Author Topic: The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"  (Read 20513 times)

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Lil Loco

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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2006, 06:47:08 pm »
the bible is, in theory, the word of god.

when i say organized religion run by man is bad, i mean it literaly.
God should get off his ::Dolphin Noise:: and start running things at the vatican.
the pope is a proxy at best, an imposter at worst. either way, God Himself would be far far better.....

God iz not a physical being of the earth...and the belief that the pope iz a set-apart holy man that can do no wrong iz of the catholic belief...not of all christianz in general.  the pope does not represent my faith in any way, nor do i see him as a leader.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 06:47:40 pm by Lil Loco »


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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2006, 09:10:29 pm »
but if God in some form was hanging at the vatican, that would be good yes?

Lil Loco

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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2006, 10:59:17 pm »
i dont care about the vatican...and dont need God to physically be on earth in some form.  He watchez over me and helpz me through the daily struggle.  He directz my life already, so i'm perfectly cool with how it all iz now.


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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2006, 01:43:28 am »
that wasnt my question. my question was, would it be better if god was running things instead of the pope? the point of the question is that if hte pope is essentialy speaking for god, then surely have god speak for himself would be best, right?

can you honestly say you would go up to god and tell him to leave the world and return from whence he came?

Gideon Brown

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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2006, 04:05:49 am »
You have to be careful with this... the Pope is not in charge of Christianity, he's in charge of the Catholic denomination...
So if you aren't Catholic, anything the Pope says can be ignored, if you so wish. lol

Lil Loco

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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2006, 07:56:07 am »
that wasnt my question. my question was, would it be better if god was running things instead of the pope? the point of the question is that if hte pope is essentialy speaking for god, then surely have god speak for himself would be best, right?

can you honestly say you would go up to god and tell him to leave the world and return from whence he came?

like both lynne and i said...the pope iz no leader if you're not catholic, which includes me.  i've never given a rip wut the pope has said.  and said that i dont NEED God to be here in-flesh...if God wanted to come down here physically, that would be fine, but it aint happening.


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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2006, 01:49:27 pm »
that wasnt my question. my question was, would it be better if god was running things instead of the pope? the point of the question is that if hte pope is essentialy speaking for god, then surely have god speak for himself would be best, right?
The pope isn't speaking for God; the scriptures say nothing about some guy with a big hat running the entire church; that's just one of the many things people have just made up because they disagreed with His word.

And also, God's already told us what we're supposed to do, we don't need Him to come down and tell us what we could simply read ourselves. He didn't have the Bible written so we could just ignore it and say "Why doesn't God tell us what to do?".
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 01:50:09 pm by BiggerSquarierSpongier »


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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2006, 05:31:21 pm »
i dunno.....the bible seems kinda suspect to me. it may be said it is God's word, but it was written and edited by men.

Now if it had been beamed down in an aura of holy light straight from God to Man, that would be a different story.

@loco. i dont know why your so ::Dolphin Noise::ed evasive. let me clarify, the pope is a religious figure revered by hundreds of millions of people across the world. lets make this even more clear, God has zapped the pope and every other top level religious leader with rigtchous lightning. God has decreed that people are to have a personal relationship with him, instead of following any of the existing world churches. Organized religion is over. its just you and god. do you tell him you want him to leave forever and you liked organized religion run by men better than him guiding you personaly? and to further clarify, guding personaly means your bedroom has a page of pure gold hung on the wall, glowing with a holy aura, that has a list of suggestions and guidlines that god feels will help you live a better life; just so you dont say god already guides your life, this is what i mean.

the above applies to anyone. would you tell god to shove off?

Lil Loco

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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2006, 12:24:16 pm »
i'm not evading anything.  for the millionth time, so that sinkz into your brain...i dont care about the pope or any other "high-level religious" figure.  they mean NOTHING to me.  God hasnt zapped anyone with anything.  and i DO have a personal relationship with God...and He DOES guide me personally.  i'm NOT telling God to "shove off".  now do yourself a favor and stop talkin to me, cuz now you're startin to p1ss me off.

you dont care about my faith anywayz, so there aint a point in questioning it.

and this aint even on-topic, so let it go.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 12:34:59 pm by Lil Loco »


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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2006, 03:49:59 pm »
carterhawk wrote:

Now if it had been beamed down in an aura of holy light straight from God to Man, that would be a different story.
Good point there.  I think the reason God didn't do it that way (not that I really know or anything) is because it would negate the whole faith element.  If God came down here physically (which ain't gonna happen, as Lil Loco correctly pointed out IMO), that would likewise change everything.

