...they just require an extra chromosome and hormone at a certain stage to make them male.
And the main cause of war is over relgious beleif, how moronic human beings are.
Our fate will be caused by ourselves.
We are all doomed.
But back on the subject...
Dinosaurs and birds.
Carbon dating is the most acurrate system in all existance.
Your 'BIBLE' states that the Earth is just 400 years old, when carbon dating shows it is infact over millions of years old.
Scientists have been reversing the genes in birds to find out more on the dinosaur/bird debate...and results have been amazing!
We now know that T.rex was a scavanger and it's ancestor (the dazpleseosaurus) was a ferocious predator...what made the big carnevoir give up it's hunting in exchange for scraps!?
Genetic mutation is one cause.
Natural selection is the other.
T.rex was more powerful than Daz, it could crush bones more easily.
This was because the herbevoirs had thick hides and defences to cause trouble for carnevoirs to eat the meat.
But the fact is, science is more accurate than the bible, but that doesn't mean science doesn't have it's flaws.
Lots of things go wrong with science, but evolution is one thing that cannot be wrong, as too much evidence backs it up.
Along with the age of the universe. :p
« Last Edit: November 25, 2004, 05:04:05 am by Sarah »
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2004, 04:14:45 pm »
Your 'BIBLE' states that the Earth is just 400 years old, when carbon dating shows it is infact over millions of years old.
Show me the verse in the Bible that says that. As I recall, the Bible never says that.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2004, 04:16:41 pm by Patrick »


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2004, 04:17:24 pm »
Alright, as a Creation Scientist, this is a rather complex explanation, so sorry if I lose some of you...
When solar radiation strikes the earth's atmospher, it converts the stable carbon-12 (found in CO2) into radioactive Carbon-14. Now, Carbon-14 accumulates on all living organisms (dont worry, it's not enough to harm you, and there's nothing you can do about it anyway). So, when an animal dies, the Carbon-14 loses two subatomic particles and is released back into the atmosphere as normal, regular Carbon-12. The half-life of Carbon-14 is 5730 years, which means that, every 5730 years, half the remaining C-14 in the animal body is left. So, every 5730 years the amount of C-14 reduces from 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8 etc. So, the scientists carbon-date a dead animal carcas by measuring how much C-14 is still in the animal and, therefore, how long it's been dead.
The problem is, the magnetic field is decaying around the earth. The earth is covered in a magnetic field, which is STEADILY losing its strength by 1/2 every 1400 years. There are no magnetic reversals--there are only areas of stronger and weaker magnetism. So, if there are no reversals, then we know that the magnetic field has been shrinking at a measurably-stable rate. So, by the half-life of the magnetic field, the magnetic field would have been 320% stronger around 4500 years ago. But the thing is, the magnetic field filters out a lot of radiation (radiation is needed to make C-14). So, if the magnetic field was 320% stronger 4500 years ago, then it would've reflected most of the radiation, and therefore there would have been less C-14 in the atmosphere in ancient times--thus the C-14 in the atmosphere was at an un-measurable increase. Therefore, we cannot accurately Carbon-date ANYTHING because that would be assuming that the magnetic field was ALWAYS at the same strength it is today. For an example of wacky carbon dating rates:
The vollosovich mammoth was carbon-dated at 29000 years old, and the the SAME mammoth was carbon-dated at 44000 years old! Living Seals were carbon-dated as having died 1400 years ago! The shell of a living clam was carbon-dated as having died thousands of years ago! Trust me, if somebody comes up to you and says, "carbon dating proves the earth is millions of years old" they DO NOT know what they're talking about.

As the magnetic field shrinks, the amount of C-14 in the atmosphere increases, so C-14 dating doesnt work like scientists think...
Thus, disproving that fact of the idea of "it took a million years for the earth to be made".  

Offline SizzlinSean

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2004, 04:27:42 pm »

Carbon dating is the most acurrate system in all existance.
Your 'BIBLE' states that the Earth is just 400 years old, when carbon dating shows it is infact over millions of years old.
Scientists have been reversing the genes in birds to find out more on the dinosaur/bird debate...and results have been amazing!
The Bible does not state that the Earth is 400 years old. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

Carbon dating has be disproved so many times it isn't funny. Its effected by water. Water oxidizes the carbon. Thats why it shows everything to be so old. They performed an experiment where they soaked a bird that a died a week earlier in water. After testing it they found that the bird's age was guessed at around 50,000 years old. So water ages it..... Ever hear of Noah's Ark?  :biggrin:  

Gideon Brown

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2004, 04:58:27 pm »
Can I just pause here and say that a Catholic nun who was the head of a Catholic schools religion department stated that Genesis is MYTH. It is a big story to explain how the earth was created, and is, yes, SYMBOLIC, but is not to be taken WORD FOR WORD. So while God may have created the Earth in Seven days, who's to say HIS version of one day and the HUMAN version of one day is the same?!

Offline VulturEMaN

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2004, 06:14:09 pm »
1. (for last post and all others that talk about 'errors in Bible'/'date of earth' crap) Very accurate statement Charlie. I completely agree. That is the way it was taught at 3 different churches i've been to. It makes the most sense. At one church, it was taught that days could have even meant the recreation the universe.
2. (for all teh carbon dating posts) Carbon dating is crap. It is accurate a majority of the time, but otherwise crap. They do more than just 2 carbon datings btw...try about 400.
3. (for ones saying Bible is wrong) Stop trying to disprove the Bible. Nobody could give a flying crap if something was written incorrectly in it. It was taught at my second church that since the Bible was written by man, it could not avoid the feelings/beliefs/lies of man.
4. (the religious battle segment on page 1) I believe personally that it is a weakness to not accept and understand other peoples views while still holding onto your own. You are not perfect and you never will be. Do I hold a grudge against cmonkey for not being Christian? Heck no. Would I instantly convert to his religion if he told me mine had errors in its Holy Book? Heck no. Grow up and learn. As Mortal Combat 3 ROM load-screen taught us all, "Knowlege is nothing without Power"
5. (for almost everything Fredaykin says) You speak with more knowlege than most here. And he's only a Barnacle! GW! Heck, his avatar explains what he's sayin. :P
6. (ones about environmentalism not being a religion) It is...I can't recall the name, but we learned about religions in English class and History class last year and there is one that is purely based off of science. Some1 help me out
7. (the 'they are wrapped up in stories they made up centuries ago' nonsense) You honestly haven't read the Bible in a while. My pastor (and many others probably) relate a story from the Bible EACH SUNDAY to recent times. It honestly isn't that hard to see. You're more blind than that Big Mac you just bought. :P
8. God cannot be 'proven' as you say. He cannot be scientifically proven that he created the universe. He is only proven to the people that believe in him and see the miracles that he does.
9. Charles Darwin said his evolution theory was false on his deathbed for 2 reasons:
             a. Darwin was practically forced to renounce his views based on the environment he lived and grew up in.
             b. His faith was so overcoming that he gave away his life's accomplishment because it went against his religious beliefs.
10. Once again, take almost everything that Fredaykin says seriously. He is very broad-based.

That concludes my walnut. Please excuse me for a chicken wrap!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2004, 06:15:31 pm by +_VulturEMaN_ »

Gideon Brown

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2004, 06:39:04 pm »

6. (ones about environmentalism not being a religion) It is...I can't recall the name, but we learned about religions in English class and History class last year and there is one that is purely based off of science. Some1 help me out
yep...that religion would indeed be called Scientology....someone was very uncreative when naming it! lol...Tom Cruise is a member of fact, just the other day I was walkin' in this nation's capital and walked past the Scientology place of worship. I spazzed. was above a Tattoo parlor.

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2004, 07:38:57 pm »
Whoever wrote that rediculous carbon dating theory obviously has no real knowledge of science.  

1. The age of the earth is not determined by carbon dating.  The halflives of uranium isotopes are used, comparing the existance of Lead 206 and 207 isotopes.