Did God write the Bible?  Apart from him coming down here and saying "Yes I did," I think there has to be a faith element.  No archaeological find has ever contradicted the Bible (a couple hundred years ago, folks were convinced that a city like Nineveh could ever have existed--the Bible said it was some really huge place, especially for ancient times.  But a farmer found the city buried, and it turns out the Bible was correct about how big Nineveh really was.  Anyway....)

But that fact doesn't make the Bible true.  You have to have faith.  There's no way to prove it.  If there was a way to prove that God wrote the Bible (or anything else, such as the very existence of God in the first place), it wouldn't be faith anymore.

Anywayz, going back to the original topic--this made me think of a Op-Ed piece written by well-known novelist James Michener during the "gays in the military debate" in the early 1990s.  A lot of those supporting the expulsion of homosexuals in the military used that verse from Leviticus about killing homosexuals as support for their views.  Here's what he wrote:

One must read all of Leviticus to understand the condition of the ancient Hebrews when this harsh judgment was being promulgated.  They lived in a rude, brutal, almost uncivilized place where abominations abounded.  To read the list of the things the Jews were enjoined to stop doing is to realize that God had to be unusually strict with such an undisciplined mob….

Two…verses from [Leviticus chapter 20] bring into question the relevance of these edicts today.  Verse 9 warns: “or every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death.”  Would we be willing to require the death sentence for boys who in a fit of rage oppose their parents?  How many of us would have been guilty of that act at some point in our upbringing?

Just as perplexing is Verse 10: “And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife…the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.”  Can you imagine the holocaust that would ensue if that law were enforced today?…

So when zealots remind us that the Bible says male homosexuals should be put to death rather than be admitted to the armed forces, it is proper to reply: “You are correct that Leviticus says that.  But it also has an enormous number of edicts, which have had to be modified as we become civilized.”
Whether we agree with his specific points or not, Michener makes some great points.  And as other posters have previously pointed out here, Leviticus also makes the same statements about other groups of people as well.  But nobody said anything about them (e.g., adulterers) during the gays-in-the-military debate!

I think we have to look at societal attitudes towards gays and lesbians to better understand this contradiction.

Sorry for the long post!  I don't have a chance to drop by everyday, so I'm a frequent late-comer to these great debates.  :blush:


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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #40 on: March 25, 2006, 06:32:48 pm »
ive instantly taking a liking to ernest here, he seems to have an ability to use his mind in a creative manner (read: philosophy) and consider varying possibilities. unlike some people who have let televizion rot their mindz, he seems to be a fairly profound thinker.


Ernest, thanks for sharing that, im not of the religious persuasion so i was not aware of how extensive leviticus was. The fact that people are paraphrasing it to justify their own ends only shows how flawed the anti-homosexual movement is.

Lil Loco

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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #41 on: March 25, 2006, 07:01:26 pm »
i barely watch tv at all, smart one.  and i could give a rip wut you think of me...oh and if you're gonna try to insult least come up with sumthin decent to hit them with besidez spelling.  Besa mi culo, cabron.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 07:18:16 pm by Lil Loco »

Dragon Of Grief

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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #42 on: March 25, 2006, 07:11:09 pm »
Ok, lets leave personal insults out of this... I know emotions run high in these type of debates but try to remain on focus towards the debate. That cheap shot at Jeremy was uncalled for... and many things in the bible contradict each other... it may say homosexuality is a sin but it also says denying your true self is a crime too. It's horrible when people take the bible too seriously. Anyways, it's already been proven the bible has been edited throughout time. It was originally in Latin I believe. Imagine translating it from Latin to English... can you honestly believe it has not ever been changed? Maybe someone put in there that homosexuality was bad and wrong some hundreds of years later.


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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #43 on: March 25, 2006, 09:34:32 pm »
i barely watch tv at all, smart one.  and i could give a rip wut you think of me...oh and if you're gonna try to insult least come up with sumthin decent to hit them with besidez spelling.  Besa mi culo, cabron.

petaQ! tlhIngan quv DatIchDI' Seng yIghuH.....
« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 09:35:35 pm by carterhawk »

Lil Loco

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The Bible Says "Kill All Homosexuals"
« Reply #44 on: March 25, 2006, 11:54:48 pm »
pinche wey...go ahead and make yourself look like a culero for other people if you want to, i'll just sit here and watch.

or if you actually wanna get back to wut this topic iz supposed to be about, that'd be chill.

but if you dont got anything thatz relevant to the topic...which iz what it seemz like...maybe you should just get your culo outta here.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 11:58:37 pm by Lil Loco »