2. The magnetic field does not steadily weaken.  The field reverses about every 250,000 years.  It is currently nearing another reversal.  The reversals have been scientifically proven beyond any doubt.  The evidence rests in the magnetism of volcanic rock in the sea floor.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2004, 07:45:18 pm by cmonkey »
Check out my website, oh, nevermind

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2004, 12:15:45 am »
Anyway, I don't want to waste my time discussing this nonsence.
I hope you'll feel happy about what I did this morning (don't want to post it cause it may seem offensive) because of religion.
The main cause of war is over religious beleifes.
Come on humans! Wake up!
Are you so pathetic that you need to beleive in something like that!?
It will just lead you to your doom, science needs to act now before the world kills itself and everything on it.
Humans, the most pathetic and unsuccessive creature on Earth thinks it owns everything.
The only official sucess humans have had is at bringing more pain and suffering apon themselves.
What does this have to do with evolution?
Well, actully it does.
Humans where monkeys back then....and they still behave like them now.
Only now the monkeys can shoot eachother's brains out.
If global warming doesn't finish humanity off....
If the comet that is due to crash into Earth doesn't....
If disease or any other extinction causing natural disaster doesn't...
Then war, over something so useless, certainly will.
No matter how hard humanity will try now, it won't matter anymore....because death is something everything faces.
And it is VERY hard to beleive there is a space filled with infinite human scumbags, above or below the overworld.
And the only reason anyone even beleives in a religion is because they're scared of being alone....well...I have news for you all.
I've been alone for about 15 years.
I may have a family and friends, but I hardly ever talk to them.
I've felt alone for a very very long time and have stuck up to the fact I am was not born to socialise with people, they don't understand me.
And why am I complaining so much?
Because I can.
And I can deny my existance if I wanted to.
This is also why I plan on leaving the forum, there are too many people who can just easily wind me up.
So in short:
1) I hate religion
2) Humanity is doomed no matter what you say
3) Religion is for cowards
4) Humans are still brainless monkeys
5) Im leaving the forums

Well....that sums everything up. Im leaving now.
I bid you all a dark farewell....
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2004, 12:28:05 am » dont need to leave if a few people wind you up...just ignore them. Everyone else likes ya

Offline VulturEMaN

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2004, 07:30:31 am » about dark and depressing...I'd go see a therapist...I think that 'Day after Tomorrow' got a bit into your head...


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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2004, 11:57:41 am »
Quote dont need to leave if a few people wind you up...just ignore them. Everyone else likes ya
 :angry:   TOO LATE FOR ME NOT GETTING WOUNDED UP?!  TOO LATE!  Sure the ape and the humans share some resemblances, so what that doesn't prove ANYTHING!  Religion is not for cowards!  Cowards don't have religiom because htey are afraid of H-E dubble hockey sticks!!!And when the Christ said he loved men, men also includes women!  When he said man does not live by bread alone, that includes all of man-kind!  So your facts are wrong, Mrs. SpongeBob Shrine!!!  I am against change!  Science is well and good but "progress" will destroy us all.  Good old traditions make this world good!  Liberalism has failed IF HISTORY HAS TAUGHT US ANYTHING!  IT'S FAILED!

Gideon Brown

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2004, 04:58:04 pm »
Quote dont need to leave if a few people wind you up...just ignore them. Everyone else likes ya
:angry:   TOO LATE FOR ME NOT GETTING WOUNDED UP?!  TOO LATE!  Sure the ape and the humans share some resemblances, so what that doesn't prove ANYTHING!  Religion is not for cowards!  Cowards don't have religiom because htey are afraid of H-E dubble hockey sticks!!!And when the Christ said he loved men, men also includes women!  When he said man does not live by bread alone, that includes all of man-kind!  So your facts are wrong, Mrs. SpongeBob Shrine!!!  I am against change!  Science is well and good but "progress" will destroy us all.  Good old traditions make this world good!  Liberalism has failed IF HISTORY HAS TAUGHT US ANYTHING!  IT'S FAILED!
Which is why almost half your country wants to move to Canada. Yep. Mmhmmm. Which is also why us Canadians' know how to live peacefully. Yep. You make so much STUPID sense. Holy geez. I'd rather listen to sea shanties than read your pointless flaming.

Dragon Of Grief

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Disproving Evolution
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2004, 05:19:41 pm »
Man has always been the way man is today. Those so called 'humanoids' and 'cavemen' where different species of man that died out. We are our own species. We never evolved form fish or monkies. The idea alone is just prepostrious. Just because we are closely related doesn't mean crap. And if we DID evolve from monkies why aren't THEY human too? Perhaps you eevolutionists can explain that?